Greatest President ever! Trump greets supporters outside of Mar-a-Lago today

Nobody could win against the Democrat machine with the scam of using the Pandemic as a cover to create fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots counted by filthy Democrats in Democrat controlled swing districts.
Yup, you got that right. We cheated right under your orange fuhrer's nose. If we could do that then, imagine what we can do under Biden?

In fact, the fix is already in. I already have the results for 2024 election. So, my advice? Stay home. WE GOT THIS!!! :auiqs.jpg:
Yup, you got that right. We cheated right under your orange fuhrer's nose. If we could do that then, imagine what we can do under Biden?

In fact, the fix is already in. I already have the results for 2024 election. So, my advice? Stay home. WE GOT THIS!!! :auiqs.jpg:
You assholes didn't cheat under his nose. He warned us that it was going to happen.

You shitheads cheated in the Democrat controlled ghetto districts where you had no accountability.
You assholes didn't cheat under his nose. He warned us that it was going to happen.

You shitheads cheated in the Democrat controlled ghetto districts where you had no accountability.
So, your orange fuhrer knew it was going to happen and yet could not stop us? :auiqs.jpg:

Gad, what a loser, amIright? So, what makes you think it won't happen again?

My advice? You and your retard buddies should just take election day off. Don't bother voting. As I wrote before... WE GOT THIS!!!
So, your orange fuhrer knew it was going to happen and yet could not stop us? :auiqs.jpg:

Gad, what a loser, amIright? So, what makes you think it won't happen again?

My advice? You and your retard buddies should just take election day off. Don't bother voting. As I wrote before... WE GOT THIS!!!

You Libtard Moon Bats are so confused about this.

The Chinese hated Trump making America great again because it went against their agenda to be world's super power.

So they got the Biden family rich. Not just a little rich but billion rich with an "investment" scheme.

They they unleashed a bio weapon that undermined Trump by causing Economic havoc that decimated the US economy. It also had the advantage of getting rid of a lot Chinese elderly, who were a drain on their economy.

The Democrats used the Pandemic as a scam to create fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots, counted by Democrats in Democrat controlled swing districts stealing the Electoral College delegates from Americans.

After all, voters decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.

The only question was were the Democrats and Potatohead in collusion with the Chicoms all along or did they simply take advantage of the Pandemic to steal the election.

It really doesn't matter because the thief was done and now the Chicoms have their man in the White House and he is destroying our country, just like they wanted.
He won, setting a new record for any sitting president, but the democrats illegally kept counting adding millions of invalid fake ballots for days and weeks after until they stole it away in the greatest fraud in US history and everyone knows it.
2020 was a total rigged sham election. Dems stole it and know they stole it. That's why they demanded Trump concede before we could look into any of their election theft schemes.
He won, setting a new record for any sitting president, but the democrats illegally kept counting adding millions of invalid fake ballots for days and weeks after until they stole it away in the greatest fraud in US history and everyone knows it.
Sure we did. Is this all part of the same fantasy where JFK jr comes down to anoint the orange douchebag or is it a different one? :itsok:
You Libtard Moon Bats are so confused about this.

The Chinese hated Trump making America great again because it went against their agenda to be world's super power.

So they got the Biden family rich. Not just a little rich but billion rich with an "investment" scheme.

They they unleashed a bio weapon that undermined Trump by causing Economic havoc that decimated the US economy. It also had the advantage of getting rid of a lot Chinese elderly, who were a drain on their economy.

The Democrats used the Pandemic as a scam to create fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots, counted by Democrats in Democrat controlled swing districts stealing the Electoral College delegates from Americans.

After all, voters decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.

The only question was were the Democrats and Potatohead in collusion with the Chicoms all along or did they simply take advantage of the Pandemic to steal the election.

It really doesn't matter because the thief was done and now the Chicoms have their man in the White House and he is destroying our country, just like they wanted.
Exactly right. And we have already counted the votes for the 2024 elections.

PM me for the results. Spoiler Alert: Biden Won Again!!! :itsok:
Gee, you seem to have an awfully /personal/ relationship with your douche bag!

Magnus douches every morning and every night, for that fresh feminine feeling.

A girl's gotta keep the cooties out of the cootch, ya know.
I just hope she uses a hypoallergenic astringent. Nothing worse than a loose or flabby pussy. :smoke:

You would disagree if you heard that flabby twat's rendition of Gilbert and Sullivan's "Major General's Song."

I never would have thought someone could do such a stunning rendition of that old classic, through a flabby orifice...

"I am the very model of a modern Major-Gineral,
I've information vegetable, animal, and mineral,
I know the kings of England, and I quote the fights historical
From Marathon to Waterloo, in order categorical;
I'm very well acquainted, too, with matters mathematical,
I understand equations, both the simple and quadratical,
About binomial theorem I'm teeming with a lot o' news,
With many cheerful facts about the square of the hypotenuse...

Even the infamous Le Pétomane wouldn't have attempted that number.

Le Pétomane - Wikipedia
Guess this is what passes for intelligence in the trumpturd world.

NO, this is what represents easily offended / duped, easily triggered, TDS-suffering, Trump-obsessed, criminal / compromised-defending, Democrat-parroting you, evidently.
Gee, you seem to have an awfully /personal/ relationship with your douche bag!
Aww... Are you dropping your orange douchebag? Awww

The guy just got indicted. Wati at least till he is locked up before you kick him out. But hey, I don't blame you. Who wants that douchebag, amIright?

Thoughts & Prayers :itsok:
NO, this is what represents easily offended / duped, easily triggered, TDS-suffering, Trump-obsessed, criminal / compromised-defending, Democrat-parroting you, evidently.
That's my boy. Let it all out. But, pace yourself. More indictments coming for your orange douchebag. :itsok:
That's my boy. Let it all out. But, pace yourself. More indictments coming for your orange douchebag. :itsok:
If they are legit I have no problem with them; however, for the last 7 years Democrats have violated the Constitution, violated the Rule of Law, Defrauded the FISA Court, violated the Patriot Act, illegally spied on American citizens, committed perjury, committed conspiracy, criminally manufactured evidence, attempted 2 criminal Impeachments, and committed treason trying to take Trump down.

This time the case, called the weakest Case of them all against Trump, is no different.

If you were truly honest you would concede the fact that Democrats have violated the Constitution and broken far more laws attempting to take Trump down than Trump actually committed...

...but you won't.
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Are you dropping your orange douchebag?
I don't have anything orange or douchable, but surely you must since you keep bringing both up!

Wati at least till he is locked up before you kick him out.
Locked up? Boy, you really are into fantasy.

Who wants that douchebag, amIright?
With your ass in the air waving, maybe we can find a few transmen to give you a deep colonic to get you by your pending disappointment.

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