Great news, Pelosi announces select committee


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

The senate Trump Cult blew their chances to have some control over a investigating committee. Nancy has outsmarted them once again.

Benghazi set the standard for select committees. Hopefully Nancy will keep this one going through the 2022 elections and the build up to 2024.

As Hillary willingly testified to Benghazi, will Trump testify to his insurrection?
Waste of Time. Just release the names of the Republican Congress Critters that helped the rioters with logistics in the days leading up to 1/6/2021.
Emails, texts, social media posts. Everything. Let everyone know who helped make that day happen. And let the chips fall where they may.
There was zero insurrection
Trump did not incite a damn thing
Just another political move to distract from the compete failures of the new China administration

The senate Trump Cult blew their chances to have some control over a investigating committee. Nancy has outsmarted them once again.

Benghazi set the standard for select committees. Hopefully Nancy will keep this one going through the 2022 elections and the build up to 2024.

As Hillary willingly testified to Benghazi, will Trump testify to his insurrection?
It’s official, Cheney is one of you now. Congrats.

The senate Trump Cult blew their chances to have some control over a investigating committee. Nancy has outsmarted them once again.

Benghazi set the standard for select committees. Hopefully Nancy will keep this one going through the 2022 elections and the build up to 2024.

As Hillary willingly testified to Benghazi, will Trump testify to his insurrection?
Hillary "willingly" testified about Benghazi? That's a joke! Hillary lied her fat ass off about Benghazi. She told everyone that she'd turned over everything she had related to Benghazi at the same time she was paying someone to "bleach" the servers she had hidden in her home so she could run her little pay for play schemes at the State Department without Congressional oversight!
Hillary "willingly" testified about Benghazi? That's a joke! Hillary lied her fat ass off about Benghazi. She told everyone that she'd turned over everything she had related to Benghazi at the same time she was paying someone to "bleach" the servers she had hidden in her home so she could run her little pay for play schemes at the State Department without Congressional oversight!
I don't care if she did a strip tease. She showed up. She sat for a worthless 11 hour interview with Trey "Benghazi" Gowdy's committee (where is that guy now? :)).
The rest of your rant is conspiracy theory. After all of Trey's bullshit committee's...nothing.

I don't care if she did a strip tease. She showed up. She sat for a worthless 11 hour interview with Trey "Benghazi" Gowdy's committee (where is that guy now? :)).
The rest of your rant is conspiracy theory. After all of Trey's bullshit committee's...nothing.

Nothing? Sorry, Jack...but the lies that Clinton told both before and after her testimony are what led to her defeat at the hands of Donald Trump! When it was revealed how she was running the State Department and how she'd deliberately lied to the investigators looking into Benghazi about those servers she'd had installed in her home to escape Congressional oversight...THAT was what kept her out of the Oval Office! Nothing? Yeah, right!

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