Grateful To Obama


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
I'm grateful that we got to witness first hand in broad daylight exactly why government needs to be limited. The ObamaCare Disaster was the Progressives Challenger Launch: it ended badly and there's no hiding what went wrong.

Conservatives don't HATE government, we know that it has a proper role and place in society and overseeing healthcare certainly isn't a function that government can or should even attempt.

Now is the time for all true Conservatives to express the sane, common sense free market based alternatives that will work and benefit society. ObamaCare must be totally replaced with a completely different alternative. Rest assured that Republicans will do all they can to fuck this up, I have no doubt. They will sit idly by or even try to help their Progressive brothers make the best of it.

Personally, I'm grateful that we all got to see exactly why Conservatives have been against ObamaCare and Progressive Redistribution from the get-go. It comes with a 100% Fail Guarantee and what a surprise, it failed here in the biggest enterprise on the planet

Let it go, Progs. Time to move on

Interesting point. The ACA was the big banana, the big effort to put government front and center in our lives. Then came "you didn't build that" and the rest. The American Left has pretty much put its cards on the table, this is where they want the country to go, a much more powerful central authority, a European-style social democracy. Here it is.

The question is whether the country is ready to swallow that. It may be, it looks like we may find out pretty soon.

I'm grateful that we got to witness first hand in broad daylight exactly why government needs to be limited. The ObamaCare Disaster was the Progressives Challenger Launch: it ended badly and there's no hiding what went wrong.

Conservatives don't HATE government, we know that it has a proper role and place in society and overseeing healthcare certainly isn't a function that government can or should even attempt.

Now is the time for all true Conservatives to express the sane, common sense free market based alternatives that will work and benefit society. ObamaCare must be totally replaced with a completely different alternative. Rest assured that Republicans will do all they can to fuck this up, I have no doubt. They will sit idly by or even try to help their Progressive brothers make the best of it.

Personally, I'm grateful that we all got to see exactly why Conservatives have been against ObamaCare and Progressive Redistribution from the get-go. It comes with a 100% Fail Guarantee and what a surprise, it failed here in the biggest enterprise on the planet

Let it go, Progs. Time to move on

Every move by the Democrats/Progressives has been a failure. But most havent been quite so visible or can be blamed on something else. The stimulus was a failure. Cash for clunkers was a failure. The EPA is a failure. The NLRB is a failure. What made ACA different was that it immediately affected millions of people. But instead of helping those people, it inflicted costs and uncertainty. And people know the Democrats own the program 100%. It had zero GOP input. That was one good move the GOP made.
You are right the dolts in the party like McCain and McConnell will seek some "compromise" to show they're team players. That's why they need to go.

Interesting point. The ACA was the big banana, the big effort to put government front and center in our lives. Then came "you didn't build that" and the rest. The American Left has pretty much put its cards on the table, this is where they want the country to go, a much more powerful central authority, a European-style social democracy. Here it is.

The question is whether the country is ready to swallow that. It may be, it looks like we may find out pretty soon.


The answer is a resounding Hell No! The young and Moderates have had enough and will vote for real change

We need to make sure they get effective change and Republican warmed over Redistribution lite
I'm grateful that we got to witness first hand in broad daylight exactly why government needs to be limited. The ObamaCare Disaster was the Progressives Challenger Launch: it ended badly and there's no hiding what went wrong.

Conservatives don't HATE government, we know that it has a proper role and place in society and overseeing healthcare certainly isn't a function that government can or should even attempt.

Now is the time for all true Conservatives to express the sane, common sense free market based alternatives that will work and benefit society. ObamaCare must be totally replaced with a completely different alternative. Rest assured that Republicans will do all they can to fuck this up, I have no doubt. They will sit idly by or even try to help their Progressive brothers make the best of it.

Personally, I'm grateful that we all got to see exactly why Conservatives have been against ObamaCare and Progressive Redistribution from the get-go. It comes with a 100% Fail Guarantee and what a surprise, it failed here in the biggest enterprise on the planet

Let it go, Progs. Time to move on

Every move by the Democrats/Progressives has been a failure. But most havent been quite so visible or can be blamed on something else. The stimulus was a failure. Cash for clunkers was a failure. The EPA is a failure. The NLRB is a failure. What made ACA different was that it immediately affected millions of people. But instead of helping those people, it inflicted costs and uncertainty. And people know the Democrats own the program 100%. It had zero GOP input. That was one good move the GOP made.
You are right the dolts in the party like McCain and McConnell will seek some "compromise" to show they're team players. That's why they need to go.

Good points. They lost the "but it's Bushs fault" excuse, they own this outright
What problems are you talking about?

How can there be problems when everything is laid out in an over 2000 page piece of legislation?

How can there be problems with a web site that cost 630 million with construction awarded to a Canadian firm with a no bid contract? I am sure Michelle would not have "suggested" her buddy's firm if she didn't think they could do the job.
What problems are you talking about?

How can there be problems when everything is laid out in an over 2000 page piece of legislation?

How can there be problems with a web site that cost 630 million with construction awarded to a Canadian firm with a no bid contract? I am sure Michelle would not have "suggested" her buddy's firm if she didn't think they could do the job.

well I meant if you're a racist there are problems with ObamaCare and Liberalism
I'm grateful that we got to witness first hand in broad daylight exactly why government needs to be limited. The ObamaCare Disaster was the Progressives Challenger Launch: it ended badly and there's no hiding what went wrong.

Conservatives don't HATE government, we know that it has a proper role and place in society and overseeing healthcare certainly isn't a function that government can or should even attempt.

Now is the time for all true Conservatives to express the sane, common sense free market based alternatives that will work and benefit society. ObamaCare must be totally replaced with a completely different alternative. Rest assured that Republicans will do all they can to fuck this up, I have no doubt. They will sit idly by or even try to help their Progressive brothers make the best of it.

Personally, I'm grateful that we all got to see exactly why Conservatives have been against ObamaCare and Progressive Redistribution from the get-go. It comes with a 100% Fail Guarantee and what a surprise, it failed here in the biggest enterprise on the planet

Let it go, Progs. Time to move on

Yes, failures have been following Obama and he has blamed them on everyone from the Republicans (aka, terrorists, arsonists) to Bush and this failure was on a grand scale and he had no one to blame but Michelle for the Website, his cabinet pick for day to day operations and finally himself when he thought as mea culpa would work.

Even his "fix" it seems as though he might have stepped in it and sabotaged his own signature accomplishment if he hasn't already dug its grave.

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