Government moving to take control of your blood stream


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
another jackass from California, Richard Pan, is trying to abolish the freedom of parents to decide if their kids get vaccinations or not.
(in California)
19 states allow parents to opt out.
48 states allow parents to opt out for religious reasons.
50 states have no legal power to force anyone, making these actions unconstitutional and unlawful.
there is a lot of talk about making vaccinations mandatory, giving the health care companies the power to inject vaccines , or what ever chemicals they want, into children.
if the public allows the government to pass laws like this, there's just no hope for the future.
This is more along the lines of the Liberal "it takes a village" mentality.
They aren't referring to our children, but the village's children.
Christ almighty what a bunch of lunatics.
"Unless we put medical freedom into the constitution the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship and force people who wish doctors and treatment of their own choice to submit to only what the dictating outfit offers.”- Benjamin Rush 1787
Those bastards!! They deprived me of my constitutional right to contract polio and smallpox! Should I notify my favorite anti-vaccination TV reality show celebrity, do you think?

I don't think there is a small pox vac anymore.
When my daughter was a kid, her only chance of contracting polio was from the jab itself (11 cases per year). So I said forget that. There hasn't been a natural case since I was a kid. Now, they've switched to a non-live vac.
If government can force you to buy insurance....or pay a tax....

Then surely government can force you to buy vaccines....or pay a tax.

And, while we're at it, why not force you to buy prayer rugs, too? Especially if you didn't buy vaccines 'cause you damn well may need one.

In today's Obamerica we have a mentality that is so obsessed with controlling the lives of others that it's just a matter of time suicide is illegal and an attempt gets a mandatory death penalty. But that'd be OK 'cause it would be government doing the killing.
If government can force you to buy insurance....or pay a tax....

Then surely government can force you to buy vaccines....or pay a tax.

And, while we're at it, why not force you to buy prayer rugs, too? Especially if you didn't buy vaccines 'cause you damn well may need one.

In today's Obamerica we have a mentality that is so obsessed with controlling the lives of others that it's just a matter of time suicide is illegal and an attempt gets a mandatory death penalty. But that'd be OK 'cause it would be government doing the killing.

If government can force you to buy insurance

then it can force you to do what ever it wants
The Disneyland story was overly hyped. Nobody died of measles from that.

I think the protection afforded by the measles jab is exaggerated, like with the flu shot. Highest flu vaccination rate ever. Worst flu season in a decade.

Parents who are freaking out should make their kids wear a helmet every day. That would actually save lives, but it would be weird, so nobody does it. Point is, we inhabit mental control grids. Parents are freaking out about unvaccinated kids, and feeding their own kids Coke and chicken nuggets.
"A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way a hard-core Commie works."
Well what can you do when it seems a lot of the people agree with them taking OVER EVERY aspect of your lives...many of them right on this board. They started with putting ObamaNationalCare on you and this just one aspect of it

go stand in line for your guberment mandated shots, then they can give you a tattoo so they can identify those has hasn't had their "vaccinations" and jailed until they give in
Tomorrow's vaccines are going to be DNA vaccines. Take a healthy kid and inject her with bioengineered DNA.

DNA vaccines have advantages, including a lower cost of mass production.

One disadvantage is the possibility of altering the genes of the kid. By then, maybe, the kid will barely be related to you after undergoing pre-birth genetic screening with alterations provided by Corporation X, or what have you. Plus, a pharmaceutical cocktail so she sits still in class and never gets moody.

Of course it'll all be mandated under the ACA, because we're not individuals. We're a herd, remember. Don't you forget it.
This is more along the lines of the Liberal "it takes a village" mentality.
They aren't referring to our children, but the village's children.
Christ almighty what a bunch of lunatics.
"The children" long ago replaced patriotism as the last refuge of scoundrels.
"A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way a hard-core Commie works."
From Dr. Strangelove???

What a movie!!!!
Any Government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have ( including your life! )

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