Government is clearly against the people


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
No, this isn't about the VA, though the same logic applies there. When government gets involved, common sense flies out the window. Money is all that matters and there is no sympathy for the people who are suffering. Doctors have their hands tied. Government regulations don't allow doctors to do what is needed for patients as they go. The doctors are supposed to look into their crystal ball and make a plan. No changes allowed for that plan regardless of what unexpected circumstance befalls the patient. Welcome to the new America, where common sense is a thing of the past and government bureaucracy rules the day. Doctors have a clear choice thanks to the Obama administration. Let the patient die or go without pay. Most will follow their oath and save the patient. Government will say too bad they did that because they won't pay. Patients over 75 better have their affairs in order because they aren't allowed any treatment for serious illnesses. They won't bother trying to find a doctor who will treat them for free.

In my pediatric ophthalmology practice, I have experienced firsthand how government limits a doctor's options and threatens the traditional doctor-patient bond.
I recently operated on a child with strabismus (crossed eyes). This child was covered by Medicaid. I was required to obtain surgical pre-authorization using a Current Procedural Terminology, or CPT, code for medical identification and billing purposes. The CPT code identified the particular procedure to be performed. Medicaid approved my surgical plan, and the surgery was scheduled.

During the surgery, I discovered the need to change my plan to accommodate findings resulting from a previous surgery by another physician. Armed with new information, I chose to operate on different muscles from the ones noted on the pre-approved plan. The revised surgery was successful, and the patient obtained straight eyes.

However, because I filed for payment using the different CPT code for the surgery I actually performed, Medicaid was not willing to adjust its protocol. The government denied all payment. Ironically, the code-listed payment for the procedure I ultimately performed was an amount 40% less than the amount approved for the initially authorized surgery. For over a year, I challenged Medicaid about its decision to deny payment. I wrote numerous letters and spoke to many Medicaid employees explaining the predicament. Eventually I gave up fighting what had obviously become a losing battle.

Politics: One doctor's story: Government endangering patients' lives, right in the middle of surgery | Best of Cain
The government has grown way too large to manage - it is self serving! Eventually the people will be irrelevant. The liberals long for those days :evil: :eusa_pray:
Clementine is being a bozo.

VA care is quite good for many people, and the bad ones have to be cleared out.

We can get at our politicians if we really want to, but the big pharma and medical and health insurance industries will only thumb their noses at us.
No, this isn't about the VA, though the same logic applies there. When government gets involved, common sense flies out the window. Money is all that matters and there is no sympathy for the people who are suffering. Doctors have their hands tied. Government regulations don't allow doctors to do what is needed for patients as they go. The doctors are supposed to look into their crystal ball and make a plan. No changes allowed for that plan regardless of what unexpected circumstance befalls the patient. Welcome to the new America, where common sense is a thing of the past and government bureaucracy rules the day. Doctors have a clear choice thanks to the Obama administration. Let the patient die or go without pay. Most will follow their oath and save the patient. Government will say too bad they did that because they won't pay. Patients over 75 better have their affairs in order because they aren't allowed any treatment for serious illnesses. They won't bother trying to find a doctor who will treat them for free.

In my pediatric ophthalmology practice, I have experienced firsthand how government limits a doctor's options and threatens the traditional doctor-patient bond.
I recently operated on a child with strabismus (crossed eyes). This child was covered by Medicaid. I was required to obtain surgical pre-authorization using a Current Procedural Terminology, or CPT, code for medical identification and billing purposes. The CPT code identified the particular procedure to be performed. Medicaid approved my surgical plan, and the surgery was scheduled.

During the surgery, I discovered the need to change my plan to accommodate findings resulting from a previous surgery by another physician. Armed with new information, I chose to operate on different muscles from the ones noted on the pre-approved plan. The revised surgery was successful, and the patient obtained straight eyes.

However, because I filed for payment using the different CPT code for the surgery I actually performed, Medicaid was not willing to adjust its protocol. The government denied all payment. Ironically, the code-listed payment for the procedure I ultimately performed was an amount 40% less than the amount approved for the initially authorized surgery. For over a year, I challenged Medicaid about its decision to deny payment. I wrote numerous letters and spoke to many Medicaid employees explaining the predicament. Eventually I gave up fighting what had obviously become a losing battle.

Politics: One doctor's story: Government endangering patients' lives, right in the middle of surgery | Best of Cain
Hummmmm ...... Hummmm ........ "Patients over 75 better have their affairs in order because they aren't allowed any treatment for serious illnesses." I can't believe it. I had assumed that the wing nuts had finally figured out that the "Death Panels" the right was screaming about didn't exist. That it was just more bullshit put out there by the crazies on the right. Now here comes clementine to once more prove Lincoln was right: "YOU can fool some of the people all of the time."
Accept it clementine, you can post all the bullshit lies you wish but ACA is here to stay and it is only going to get more popular as time passes despite assholes, like yourself, lying about it.
Clementine is being a bozo.

VA care is quite good for many people, and the bad ones have to be cleared out.

We can get at our politicians if we really want to, but the big pharma and medical and health insurance industries will only thumb their noses at us.

We're talking about Medicaid and a government bureaucracy that comes between doctors and patients. Try to keep up.
Clementine is being a bozo.

VA care is quite good for many people, and the bad ones have to be cleared out.

We can get at our politicians if we really want to, but the big pharma and medical and health insurance industries will only thumb their noses at us.

We're talking about Medicaid and a government bureaucracy that comes between doctors and patients. Try to keep up.

We are talking about a government bureaucracy we can get at in the elections. The death panels, silly one, are in the private health industry.

Now you stay on track. You will learn much.
If the doctors smart he will refuse to take medicade patients, cooperation is a two way street.

A lot of doctors and hospitals are rejecting Medicaid, Medicare and Obamacare patients. It's because of the bureaucracy and the unwillingness to pay. There are so many rules to follow, something that is not conducive to good medical care. It forces doctors to worry about too many things other than their number one priority, the patient. The rules state that doctors pre-approve all procedures and there is no room for unforeseen circumstances. Even when Medicare or Medicaid pay, it's only a fraction of the bill and often doesn't cover actual costs. Refusing patients is the only way they can keep going.
If the doctors smart he will refuse to take medicade patients, cooperation is a two way street.

And then there won't be enough doctors and prices will be too high, so government will come to the rescue with single payer NHS style healthcare as the only option.

Government creates the problem and conveniently comes up with a solution that ends up with more power in a bureaucrat's hand. It's insidious.
Of course Barack Obama is against you. And if your white forget about it.

You're screwed

Clementine is being a bozo.

VA care is quite good for many people, and the bad ones have to be cleared out.

We can get at our politicians if we really want to, but the big pharma and medical and health insurance industries will only thumb their noses at us.

Wait, what? The VA is good for the people you like but the ones you don't need to be cleared out? Who decides that? The death panels?
Clementine is being a bozo.

VA care is quite good for many people, and the bad ones have to be cleared out.

We can get at our politicians if we really want to, but the big pharma and medical and health insurance industries will only thumb their noses at us.

Wait, what? The VA is good for the people you like but the ones you don't need to be cleared out? Who decides that? The death panels?

Stop drinking before you write. I like the VA and military health care because I have been taken good care of for more than fifty years as a dependent, as a soldier, as a veteran with a disability.

That being said, quite a few problems need to be fixed.

The death panels only exist in private health insurance, no where else.
Clementine is being a bozo.

VA care is quite good for many people, and the bad ones have to be cleared out.

We can get at our politicians if we really want to, but the big pharma and medical and health insurance industries will only thumb their noses at us.

We're talking about Medicaid and a government bureaucracy that comes between doctors and patients. Try to keep up.

We are talking about a government bureaucracy we can get at in the elections. The death panels, silly one, are in the private health industry.

Now you stay on track. You will learn much.
So you can explain that to the 40 Vets who died under the single payer government run healthcare system called the VA right? They were left to die not to the superior government run healthcare system they were forced into but somehow the private healthcare industry is the one that killed them. The one industry they never had a chance of accessing...because they were on the government run plan...which loves single payer...and it's their only about 6 months or so.

So the reason these people died wasn't the government it was elections...of government run government healthcare...or not really...

What was your point again?
We're talking about Medicaid and a government bureaucracy that comes between doctors and patients. Try to keep up.

We are talking about a government bureaucracy we can get at in the elections. The death panels, silly one, are in the private health industry.

Now you stay on track. You will learn much.
So you can explain that to the 40 Vets who died under the single payer government run healthcare system called the VA right? They were left to die not to the superior government run healthcare system they were forced into but somehow the private healthcare industry is the one that killed them. The one industry they never had a chance of accessing...because they were on the government run plan...which loves single payer...and it's their only about 6 months or so.

So the reason these people died wasn't the government it was elections...of government run government healthcare...or not really...

What was your point again?

Show me the thirty thousand plus every year who die in private sector hospitals from preventable infections.

I agree that the VA needs reforming in many areas, but private industry would kill far more than forty individuals in private death panel decisions.

Having side that, the people responsible at Phoenix VA, for example, are criminally culpable and should be tried.
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Clementine is being a bozo.

VA care is quite good for many people, and the bad ones have to be cleared out.

We can get at our politicians if we really want to, but the big pharma and medical and health insurance industries will only thumb their noses at us.

Wait, what? The VA is good for the people you like but the ones you don't need to be cleared out? Who decides that? The death panels?

Stop drinking before you write. I like the VA and military health care because I have been taken good care of for more than fifty years as a dependent, as a soldier, as a veteran with a disability.

That being said, quite a few problems need to be fixed.

The death panels only exist in private health insurance, no where else.

I'm sure the 40 dead vet's and families in Arizona can rest easily now knowing at least they didn't die from some horrible list of people not to be taken care of the private sector came up with. They got the comfort of dying because the government put them on that list.

Thank god those rolls of people not getting government healthcare because it looks bad for the VA aren't in the private sector. If you're going to die because of a lack of healthcare you may as well be patriotic and die due to the lack of government healthcare. What could be more patriotic than volunteering for military service and then have the government decide you don't need care? At least it wasn't the private sector.
We are talking about a government bureaucracy we can get at in the elections. The death panels, silly one, are in the private health industry.

Now you stay on track. You will learn much.
So you can explain that to the 40 Vets who died under the single payer government run healthcare system called the VA right? They were left to die not to the superior government run healthcare system they were forced into but somehow the private healthcare industry is the one that killed them. The one industry they never had a chance of accessing...because they were on the government run plan...which loves single payer...and it's their only about 6 months or so.

So the reason these people died wasn't the government it was elections...of government run government healthcare...or not really...

What was your point again?

Show me the thirty thousand the die in private sector hospitals from preventable infections.

I agree that the VA needs reforming in many areas, but private industry would kill far more than forty individuals in private death panel decisions.

How about you show me those numbers? You are hinging your entire position on proving them so have at it. Don't give me the I posted on another thread bullshit either, post it now and here.

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