Gov Cuomo Seeks Authority To 'Remove or Detain' Anyone SUSPECTED of having COVID-19


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Marxist Democrat Clown Governor Andrew Cuomo, the largest mass murderer in US history after killing over 10,000 elderly Americans by forcing C-19-infected patients into nursing homes after acknowledging the elderly were most likely to die from the virus, continues to rule New York the way Maduro rules Venezuela.

Due to Cuomo's lethalC-19 policy over 10,000 elderly Americans are dead.

New York's C-19 vaccine distribution/vaccination rate is a disaster due to having ZERO plans to vaccinate New Yorkers...and hampered by Cuomo's threats to fine doctors $1 million for giving vaccinations.

Now this....

NY Gov seeks power to “remove or detain” people “suspected of having COVID”

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'Your papers, please'

Cuomo has threatened to send police to people's houses to seize people who have traveled from the UK where there has been an outbreak of a C-19 mutation.

Cuomo has since shifter even further Left, resembling the CCP and its leader Xi than New York and a US Governor:

"The Worst Governor in America is now looking at doing more than just closely monitoring people who might have contracted COVID. A bill has been introduced into the state legislature that would allow Andrew Cuomo to order the “removal or detention” of people suspected of being infected.

The wording of the applicable parts of the bill is chilling enough to have come out of a George Orwell novel. The phrase “removal and detention” is featured prominently right in the first paragraph. These special powers would be assigned to the Governor during any “state of health emergency due to an epidemic of any communicable disease.”

Lest you think this is something less ominous than it sounds so far, continue reading the bill. This power could be exercised by the governor “by issuing a single order, identifying such persons either by name or by a reasonably specific description.”

Be very afraid....

Libs were against removing homosexuals and other deviants with HIV before they could infect others

but now that the governor can selectively target Christians and Jews the left is all for it
Actually I would not mind if the government would provide food and shelter for people who may be infected for 2 weeks.
What bothers me is how the government has not offered to provide anything for those who tested positive in the past, like 700 homeless people did in this city.
Right now, those who test positive can't isolate because if they live alone, there is no one to get food for them.
The Troglocrats love Benito Cuomo's fascism

Marxist Democrat Clown Governor Andrew Cuomo, the largest mass murderer in US history after killing over 10,000 elderly Americans by forcing C-19-infected patients into nursing homes after acknowledging the elderly were most likely to die from the virus, continues to rule New York the way Maduro rules Venezuela.

Due to Cuomo's lethalC-19 policy over 10,000 elderly Americans are dead.

New York's C-19 vaccine distribution/vaccination rate is a disaster due to having ZERO plans to vaccinate New Yorkers...and hampered by Cuomo's threats to fine doctors $1 million for giving vaccinations.

Now this....

NY Gov seeks power to “remove or detain” people “suspected of having COVID”
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'Your papers, please'

Cuomo has threatened to send police to people's houses to seize people who have traveled from the UK where there has been an outbreak of a C-19 mutation.

Cuomo has since shifter even further Left, resembling the CCP and its leader Xi than New York and a US Governor:

"The Worst Governor in America is now looking at doing more than just closely monitoring people who might have contracted COVID. A bill has been introduced into the state legislature that would allow Andrew Cuomo to order the “removal or detention” of people suspected of being infected.

The wording of the applicable parts of the bill is chilling enough to have come out of a George Orwell novel. The phrase “removal and detention” is featured prominently right in the first paragraph. These special powers would be assigned to the Governor during any “state of health emergency due to an epidemic of any communicable disease.”

Lest you think this is something less ominous than it sounds so far, continue reading the bill. This power could be exercised by the governor “by issuing a single order, identifying such persons either by name or by a reasonably specific description.”

Be very afraid....

Governor Cuomo has a recorded history of obvious symptoms of narcissistic behavior. The New Yorkers wanted him for governor & now they are stuck with him due to identity politics.
Actually I would not mind if the government would provide food and shelter for people who may be infected for 2 weeks.
Keep in mind that food and shelter for people 'removed or detained' on Cuomo's order for the SUSPICION of being C-19 positive is paid for by your taxes.

Right now, those who test positive can't isolate because if they live alone, there is no one to get food for them.
I can call Pizza Hut or any number of food restaurants and order food with the instruction to leave the food by the door due to someone being C-19 positive / quarantining. You are heading in the right direction - People with homes / residences can quarantine. People living aloe on the street or in a refrigerator box in an alley can't really quarantine. Agreed.
Oh, another partisan circle jerk. If anyone is culpable for the deaths - now increasing daily, over 1/3 of a million American's have no died - is Donald Trump; the deaths from now until who knows when the stupid people will ignore the science and walk around disrespecting others without a mask or keeping social distancing.
Oh, another partisan circle jerk. If anyone is culpable for the deaths - now increasing daily, over 1/3 of a million American's have no died - is Donald Trump; the deaths from now until who knows when the stupid people will ignore the science and walk around disrespecting others without a mask or keeping social distancing.
Science: 70% of those infected with the Kung Flu wore masks and followed CDC guidelines.

But your support of the Fascist in NY is duly noted.
Oh, another partisan circle jerk. If anyone is culpable for the deaths - now increasing daily, over 1/3 of a million American's have no died - is Donald Trump; the deaths from now until who knows when the stupid people will ignore the science and walk around disrespecting others without a mask or keeping social distancing.
Science: 70% of those infected with the Kung Flu wore masks and followed CDC guidelines.

But your support of the Fascist in NY is duly noted.

I'm sorry, the party you have chosen to respond to does not accept anyone with an IQ below 85. Please try again with proof you were able to obtain a high school diploma, if possible.

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