Gov. Chris Christie Cleared of Wrongdoing

Wow...who have thunk it. Governor Christie's investigated him and found he did nothing wrong....

I doubt very much that the left wing nutjobs here will be able to see the irony here.

Christie investigated himself and found himself innocent.

That is not irony rightie, that is business as usual for RePugs.

Here's holder investigating holder:

Obama appoints Holder to investigate Holder - BizPac Review
I doubt very much that the left wing nutjobs here will be able to see the irony here.

Christie investigated himself and found himself innocent.

That is not irony rightie, that is business as usual for RePugs.

Not only that...he nailed us taxpayers for the bill to pay his crony lawyers a cool mil to say he is pure as Mother Teresa...While suggesting that his fired staffer Kelly and the hoboken mayor who called him out for corruption were both emotionally unhinged women with no credibility..
This, right before going to Money Mogul Edelson to woo him to support Christi for prez..among a throng of other GOP hopefuls.
Nice going guv..either U are stupid enough not to realize that we all see thru ur shenanigans, or u think the electorate...which is over 50% female, is REALLY stupid.
Christie is far from stupid. He is smart enough to know how stupid a lot of New Jersey's voters are and there are many who will vote for him again. Christie is arrogant and contemptuous.
Christie investigated himself and found himself innocent.

That is not irony rightie, that is business as usual for RePugs.

Not only that...he nailed us taxpayers for the bill to pay his crony lawyers a cool mil to say he is pure as Mother Teresa...While suggesting that his fired staffer Kelly and the hoboken mayor who called him out for corruption were both emotionally unhinged women with no credibility..
This, right before going to Money Mogul Edelson to woo him to support Christi for prez..among a throng of other GOP hopefuls.
Nice going guv..either U are stupid enough not to realize that we all see thru ur shenanigans, or u think the electorate...which is over 50% female, is REALLY stupid.
Christie is far from stupid. He is smart enough to know how stupid a lot of New Jersey's voters are and there are many who will vote for him again. Christie is arrogant and contemptuous.

Christie is not eligible to be elected again
Not only that...he nailed us taxpayers for the bill to pay his crony lawyers a cool mil to say he is pure as Mother Teresa...While suggesting that his fired staffer Kelly and the hoboken mayor who called him out for corruption were both emotionally unhinged women with no credibility..
This, right before going to Money Mogul Edelson to woo him to support Christi for prez..among a throng of other GOP hopefuls.
Nice going guv..either U are stupid enough not to realize that we all see thru ur shenanigans, or u think the electorate...which is over 50% female, is REALLY stupid.
Christie is far from stupid. He is smart enough to know how stupid a lot of New Jersey's voters are and there are many who will vote for him again. Christie is arrogant and contemptuous.

Christie is not eligible to be elected again
Unless this scandal impedes him he will run for President and a lot of neo-Conservative fanatics will vote for him -- not only New Jerseyans.
Have to admit it's pretty funny observing Communist/Democrat dipshits hopping up on their high horses preaching about a stupid traffic jam. Especially considering all the awful things their Dear Leader has done to our Nation. They just conveniently tune all that out and focus their pompous outrage on a stupid traffic jam. Liars and hypocrites. That sums up Communists/Democrats.

But that being said, Christie is as much a corrupt Communist/Progressive as Clinton is. I will not support either one. I'll support an alternative.
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Have to admit it's pretty funny observing Communist/Democrat dipshits hopping up on their high horses preaching about a stupid traffic jam. Especially considering all the awful things their Dear Leader has done to our Nation. They just conveniently tune all that out and focus their pompous outrage on a stupid traffic jam. Liars and hypocrites. That sums up Communists/Democrats.

But that being said, Christie is as much a corrupt Communist/Progressive as Clinton is. I will not support either one. I'll support an alternative.
The significance of the "stupid traffic jam" on the GW Bridge is Christie's willingness to impose hardship, inconvenience -- and dangerous impedance of emergency services, on the innocent and trusting citizens of the communities and the commuters affected by that wholly unnecessary act of vindictive bullying.

But you don't think of this as being worthy of focused attention on the character of this gluttonous, bullying sonofabitch? Can you imagine what he would be capable of as President?

I agree with your implicit assessment of Obama, who is a deceitful bullshit artist and a puppet of the bankers. But two wrongs don't make a right and Christie has shown himself to be inclined to despotic practices. You should turn your attention to that rather than to phantom "communists" in the shadows of your imagination.
Have to admit it's pretty funny observing Communist/Democrat dipshits hopping up on their high horses preaching about a stupid traffic jam. Especially considering all the awful things their Dear Leader has done to our Nation. They just conveniently tune all that out and focus their pompous outrage on a stupid traffic jam. Liars and hypocrites. That sums up Communists/Democrats.

But that being said, Christie is as much a corrupt Communist/Progressive as Clinton is. I will not support either one. I'll support an alternative.
The significance of the "stupid traffic jam" on the GW Bridge is Christie's willingness to impose hardship, inconvenience -- and dangerous impedance of emergency services, on the innocent and trusting citizens of the communities and the commuters affected by that wholly unnecessary act of vindictive bullying.

But you don't think of this as being worthy of focused attention on the character of this gluttonous, bullying sonofabitch? Can you imagine what he would be capable of as President?

I agree with your implicit assessment of Obama, who is a deceitful bullshit artist and a puppet of the bankers. But two wrongs don't make a right and Christie has shown himself to be inclined to despotic practices. You should turn your attention to that rather than to phantom "communists" in the shadows of your imagination.

Oh i hear ya. I will not support Christie. To me, he's a corrupt Communist/Progressive, no different than Hillary Clinton. I was just pointing out the staggering dishonesty and hypocrisy coming from the loyal Obama/Dem-Bots. A traffic jam is nothing in comparison to the numerous awful things their Dear Leader has done to our Nation.

In my opinion, his NSA and IRS abuses alone, are Treasonous and unforgivable acts. He should be Impeached. There are much bigger fish to fry. And Obama is one of those bigger fish. So i have no patience for Obamabots preaching from their high horses on this. They just don't have credibility.
Not only that...he nailed us taxpayers for the bill to pay his crony lawyers a cool mil to say he is pure as Mother Teresa...While suggesting that his fired staffer Kelly and the hoboken mayor who called him out for corruption were both emotionally unhinged women with no credibility..
This, right before going to Money Mogul Edelson to woo him to support Christi for prez..among a throng of other GOP hopefuls.
Nice going guv..either U are stupid enough not to realize that we all see thru ur shenanigans, or u think the electorate...which is over 50% female, is REALLY stupid.
Christie is far from stupid. He is smart enough to know how stupid a lot of New Jersey's voters are and there are many who will vote for him again. Christie is arrogant and contemptuous.

Christie is not eligible to be elected again

He may be cleared but his political career is over.
Christie is far from stupid. He is smart enough to know how stupid a lot of New Jersey's voters are and there are many who will vote for him again. Christie is arrogant and contemptuous.

Christie is not eligible to be elected again

He may be cleared but his political career is over.

I think the far right is very happy about Christie's slide down the GOP totem pole. He appealed to moderates, he worked with the other side of the aisle and we all know what the far right thinks of moderates and working with the other side of the aisle.
Christie is not eligible to be elected again

He may be cleared but his political career is over.

I think the far right is very happy about Christie's slide down the GOP totem pole. He appealed to moderates, he worked with the other side of the aisle and we all know what the far right thinks of moderates and working with the other side of the aisle.
My impression is his cleverly administered patronage of Moderates has earned him more votes than he lost because of it. While Chris Christie is an extremely skillful political beast I am sure he won't get over in the mid-West and Western states the way he does with the New Jersey mentality. But he would drain a lot of votes away from far more deserving candidates.
So far MSNBC has not in their 24/7 coverage been able to link Christie to anything.But that wont stop them
from trying to derail his bid for the WH....

They see it as their duty to clear the way for the Democrats.
So far MSNBC has not in their 24/7 coverage been able to link Christie to anything.But that wont stop them
from trying to derail his bid for the WH....

They see it as their duty to clear the way for the Democrats.
I see it as a duty to exclude the political viability of a potential Presidential candidate who is known to be a devious, despotic bully. Not only would Christie be a dangerously self-serving gangster as President, his gluttonous appearance would be an embarrassing representation of America in the eyes of the world.


So whether or not any useful evidence of Christie's involvement in the GW Bridge scandal is ever uncovered there is no question about whose interest was served by it. So it's important to keep the issue alive in the collective mind of the voting public.
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Have to admit it's pretty funny observing Communist/Democrat dipshits hopping up on their high horses preaching about a stupid traffic jam. Especially considering all the awful things their Dear Leader has done to our Nation. They just conveniently tune all that out and focus their pompous outrage on a stupid traffic jam. Liars and hypocrites. That sums up Communists/Democrats.

But that being said, Christie is as much a corrupt Communist/Progressive as Clinton is. I will not support either one. I'll support an alternative.

CC is after all a Nazi/Facist/RePugLiCon.
Can we all stop the fussin' and a feudin'?

Political cronies which actively campaigned for Christie and were hired by Christie and had daily contact with Christie and went to social functions with Christie, secretly planned to get political revenge on people that didn't campaign for Christie like these politic cronies did.

Now Christie has hired a private firm, who are also in the bag for Christie, to investigate this "silly" affair and they didn't come up with anything. And all of the people "involved"? They didn't give up any of the government documentation requested by other investigators.

Rest assured. The million dollars that the tax payers of New Jersey spent (one of which is now me, even though I don't live here) went to a good cause.

Isn't everyone happy!

You sure we aren't talking about Obama, it sounds like it.
Christie investigated himself and found himself innocent.

That is not irony rightie, that is business as usual for RePugs.

Not only that...he nailed us taxpayers for the bill to pay his crony lawyers a cool mil to say he is pure as Mother Teresa...While suggesting that his fired staffer Kelly and the hoboken mayor who called him out for corruption were both emotionally unhinged women with no credibility..
This, right before going to Money Mogul Edelson to woo him to support Christi for prez..among a throng of other GOP hopefuls.
Nice going guv..either U are stupid enough not to realize that we all see thru ur shenanigans, or u think the electorate...which is over 50% female, is REALLY stupid.
Christie is far from stupid. He is smart enough to know how stupid a lot of New Jersey's voters are and there are many who will vote for him again. Christie is arrogant and contemptuous.

Hmmmm...I do agree about the "arrogant and contemptuous"...But if Christi is so smart, why would he alienate over 50% of the electorate just to gratuitously "pad" his case by suggesting that the women involved were emotionally unhinged and dishonest...while giving the men a pass? Also - was it smart to refer to "flying over occupied territories" in Israel in a speech intended to win the support of the Jewish lobby and Adelson?
There IS a difference between intelligent and simply cunning...

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