Gotta "love" that Ben Carson.....

Where did I say that?

See................that's the trouble with cherry picking a person's post, because you miss much of what was said. If you'd bothered to read the whole post, you would have seen I was talking about Ben Carson, not you. Ben Carson is the one that hinted Obama may be a Nazi, and was hinting that our rights of free speech were being muzzled, by his comments about PC.

Comprehension is your friend.

Since you put it that way... why don't you condemn Debbie Wasserman Schultz for comparing Marco Rubio to Hitler?

Got a link?

If ANY politician compares ANYTHING in this country to Nazi Germany, they've obviously got a screw loose. And............fwiw.............Wasserman Schultz isn't exactly my favorite politician, some of her stuff can get a bit over the top as well.
So you don't think a radical element can take the government?

I think that you are not only dead wrong but objectively so.

The only radical element that I see trying to take over the government are the radical right wing Tea Party caucus.

Who are you trying to kid? Obama is a fucking commie. You can't get more radical than him.
In the on-going quest by the GOP establishment to kind of erase that recalcitrant label that many within the party are closeted-racists, they first came up with Cain (9-9-9) and now, good ol' Ben Carson. So, what is this man's entire platform for the highest elected office on the planet?

Washington (CNN)Ben Carson suggested on Wednesday that a Nazi-like force could come to power in the United States. At a campaign event in New Hampshire, Carson noted that many people believe a situation like what took place in Germany in the 1930's and 1940's could never happen in America.

"I beg to differ," Carson said. "If you go back and look at the history of the world, tyranny and despotism and how it starts, it has a lot to do with control of thought and control of speech."

At a press conference after the speech, reporters asked Carson who he thinks is like Adolf Hitler in the U.S. "I'm not going to go into that. I think that example is pretty clear," he responded, without elaborating. When another reporter asked if he was comparing President Barack Obama to Hitler, Carson said, "No. I am saying in a situation where people do not express themselves, bad things can happen."

Meanwhile, as he was leaving the event, a reporter asked Carson how he would respond to Hurricane Joaquin if he were in the White House.

"I don't know," he replied.

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Of course he doesn't know. He isn't president of the Bahamas.
Lol and the media run with it and left stupidly repeat it.
See................that's the trouble with cherry picking a person's post, because you miss much of what was said. If you'd bothered to read the whole post, you would have seen I was talking about Ben Carson, not you. Ben Carson is the one that hinted Obama may be a Nazi, and was hinting that our rights of free speech were being muzzled, by his comments about PC.

Comprehension is your friend.

Since you put it that way... why don't you condemn Debbie Wasserman Schultz for comparing Marco Rubio to Hitler?

Got a link?

If ANY politician compares ANYTHING in this country to Nazi Germany, they've obviously got a screw loose. And............fwiw.............Wasserman Schultz isn't exactly my favorite politician, some of her stuff can get a bit over the top as well.
So you don't think a radical element can take the government?

I think that you are not only dead wrong but objectively so.

The only radical element that I see trying to take over the government are the radical right wing Tea Party caucus.

Who are you trying to kid? Obama is a fucking commie. You can't get more radical than him.

Okay............if he's such a Communist, then this next question shouldn't be too hard.

Name 10 things that Obama has done in office (with links to back up the claims from actual news sites) that could be proven to be Communist in their principles.
Nowhere did she call Rubio a Nazi.

Then why was she attacking Rubio for holding a fundraiser at a museum which featured paintings of Hitler and a signed copy of Mein Kampf? Oh, she was trying to compare him to the Nazis.

Thanks for playing!

No................she was upset that he held the fundraiser where he did on the day he did, because she's a Jewish woman with people who died in the Holocaust.

Again...................she said nothing about him being a Nazi. But, keep up the stupid, it looks good on you.
Since you put it that way... why don't you condemn Debbie Wasserman Schultz for comparing Marco Rubio to Hitler?

Got a link?

If ANY politician compares ANYTHING in this country to Nazi Germany, they've obviously got a screw loose. And............fwiw.............Wasserman Schultz isn't exactly my favorite politician, some of her stuff can get a bit over the top as well.
So you don't think a radical element can take the government?

I think that you are not only dead wrong but objectively so.

The only radical element that I see trying to take over the government are the radical right wing Tea Party caucus.

Who are you trying to kid? Obama is a fucking commie. You can't get more radical than him.

Okay............if he's such a Communist, then this next question shouldn't be too hard.

Name 10 things that Obama has done in office (with links to back up the claims from actual news sites) that could be proven to be Communist in their principles.

Every last thing. Go read the CPUSA website.
Got a link?

If ANY politician compares ANYTHING in this country to Nazi Germany, they've obviously got a screw loose. And............fwiw.............Wasserman Schultz isn't exactly my favorite politician, some of her stuff can get a bit over the top as well.
So you don't think a radical element can take the government?

I think that you are not only dead wrong but objectively so.

The only radical element that I see trying to take over the government are the radical right wing Tea Party caucus.

Who are you trying to kid? Obama is a fucking commie. You can't get more radical than him.

Okay............if he's such a Communist, then this next question shouldn't be too hard.

Name 10 things that Obama has done in office (with links to back up the claims from actual news sites) that could be proven to be Communist in their principles.

Every last thing. Go read the CPUSA website.

I have nothing, so you choose to avoid the question and pass on rumor and innuendo.
So Ben Carson was asked how he would respond to Hurricane Joaquin if he were President and he gave an honest answer I can see how that would be both shocking and confusing to some people.

You're right...It cold have been worse had he said, "screw those hurricane victims", so stating "I don't know [how I would respond]" IS considerably better.
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"Diogenes, put down your lamp. You've found an honest man."

Would you feel the same exact way, if you were lying on the operating table and when asked by the nurse why you're dying, you'd hear Dr. Carson reply,
"I don't know..."???
Nowhere did she call Rubio a Nazi. She just thought it was disrespectful towards Jewish people (of which she is one and can feel outraged) for an American politician to hold a fund raiser in a place where pictures of Hitler are displayed. Especially on Yom Kippur.

But.................thanks for playing...............and next time, try real news sources other than right wing blogs.

Excellent response......and let me add the sheer stupidity of Rubio or whomever is in charge of his "visual environment" while he holds a fundraiser.....From the above blog:

" the home of Harlan Crow, who happens to own some Nazi memorabilia, which is a small part of his vast historical collection. Crow houses his collection in a library on his property....."

Now, you'd think someone...if not Rubio.....would be "sharp" enough to say, "ahhh, senator, the background is not the most favorable with all those Nazi paraphernalia....why don't we move to another area of the house."

Kind of reminds me of Palin's speech in AK while some yahoo was feeding turkeys to some "decapitator"............
So you guys were lying when you yelled about Nazis on the right

Avatar, I think one of your pistons is misfiring.....May be time for a tune up.

So the left has spent 16 years calling the right nazis who are going to overthrow America, and that's fine. Ben Carson says it's possible to lose our freedom and he is nuts
So the left has spent 16 years calling the right nazis who are going to overthrow America, and that's fine. Ben Carson says it's possible to lose our freedom and he is nuts

A couple of responses to your moronic post.....

1. Which left-leaning presidential candidate went around calling the right Nazis"?

2. Since you're keeping such accurate records, are you sure its 16 years and not 15 and 4 months or 17 and 3 months?
So Ben Carson was asked how he would respond to Hurricane Joaquin if he were President and he gave an honest answer I can see how that would be both shocking and confusing to some people.

You're right...It cold have been worse had he said, "screw those hurricane victims", so stating "I don't know [how I would respond]" IS considerably better.
Funny I recall no President ever saying that about Hurricane victims in any event reporters sure like asking Carson these irrelevant hypothetically questions.
Funny I recall no President ever saying that about Hurricane victims in any event reporters sure like asking Carson these irrelevant hypothetically questions.

After the "fantastic" way that GWB handled Katrina, EVERY candidate should be asked the question...............and, hopefully, others will have a bit better answer than, "I have NO idea what I'd do"
Were radical lefties born yesterday or are they victims of democrat party propaganda? The democrat party is the party of slavery and racism. Even in the 20th century the predominant democrat party promoted segregation, lynchings and abuse of Black society. FDR appointed a KKK member to the Supreme Court and foul mouthed LBJ freely used the "N" word in public. Today a generation of ignorant lefties blame the GOP and attack successful heroic Black Americans like Ben Carson, Dr. Clarence Thomas or Dr. Condie Rice. The left wing anger and outrage is based on the old democrat standard that Black folks better not stray too far from the democrat party or the dogs might get loose.
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Funny I recall no President ever saying that about Hurricane victims in any event reporters sure like asking Carson these irrelevant hypothetically questions.

After the "fantastic" way that GWB handled Katrina, EVERY candidate should be asked the question...............and, hopefully, others will have a bit better answer than, "I have NO idea what I'd do"
Don't recall Bush saying screw the hurricane victims since you feel that is such an important question perhaps you should submit it for the first Democratic debate.
So you don't think a radical element can take the government?

I think that you are not only dead wrong but objectively so.

The only radical element that I see trying to take over the government are the radical right wing Tea Party caucus.

Who are you trying to kid? Obama is a fucking commie. You can't get more radical than him.

Okay............if he's such a Communist, then this next question shouldn't be too hard.

Name 10 things that Obama has done in office (with links to back up the claims from actual news sites) that could be proven to be Communist in their principles.

Every last thing. Go read the CPUSA website.

I have nothing, so you choose to avoid the question and pass on rumor and innuendo.

It's not "rumor and innuendo." Obama has associated with communists his entire life. his friends are communists. His mentors are communists. His ideals are identical to the agenda of the CPUSA.
Were radical lefties born yesterday or are they victims of democrat party propaganda? The democrat party is the party of slavery and racism. Even in the 20th century the predominant democrat party promoted segregation, lynchings and abuse of Black society. FDR appointed a KKK member to the Supreme Court and foul mouthed LBJ freely used the "N" word in public. Today a generation of ignorant lefties blame the GOP and attack successful heroic Black Americans like Ben Carson, Dr. Clarence Thomas or Dr. Condie Rice. The left wing anger and outrage is based on the old democrat standard that Black folks better not stray too far from the democrat party or the dogs might get loose.

Well, since blacks (and other minorities) wholly REJECT your right wing agenda and candidates.....there are TWO ways for you to address what you wrote above:

1. You must think that all minorities are stupid......or

2. Minorities have long figured out that you're full of shit....

It's not "rumor and innuendo." Obama has associated with communists his entire life. his friends are communists. His mentors are communists. His ideals are identical to the agenda of the CPUSA.

Well, you're right....It was terrible for Obama to force you to get that hammer and sickle symbol tattooed on your forehead......

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