Gotta Love It: Trump Would Fine Mexico $100,000 For Each Of The 31 Million Illegal Aliens Here

Doesn't make sense. We don't even know how many illegals are here.
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Doesn't make sense. We don't even know how many illegals are here.
Oh I imagine they know. If not the best thing to do is to profile them on a massive scale across the U.S. in order to catalogue them so they can be documented. Then Mexico can be fined. It's time to put this shadow war to an end and return America to the people the founders designed it for, free White people.
Doesn't make sense. We don't even know how many illegals are here.
Oh I imagine they know. If not the best thing to do is to profile them on a massive scale across the U.S. in order to catalogue them so they can be documented. Then Mexico can be fined. It's time to put this shadow war to an end and return America to the people the founders designed it for, free White people.

You know, some illegals come from other places like Columbia, Venezuela and Argentina. Should we profile for them too? It is apparent their nations are sending them here, do we fine those nations too?
Do you think it was a co-incidence that all of those children showed up at our border at the same time? These waves are being coordinated. That will stop under Trump. And, I don't believe Trump will be releasing thousands of illegal murderers, rapists, and convicts from prison like Obama does. Trump will get rid of them and make sure it's not worth their while to try to sneak back in.
Doesn't make sense. We don't even know how many illegals are here.
Oh I imagine they know. If not the best thing to do is to profile them on a massive scale across the U.S. in order to catalogue them so they can be documented. Then Mexico can be fined. It's time to put this shadow war to an end and return America to the people the founders designed it for, free White people.

You know, some illegals come from other places like Columbia, Venezuela and Argentina. Should we profile for them too? It is apparent their nations are sending them here, do we fine those nations too?
Hell yes we fine them.
Isn't this great? Off hand that works out to 3.1 trillion and at least it's a start. He'll reinstate President Eisenhowers old government plan he used to deport them called 'Operation Wetback and make Mexico pay for it and build a wall.

Trump Charge Mexico 100 000 for Every Illegal Alien Crossing The Border
Lol you people are so dumb. You really just expect Mexico to roll over and pay up? Your xenophobic arrogance is so nauseatingly stupid. As entertaining as the thought may be to you clowns that the Mexican government intentionally sends illegal immigrants here, it is complete bullshit. It is also bullshit that crime among Mexican immigrants is disproportionate to any other demographic. STFU will you?
Isn't this great? Off hand that works out to 3.1 trillion and at least it's a start. He'll reinstate President Eisenhowers old government plan he used to deport them called 'Operation Wetback and make Mexico pay for it and build a wall.

Trump Charge Mexico 100 000 for Every Illegal Alien Crossing The Border
Lol you people are so dumb. You really just expect Mexico to roll over and pay up? Your xenophobic arrogance is so nauseatingly stupid. As entertaining as the thought may be to you clowns that the Mexican government intentionally sends illegal immigrants here, it is complete bullshit. It is also bullshit that crime among Mexican immigrants is disproportionate to any other demographic. STFU will you?

Do you have any data or crime stats to dispute the fbi stats on crime???? If not then you're laying a baseless claim that is without facts.
Let me make sure I've got this

1)You are going to racially profile all Hispanics. And people that look Hispanic like white people

2)If the nations these people are from(there are white non-Hispanics living in the nation I mentioned) do not pay you self imposed fine, you are going to bomb them

Hey, you guys are talking WWIII--with NATO against us! You do know this, right?
Isn't this great? Off hand that works out to 3.1 trillion and at least it's a start. He'll reinstate President Eisenhowers old government plan he used to deport them called 'Operation Wetback and make Mexico pay for it and build a wall.

Trump Charge Mexico 100 000 for Every Illegal Alien Crossing The Border
Lol you people are so dumb. You really just expect Mexico to roll over and pay up? Your xenophobic arrogance is so nauseatingly stupid. As entertaining as the thought may be to you clowns that the Mexican government intentionally sends illegal immigrants here, it is complete bullshit. It is also bullshit that crime among Mexican immigrants is disproportionate to any other demographic. STFU will you?

Do you have any data or crime stats to dispute the fbi stats on crime???? If not then you're laying a baseless claim that is without facts. Criminality (IPC).pdf

"Studies that I have done based on census data, studies along the border, government commissions from 1994 to present, they repeatedly have found the same thing," he said in a phone interview. "Immigrants are associated with much lower rates of crime and incarceration. And some of the safest cities are those with large immigrant populations."

Although the majority of undocumented immigrants are thought to be foreign-born Mexican nationals, Rumbaut said that his research indicates this population has a much lower incarceration rate than Americans of Mexican descent.

"Foreign-born Mexicans had an incarceration rate of only 0.7 percent in 2000, more than 8 times lower than the 5.9 percent rate of native-born males of Mexican descent," he said.

So why might immigrants have a lower incarceration rate?

"The vast majority of immigrants who come to the United States do so to seek a better life," Rumbaut said. "Committing crimes would undermine the very project that would lead them to leave their country. In the case of the undocumented, the effect is magnified. They are living clandestine lives, under the threat of deportation. The last thing they want to do is bring themselves to the attention of authorities."

Rumbaut said he believes that violent crimes along the border with Mexico have little to do with the average undocumented immigrant. Instead, he said, a small percentage of those in the country who are undocumented and involved in drug or human trafficking have given the majority a bad name."

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