GOP's Fear Mongering Backfiring on GOP Leaders

Trump Is Losing Support Among Men ElectoralVote

Donald Trump's whole campaign is based on winning white men—angry white men. Now, two national polls show that maybe he has gone too far, even for them. An NBC/WSJ poll puts Hillary Clinton ahead of Trump with all men 43% to 42%. A Bloomberg poll puts Trump ahead, but only by single digits. Mitt Romney carried men by 27 points. If Trump's margin with men is only a few points, he will do far worse than Romney, since Trump is in big trouble with every other demographic, especially women, minorities, and young people. A big part of Trump's problem is that college-educated men favored Romney in 2012, but this year they favor Clinton. While Trump is winning more blue-collar men and evangelical men, that is not enough to offset his losses among college graduates. Simulations show that even if he gets 99% of the white male non-college vote, Trump would still lose. (V)

NBC? Corporate owned, Wall Street Journal, corporate owned and the owners have a seat on the CFR that has endorsed Hitlery Clinton. How you can even endorse that klunt with a straight face given the baggage she has is a testimony as to how fucking stupid you are and the fact that morals, integrity and character have no room in the house of the leftard. I'm not saying that Trump is the latest, greatest thing because I have no dog in this fight because as a pre 14th amendment citizen, I am not eligible to vote under the Universal Commercial Code of admiralty ....but it sickens me when I see douches like you taking shots at Trump when you have someone as despicable as the Hilldebeast representing your side.
Pre 14th amendment citizen. ? Universal Commercial Code? WTF? We are done here. I don't deal with that sort of bizarre, psychotic crap.

Just because you don't understand the debt slavery system doesn't make it not so. Every child that is born is required via their parents to register their biological property in a national system to keep track of them and unless they register, they will not be able to work (unless you are an illegal, that is) because at the end of the day, we are just chattel under the ancient system of "pledging". Due to the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933, FDR pledged our labor and future earnings against what was owed to the international bankers. Until the bankruptcy, there had never been a need for a certificate of live birth. The birth certificate was printed on bond paper and "monetized" because under the UCC pretty much anything can be used as a negotiable instrument. Our sweat equity that moves this worthless fiat currency was made collateral on the debt that we did not incur. A situs trust was set up in your all caps name, copyrighted it and "da gubermint" made themselves the trustee of that collateral account when you sign up for a Social Security card and by doing so, you are giving consent to be a de-facto employee of USA.INC. They have to provide a remedy and give you the option of opting out. You lose the "safety net" and perks that come with being a "U.S citizen" as opposed to those that prefer the pre 14th amendment Citizen but I have found that I don't miss them at all. They certainly don't make it easy and the paperwork is a hassle but I have found it well worth the effort.

So you're an anti government sovereign citizen . I get it. Good by

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

No, I am for a government that is for the people and by the consent of the people instead of the corporate structure that is tasked with providing the 19 enumerated and essential services in a "for profit" venture that passes acts, statutes and codes all designed to fleece the people out of their hard earned fiat currency.......huge difference. We are not governed, we are debt slaves and the IMF actually owns USA.INC and took it into receivership in 1950. It's a fact and easily documented. James Traficant gave an incredible speech on the House floor detailing the bankruptcy and thus became a pariah for exposing the fraud.
Trump Is Losing Support Among Men ElectoralVote

Donald Trump's whole campaign is based on winning white men—angry white men. Now, two national polls show that maybe he has gone too far, even for them. An NBC/WSJ poll puts Hillary Clinton ahead of Trump with all men 43% to 42%. A Bloomberg poll puts Trump ahead, but only by single digits. Mitt Romney carried men by 27 points. If Trump's margin with men is only a few points, he will do far worse than Romney, since Trump is in big trouble with every other demographic, especially women, minorities, and young people. A big part of Trump's problem is that college-educated men favored Romney in 2012, but this year they favor Clinton. While Trump is winning more blue-collar men and evangelical men, that is not enough to offset his losses among college graduates. Simulations show that even if he gets 99% of the white male non-college vote, Trump would still lose. (V)

NBC? Corporate owned, Wall Street Journal, corporate owned and the owners have a seat on the CFR that has endorsed Hitlery Clinton. How you can even endorse that klunt with a straight face given the baggage she has is a testimony as to how fucking stupid you are and the fact that morals, integrity and character have no room in the house of the leftard. I'm not saying that Trump is the latest, greatest thing because I have no dog in this fight because as a pre 14th amendment citizen, I am not eligible to vote under the Universal Commercial Code of admiralty ....but it sickens me when I see douches like you taking shots at Trump when you have someone as despicable as the Hilldebeast representing your side.
Pre 14th amendment citizen. ? Universal Commercial Code? WTF? We are done here. I don't deal with that sort of bizarre, psychotic crap.

Just because you don't understand the debt slavery system doesn't make it not so. Every child that is born is required via their parents to register their biological property in a national system to keep track of them and unless they register, they will not be able to work (unless you are an illegal, that is) because at the end of the day, we are just chattel under the ancient system of "pledging". Due to the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933, FDR pledged our labor and future earnings against what was owed to the international bankers. Until the bankruptcy, there had never been a need for a certificate of live birth. The birth certificate was printed on bond paper and "monetized" because under the UCC pretty much anything can be used as a negotiable instrument. Our sweat equity that moves this worthless fiat currency was made collateral on the debt that we did not incur. A situs trust was set up in your all caps name, copyrighted it and "da gubermint" made themselves the trustee of that collateral account when you sign up for a Social Security card and by doing so, you are giving consent to be a de-facto employee of USA.INC. They have to provide a remedy and give you the option of opting out. You lose the "safety net" and perks that come with being a "U.S citizen" as opposed to those that prefer the pre 14th amendment Citizen but I have found that I don't miss them at all. They certainly don't make it easy and the paperwork is a hassle but I have found it well worth the effort.

So you're an anti government sovereign citizen . I get it. Good by

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

No, I am for a government that is for the people and by the consent of the people instead of the corporate structure that is tasked with providing the 19 enumerated and essential services in a "for profit" venture that passes acts, statutes and codes all designed to fleece the people out of their hard earned fiat currency.......huge difference. We are not governed, we are debt slaves and the IMF actually owns USA.INC and took it into receivership in 1950. It's a fact and easily documented. James Traficant gave an incredible speech on the House floor detailing the bankruptcy and thus became a pariah for exposing the fraud.
OK, so what does all of this have to do with the topic of this thread?

New Donald Trump Leadership Team Well-Versed in Anti-LGBTQ Hate | Human Rights Campaign

Today HRC issued the following statement after the Trump campaign announced its new leadership team will include Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway, two political operatives with histories of anti-LGBTQ activism.

Bannon, who was named CEO of the Trump campaign today, launched a vile smear against transgender people during a May interview with the American Family Association while he was at the helm of Breitbart News. Bannon attacked non-discrimination protections that ensure transgender people are able to use facilities that match their gender identity, repeating the debunked claim that such protections force children to “go into a bathroom with a guy with a beard in a dress.” Meanwhile, Kellyanne Conway is a former pollster for the anti-LGBTQ National Organization for Marriage and has railed against the inclusion of open LGBTQ figures in pop culture and entertainment.

Besides her work with the National Organization for Marriage, Conway has objected to the inclusion of openly LGBTQ people in the media, saying of one television show that featured a lesbian couple that people, “...don’t want their kids looking at a cartoon with a bunch of lesbian mothers.”

The new hires come days after Trump courted anti-LGBTQ activists just 10 miles from the site of the Pulse tragedy in Orlando that took the lives of 49 LGBTQ people and allies. Among the organizations attending was Liberty Counsel, which supports and defends archaic laws criminalizing LGBTQ people with harsh punishments around the world, and has condemned President Obama and the U.S. government for speaking out against such laws, saying, “America should not be trying to make that country act in an immoral way.”
NBC? Corporate owned, Wall Street Journal, corporate owned and the owners have a seat on the CFR that has endorsed Hitlery Clinton. How you can even endorse that klunt with a straight face given the baggage she has is a testimony as to how fucking stupid you are and the fact that morals, integrity and character have no room in the house of the leftard. I'm not saying that Trump is the latest, greatest thing because I have no dog in this fight because as a pre 14th amendment citizen, I am not eligible to vote under the Universal Commercial Code of admiralty ....but it sickens me when I see douches like you taking shots at Trump when you have someone as despicable as the Hilldebeast representing your side.
Pre 14th amendment citizen. ? Universal Commercial Code? WTF? We are done here. I don't deal with that sort of bizarre, psychotic crap.

Just because you don't understand the debt slavery system doesn't make it not so. Every child that is born is required via their parents to register their biological property in a national system to keep track of them and unless they register, they will not be able to work (unless you are an illegal, that is) because at the end of the day, we are just chattel under the ancient system of "pledging". Due to the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933, FDR pledged our labor and future earnings against what was owed to the international bankers. Until the bankruptcy, there had never been a need for a certificate of live birth. The birth certificate was printed on bond paper and "monetized" because under the UCC pretty much anything can be used as a negotiable instrument. Our sweat equity that moves this worthless fiat currency was made collateral on the debt that we did not incur. A situs trust was set up in your all caps name, copyrighted it and "da gubermint" made themselves the trustee of that collateral account when you sign up for a Social Security card and by doing so, you are giving consent to be a de-facto employee of USA.INC. They have to provide a remedy and give you the option of opting out. You lose the "safety net" and perks that come with being a "U.S citizen" as opposed to those that prefer the pre 14th amendment Citizen but I have found that I don't miss them at all. They certainly don't make it easy and the paperwork is a hassle but I have found it well worth the effort.

So you're an anti government sovereign citizen . I get it. Good by

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

No, I am for a government that is for the people and by the consent of the people instead of the corporate structure that is tasked with providing the 19 enumerated and essential services in a "for profit" venture that passes acts, statutes and codes all designed to fleece the people out of their hard earned fiat currency.......huge difference. We are not governed, we are debt slaves and the IMF actually owns USA.INC and took it into receivership in 1950. It's a fact and easily documented. James Traficant gave an incredible speech on the House floor detailing the bankruptcy and thus became a pariah for exposing the fraud.
OK, so what does all of this have to do with the topic of this thread?

I stopped wasting my time with that Conspiracy Master a long time ago.
The Republican party is known for instilling fear on party members and now the very leaders who instill said fear, are experiencing some fear of their own. Since Trump has been acting so erratically lately claiming that the system is rigged, the election is rigged and the media conspires against him, they are afraid that Donald is going to they are discussing what they are going to do if he does quit.

It's a toss up now, as to who is whackier....the Donald or the Republican party. Of course he isn't going to quit....he's just setting himself up for the beating he is going to take and looking for an excuse as to why he lost, once the election is over.

They had their chance at ousting him at the start of their convention, but like fools they believed that they could control Donald, make him look presidential and then tell him what to do once he was President. Little did they know that he would just feign obedience long enough to get their support and then like the idiot that he is, self destruct right before their eyes.

It's a sad time for the Republican party....most of it's members here on this forum no longer claim to be Republican and the wiser ones claim to not support Trump....but they don't fool anybody....they're still hoping that "Unicorn" fairytales still come true and Donald will all of a sudden become the intelligent, experienced President they have always dreamed of.

Donald Trump’s relations with the Republican Party – and his political fortunes – worsened dramatically Wednesday, as party leaders fretted openly about the inability of his campaign staff to control him and even began to discuss what to do if their unpredictable nominee suddenly quit the race.

“A sense of panic is rising” among GOP elected officials and operatives, said Ed Rogers, a former Republican White House official.

“Serious, senior lawyers” have begun researching how the rules would work if the party had to replace Trump on the ticket, a senior GOP figure in Washington with close ties to the party hierarchy confirmed.

'A sense of panic is rising' among Republicans over Trump, including talk of what to do if he quits
We have a totalitarian one party media that allows people to be harassed and spat on at a rally and they will not cover it. You are one dumb fuck! Does the "liberty" mean anything to you ditzy?
Pre 14th amendment citizen. ? Universal Commercial Code? WTF? We are done here. I don't deal with that sort of bizarre, psychotic crap.

Just because you don't understand the debt slavery system doesn't make it not so. Every child that is born is required via their parents to register their biological property in a national system to keep track of them and unless they register, they will not be able to work (unless you are an illegal, that is) because at the end of the day, we are just chattel under the ancient system of "pledging". Due to the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933, FDR pledged our labor and future earnings against what was owed to the international bankers. Until the bankruptcy, there had never been a need for a certificate of live birth. The birth certificate was printed on bond paper and "monetized" because under the UCC pretty much anything can be used as a negotiable instrument. Our sweat equity that moves this worthless fiat currency was made collateral on the debt that we did not incur. A situs trust was set up in your all caps name, copyrighted it and "da gubermint" made themselves the trustee of that collateral account when you sign up for a Social Security card and by doing so, you are giving consent to be a de-facto employee of USA.INC. They have to provide a remedy and give you the option of opting out. You lose the "safety net" and perks that come with being a "U.S citizen" as opposed to those that prefer the pre 14th amendment Citizen but I have found that I don't miss them at all. They certainly don't make it easy and the paperwork is a hassle but I have found it well worth the effort.

So you're an anti government sovereign citizen . I get it. Good by

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

No, I am for a government that is for the people and by the consent of the people instead of the corporate structure that is tasked with providing the 19 enumerated and essential services in a "for profit" venture that passes acts, statutes and codes all designed to fleece the people out of their hard earned fiat currency.......huge difference. We are not governed, we are debt slaves and the IMF actually owns USA.INC and took it into receivership in 1950. It's a fact and easily documented. James Traficant gave an incredible speech on the House floor detailing the bankruptcy and thus became a pariah for exposing the fraud.
OK, so what does all of this have to do with the topic of this thread?

I stopped wasting my time with that Conspiracy Master a long time ago.

No, you got tired of getting your ass kicked because you couldn't refute a fucking thing I was posting about.
The Republican party is known for instilling fear on party members and now the very leaders who instill said fear, are experiencing some fear of their own. Since Trump has been acting so erratically lately claiming that the system is rigged, the election is rigged and the media conspires against him, they are afraid that Donald is going to they are discussing what they are going to do if he does quit.

It's a toss up now, as to who is whackier....the Donald or the Republican party. Of course he isn't going to quit....he's just setting himself up for the beating he is going to take and looking for an excuse as to why he lost, once the election is over.

They had their chance at ousting him at the start of their convention, but like fools they believed that they could control Donald, make him look presidential and then tell him what to do once he was President. Little did they know that he would just feign obedience long enough to get their support and then like the idiot that he is, self destruct right before their eyes.

It's a sad time for the Republican party....most of it's members here on this forum no longer claim to be Republican and the wiser ones claim to not support Trump....but they don't fool anybody....they're still hoping that "Unicorn" fairytales still come true and Donald will all of a sudden become the intelligent, experienced President they have always dreamed of.

Donald Trump’s relations with the Republican Party – and his political fortunes – worsened dramatically Wednesday, as party leaders fretted openly about the inability of his campaign staff to control him and even began to discuss what to do if their unpredictable nominee suddenly quit the race.

“A sense of panic is rising” among GOP elected officials and operatives, said Ed Rogers, a former Republican White House official.

“Serious, senior lawyers” have begun researching how the rules would work if the party had to replace Trump on the ticket, a senior GOP figure in Washington with close ties to the party hierarchy confirmed.

'A sense of panic is rising' among Republicans over Trump, including talk of what to do if he quits
We have a totalitarian one party media that allows people to be harassed and spat on at a rally and they will not cover it. You are one dumb fuck! Does the "liberty" mean anything to you ditzy?

You're so full of shit. You have Faux News....that tells Republicans what they want to hear, even if it isn't true. You're the dumb fuck, idiot.

Go fix the Confederate flag covering your living room windows and straighten out the Swastika over your's a little crooked.
Trump Is Losing Support Among Men ElectoralVote

Donald Trump's whole campaign is based on winning white men—angry white men. Now, two national polls show that maybe he has gone too far, even for them. An NBC/WSJ poll puts Hillary Clinton ahead of Trump with all men 43% to 42%. A Bloomberg poll puts Trump ahead, but only by single digits. Mitt Romney carried men by 27 points. If Trump's margin with men is only a few points, he will do far worse than Romney, since Trump is in big trouble with every other demographic, especially women, minorities, and young people. A big part of Trump's problem is that college-educated men favored Romney in 2012, but this year they favor Clinton. While Trump is winning more blue-collar men and evangelical men, that is not enough to offset his losses among college graduates. Simulations show that even if he gets 99% of the white male non-college vote, Trump would still lose. (V)

Maybe the blacks that T-rump was addressing when he said "what have you got to lose" are the few that are his supporters? Maybe that is why he said what he said.....they're uneducated (like the rest of his supporters) and probably don't have much to lose.
The Republican party is known for instilling fear on party members and now the very leaders who instill said fear, are experiencing some fear of their own. Since Trump has been acting so erratically lately claiming that the system is rigged, the election is rigged and the media conspires against him, they are afraid that Donald is going to they are discussing what they are going to do if he does quit.

It's a toss up now, as to who is whackier....the Donald or the Republican party. Of course he isn't going to quit....he's just setting himself up for the beating he is going to take and looking for an excuse as to why he lost, once the election is over.

They had their chance at ousting him at the start of their convention, but like fools they believed that they could control Donald, make him look presidential and then tell him what to do once he was President. Little did they know that he would just feign obedience long enough to get their support and then like the idiot that he is, self destruct right before their eyes.

It's a sad time for the Republican party....most of it's members here on this forum no longer claim to be Republican and the wiser ones claim to not support Trump....but they don't fool anybody....they're still hoping that "Unicorn" fairytales still come true and Donald will all of a sudden become the intelligent, experienced President they have always dreamed of.

Donald Trump’s relations with the Republican Party – and his political fortunes – worsened dramatically Wednesday, as party leaders fretted openly about the inability of his campaign staff to control him and even began to discuss what to do if their unpredictable nominee suddenly quit the race.

“A sense of panic is rising” among GOP elected officials and operatives, said Ed Rogers, a former Republican White House official.

“Serious, senior lawyers” have begun researching how the rules would work if the party had to replace Trump on the ticket, a senior GOP figure in Washington with close ties to the party hierarchy confirmed.

'A sense of panic is rising' among Republicans over Trump, including talk of what to do if he quits
We have a totalitarian one party media that allows people to be harassed and spat on at a rally and they will not cover it. You are one dumb fuck! Does the "liberty" mean anything to you ditzy?

You're so full of shit. You have Faux News....that tells Republicans what they want to hear, even if it isn't true. You're the dumb fuck, idiot.

Go fix the Confederate flag covering your living room windows and straighten out the Swastika over your's a little crooked.

That's pretty fucking funny coming from a little commie like yourself. Nazism is socialism where the state practices totalitarianism....which falls right in line with the thinking of the leftard clown posse.
Trump Is Losing Support Among Men ElectoralVote

Donald Trump's whole campaign is based on winning white men—angry white men. Now, two national polls show that maybe he has gone too far, even for them. An NBC/WSJ poll puts Hillary Clinton ahead of Trump with all men 43% to 42%. A Bloomberg poll puts Trump ahead, but only by single digits. Mitt Romney carried men by 27 points. If Trump's margin with men is only a few points, he will do far worse than Romney, since Trump is in big trouble with every other demographic, especially women, minorities, and young people. A big part of Trump's problem is that college-educated men favored Romney in 2012, but this year they favor Clinton. While Trump is winning more blue-collar men and evangelical men, that is not enough to offset his losses among college graduates. Simulations show that even if he gets 99% of the white male non-college vote, Trump would still lose. (V)

Maybe the blacks that T-rump was addressing when he said "what have you got to lose" are the few that are his supporters? Maybe that is why he said what he said.....they're uneducated (like the rest of his supporters) and probably don't have much to lose.

No, what Trump was saying that blacks haven't been any better off under leftard rule so what would they have to lose by voting for Trump when they will gain nothing by voting for need to "thank" me...I'm a giver.
The Republican party is known for instilling fear on party members and now the very leaders who instill said fear, are experiencing some fear of their own. Since Trump has been acting so erratically lately claiming that the system is rigged, the election is rigged and the media conspires against him, they are afraid that Donald is going to they are discussing what they are going to do if he does quit.

It's a toss up now, as to who is whackier....the Donald or the Republican party. Of course he isn't going to quit....he's just setting himself up for the beating he is going to take and looking for an excuse as to why he lost, once the election is over.

They had their chance at ousting him at the start of their convention, but like fools they believed that they could control Donald, make him look presidential and then tell him what to do once he was President. Little did they know that he would just feign obedience long enough to get their support and then like the idiot that he is, self destruct right before their eyes.

It's a sad time for the Republican party....most of it's members here on this forum no longer claim to be Republican and the wiser ones claim to not support Trump....but they don't fool anybody....they're still hoping that "Unicorn" fairytales still come true and Donald will all of a sudden become the intelligent, experienced President they have always dreamed of.

Donald Trump’s relations with the Republican Party – and his political fortunes – worsened dramatically Wednesday, as party leaders fretted openly about the inability of his campaign staff to control him and even began to discuss what to do if their unpredictable nominee suddenly quit the race.

“A sense of panic is rising” among GOP elected officials and operatives, said Ed Rogers, a former Republican White House official.

“Serious, senior lawyers” have begun researching how the rules would work if the party had to replace Trump on the ticket, a senior GOP figure in Washington with close ties to the party hierarchy confirmed.

'A sense of panic is rising' among Republicans over Trump, including talk of what to do if he quits
We have a totalitarian one party media that allows people to be harassed and spat on at a rally and they will not cover it. You are one dumb fuck! Does the "liberty" mean anything to you ditzy?

You're so full of shit. You have Faux News....that tells Republicans what they want to hear, even if it isn't true. You're the dumb fuck, idiot.

Go fix the Confederate flag covering your living room windows and straighten out the Swastika over your's a little crooked.

That's pretty fucking funny coming from a little commie like yourself. Nazism is socialism where the state practices totalitarianism....which falls right in line with the thinking of the leftard clown posse.

You're so fucking delusional and stupid.....I won't even bother trying to respond to your gibberish. Go fuck yourself.
The Republican party is known for instilling fear on party members and now the very leaders who instill said fear, are experiencing some fear of their own. Since Trump has been acting so erratically lately claiming that the system is rigged, the election is rigged and the media conspires against him, they are afraid that Donald is going to they are discussing what they are going to do if he does quit.

It's a toss up now, as to who is whackier....the Donald or the Republican party. Of course he isn't going to quit....he's just setting himself up for the beating he is going to take and looking for an excuse as to why he lost, once the election is over.

They had their chance at ousting him at the start of their convention, but like fools they believed that they could control Donald, make him look presidential and then tell him what to do once he was President. Little did they know that he would just feign obedience long enough to get their support and then like the idiot that he is, self destruct right before their eyes.

It's a sad time for the Republican party....most of it's members here on this forum no longer claim to be Republican and the wiser ones claim to not support Trump....but they don't fool anybody....they're still hoping that "Unicorn" fairytales still come true and Donald will all of a sudden become the intelligent, experienced President they have always dreamed of.

Donald Trump’s relations with the Republican Party – and his political fortunes – worsened dramatically Wednesday, as party leaders fretted openly about the inability of his campaign staff to control him and even began to discuss what to do if their unpredictable nominee suddenly quit the race.

“A sense of panic is rising” among GOP elected officials and operatives, said Ed Rogers, a former Republican White House official.

“Serious, senior lawyers” have begun researching how the rules would work if the party had to replace Trump on the ticket, a senior GOP figure in Washington with close ties to the party hierarchy confirmed.

'A sense of panic is rising' among Republicans over Trump, including talk of what to do if he quits
We have a totalitarian one party media that allows people to be harassed and spat on at a rally and they will not cover it. You are one dumb fuck! Does the "liberty" mean anything to you ditzy?

You're so full of shit. You have Faux News....that tells Republicans what they want to hear, even if it isn't true. You're the dumb fuck, idiot.

Go fix the Confederate flag covering your living room windows and straighten out the Swastika over your's a little crooked.

That's pretty fucking funny coming from a little commie like yourself. Nazism is socialism where the state practices totalitarianism....which falls right in line with the thinking of the leftard clown posse.

You're so fucking delusional and stupid.....I won't even bother trying to respond to your gibberish. Go fuck yourself.

You are better off not even trying because I will kick your cyber ass up and down this board..You are small uninformed shill. Hope this helps!!!!
The Republican party is known for instilling fear on party members and now the very leaders who instill said fear, are experiencing some fear of their own. Since Trump has been acting so erratically lately claiming that the system is rigged, the election is rigged and the media conspires against him, they are afraid that Donald is going to they are discussing what they are going to do if he does quit.

It's a toss up now, as to who is whackier....the Donald or the Republican party. Of course he isn't going to quit....he's just setting himself up for the beating he is going to take and looking for an excuse as to why he lost, once the election is over.

They had their chance at ousting him at the start of their convention, but like fools they believed that they could control Donald, make him look presidential and then tell him what to do once he was President. Little did they know that he would just feign obedience long enough to get their support and then like the idiot that he is, self destruct right before their eyes.

It's a sad time for the Republican party....most of it's members here on this forum no longer claim to be Republican and the wiser ones claim to not support Trump....but they don't fool anybody....they're still hoping that "Unicorn" fairytales still come true and Donald will all of a sudden become the intelligent, experienced President they have always dreamed of.

Donald Trump’s relations with the Republican Party – and his political fortunes – worsened dramatically Wednesday, as party leaders fretted openly about the inability of his campaign staff to control him and even began to discuss what to do if their unpredictable nominee suddenly quit the race.

“A sense of panic is rising” among GOP elected officials and operatives, said Ed Rogers, a former Republican White House official.

“Serious, senior lawyers” have begun researching how the rules would work if the party had to replace Trump on the ticket, a senior GOP figure in Washington with close ties to the party hierarchy confirmed.

'A sense of panic is rising' among Republicans over Trump, including talk of what to do if he quits
Donald is punking the political system. I bet he didnt realize he would make it this far.
Trump Is Losing Support Among Men ElectoralVote

Donald Trump's whole campaign is based on winning white men—angry white men. Now, two national polls show that maybe he has gone too far, even for them. An NBC/WSJ poll puts Hillary Clinton ahead of Trump with all men 43% to 42%. A Bloomberg poll puts Trump ahead, but only by single digits. Mitt Romney carried men by 27 points. If Trump's margin with men is only a few points, he will do far worse than Romney, since Trump is in big trouble with every other demographic, especially women, minorities, and young people. A big part of Trump's problem is that college-educated men favored Romney in 2012, but this year they favor Clinton. While Trump is winning more blue-collar men and evangelical men, that is not enough to offset his losses among college graduates. Simulations show that even if he gets 99% of the white male non-college vote, Trump would still lose. (V)

Maybe the blacks that T-rump was addressing when he said "what have you got to lose" are the few that are his supporters? Maybe that is why he said what he said.....they're uneducated (like the rest of his supporters) and probably don't have much to lose.
You can rest assured these type of fools are the vast minority of Black people. I'm actually glad he asked what did we have to lose. I made me think of all the things he could affect just being a candidate.
The Republican party is known for instilling fear on party members and now the very leaders who instill said fear, are experiencing some fear of their own. Since Trump has been acting so erratically lately claiming that the system is rigged, the election is rigged and the media conspires against him, they are afraid that Donald is going to they are discussing what they are going to do if he does quit.

It's a toss up now, as to who is whackier....the Donald or the Republican party. Of course he isn't going to quit....he's just setting himself up for the beating he is going to take and looking for an excuse as to why he lost, once the election is over.

They had their chance at ousting him at the start of their convention, but like fools they believed that they could control Donald, make him look presidential and then tell him what to do once he was President. Little did they know that he would just feign obedience long enough to get their support and then like the idiot that he is, self destruct right before their eyes.

It's a sad time for the Republican party....most of it's members here on this forum no longer claim to be Republican and the wiser ones claim to not support Trump....but they don't fool anybody....they're still hoping that "Unicorn" fairytales still come true and Donald will all of a sudden become the intelligent, experienced President they have always dreamed of.

Donald Trump’s relations with the Republican Party – and his political fortunes – worsened dramatically Wednesday, as party leaders fretted openly about the inability of his campaign staff to control him and even began to discuss what to do if their unpredictable nominee suddenly quit the race.

“A sense of panic is rising” among GOP elected officials and operatives, said Ed Rogers, a former Republican White House official.

“Serious, senior lawyers” have begun researching how the rules would work if the party had to replace Trump on the ticket, a senior GOP figure in Washington with close ties to the party hierarchy confirmed.

'A sense of panic is rising' among Republicans over Trump, including talk of what to do if he quits
Donald is punking the political system. I bet he didnt realize he would make it this far.

So where were you when Hitlery was taking on the Barrypuppet? You seem to have so much faith in her now that you lacked back in 2008....what changed? Since then, we have found out just what a scammer she is by selling diplomacy for cash...what makes you think that she will look out for those that have the least to offer her????
Trump Is Losing Support Among Men ElectoralVote

Donald Trump's whole campaign is based on winning white men—angry white men. Now, two national polls show that maybe he has gone too far, even for them. An NBC/WSJ poll puts Hillary Clinton ahead of Trump with all men 43% to 42%. A Bloomberg poll puts Trump ahead, but only by single digits. Mitt Romney carried men by 27 points. If Trump's margin with men is only a few points, he will do far worse than Romney, since Trump is in big trouble with every other demographic, especially women, minorities, and young people. A big part of Trump's problem is that college-educated men favored Romney in 2012, but this year they favor Clinton. While Trump is winning more blue-collar men and evangelical men, that is not enough to offset his losses among college graduates. Simulations show that even if he gets 99% of the white male non-college vote, Trump would still lose. (V)

Maybe the blacks that T-rump was addressing when he said "what have you got to lose" are the few that are his supporters? Maybe that is why he said what he said.....they're uneducated (like the rest of his supporters) and probably don't have much to lose.
You can rest assured these type of fools are the vast minority of Black people. I'm actually glad he asked what did we have to lose. I made me think of all the things he could affect just being a candidate.

Yeah, the Barrypuppet lifted up black folks and provided them with a lot of decent paying jobs.........(snicker)
The Republican party is known for instilling fear on party members and now the very leaders who instill said fear, are experiencing some fear of their own. Since Trump has been acting so erratically lately claiming that the system is rigged, the election is rigged and the media conspires against him, they are afraid that Donald is going to they are discussing what they are going to do if he does quit.

It's a toss up now, as to who is whackier....the Donald or the Republican party. Of course he isn't going to quit....he's just setting himself up for the beating he is going to take and looking for an excuse as to why he lost, once the election is over.

They had their chance at ousting him at the start of their convention, but like fools they believed that they could control Donald, make him look presidential and then tell him what to do once he was President. Little did they know that he would just feign obedience long enough to get their support and then like the idiot that he is, self destruct right before their eyes.

It's a sad time for the Republican party....most of it's members here on this forum no longer claim to be Republican and the wiser ones claim to not support Trump....but they don't fool anybody....they're still hoping that "Unicorn" fairytales still come true and Donald will all of a sudden become the intelligent, experienced President they have always dreamed of.

Donald Trump’s relations with the Republican Party – and his political fortunes – worsened dramatically Wednesday, as party leaders fretted openly about the inability of his campaign staff to control him and even began to discuss what to do if their unpredictable nominee suddenly quit the race.

“A sense of panic is rising” among GOP elected officials and operatives, said Ed Rogers, a former Republican White House official.

“Serious, senior lawyers” have begun researching how the rules would work if the party had to replace Trump on the ticket, a senior GOP figure in Washington with close ties to the party hierarchy confirmed.

'A sense of panic is rising' among Republicans over Trump, including talk of what to do if he quits
Donald is punking the political system. I bet he didnt realize he would make it this far.

So where were you when Hitlery was taking on the Barrypuppet? You seem to have so much faith in her now that you lacked back in 2008....what changed? Since then, we have found out just what a scammer she is by selling diplomacy for cash...what makes you think that she will look out for those that have the least to offer her????
I dont have faith in her. I dont even like her. I just know Drumpf is a walking disaster looking for a place to happen.

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