GOP's Fear Mongering Backfiring on GOP Leaders

Geez, I keep forgetting that you said you didn't support Trump. You sound just like the rest of the stupid Trump Supporters, I'm going to have to put a post-it note to remind myself that you don't support just sound like one who does.......:badgrin:
Being anti-Hillery doesn't make one a Trump supporter. Leftards like to try and put people into categories and then label them. It's in the Sal Alinsky handbook.

Aren't you the one that isn't a "citizen"? Nobody cares what you have to say.

I am an American citizen....not a U.S citizen....two very different things.
You cannot opt, Dale Gubermint, simple fact.

weasel is scared silly of the beat down Red Donald will get in November.

Only a stupid fuckwad like you believes you have fair elections in this banana republic that is USA.INC. I have been kicking the dogshit out of leftard trolls just like you for 16 years and none of you ever change. (snicker).

I opted out of the UCC and U.S with it.

Not a real challenge in this regard.

Jake the phoney has been challenged to take his stuff to the bullring on several occasions....and like Debbie Wasserman Shultz, he pussied out.

He'll post some garbage (which I won't read because he is on ignore...but I can see you are responding to him when I quote your post), that sounds like the black knight from Montey Python.

He's not only a waste of oxygen, he's a liar.

Voting is worshiping? How did you get to be a such an ugly cvnt?

Not only do you vote for them, you defend them. How far back have you had your head up the Republican's party's ass?
The party is made of individuals, many I don't agree with. Many I do, depending on how well they reflect conservativism. Like I said, you are an ugly cvnt. Nothing less.

You are a douchebag....a hypocritical douchebag.
I haven't said anything hypocritical. You are a lying cvnt, nothing less.

And you are a hypocritical pussy douchebag....nothing less.

I'd say you are another candidate for the bullring.

You hide behind your terminal and call people names.

Why not call them out, get some judges and see how well you do ?
Not only do you vote for them, you defend them. How far back have you had your head up the Republican's party's ass?
The party is made of individuals, many I don't agree with. Many I do, depending on how well they reflect conservativism. Like I said, you are an ugly cvnt. Nothing less.

You are a douchebag....a hypocritical douchebag.
I haven't said anything hypocritical. You are a lying cvnt, nothing less.

And you are a hypocritical pussy douchebag....nothing less.

I'd say you are another candidate for the bullring.

You hide behind your terminal and call people names.

Why not call them out, get some judges and see how well you do ?
Mertex, Sun Devil can't follow up his challenges. I put him on Ignore a long time ago, he went crazy, and is now telling everyone he put me on Ignore. :lol: He is one of those silly southwest hard core hard right LDS who believes in the Glenn Beck end of days nonsense. He simply throws out names and bed wets when he is made to look stupid. He is one of the so-called GOP fear mongers who know realize their candidate cannot possible win and he is incandescent in rage.
I don't want that illuminati witch that is thicker than thieves with the very ones killing this country being the CEO of fucking way, no how.

Maybe someone needs to tell you, it's not about you. Hillary is giving Trump a thumping, and I'm surprised that some idiots are still hanging on to the buffoon.
How is she giving him a thumping? There are no presidential elections going on. He hasn't even started his ad campaign yet!

Wow, not only are you a douchebag, you are a stupid douchebag. If you can't decipher the polls, you must be mental too, like Trump.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton!
It's about a 7 point lead on average, Sugartits. And the anti-Hilly ads aren't really out there yet so your victory dance is just childish at this point.
No, but this unhinged, over the top, deranged horseshit from Trump supporters is:

Bryan Fischer: 'Hillary Clinton Is Motivated By The Spirit Of The Antichrist'
Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Tuesday, 8/16/2016 10:25 am
Fresh from telling his radio audience that they cannot vote for Hillary Clinton because "women should not be entrusted with high political office," Bryan Fischer declared yesterday that Clinton cannot be allowed to become president because she is driven by the "spirit of the Antichrist."

Just like President Obama, Fischer explained, Clinton is "an enemy of religious liberty" who is driven by a "profound anti-Christ impulse."

"The same spirit that will one day animate the Antichrist is the same spirit that is at work in Hillary Clinton," he said. "She opposes Christ, she opposes biblical Christianity, she's hostile to it, she seeks to repress it, she seeks to punish it and she seeks to stifle it. That is the spirit of the Antichrist and it is at work in Hillary Clinton."
I don't want that illuminati witch that is thicker than thieves with the very ones killing this country being the CEO of fucking way, no how.

Maybe someone needs to tell you, it's not about you. Hillary is giving Trump a thumping, and I'm surprised that some idiots are still hanging on to the buffoon.
How is she giving him a thumping? There are no presidential elections going on. He hasn't even started his ad campaign yet!

Wow, not only are you a douchebag, you are a stupid douchebag. If you can't decipher the polls, you must be mental too, like Trump.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton!
It's about a 7 point lead on average, Sugartits. And the anti-Hilly ads aren't really out there yet so your victory dance is just childish at this point.
No, but this unhinged, over the top, deranged horseshit from Trump supporters is:

Bryan Fischer: 'Hillary Clinton Is Motivated By The Spirit Of The Antichrist'
Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Tuesday, 8/16/2016 10:25 am
Fresh from telling his radio audience that they cannot vote for Hillary Clinton because "women should not be entrusted with high political office," Bryan Fischer declared yesterday that Clinton cannot be allowed to become president because she is driven by the "spirit of the Antichrist."

Just like President Obama, Fischer explained, Clinton is "an enemy of religious liberty" who is driven by a "profound anti-Christ impulse."

"The same spirit that will one day animate the Antichrist is the same spirit that is at work in Hillary Clinton," he said. "She opposes Christ, she opposes biblical Christianity, she's hostile to it, she seeks to repress it, she seeks to punish it and she seeks to stifle it. That is the spirit of the Antichrist and it is at work in Hillary Clinton."
Bryan who? Is he the right's spokesperson?
Maybe someone needs to tell you, it's not about you. Hillary is giving Trump a thumping, and I'm surprised that some idiots are still hanging on to the buffoon.
How is she giving him a thumping? There are no presidential elections going on. He hasn't even started his ad campaign yet!

Wow, not only are you a douchebag, you are a stupid douchebag. If you can't decipher the polls, you must be mental too, like Trump.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton!
It's about a 7 point lead on average, Sugartits. And the anti-Hilly ads aren't really out there yet so your victory dance is just childish at this point.
No, but this unhinged, over the top, deranged horseshit from Trump supporters is:

Bryan Fischer: 'Hillary Clinton Is Motivated By The Spirit Of The Antichrist'
Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Tuesday, 8/16/2016 10:25 am
Fresh from telling his radio audience that they cannot vote for Hillary Clinton because "women should not be entrusted with high political office," Bryan Fischer declared yesterday that Clinton cannot be allowed to become president because she is driven by the "spirit of the Antichrist."

Just like President Obama, Fischer explained, Clinton is "an enemy of religious liberty" who is driven by a "profound anti-Christ impulse."

"The same spirit that will one day animate the Antichrist is the same spirit that is at work in Hillary Clinton," he said. "She opposes Christ, she opposes biblical Christianity, she's hostile to it, she seeks to repress it, she seeks to punish it and she seeks to stifle it. That is the spirit of the Antichrist and it is at work in Hillary Clinton."
Bryan who? Is he the right's spokesperson?
If you don't know, you're not a good minion of the far right fringe.
I don't want that illuminati witch that is thicker than thieves with the very ones killing this country being the CEO of fucking way, no how.

Maybe someone needs to tell you, it's not about you. Hillary is giving Trump a thumping, and I'm surprised that some idiots are still hanging on to the buffoon.
How is she giving him a thumping? There are no presidential elections going on. He hasn't even started his ad campaign yet!

Wow, not only are you a douchebag, you are a stupid douchebag. If you can't decipher the polls, you must be mental too, like Trump.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton!
It's about a 7 point lead on average, Sugartits. And the anti-Hilly ads aren't really out there yet so your victory dance is just childish at this point.
No, but this unhinged, over the top, deranged horseshit from Trump supporters is:

Bryan Fischer: 'Hillary Clinton Is Motivated By The Spirit Of The Antichrist'
Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Tuesday, 8/16/2016 10:25 am
Fresh from telling his radio audience that they cannot vote for Hillary Clinton because "women should not be entrusted with high political office," Bryan Fischer declared yesterday that Clinton cannot be allowed to become president because she is driven by the "spirit of the Antichrist."

Just like President Obama, Fischer explained, Clinton is "an enemy of religious liberty" who is driven by a "profound anti-Christ impulse."

"The same spirit that will one day animate the Antichrist is the same spirit that is at work in Hillary Clinton," he said. "She opposes Christ, she opposes biblical Christianity, she's hostile to it, she seeks to repress it, she seeks to punish it and she seeks to stifle it. That is the spirit of the Antichrist and it is at work in Hillary Clinton."

Doncha love this kinda stuff.
You all think the far right is unhinged now, just wait until Commie Trump gets no more than 35% of the vote. The feds, staties, local LEO know who the baddies are, so no worry to the general public anyway.
How is she giving him a thumping? There are no presidential elections going on. He hasn't even started his ad campaign yet!

Wow, not only are you a douchebag, you are a stupid douchebag. If you can't decipher the polls, you must be mental too, like Trump.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton!
It's about a 7 point lead on average, Sugartits. And the anti-Hilly ads aren't really out there yet so your victory dance is just childish at this point.
No, but this unhinged, over the top, deranged horseshit from Trump supporters is:

Bryan Fischer: 'Hillary Clinton Is Motivated By The Spirit Of The Antichrist'
Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Tuesday, 8/16/2016 10:25 am
Fresh from telling his radio audience that they cannot vote for Hillary Clinton because "women should not be entrusted with high political office," Bryan Fischer declared yesterday that Clinton cannot be allowed to become president because she is driven by the "spirit of the Antichrist."

Just like President Obama, Fischer explained, Clinton is "an enemy of religious liberty" who is driven by a "profound anti-Christ impulse."

"The same spirit that will one day animate the Antichrist is the same spirit that is at work in Hillary Clinton," he said. "She opposes Christ, she opposes biblical Christianity, she's hostile to it, she seeks to repress it, she seeks to punish it and she seeks to stifle it. That is the spirit of the Antichrist and it is at work in Hillary Clinton."
Bryan who? Is he the right's spokesperson?
If you don't know, you're not a good minion of the far right fringe.

You are a great minion for the queer loving Fabian socialist far-left fringe....guess that's because you look like a queer yourself?
Wow, not only are you a douchebag, you are a stupid douchebag. If you can't decipher the polls, you must be mental too, like Trump.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton!
It's about a 7 point lead on average, Sugartits. And the anti-Hilly ads aren't really out there yet so your victory dance is just childish at this point.
No, but this unhinged, over the top, deranged horseshit from Trump supporters is:

Bryan Fischer: 'Hillary Clinton Is Motivated By The Spirit Of The Antichrist'
Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Tuesday, 8/16/2016 10:25 am
Fresh from telling his radio audience that they cannot vote for Hillary Clinton because "women should not be entrusted with high political office," Bryan Fischer declared yesterday that Clinton cannot be allowed to become president because she is driven by the "spirit of the Antichrist."

Just like President Obama, Fischer explained, Clinton is "an enemy of religious liberty" who is driven by a "profound anti-Christ impulse."

"The same spirit that will one day animate the Antichrist is the same spirit that is at work in Hillary Clinton," he said. "She opposes Christ, she opposes biblical Christianity, she's hostile to it, she seeks to repress it, she seeks to punish it and she seeks to stifle it. That is the spirit of the Antichrist and it is at work in Hillary Clinton."
Bryan who? Is he the right's spokesperson?
If you don't know, you're not a good minion of the far right fringe.

You are a great minion for the queer loving Fabian socialist far-left fringe....guess that's because you look like a queer yourself?

Keep trying to out stupid yourself. I'm getting a kick out of it!
It's about a 7 point lead on average, Sugartits. And the anti-Hilly ads aren't really out there yet so your victory dance is just childish at this point.
No, but this unhinged, over the top, deranged horseshit from Trump supporters is:

Bryan Fischer: 'Hillary Clinton Is Motivated By The Spirit Of The Antichrist'
Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Tuesday, 8/16/2016 10:25 am
Fresh from telling his radio audience that they cannot vote for Hillary Clinton because "women should not be entrusted with high political office," Bryan Fischer declared yesterday that Clinton cannot be allowed to become president because she is driven by the "spirit of the Antichrist."

Just like President Obama, Fischer explained, Clinton is "an enemy of religious liberty" who is driven by a "profound anti-Christ impulse."

"The same spirit that will one day animate the Antichrist is the same spirit that is at work in Hillary Clinton," he said. "She opposes Christ, she opposes biblical Christianity, she's hostile to it, she seeks to repress it, she seeks to punish it and she seeks to stifle it. That is the spirit of the Antichrist and it is at work in Hillary Clinton."
Bryan who? Is he the right's spokesperson?
If you don't know, you're not a good minion of the far right fringe.

You are a great minion for the queer loving Fabian socialist far-left fringe....guess that's because you look like a queer yourself?

Keep trying to out stupid yourself. I'm getting a kick out of it!

I would have to "up" my game to match yours. I know what your kind is like...anyone that doesn't latch onto the socialist progressive ideology is a "fringe, far-rightwinger" which is utterly ridiculous and a tactic taken straight out of the Sal Alinsky book "Rules For Radicals". I know more than you....infinitely more.
No, but this unhinged, over the top, deranged horseshit from Trump supporters is:

Bryan Fischer: 'Hillary Clinton Is Motivated By The Spirit Of The Antichrist'
Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Tuesday, 8/16/2016 10:25 am
Fresh from telling his radio audience that they cannot vote for Hillary Clinton because "women should not be entrusted with high political office," Bryan Fischer declared yesterday that Clinton cannot be allowed to become president because she is driven by the "spirit of the Antichrist."

Just like President Obama, Fischer explained, Clinton is "an enemy of religious liberty" who is driven by a "profound anti-Christ impulse."

"The same spirit that will one day animate the Antichrist is the same spirit that is at work in Hillary Clinton," he said. "She opposes Christ, she opposes biblical Christianity, she's hostile to it, she seeks to repress it, she seeks to punish it and she seeks to stifle it. That is the spirit of the Antichrist and it is at work in Hillary Clinton."
Bryan who? Is he the right's spokesperson?
If you don't know, you're not a good minion of the far right fringe.

You are a great minion for the queer loving Fabian socialist far-left fringe....guess that's because you look like a queer yourself?

Keep trying to out stupid yourself. I'm getting a kick out of it!

I would have to "up" my game to match yours. I know what your kind is like...anyone that doesn't latch onto the socialist progressive ideology is a "fringe, far-rightwinger" which is utterly ridiculous and a tactic taken straight out of the Sal Alinsky book "Rules For Radicals". I know more than you....infinitely more.
Whatever you sat boss. You are so boring and tedious!
Bryan who? Is he the right's spokesperson?
If you don't know, you're not a good minion of the far right fringe.

You are a great minion for the queer loving Fabian socialist far-left fringe....guess that's because you look like a queer yourself?

Keep trying to out stupid yourself. I'm getting a kick out of it!

I would have to "up" my game to match yours. I know what your kind is like...anyone that doesn't latch onto the socialist progressive ideology is a "fringe, far-rightwinger" which is utterly ridiculous and a tactic taken straight out of the Sal Alinsky book "Rules For Radicals". I know more than you....infinitely more.
Whatever you sat boss. You are so boring and tedious!

That's because you have no way to refute the things I have researched and learned by taking the time to do so.
If you don't know, you're not a good minion of the far right fringe.

You are a great minion for the queer loving Fabian socialist far-left fringe....guess that's because you look like a queer yourself?

Keep trying to out stupid yourself. I'm getting a kick out of it!

I would have to "up" my game to match yours. I know what your kind is like...anyone that doesn't latch onto the socialist progressive ideology is a "fringe, far-rightwinger" which is utterly ridiculous and a tactic taken straight out of the Sal Alinsky book "Rules For Radicals". I know more than you....infinitely more.
Whatever you sat boss. You are so boring and tedious!

That's because you have no way to refute the things I have researched and learned by taking the time to do so.
You researched what, exactly? You make assumptions about people and blather idiotic clap trap.
Trump Is Losing Support Among Men ElectoralVote

Donald Trump's whole campaign is based on winning white men—angry white men. Now, two national polls show that maybe he has gone too far, even for them. An NBC/WSJ poll puts Hillary Clinton ahead of Trump with all men 43% to 42%. A Bloomberg poll puts Trump ahead, but only by single digits. Mitt Romney carried men by 27 points. If Trump's margin with men is only a few points, he will do far worse than Romney, since Trump is in big trouble with every other demographic, especially women, minorities, and young people. A big part of Trump's problem is that college-educated men favored Romney in 2012, but this year they favor Clinton. While Trump is winning more blue-collar men and evangelical men, that is not enough to offset his losses among college graduates. Simulations show that even if he gets 99% of the white male non-college vote, Trump would still lose. (V)
Trump Is Losing Support Among Men ElectoralVote

Donald Trump's whole campaign is based on winning white men—angry white men. Now, two national polls show that maybe he has gone too far, even for them. An NBC/WSJ poll puts Hillary Clinton ahead of Trump with all men 43% to 42%. A Bloomberg poll puts Trump ahead, but only by single digits. Mitt Romney carried men by 27 points. If Trump's margin with men is only a few points, he will do far worse than Romney, since Trump is in big trouble with every other demographic, especially women, minorities, and young people. A big part of Trump's problem is that college-educated men favored Romney in 2012, but this year they favor Clinton. While Trump is winning more blue-collar men and evangelical men, that is not enough to offset his losses among college graduates. Simulations show that even if he gets 99% of the white male non-college vote, Trump would still lose. (V)

NBC? Corporate owned, Wall Street Journal, corporate owned and the owners have a seat on the CFR that has endorsed Hitlery Clinton. How you can even endorse that klunt with a straight face given the baggage she has is a testimony as to how fucking stupid you are and the fact that morals, integrity and character have no room in the house of the leftard. I'm not saying that Trump is the latest, greatest thing because I have no dog in this fight because as a pre 14th amendment citizen, I am not eligible to vote under the Universal Commercial Code of admiralty ....but it sickens me when I see douches like you taking shots at Trump when you have someone as despicable as the Hilldebeast representing your side.
Trump Is Losing Support Among Men ElectoralVote

Donald Trump's whole campaign is based on winning white men—angry white men. Now, two national polls show that maybe he has gone too far, even for them. An NBC/WSJ poll puts Hillary Clinton ahead of Trump with all men 43% to 42%. A Bloomberg poll puts Trump ahead, but only by single digits. Mitt Romney carried men by 27 points. If Trump's margin with men is only a few points, he will do far worse than Romney, since Trump is in big trouble with every other demographic, especially women, minorities, and young people. A big part of Trump's problem is that college-educated men favored Romney in 2012, but this year they favor Clinton. While Trump is winning more blue-collar men and evangelical men, that is not enough to offset his losses among college graduates. Simulations show that even if he gets 99% of the white male non-college vote, Trump would still lose. (V)

NBC? Corporate owned, Wall Street Journal, corporate owned and the owners have a seat on the CFR that has endorsed Hitlery Clinton. How you can even endorse that klunt with a straight face given the baggage she has is a testimony as to how fucking stupid you are and the fact that morals, integrity and character have no room in the house of the leftard. I'm not saying that Trump is the latest, greatest thing because I have no dog in this fight because as a pre 14th amendment citizen, I am not eligible to vote under the Universal Commercial Code of admiralty ....but it sickens me when I see douches like you taking shots at Trump when you have someone as despicable as the Hilldebeast representing your side.
Pre 14th amendment citizen. ? Universal Commercial Code? WTF? We are done here. I don't deal with that sort of bizarre, psychotic crap.
Trump Is Losing Support Among Men ElectoralVote

Donald Trump's whole campaign is based on winning white men—angry white men. Now, two national polls show that maybe he has gone too far, even for them. An NBC/WSJ poll puts Hillary Clinton ahead of Trump with all men 43% to 42%. A Bloomberg poll puts Trump ahead, but only by single digits. Mitt Romney carried men by 27 points. If Trump's margin with men is only a few points, he will do far worse than Romney, since Trump is in big trouble with every other demographic, especially women, minorities, and young people. A big part of Trump's problem is that college-educated men favored Romney in 2012, but this year they favor Clinton. While Trump is winning more blue-collar men and evangelical men, that is not enough to offset his losses among college graduates. Simulations show that even if he gets 99% of the white male non-college vote, Trump would still lose. (V)

NBC? Corporate owned, Wall Street Journal, corporate owned and the owners have a seat on the CFR that has endorsed Hitlery Clinton. How you can even endorse that klunt with a straight face given the baggage she has is a testimony as to how fucking stupid you are and the fact that morals, integrity and character have no room in the house of the leftard. I'm not saying that Trump is the latest, greatest thing because I have no dog in this fight because as a pre 14th amendment citizen, I am not eligible to vote under the Universal Commercial Code of admiralty ....but it sickens me when I see douches like you taking shots at Trump when you have someone as despicable as the Hilldebeast representing your side.
Pre 14th amendment citizen. ? Universal Commercial Code? WTF? We are done here. I don't deal with that sort of bizarre, psychotic crap.

Just because you don't understand the debt slavery system doesn't make it not so. Every child that is born is required via their parents to register their biological property in a national system to keep track of them and unless they register, they will not be able to work (unless you are an illegal, that is) because at the end of the day, we are just chattel under the ancient system of "pledging". Due to the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933, FDR pledged our labor and future earnings against what was owed to the international bankers. Until the bankruptcy, there had never been a need for a certificate of live birth. The birth certificate was printed on bond paper and "monetized" because under the UCC pretty much anything can be used as a negotiable instrument. Our sweat equity that moves this worthless fiat currency was made collateral on the debt that we did not incur. A situs trust was set up in your all caps name, copyrighted it and "da gubermint" made themselves the trustee of that collateral account when you sign up for a Social Security card and by doing so, you are giving consent to be a de-facto employee of USA.INC. They have to provide a remedy and give you the option of opting out. You lose the "safety net" and perks that come with being a "U.S citizen" as opposed to those that prefer the pre 14th amendment Citizen but I have found that I don't miss them at all. They certainly don't make it easy and the paperwork is a hassle but I have found it well worth the effort.
Trump Is Losing Support Among Men ElectoralVote

Donald Trump's whole campaign is based on winning white men—angry white men. Now, two national polls show that maybe he has gone too far, even for them. An NBC/WSJ poll puts Hillary Clinton ahead of Trump with all men 43% to 42%. A Bloomberg poll puts Trump ahead, but only by single digits. Mitt Romney carried men by 27 points. If Trump's margin with men is only a few points, he will do far worse than Romney, since Trump is in big trouble with every other demographic, especially women, minorities, and young people. A big part of Trump's problem is that college-educated men favored Romney in 2012, but this year they favor Clinton. While Trump is winning more blue-collar men and evangelical men, that is not enough to offset his losses among college graduates. Simulations show that even if he gets 99% of the white male non-college vote, Trump would still lose. (V)

NBC? Corporate owned, Wall Street Journal, corporate owned and the owners have a seat on the CFR that has endorsed Hitlery Clinton. How you can even endorse that klunt with a straight face given the baggage she has is a testimony as to how fucking stupid you are and the fact that morals, integrity and character have no room in the house of the leftard. I'm not saying that Trump is the latest, greatest thing because I have no dog in this fight because as a pre 14th amendment citizen, I am not eligible to vote under the Universal Commercial Code of admiralty ....but it sickens me when I see douches like you taking shots at Trump when you have someone as despicable as the Hilldebeast representing your side.
Pre 14th amendment citizen. ? Universal Commercial Code? WTF? We are done here. I don't deal with that sort of bizarre, psychotic crap.

Just because you don't understand the debt slavery system doesn't make it not so. Every child that is born is required via their parents to register their biological property in a national system to keep track of them and unless they register, they will not be able to work (unless you are an illegal, that is) because at the end of the day, we are just chattel under the ancient system of "pledging". Due to the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933, FDR pledged our labor and future earnings against what was owed to the international bankers. Until the bankruptcy, there had never been a need for a certificate of live birth. The birth certificate was printed on bond paper and "monetized" because under the UCC pretty much anything can be used as a negotiable instrument. Our sweat equity that moves this worthless fiat currency was made collateral on the debt that we did not incur. A situs trust was set up in your all caps name, copyrighted it and "da gubermint" made themselves the trustee of that collateral account when you sign up for a Social Security card and by doing so, you are giving consent to be a de-facto employee of USA.INC. They have to provide a remedy and give you the option of opting out. You lose the "safety net" and perks that come with being a "U.S citizen" as opposed to those that prefer the pre 14th amendment Citizen but I have found that I don't miss them at all. They certainly don't make it easy and the paperwork is a hassle but I have found it well worth the effort.

So you're an anti government sovereign citizen . I get it. Good by

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