GOP 'WAR ON WOMEN'?! GOP doubles number of female House candidates

There is no difference between Republican and Democrat female candidates. They’re ALL Liberals or Progressives and do not deserve to even be discussed by anyone claiming to be a Conservative.
Ha yeah, if there is a 'War on Women', it's definitely Democrats who are waging it. :)

Well Al is having a hard time getting past that flack jacket even just to cop a feel. She at least, came prepared for battle.

So in the mind of a liberal, it is okay to disrespect a person if they are unaware or immune to it at the time it happens? Is that what you are getting at?

So in your warped view, is it okay for step-fathers to now molest the sleeping children of their spouses who are at work? Is that how this goes for you guys go now, is that it? It sure sounds like it. . . . .

In the photo Al is not touching her is he? It's a photo op, staged. Much like Griffins staged photo op. Cupcakes got melted.

As for your disguising insinuation that I somehow approve of child molestation, well you're just a piece of shit for that. So :fu:
I apologize, you are right, I totally misread you.

I guess as along as no one is touched, then it is all right.

So just being in possession of animated child porn is okay by you then?

Al certainly paid the price for that photo. Among other things. However, molesting children was never one of them. Nor did he have any animated child porn in his possession.

You seem a bit obsessed with child porn and child molestation.

One can only wonder why the subject was even raised.
It was an analogy about victimless morality. It apparently went straight over your head.

I can't say I am surprised one bit.

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