GOP = The party of law and order??


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
For over 50 years the GOP presented itself as the party of law and order. They praised our police, our national guard, FBI, CIA, NSA, and justice departments as guardians of our people, freedoms and our nation. The GOP framed the Liberals as crazy, and lazy pot smoking anarchists, out to send America into a godless, socialist hellhole. Conservative media outlets delighted in replaying Hillary Clinton's congressional grilling over her emails, and Benghazi, and were visibly giddy with joy as special counsel Ken Starr went after the Clintons, hammer and tong over the Whitewater real estate deal in the 90's. For over half a century Conservative lawmakers seized every opportunity to be photographed with FBI agents, Justice Dept. heads and intelligence community bigwigs. It's amazing how fast all that has changed........Let Donald Trump come under investigation, and all of a sudden America's justice system is corrupt, untrustworthy, and rotten to the core! Even GOP appointed law enforcement professionals like Robert Mueller and Rob Rosenstein are under suspicion, and only those who pledge loyalty oaths to Donald Trump (and ONLY Donald Trump) get to keep their jobs.

What happened to the party of law and order??

Law and order (politics) - Wikipedia

The 'Law And Order' Party Has Unleashed An Extraordinary Attack On Law Enforcement | HuffPost

Schwab: Party of law and order is now about money and power |
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What happened to the party of law and order??

DONALD J TRUMP - thats exactly what happened.

above the law and lawless - or so the mf'r thinks.
The problem with the left is that they were educated in front of the freaking T.V. set. The L:aw and Order show isn't real. If federal officers become corrupt we need to fix what's broken instead of relying on fiction and pretending everything is fine because tired old cable shows say so. It's clear that ranking members of the FBI obtained a surveillance warrant by using fiction and fiction doubled down as evidence. We need to hold those people responsible instead of pretending the FBI is full of supermen (and women) who can do no wrong.
The problem with the left is that they were educated in front of the freaking T.V. set. The L:aw and Order show isn't real. If federal officers become corrupt we need to fix what's broken instead of relying on fiction and pretending everything is fine because tired old cable shows say so. It's clear that ranking members of the FBI obtained a surveillance warrant by using fiction and fiction doubled down as evidence. We need to hold those people responsible instead of pretending the FBI is full of supermen (and women) who can do no wrong.

Except..that it is not clear at all. Setting aside the contents of the memo..for a moment....the way that it was released..the deliberate stifling of reeks of partisanship that it is hard for an objective observer to give it any real credence.

Law and order. From where I stand, both parties are playing fast and loose with the suits their purposes. This memo is me. It is not objective..and thus..where is the value?

Attacking our the hope of political gain---leaves the American people as the ultimate losers.

Anyone who thinks that this is not all about the midterms--has not been paying attention.
The problem with the left is that they were educated in front of the freaking T.V. set. The L:aw and Order show isn't real. If federal officers become corrupt we need to fix what's broken instead of relying on fiction and pretending everything is fine because tired old cable shows say so. It's clear that ranking members of the FBI obtained a surveillance warrant by using fiction and fiction doubled down as evidence. We need to hold those people responsible instead of pretending the FBI is full of supermen (and women) who can do no wrong.

Except..that it is not clear at all. Setting aside the contents of the memo..for a moment....the way that it was released..the deliberate stifling of reeks of partisanship that it is hard for an objective observer to give it any real credence.

Law and order. From where I stand, both parties are playing fast and loose with the suits their purposes. This memo is me. It is not objective..and thus..where is the value?

Attacking our the hope of political gain---leaves the American people as the ultimate losers.

Anyone who thinks that this is not all about the midterms--has not been paying attention.

It's about midterms for both parties. That's why the Democrats are scared shitless of letting the voters know what really took place with FISA and Hillary. They are doing everything they can to either stop that information from getting out or calling it bogus.

Even a federal judge on Friday stopped the Comey--Trump meeting memos from getting out using the phony excuse it would interfere in Mueller's investigation. These people are scared to death and I can't blame them, but it will all come out in the end, right before midterms.
The Mueller investigation is supossed to be about Russian interference in the 2016 election I can't remember the last time we heard anything about that from either party or the Mueller team or the media it's all been partisan bullshit to help one side or the other in this years midterms.

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