GOP Senators Urge Biden To Ban Travel From China As White Lung Pneumonia Spreads To US

Jim H - VA USA

Plutonium Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 19, 2020
This seems kind of like Deja Vu.

There is a "mystery illness" spreading wildly in China. It's been reported that it may have been spreading for quite some time.

The bug itself is not so much a mystery, but the huge number of children it is infecting apparently is.

China is spraying disinfectant again, and wearing masks.

There is an election in a year, and Trump is leading in the polls.

This mycoplasma pneumoniae is spreading mainly among youth. It's been reported that perhaps the isolation of lockdown, mask wearing, and social distancing has allowed common infections to surge.

A group of Republican senators wrote to President Biden on Friday calling on him to enact a travel ban on China over a “mystery illness” spreading in the PRC.

Given the Chinese Community Party’s history of lying about public health emergencies, as seen during the COVID-19 pandemic, the senators say the move is necessary “until we know more about the dangers posed by this new illness.”

Seems like that might be prudent at this time. When Trump did it, he was called a racist.

Will we soon have Democrats instituting lockdowns, mask wearing, social distancing, school and business closures, and no-excuse-needed mail-in voting to stop the spread and "protect the children?"

What will Biden do? Will he protect American children, or will he claim "it's just another flu?" :)




Memo to our politicians on both sides... do not try this again.... or you will lose your jobs....
I am with you, Brother, but I was with you the first time with COVID.

The question is, have they trained the populace to obey, or will the sheep willingly submit to tyranny again?
Do you want the USA locked down, Jim H - VA USA?


Governments pushed millions of people worldwide to get vaccinated... They got perfectly healthy young people to take the jab using false arguments. They called the people who refused to comply "anti-social." Many governments introduced COVID passports. These passports made access to parts of society conditional. Those who did not wish to get vaccinated could not visit a restaurant or a gym, all in the name of public health.

Governments mandated use of medical devices universally, denying access to some regardless of one's personal situation or alternate opinions about their personal healthcare.

This was real institutionalized discrimination.

Vaccine mandates were introduced for certain professions. Many people lost their job, their livelihood, their business, because they stood by their principles.

The government of some countries literally imprisoned people within their own homes.

All of this was based on the idea that vaccination helps prevent the spread of the virus.

This has now proven to be a big lie. There was no scientific basis to say that vaccination would stop the transmission of the virus, and it's one of the biggest scandals of our time.
Jim, you are babbling 'resurch' nonsense. The governments will stick with the science and the scientists, not the 'resurchers.'

If there is covid level emergency again, there is going to be a big problem again.
I am with you, Brother, but I was with you the first time with COVID.

The question is, have they trained the populace to obey, or will the sheep willingly submit to tyranny again?
I don't know... I know I have changed.... last month our local liberal county doctor tried to impose another mask mandate and it failed miserably... the people nearly hounded her out of office.... when she saw she may be replaced she backed off...
Jim, you are babbling 'resurch' nonsense. The governments will stick with the science and the scientists, not the 'resurchers.'

If there is covid level emergency again, there is going to be a big problem again.
I think you have a lot more faith in you fellow Americans than I do. :)
This seems kind of like Deja Vu.

There is a "mystery illness" spreading wildly in China. It's been reported that it may have been spreading for quite some time.

The bug itself is not so much a mystery, but the huge number of children it is infecting apparently is.

China is spraying disinfectant again, and wearing masks.

There is an election in a year, and Trump is leading in the polls.

This mycoplasma pneumoniae is spreading mainly among youth. It's been reported that perhaps the isolation of lockdown, mask wearing, and social distancing has allowed common infections to surge.

A group of Republican senators wrote to President Biden on Friday calling on him to enact a travel ban on China over a “mystery illness” spreading in the PRC.

Given the Chinese Community Party’s history of lying about public health emergencies, as seen during the COVID-19 pandemic, the senators say the move is necessary “until we know more about the dangers posed by this new illness.”

Seems like that might be prudent at this time. When Trump did it, he was called a racist.

Will we soon have Democrats instituting lockdowns, mask wearing, social distancing, school and business closures, and no-excuse-needed mail-in voting to stop the spread and "protect the children?"

What will Biden do? Will he protect American children, or will he claim "it's just another flu?" :)




There is no mystery. These are not unknown pathogens.

Governments pushed millions of people worldwide to get vaccinated... They got perfectly healthy young people to take the jab using false arguments. They called the people who refused to comply "anti-social." Many governments introduced COVID passports. These passports made access to parts of society conditional. Those who did not wish to get vaccinated could not visit a restaurant or a gym, all in the name of public health.

Governments mandated use of medical devices universally, denying access to some regardless of one's personal situation or alternate opinions about their personal healthcare.

This was real institutionalized discrimination.

Vaccine mandates were introduced for certain professions. Many people lost their job, their livelihood, their business, because they stood by their principles.

The government of some countries literally imprisoned people within their own homes.

All of this was based on the idea that vaccination helps prevent the spread of the virus.

This has now proven to be a big lie. There was no scientific basis to say that vaccination would stop the transmission of the virus, and it's one of the biggest scandals of our time.
Dude, no. Put down the conspiracy theories. All of that crap has been thoroughly and repeatedly debunked
Jim, you are babbling 'resurch' nonsense. The governments will stick with the science and the scientists, not the 'resurchers.'


At no time during the past 5 years did the government stick with the science.

If there is covid level emergency again, there is going to be a big problem again.

Your problem is, no one will wear a mask this time, and no businesses will shut down this time.

Go ahead, try another lockdown and hear the laughter from all corners.
Interestingly, the CDC says...
"The number of M. pneumoniae infections varies over time, with peaks of disease every 3 to 7 years. This illness can happen any time during the year but may be more common in summer and early fall."


Perfect. A peak just before the November election.

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