GOP runs Kansas into ground, another red welfare state.

If you're really the "thinker" you claim to be


The very next post!

I never said that, retard
So you claim to NOT be a thinker, and call me retarded.

What's wrong with you?

So you think my choices are to claim to be a thinker or to claim to not be a thinker, and say something is wrong with me? I didn't say either way, retard. I don't make statements like that as you do
Yet you're wrong, who saw that coming? Anyway, you are a clown

Well that's a rather weak, I'm right. Your turn.

You could read my other posts too, dim wit

You could actually say a few words to debate my point - tax cuts do not guarantee wealthy people will invest their money into the state economy.

Of course it doesn't.

These stupid conservatives have never taken an economics course nor have they paid any attention to the reality of their extremely irresponsible economic policies.

No business is going to hire someone to just stand around all day doing nothing. The only reason to hire more people is because your business has more work to do than the existing staff can do in a normal work week.

If that's happening that business is having more sales. If that business is having more sales it's making more money and the last thing that business needs is a tax cut.

No business is going to hire someone without there being a need for it no matter how many tax cuts the business owner gets.

That business owner will not invest that money back into the business. As we've seen over and over again, that business owner is going to put that tax cut in their pocket or park it off shore.

Tax cuts for the rich and big business never create jobs. All it does is deny much needed tax revenue to the state.

If you are paying someone $7.25 an hour to sweep floors, a tax cut is not an incentive to hire two guys to sweep your floors
You staff at the level of workload and market demand. Unless that workload or demand increases, you will not increase the number of your employees

Well, not everyone sweeps floors like you do, big guy. When we have more money, we invest it in projects to grow the business. That you can only think of overhead is your limited vision, we aren't afflicted with that, which is why we run businesses and you sweep floors
You're delusional.

And you're heaping all of your problems on them.

Of course they are. Do you think that the 'Party of Personal Responsibility' actually takes responsibility? Of course not. Its always someone else's fault. In fact, the folks LEAST responsible a republican lead state government....are republicans.

Good point. BTW, does Obama own the economy now or is it still W's fault?'s the fault of the American middle class, which is growing to be obsolete in the global employment marketplace, and economically entitled.

The Stock Market is fine, and there is cash to be invested here, in creating jobs, which is the part of the economy that sucks...but American workers are not the best investment these days.

If politicians say that, they won't get elected, if pundits say that, nobody will subscribe to them

Swish, you didn't even understand the question. Skylar did, that's why he ran away and hid
Your question was "does Obama own the economy now or is it still W's fault?"

I answered that question with "neither" then elaborated.

What's wrong with you?

Seriously, you read his statement and my response and that's what you think the question was about? What is wrong with you?
You're delusional.

And you're heaping all of your problems on them.

So you are saying its rational for liberals to hate us but not the other way around?

Yes, that's exactly what he's saying. He also says he isn't a liberal. And he takes his own crap seriously. You have to just laugh at him
you have been programmed to think is that you must hate anything Democrats do, even if it's what Republicans have been recommending, or you're a liberal

Why is it every time you speak, Nancy Pelosi's lips move?
Because you've been programmed to believe anyone that doesn't hate anything Democrats do, even if it's what the Republicans want, is a liberal

See, you know exactly how to use talking points, you repeat them endlessly verbatim.
You're delusional.

And you're heaping all of your problems on them.

So you are saying its rational for liberals to hate us but not the other way around?

Yes, that's exactly what he's saying. He also says he isn't a liberal. And he takes his own crap seriously. You have to just laugh at him
you have been programmed to think is that you must hate anything Democrats do, even if it's what Republicans have been recommending, or you're a liberal

First off :fu:this "you have been programmed" bull shit is your lame ass way of avoiding actually making a counter argument. Most likely because you don't have one. Actions have consequences fool and Democrats are reaping what they have sown.

Democrats choose to be lawless corrupt assholes and I choose to hate them and refuse to work with them, on anything. Democrats cannot be trusted. The lie incessantly. They ignore our laws when it suits them. When they can't win an argument they attack the person's character, demonize, and engage in demagoguery. Why in the hell would we work with them?
You're not a politician, and I don't care who you think "you work with"

Let's talk about the topic.

The KS budget.

Kansas Division of the Budget

Why don't you make a point rather than asking for one on that?
Well that's a rather weak, I'm right. Your turn.

You could read my other posts too, dim wit

You could actually say a few words to debate my point - tax cuts do not guarantee wealthy people will invest their money into the state economy.

Of course it doesn't.

These stupid conservatives have never taken an economics course nor have they paid any attention to the reality of their extremely irresponsible economic policies.

No business is going to hire someone to just stand around all day doing nothing. The only reason to hire more people is because your business has more work to do than the existing staff can do in a normal work week.

If that's happening that business is having more sales. If that business is having more sales it's making more money and the last thing that business needs is a tax cut.

No business is going to hire someone without there being a need for it no matter how many tax cuts the business owner gets.

That business owner will not invest that money back into the business. As we've seen over and over again, that business owner is going to put that tax cut in their pocket or park it off shore.

Tax cuts for the rich and big business never create jobs. All it does is deny much needed tax revenue to the state.

If you are paying someone $7.25 an hour to sweep floors, a tax cut is not an incentive to hire two guys to sweep your floors
You staff at the level of workload and market demand. Unless that workload or demand increases, you will not increase the number of your employees

Well, not everyone sweeps floors like you do, big guy. When we have more money, we invest it in projects to grow the business. That you can only think of overhead is your limited vision, we aren't afflicted with that, which is why we run businesses and you sweep floors
If you are an idiot

You grow your business in response to market factors not having more money. Spending money on a business that the market won't support is throwing money away
Yes, that's exactly what he's saying. He also says he isn't a liberal. And he takes his own crap seriously. You have to just laugh at him
you have been programmed to think is that you must hate anything Democrats do, even if it's what Republicans have been recommending, or you're a liberal

Why is it every time you speak, Nancy Pelosi's lips move?
Because you've been programmed to believe anyone that doesn't hate anything Democrats do, even if it's what the Republicans want, is a liberal

Here's your last 1,500 posts... "you've been programmed""you've been programmed""you've been programmed""you've been programmed""you've been programmed""you've been programmed""you've been programmed""you've been programmed""you've been programmed""you've been programmed""you've been programmed""you've been programmed""you've been programmed""you've been programmed""you've been programmed""you've been programmed""you've been programmed"..."you've been programmed" :laugh:
Good, let's put all that behind us.

Let's talk about the topic.

The KS budget.

You still have nothing on the subject, huh?
Kansas may furlough 7,000 state workers as tax-starved coffers run dry

Red states, just say thanks to us blue staters who float you through the hard times.

You're welcome.

More than 7,000 state employees in Kansas would be furloughed on Monday if state lawmakers cannot agree on a new annual budget by midnight on Saturday, state officials said on Friday.

The Kansas House and Senate are trying to make up an estimated $400 million revenue shortfall in the wake of tax cuts engineered by Republican Governor Sam Brownback in recent years.

Republicans can't do math.

Maybe not, but Republicans know more about math than Democrats do about economics

That is a proven fallacy. Whenever Republicans are in control, they fuck the economy up, leaving it for a Dems to fix. The only exception in my lifetime was Reagan, but as I have said many times, Reagan would be thrown out of the party based on today's conservative beliefs. Reagan was a pragmatist first and an ideologue second. Today's Republicans are just ideologues.

Come again? All I hear is gurgling kool-aid

John Kasich probably has the best record as a Republican Governor and he is well liked in the state of Ohio, but the fact is that he hasn't really done anything credible other than transfer the tax burden from the state to local government. His biggest moves have been to cut taxes slightly, and to drastically cut school spending. That was his answer to balance the state budget, cut school funding. Now every school district in the state is being forced to increase local taxes to pay for their schools due to the lost state funding. For wealthier communities such as the one I live in, this is not a problem as we have passed all but one school levy over the past few years. Unfortunately, residents of some districts just cannot afford those tax increases, so the poorer school districts are being forced to cut all kinds of programs. This is great if you believe that poorer people and kids form poorer communities should receive an inferior education to those from more well off families.

The whole thing with conservatives that is wrong is that their argument is always that liberals want to increase spending and increase taxes. For the most part that is not true. Liberals just do not want to see drastic cuts to spending when it will negatively affect current services that tend to benefit everyone.

Let's start with reality. We have the highest spending for education and we obviously are getting piss poor results from it. The problem is not money and throwing more at it isn't going to fix it.
Kansas may furlough 7,000 state workers as tax-starved coffers run dry

Red states, just say thanks to us blue staters who float you through the hard times.

You're welcome.

Republicans can't do math.

Maybe not, but Republicans know more about math than Democrats do about economics

That is a proven fallacy. Whenever Republicans are in control, they fuck the economy up, leaving it for a Dems to fix. The only exception in my lifetime was Reagan, but as I have said many times, Reagan would be thrown out of the party based on today's conservative beliefs. Reagan was a pragmatist first and an ideologue second. Today's Republicans are just ideologues.

Come again? All I hear is gurgling kool-aid

John Kasich probably has the best record as a Republican Governor and he is well liked in the state of Ohio, but the fact is that he hasn't really done anything credible other than transfer the tax burden from the state to local government. His biggest moves have been to cut taxes slightly, and to drastically cut school spending. That was his answer to balance the state budget, cut school funding. Now every school district in the state is being forced to increase local taxes to pay for their schools due to the lost state funding. For wealthier communities such as the one I live in, this is not a problem as we have passed all but one school levy over the past few years. Unfortunately, residents of some districts just cannot afford those tax increases, so the poorer school districts are being forced to cut all kinds of programs. This is great if you believe that poorer people and kids form poorer communities should receive an inferior education to those from more well off families.

The whole thing with conservatives that is wrong is that their argument is always that liberals want to increase spending and increase taxes. For the most part that is not true. Liberals just do not want to see drastic cuts to spending when it will negatively affect current services that tend to benefit everyone.

Let's start with reality. We have the highest spending for education and we obviously are getting piss poor results from it. The problem is not money and throwing more at it isn't going to fix it.
In Kansas they're talking about throwing less money at it, not more.

Why don't you try and support your position by providing examples of throwing less money to an educational system, and the results getting better
Yes, that's exactly what he's saying. He also says he isn't a liberal. And he takes his own crap seriously. You have to just laugh at him
you have been programmed to think is that you must hate anything Democrats do, even if it's what Republicans have been recommending, or you're a liberal

First off :fu:this "you have been programmed" bull shit is your lame ass way of avoiding actually making a counter argument. Most likely because you don't have one. Actions have consequences fool and Democrats are reaping what they have sown.

Democrats choose to be lawless corrupt assholes and I choose to hate them and refuse to work with them, on anything. Democrats cannot be trusted. The lie incessantly. They ignore our laws when it suits them. When they can't win an argument they attack the person's character, demonize, and engage in demagoguery. Why in the hell would we work with them?
You're not a politician, and I don't care who you think "you work with"

Let's talk about the topic.

The KS budget.

Kansas Division of the Budget

Run and hide lib.
I'm not running anywhere, my car is in the shop today, I've got plenty of time.

Let's talk about the topic.

The KS budget.

Kansas Division of the Budget

So talk about it
You could read my other posts too, dim wit

You could actually say a few words to debate my point - tax cuts do not guarantee wealthy people will invest their money into the state economy.

Of course it doesn't.

These stupid conservatives have never taken an economics course nor have they paid any attention to the reality of their extremely irresponsible economic policies.

No business is going to hire someone to just stand around all day doing nothing. The only reason to hire more people is because your business has more work to do than the existing staff can do in a normal work week.

If that's happening that business is having more sales. If that business is having more sales it's making more money and the last thing that business needs is a tax cut.

No business is going to hire someone without there being a need for it no matter how many tax cuts the business owner gets.

That business owner will not invest that money back into the business. As we've seen over and over again, that business owner is going to put that tax cut in their pocket or park it off shore.

Tax cuts for the rich and big business never create jobs. All it does is deny much needed tax revenue to the state.

If you are paying someone $7.25 an hour to sweep floors, a tax cut is not an incentive to hire two guys to sweep your floors
You staff at the level of workload and market demand. Unless that workload or demand increases, you will not increase the number of your employees

Well, not everyone sweeps floors like you do, big guy. When we have more money, we invest it in projects to grow the business. That you can only think of overhead is your limited vision, we aren't afflicted with that, which is why we run businesses and you sweep floors
If you are an idiot

You grow your business in response to market factors not having more money. Spending money on a business that the market won't support is throwing money away

Hey, thanks for the business advice there big guy. I'm writing it on a piece of toilet paper. I might as well get some use out of it.

We invest the resources we have in the highest NPV projects available. How you think those are the only positive NPV projects I'll never know. Neither will you
you have been programmed to think is that you must hate anything Democrats do, even if it's what Republicans have been recommending, or you're a liberal

First off :fu:this "you have been programmed" bull shit is your lame ass way of avoiding actually making a counter argument. Most likely because you don't have one. Actions have consequences fool and Democrats are reaping what they have sown.

Democrats choose to be lawless corrupt assholes and I choose to hate them and refuse to work with them, on anything. Democrats cannot be trusted. The lie incessantly. They ignore our laws when it suits them. When they can't win an argument they attack the person's character, demonize, and engage in demagoguery. Why in the hell would we work with them?
You're not a politician, and I don't care who you think "you work with"

Let's talk about the topic.

The KS budget.

Kansas Division of the Budget

Run and hide lib.
I'm not running anywhere, my car is in the shop today, I've got plenty of time.

Let's talk about the topic.

The KS budget.

Kansas Division of the Budget

So talk about it
In Kansas they're talking about throwing less money at it, not more.

Why don't you try and support your position by providing examples of throwing less money to an educational system, and the results getting better
Maybe not, but Republicans know more about math than Democrats do about economics

That is a proven fallacy. Whenever Republicans are in control, they fuck the economy up, leaving it for a Dems to fix. The only exception in my lifetime was Reagan, but as I have said many times, Reagan would be thrown out of the party based on today's conservative beliefs. Reagan was a pragmatist first and an ideologue second. Today's Republicans are just ideologues.

Come again? All I hear is gurgling kool-aid

John Kasich probably has the best record as a Republican Governor and he is well liked in the state of Ohio, but the fact is that he hasn't really done anything credible other than transfer the tax burden from the state to local government. His biggest moves have been to cut taxes slightly, and to drastically cut school spending. That was his answer to balance the state budget, cut school funding. Now every school district in the state is being forced to increase local taxes to pay for their schools due to the lost state funding. For wealthier communities such as the one I live in, this is not a problem as we have passed all but one school levy over the past few years. Unfortunately, residents of some districts just cannot afford those tax increases, so the poorer school districts are being forced to cut all kinds of programs. This is great if you believe that poorer people and kids form poorer communities should receive an inferior education to those from more well off families.

The whole thing with conservatives that is wrong is that their argument is always that liberals want to increase spending and increase taxes. For the most part that is not true. Liberals just do not want to see drastic cuts to spending when it will negatively affect current services that tend to benefit everyone.

Let's start with reality. We have the highest spending for education and we obviously are getting piss poor results from it. The problem is not money and throwing more at it isn't going to fix it.
In Kansas they're talking about throwing less money at it, not more.

Why don't you try and support your position by providing examples of throwing less money to an educational system, and the results getting better

I like when you say I insult people when you are such a pompous ass and you never say that to liberals.

So your logical standard is if I say money isn't the problem is that I need to prove we shouldn't throw money at it? You oppose what Kansas is doing, the burden is on you to rebut that. All States need to focus first on figuring out why we are getting such terrible results with the money we spend now
First off :fu:this "you have been programmed" bull shit is your lame ass way of avoiding actually making a counter argument. Most likely because you don't have one. Actions have consequences fool and Democrats are reaping what they have sown.

Democrats choose to be lawless corrupt assholes and I choose to hate them and refuse to work with them, on anything. Democrats cannot be trusted. The lie incessantly. They ignore our laws when it suits them. When they can't win an argument they attack the person's character, demonize, and engage in demagoguery. Why in the hell would we work with them?
You're not a politician, and I don't care who you think "you work with"

Let's talk about the topic.

The KS budget.

Kansas Division of the Budget

Run and hide lib.
I'm not running anywhere, my car is in the shop today, I've got plenty of time.

Let's talk about the topic.

The KS budget.

Kansas Division of the Budget

So talk about it
In Kansas they're talking about throwing less money at it, not more.

Why don't you try and support your position by providing examples of throwing less money to an educational system, and the results getting better

You are very good at repeating your talking points.

You are very good at repeating your talking points.

You are very good at repeating your talking points.

You are very good at repeating your talking points.
who knew that Kansas was a concerning issue when the world is on fire.

Kansas is being responsible, they are going through this because they require the cuts. Blue States like California, New York, Illinois, Michigan and so on just spend without limit, which toxicmedia claims is being responsible
You could actually say a few words to debate my point - tax cuts do not guarantee wealthy people will invest their money into the state economy.

Of course it doesn't.

These stupid conservatives have never taken an economics course nor have they paid any attention to the reality of their extremely irresponsible economic policies.

No business is going to hire someone to just stand around all day doing nothing. The only reason to hire more people is because your business has more work to do than the existing staff can do in a normal work week.

If that's happening that business is having more sales. If that business is having more sales it's making more money and the last thing that business needs is a tax cut.

No business is going to hire someone without there being a need for it no matter how many tax cuts the business owner gets.

That business owner will not invest that money back into the business. As we've seen over and over again, that business owner is going to put that tax cut in their pocket or park it off shore.

Tax cuts for the rich and big business never create jobs. All it does is deny much needed tax revenue to the state.

If you are paying someone $7.25 an hour to sweep floors, a tax cut is not an incentive to hire two guys to sweep your floors
You staff at the level of workload and market demand. Unless that workload or demand increases, you will not increase the number of your employees

Well, not everyone sweeps floors like you do, big guy. When we have more money, we invest it in projects to grow the business. That you can only think of overhead is your limited vision, we aren't afflicted with that, which is why we run businesses and you sweep floors
If you are an idiot

You grow your business in response to market factors not having more money. Spending money on a business that the market won't support is throwing money away

Hey, thanks for the business advice there big guy. I'm writing it on a piece of toilet paper. I might as well get some use out of it.

We invest the resources we have in the highest NPV projects available. How you think those are the only positive NPV projects I'll never know. Neither will you
Thanks for confirming you are a moron

You do not invest in your business because you have more spending money. You invest because there is more money to be made
Investing in a saturated market is throwing your money away.
who knew that Kansas was a concerning issue when the world is on fire.

Kansas is being responsible, they are going through this because they require the cuts. Blue States like California, New York, Illinois, Michigan and so on just spend without limit, which toxicmedia claims is being responsible
They require cuts because they cut crack their revenue stream. Hint to Kansas....cut your taxes AFTER you have cut your spending
Of course it doesn't.

These stupid conservatives have never taken an economics course nor have they paid any attention to the reality of their extremely irresponsible economic policies.

No business is going to hire someone to just stand around all day doing nothing. The only reason to hire more people is because your business has more work to do than the existing staff can do in a normal work week.

If that's happening that business is having more sales. If that business is having more sales it's making more money and the last thing that business needs is a tax cut.

No business is going to hire someone without there being a need for it no matter how many tax cuts the business owner gets.

That business owner will not invest that money back into the business. As we've seen over and over again, that business owner is going to put that tax cut in their pocket or park it off shore.

Tax cuts for the rich and big business never create jobs. All it does is deny much needed tax revenue to the state.

If you are paying someone $7.25 an hour to sweep floors, a tax cut is not an incentive to hire two guys to sweep your floors
You staff at the level of workload and market demand. Unless that workload or demand increases, you will not increase the number of your employees

Well, not everyone sweeps floors like you do, big guy. When we have more money, we invest it in projects to grow the business. That you can only think of overhead is your limited vision, we aren't afflicted with that, which is why we run businesses and you sweep floors
If you are an idiot

You grow your business in response to market factors not having more money. Spending money on a business that the market won't support is throwing money away

Hey, thanks for the business advice there big guy. I'm writing it on a piece of toilet paper. I might as well get some use out of it.

We invest the resources we have in the highest NPV projects available. How you think those are the only positive NPV projects I'll never know. Neither will you
Thanks for confirming you are a moron

You do not invest in your business because you have more spending money. You invest because there is more money to be made
Investing in a saturated market is throwing your money away.

I do this for a living, you hate capitalism, your claim you know more is cute, big guy. This is a rare treat for me to get the real scoop, up until now I've been winging it.

So big guy, a new market opportunity arises. How exactly does the money for that appear as you claim? You need to give me more than it just does. Up until now I had to get the money from somewhere, I want to know your secret for success

who knew that Kansas was a concerning issue when the world is on fire.

Kansas is being responsible, they are going through this because they require the cuts. Blue States like California, New York, Illinois, Michigan and so on just spend without limit, which toxicmedia claims is being responsible
They require cuts because they cut crack their revenue stream. Hint to Kansas....cut your taxes AFTER you have cut your spending

That doesn't contradict me. And either way works, you just need to do both.

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