GOP prepares comeback: ‘We can’t come off as a bunch of angry white men’

The GOP has a huge problem that doesn't lend itself to an easy solution. They NEED to attract new members. Yet potential new members are turned off by their extremism and their angry my-way-or-the-highway attitude. So, how DO you attract new members when the conservative base is busy chasing so-called RINOs OUT of the party and the conservative base is threatening to leave and start a 3rd party if there's any moderation of GOP 'principles' which don't lend itself to compromise?


My best guess is that it's going to take a few high-profile party leaders (Who? I don't know) to publicly and clearly disavow the Norquists and Limbaughs and Pauls and the rest of the absolutists. Surely it will come at the expense of being "primaried", it may cost them their cushy gubmit job, so I don't know who has the balls.

The crazies have to be marginalized, somehow. Not eliminated, just marginalized. They make the party an easy target, and they just don't/won't see it.


I assume you are also addressing the crazy far left whack jobs as well. The far left extremists have take hold of the dem party and obama is more than a willing accomplice. The liberals always push this meme of "conservatives are so extreme and nutty"....well, those of us who are not blinded by hatred who can see beyond the rhetoric of the far left can see what the liberals can't. Call them conservatives, call them independents, call them liberterians, call them repubs.....but we can see where the liberals will fail, and they will fail BIG TIME. The US is center-right and the more the liberals push, the sooner the public will denounce liberal causes. So, keep going you crazy libs....the conservatives can't wait to get rid of you!!

Why should he? What would be the point?

Unlike the GOP where the crazy far right whack jobs are running the Party, the crazy far left whack jobs aren’t running the Democratic Party. They successfully marginalized the far left between 1988 and 1992, the proof of that is democrats have won four of the last six General Elections. More proof of this is that the proposed AWB will fail to be enacted into law, its supporters unable to realize the needed votes in a Senate controlled by democrats.

And again, whining about how ‘awful’ the democrats are isn’t going to do anything to address the serious problems the GOP faces, the problems Gov. Jindal recently and accurately addressed.
do any of you think we'd ever see from this lamestream media a article saying, Democrats can't be the party of angry black men?

This whole article was a farce, but the left loved it and they got to be racist all rolled into one

What the Republcians need is for black conservatives to step up and call BS. But I can't blame them if they don't the smear they will receive may not be worth the effort.

And therein lies the true evil nature of the Democratic Party.

They never met a conservative black/Hispanic/gay/female that they did not hate with flaming and destructive passion.

Well, with the possible exception of Colin Powell.
While there have been some isolated incidents of repubs saying incredibly stupid things, the real problem is that the dem party has been successful in labeling the repubs as racist...among other things. Dems have done the same thing, and worse. The liberals have much to gain if they continue to be successful in convincing people that repubs are angry white racists, much of which they know is not at all accurate, but it helps their political cause. If the GOP wastes all their time back-peddling and recanting and making public statements about needing to improve their brand so as to pimp more voters, the worse they look. The real problem is the establishment repubs....they control the party and don't give a fuck about anything except getting re-elected. Same with the establishment dems.....they don't give a fuck about anything except for the next election and trying to destroy anyone who challenges their agenda. Moderate repubs/dems are non-existent. They are forced to align with the crazy extremists of their party...if they don't, they get no funding for elections; if they do they look like retarded three year-olds on crack. If there truly is a moderate candidate, he/she needs to make themselves known.....NOW. But the liberals have no interest in a moderate candidate; they only say they are.

That’s where you went off the track, and everyone stopped reading.

And with good reason.

This is about the GOP, not the democrats. Blaming democrats or trying to deflect by focusing on democratic deficiencies isn’t going to fix what’s wrong with the GOP.

What is your solution to fix your party?

So, pointing out gross hypocrisy is wrong?

Gloat while you may, because four years from now, and before that, two years from now, the same questions will be asked of the Democratic Party.

No, it’s irrelevant to the issue of addressing the many serious problems the GOP faces as a Party.

If you want to whine about democratic hypocrisy, start another thread.

Otherwise, contribute as to what you think can be done to save the GOP brand.

And complaining about democrats isn’t ‘contributing.’
My first thought when I read...

Marco Rubio is an angry White Hispanic

Herman 999 Cain is an angry Black man

Michele Bachman is an angry White woman

see a trend here?

The Cruz twins are angry white Hispanics. (That a twofor)

Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Ben Jealous and Charlie Rangel are Angry Black men. (That's a fourfor)

Nancy Pelosi (must pass it to know what's in it) is an Angry White woman.

see a trend there?
do any of you think we'd ever see from this lamestream media a article saying, Democrats can't be the party of angry black men?

This whole article was a farce, but the left loved it and they got to be racist all rolled into one

What the Republcians need is for black conservatives to step up and call BS. But I can't blame them if they don't the smear they will receive may not be worth the effort.

And therein lies the true evil nature of the Democratic Party.

They never met a conservative black/Hispanic/gay/female that they did not hate with flaming and destructive passion.

Well, with the possible exception of Colin Powell.

Colin Powell is as much a Republican as Obama.
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Someone explain to me that considering what the Democrats did to my grandchildren and the debt they placed upon them, why, oh why should I not be mad as hell? BTW, I can't help but be white.

Fascinating to watch...

Liberals are telling them this.

Moderates are telling them this.

Independents are telling them this.

And now people in their own party are telling them this.

And many are still refusing to see it.


The GOP has a huge problem that doesn't lend itself to an easy solution. They NEED to attract new members. Yet potential new members are turned off by their extremism and their angry my-way-or-the-highway attitude. So, how DO you attract new members when the conservative base is busy chasing so-called RINOs OUT of the party and the conservative base is threatening to leave and start a 3rd party if there's any moderation of GOP 'principles' which don't lend itself to compromise?

It is a huge problem, indeed!

The Left is totally and hatefully and viciously against ANY AND ALL dissenting opinion to their own.

They throw pie at the face of any and all conservative speaker at any and all universities.

They denigrate, excoriate, name-call and besmirch any and all young person who has the unmitigated nerve of showing any conservative tendencies.

In Hollywood they destroy and deny jobs - irrespective of acting talent - to any and all, but the firmly established conservative actors, directors and any and all people they perceive as conservatives.

They call anyone who disagree with them racists, sexists, homophobe and religious nuts, while they admire true racists like Al Sharpton, while they glorify true sexists like Dave Letterman, while they use terms like faggot when they want to insult a conservative, and while they blast Christianity and admire and promote Islam and/or their own "religion" of atheism.

It is to be hoped that the extreme policies of Obama, that he thinks can go on unopposed, will open the eyes of misguided individuals and boot these phonies out, as it happened in 1994 and in 2010.
You see a party who just lost a couple of elections now dosent win the NEXT time by kicking out MORE voters
all you have to do is begin accepting facts .

Its the ONLY way to save the party

Fascinating to watch...

Liberals are telling them this.

Moderates are telling them this.

Independents are telling them this.

And now people in their own party are telling them this.

And many are still refusing to see it.


The GOP has a huge problem that doesn't lend itself to an easy solution. They NEED to attract new members. Yet potential new members are turned off by their extremism and their angry my-way-or-the-highway attitude. So, how DO you attract new members when the conservative base is busy chasing so-called RINOs OUT of the party and the conservative base is threatening to leave and start a 3rd party if there's any moderation of GOP 'principles' which don't lend itself to compromise?

It is a huge problem, indeed!

The Left is totally and hatefully and viciously against ANY AND ALL dissenting opinion to their own.

They throw pie at the face of any and all conservative speaker at any and all universities.

They denigrate, excoriate, name-call and besmirch any and all young person who has the unmitigated nerve of showing any conservative tendencies.

In Hollywood they destroy and deny jobs - irrespective of acting talent - to any and all, but the firmly established conservative actors, directors and any and all people they perceive as conservatives.

They call anyone who disagree with them racists, sexists, homophobe and religious nuts, while they admire true racists like Al Sharpton, while they glorify true sexists like Dave Letterman, while they use terms like faggot when they want to insult a conservative, and while they blast Christianity and admire and promote Islam and/or their own "religion" of atheism.

It is to be hoped that the extreme policies of Obama, that he thinks can go on unopposed, will open the eyes of misguided individuals and boot these phonies out, as it happened in 1994 and in 2010.

yep, lets hope Obama destroys the Democrat party
The American people JUST voted Obama and his policies Back into office you brain dead fools

My best guess is that it's going to take a few high-profile party leaders (Who? I don't know) to publicly and clearly disavow the Norquists and Limbaughs and Pauls and the rest of the absolutists. Surely it will come at the expense of being "primaried", it may cost them their cushy gubmit job, so I don't know who has the balls.

The crazies have to be marginalized, somehow. Not eliminated, just marginalized. They make the party an easy target, and they just don't/won't see it.


I assume you are also addressing the crazy far left whack jobs as well. The far left extremists have take hold of the dem party and obama is more than a willing accomplice. The liberals always push this meme of "conservatives are so extreme and nutty"....well, those of us who are not blinded by hatred who can see beyond the rhetoric of the far left can see what the liberals can't. Call them conservatives, call them independents, call them liberterians, call them repubs.....but we can see where the liberals will fail, and they will fail BIG TIME. The US is center-right and the more the liberals push, the sooner the public will denounce liberal causes. So, keep going you crazy libs....the conservatives can't wait to get rid of you!!

Why should he? What would be the point?

Unlike the GOP where the crazy far right whack jobs are running the Party, the crazy far left whack jobs aren’t running the Democratic Party. They successfully marginalized the far left between 1988 and 1992, the proof of that is democrats have won four of the last six General Elections. More proof of this is that the proposed AWB will fail to be enacted into law, its supporters unable to realize the needed votes in a Senate controlled by democrats.

And again, whining about how ‘awful’ the democrats are isn’t going to do anything to address the serious problems the GOP faces, the problems Gov. Jindal recently and accurately addressed.

The crazy left whack are not running the Democratic Party?

Are you serious?

Who is in the White House? Who is running the Democratic Party?
the guy in the white house just won the vast majority of votes AFTER telling the American people what he would do.

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