GOP Overplayed It's Hand /America and The Tea Party = Losers

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
What has happened? I will use a holistic approach to frame the context.

If reason and rationality are valued, an honest accounting of what actually happened must include, an acknowledgment of the validity of the frustration and anger of the original Tea Party rally attendees. What also must be acknowledged is the fact that fringe groups and individuals aligned themselves with these everyday, average people who attended the rallies. And still more must be acknowledged: main stream groups like the one run by Tom Delay, were providing assistance and guidance early on. A movement was in the making, that is true, but there is more to this than a ground up movement---much as there was more to the Obama movement early on in the primary campaign. I believe both involved the heavy use of astroturfing. (more on this later)

What the Tea Party movement became, and the how it became what it has, is an interesting case study in political movements in this new age of constant noise and manipulation by the media. The media and others are using the latest technology available to meet our expectations of immediate gratification. Those who manipulate, know this and do/use it well.

Take what I have observed as the faux GOP outrage and hysteria at Democrats using parliamentary rules to achieve ends. The GOP drove some people crazy doing the very same during the years they ruled---years they would use rules in ways that strained boundaries.

The GOP has played a game with the Tea Party movement that is nothing more than a tool for regaining power. Don't take only my word for this:
“Politically, I get the ‘let’s trip up the other side, make them fail’ strategy,” he said. “But what’s more important, to win extra seats or to shape the most important piece of social legislation since the 1960s? It was a go-for-all-the-marbles approach. Unless they produced an absolute failure for Mr. Obama, there wasn’t going to be any political benefit.”


House Republican leader, Representative John A. Boehner of Ohio, warned that the legislation would be “the last straw for the American people.” Representative Marsha Blackburn, Republican of Tennessee, proclaimed several hours earlier, “Freedom dies a little bit today.”


“When our core group discover that this thing is not as catastrophic as advertised, they are going to be less energized than they are right now,”

Political Memo - Republicans Face Drawbacks of United Stand on Health Bill -
-David Frum News - The New York Times
David Frum/American Enterprise Institute

The GOP has been playing a game that looks to winning extra seats in Congress and elsewhere and not on of shaping "the most important piece of social legislation since the 1960s" which is what they were elected to do.

For the past few decades the GOP has been all about power and the heck with their base constituencies and others. Party over Country.

I think your right.

The GOP has stabbed istelf in the stomach here.

They thought they could stop it and now they are at a loss at where to go next.

They really screwed themselves this time.
I wonder how Boehner is explaining the fact that our country didn't implode just because Healthcare Reform legislation passed? If anyone didn't see him as a liar before, they sure must now...
What has happened? I will use a holistic approach to frame the context.

If reason and rationality are valued, an honest accounting of what actually happened must include, an acknowledgment of the validity of the frustration and anger of the original Tea Party rally attendees. What also must be acknowledged is the fact that fringe groups and individuals aligned themselves with these everyday, average people who attended the rallies. And still more must be acknowledged: main stream groups like the one run by Tom Delay, were providing assistance and guidance early on. A movement was in the making, that is true, but there is more to this than a ground up movement---much as there was more to the Obama movement early on in the primary campaign. I believe both involved the heavy use of astroturfing. (more on this later)

What the Tea Party movement became, and the how it became what it has, is an interesting case study in political movements in this new age of constant noise and manipulation by the media. The media and others are using the latest technology available to meet our expectations of immediate gratification. Those who manipulate, know this and do/use it well.

Take what I have observed as the faux GOP outrage and hysteria at Democrats using parliamentary rules to achieve ends. The GOP drove some people crazy doing the very same during the years they ruled---years they would use rules in ways that strained boundaries.

The GOP has played a game with the Tea Party movement that is nothing more than a tool for regaining power. Don't take only my word for this:
“Politically, I get the ‘let’s trip up the other side, make them fail’ strategy,” he said. “But what’s more important, to win extra seats or to shape the most important piece of social legislation since the 1960s? It was a go-for-all-the-marbles approach. Unless they produced an absolute failure for Mr. Obama, there wasn’t going to be any political benefit.”


House Republican leader, Representative John A. Boehner of Ohio, warned that the legislation would be “the last straw for the American people.” Representative Marsha Blackburn, Republican of Tennessee, proclaimed several hours earlier, “Freedom dies a little bit today.”


“When our core group discover that this thing is not as catastrophic as advertised, they are going to be less energized than they are right now,”

Political Memo - Republicans Face Drawbacks of United Stand on Health Bill -
-David Frum News - The New York Times
David Frum/American Enterprise Institute

The GOP has been playing a game that looks to winning extra seats in Congress and elsewhere and not on of shaping "the most important piece of social legislation since the 1960s" which is what they were elected to do.

For the past few decades the GOP has been all about power and the heck with their base constituencies and others. Party over Country.


It is rare we see eye to eye, but I agree with much you say here.

However, I noticed that you only mnetion this as an issue with the GOP.

It is not. Sadly the DEMS were so much wrapped up in party over country, they have opened a pandoras box that may never be closed...and as with the tea partyers, the democratic party has many on the left ignoring how the people are not necessartily being served...they are strictly the benefactors of an agenda....

The fact that many saw no problem with the gaming the game we just saw is proof of this. It opened the door for the GOP to game the game as well when they have the power to do so...and the partisnashiop on the left allowed this door to open....just as the arrogance of the right allowed the GOP to get away with things...that we now see are being applied to more pertinent legislation.

I do not know if it was a typo...but your tilte says America and the TP's are the losers.

I agree......we all lose. The political partys are the only winners.
I wonder how Boehner is explaining the fact that our country didn't implode just because Healthcare Reform legislation passed? If anyone didn't see him as a liar before, they sure must now...

Why? Only the most naive wouldnot know that any change in a lifestyle or our country will not be noticeable for years.

Boehner ceertainly did not say the sun aint gonna rise on Monday.
I disagree. They did all they could. They just didn't have the numbers in the end. This Dem-led Congress is by far the dirtiest Congress i've ever seen. They pulled out every dirty trick imaginable to pass their debacle. The Republicans stood up and fought but in the end just didn't have the numbers. For the first time in years i'm actually proud of the Republican Party. This Bill is just wrong for the country on so many levels. People will begin to realize that in the coming years. When the IRS comes knocking for those unpaid fines or "taxes" for not buying Health Insurance,i think that's when it's going to hit home for many Americans who just weren't paying attention to what the Democrats did. I actually applaud the Republicans. Worst U.S. Congress in History? You bet.
Well, they blew it. The funny thing is, they are making it worse and will still try to stop this.

Bachmann for president! Run Michelle, run.
I wonder how Boehner is explaining the fact that our country didn't implode just because Healthcare Reform legislation passed? If anyone didn't see him as a liar before, they sure must now...

It goes beyond that. todays USA Today/Gallup poll shows 49% favor the bill while 40% oppose.

November is not going to be as rosey as they thought
I wonder how Boehner is explaining the fact that our country didn't implode just because Healthcare Reform legislation passed? If anyone didn't see him as a liar before, they sure must now...

Why? Only the most naive wouldnot know that any change in a lifestyle or our country will not be noticeable for years.

Boehner ceertainly did not say the sun aint gonna rise on Monday.

If it didn't, where would he get his tan?
You guys obviously have no idea what you are talking about.... Do you guys even have a clue how many votes it takes to pass something???? FYI - In case CNN hasn't told you yet... The Democrats don't need Republican support... It wasn't Republicans holding this up... It was your own damn party....

You better kill the country as much as possible because come November it is going to be a long time until the Dems get back in power... This is something that won't quickly be forgotten...
The embarrassing thing for Democrat supports is their hypocricsy... Bribes by Democrats are no big deal but if a Republican does it it's a HUGE deal... That's the biggest difference between conservative and liberals...
I wonder how Boehner is explaining the fact that our country didn't implode just because Healthcare Reform legislation passed? If anyone didn't see him as a liar before, they sure must now...

It goes beyond that. todays USA Today/Gallup poll shows 49% favor the bill while 40% oppose.

November is not going to be as rosey as they thought

LOL... And how many of these people actually read the bill.... :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
For once the Republicans actually fought the good fight. That hasn't been said about them in many years. With the Socialists/Progressives over-running both parties,the GOP became the DNC in recent years. It was nice seeing them finally standing up. They did lose but i'm still proud of them. I couldn't say that about their recent losses. This Democrat Legislation is wrong for America. It really does suck the life out of Freedom & Liberty. It's not just the financial costs that should bother Americans. It's the cost of losing more Freedom that should bother them more. The IRS will now expand significantly as they hunt down those who do not buy Health Insurance. Fines,Wage garnishment,and even possible imprisonment will be the results. Pretty sad stuff. So,Kudos to the GOP for finally standing up. Keep up the good fight.
I wonder how Boehner is explaining the fact that our country didn't implode just because Healthcare Reform legislation passed? If anyone didn't see him as a liar before, they sure must now...

It goes beyond that. todays USA Today/Gallup poll shows 49% favor the bill while 40% oppose.

November is not going to be as rosey as they thought

Pick your poll... Nearly 50% support lawsuits against the Health Care Reform Bill...LOL

49% Support State Lawsuits Against Health Care Plan - Rasmussen Reports
Well, they blew it. The funny thing is, they are making it worse and will still try to stop this.

Bachmann for president! Run Michelle, run.

I wonder why the GOP didn't want to debate the Iraq resolution this long? Hell, THAT debacle has cost us nearly a TRILLION dollars already, and won't do ANYTHING to lessen our deficit, EVER!
oh my, say it ain't so.

another article on how the Gop has hurt itself..:lol:
What has happened? I will use a holistic approach to frame the context.

If reason and rationality are valued, an honest accounting of what actually happened must include, an acknowledgment of the validity of the frustration and anger of the original Tea Party rally attendees. What also must be acknowledged is the fact that fringe groups and individuals aligned themselves with these everyday, average people who attended the rallies. And still more must be acknowledged: main stream groups like the one run by Tom Delay, were providing assistance and guidance early on. A movement was in the making, that is true, but there is more to this than a ground up movement---much as there was more to the Obama movement early on in the primary campaign. I believe both involved the heavy use of astroturfing. (more on this later)

What the Tea Party movement became, and the how it became what it has, is an interesting case study in political movements in this new age of constant noise and manipulation by the media. The media and others are using the latest technology available to meet our expectations of immediate gratification. Those who manipulate, know this and do/use it well.

Take what I have observed as the faux GOP outrage and hysteria at Democrats using parliamentary rules to achieve ends. The GOP drove some people crazy doing the very same during the years they ruled---years they would use rules in ways that strained boundaries.

The GOP has played a game with the Tea Party movement that is nothing more than a tool for regaining power. Don't take only my word for this:
“Politically, I get the ‘let’s trip up the other side, make them fail’ strategy,” he said. “But what’s more important, to win extra seats or to shape the most important piece of social legislation since the 1960s? It was a go-for-all-the-marbles approach. Unless they produced an absolute failure for Mr. Obama, there wasn’t going to be any political benefit.”


House Republican leader, Representative John A. Boehner of Ohio, warned that the legislation would be “the last straw for the American people.” Representative Marsha Blackburn, Republican of Tennessee, proclaimed several hours earlier, “Freedom dies a little bit today.”


“When our core group discover that this thing is not as catastrophic as advertised, they are going to be less energized than they are right now,”

Political Memo - Republicans Face Drawbacks of United Stand on Health Bill -
-David Frum News - The New York Times
David Frum/American Enterprise Institute

The GOP has been playing a game that looks to winning extra seats in Congress and elsewhere and not on of shaping "the most important piece of social legislation since the 1960s" which is what they were elected to do.

For the past few decades the GOP has been all about power and the heck with their base constituencies and others. Party over Country.


It is rare we see eye to eye, but I agree with much you say here.

However, I noticed that you only mnetion this as an issue with the GOP.

It is not. Sadly the DEMS were so much wrapped up in party over country, they have opened a pandoras box that may never be closed...and as with the tea partyers, the democratic party has many on the left ignoring how the people are not necessartily being served...they are strictly the benefactors of an agenda....

The fact that many saw no problem with the gaming the game we just saw is proof of this. It opened the door for the GOP to game the game as well when they have the power to do so...and the partisnashiop on the left allowed this door to open....just as the arrogance of the right allowed the GOP to get away with things...that we now see are being applied to more pertinent legislation.

I do not know if it was a typo...but your tilte says America and the TP's are the losers.

I agree......we all lose. The political partys are the only winners.

The Democrats are not part of the Tea Party movement, but...

By your own beliefs, the case can be made that the Democrats' parliamentary moves were not about party gain over country (if we are to believe the polls).

The political parties always lose whether they act or don't act. That is the nature of politics where governing is concerned. Support or oppose something and you piss off some. Pass something or obstruct a piece of legislation and you piss somebody off.

We elect leaders to lead, not follow. The Founding Fathers knew this.

I dislike the nonsense I hear from all sides about 'the people' since that usually means a poll or a majority pushing over a minority. And a majority in Congress has limitations just as a majority of the public has limitations.

So, I didn't mention the Democrats because...

I wonder how Boehner is explaining the fact that our country didn't implode just because Healthcare Reform legislation passed? If anyone didn't see him as a liar before, they sure must now...

It goes beyond that. todays USA Today/Gallup poll shows 49% favor the bill while 40% oppose.

November is not going to be as rosey as they thought

LOL... And how many of these people actually read the bill.... :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Did anyone see Brian Williams at 6:30 last night.

He started off with "the historic passing of helathcare" and continued with how "millions of Americans across the nation will see an increase in the quality of their healthcare"

He made a statement of fact that is, right now, nothing but speculation.... it is fact...reported as fact.....STATED AS FACT BY A NEWS no wonder the favorable ratings went up.

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