GOP Mayor fights his own party to keep hospital access for the poor



Small Town Mayor Pleads With Washington to Save Rural Hospitals
Rural health leaders planning to grab attention of Congress through March to Washington. (They will march 283 miles. One mile for every hospital in danger of closing.)

“Some people don’t care that people die,” he said. (You know he's talking about the "let them die" Republican Party.)

This story is becoming familiar for rural hospitals across the country. According to the American Hospital Association, more than a third of the nation’s 5,700 hospitals are in rural areas. The National Rural Health Association says the nation is in a "rural health crisis," estimating that 470 rural hospitals have closed during the past 25 years. Forty-seven of them closed during the last five years, and 283 more are in danger of closing soon, according to the association.

O’Neal also noted that the lack of Medicaid expansion in the state had hurt the hospital. Currently 29 states and the District of Columbia are expanding Medicaid, a provision of the Affordable Care Act that the Supreme Court made optional for states. Half a million previously uninsured North Carolinians would be covered if the state legislature and governor were to accept the funds from the federal government.


How many more Republicans will finally realize their party builds nothing and leaves nasty scars every where it has influence?
oh brother. they only care about the "poor" and tax cuts when they can be used for their dirt and smearing of others

some people don't march in LOCKSTEP like your elected asses in the Democrat party

so get over it and go vote for the Democrats
Small Town Mayor Pleads With Washington to Save Rural Hospitals
Rural health leaders planning to grab attention of Congress through March to Washington. (They will march 283 miles. One mile for every hospital in danger of closing.)

“Some people don’t care that people die,” he said. (You know he's talking about the "let them die" Republican Party.)

This story is becoming familiar for rural hospitals across the country. According to the American Hospital Association, more than a third of the nation’s 5,700 hospitals are in rural areas. The National Rural Health Association says the nation is in a "rural health crisis," estimating that 470 rural hospitals have closed during the past 25 years. Forty-seven of them closed during the last five years, and 283 more are in danger of closing soon, according to the association.

O’Neal also noted that the lack of Medicaid expansion in the state had hurt the hospital. Currently 29 states and the District of Columbia are expanding Medicaid, a provision of the Affordable Care Act that the Supreme Court made optional for states. Half a million previously uninsured North Carolinians would be covered if the state legislature and governor were to accept the funds from the federal government.


How many more Republicans will finally realize their party builds nothing and leaves nasty scars every where it has influence?
Repubs always vote the way they're told despite the impact on themselves
Maybe they'll start reporting on dog catchers next. they've went about as low as they can go with a mayor
Maybe they'll start reporting on dog catchers next. they've went about as low as they can go with a mayor
Come on Staph. We all know your opinion on helping poor people. But normal people don't feel that way. "Let them die" wasn't supposed to be a real policy. Then your kind turned it into one. Because you liked what you heard.
Maybe they'll start reporting on dog catchers next. they've went about as low as they can go with a mayor
Come on Staph. We all know your opinion on helping poor people. But normal people don't feel that way. "Let them die" wasn't supposed to be a real policy. Then your kind turned it into one. Because you liked what you heard.
its Staph and her people that led kasas to this:

Maybe they'll start reporting on dog catchers next. they've went about as low as they can go with a mayor
Because the GOP thinks of the rural poor as dogs. Which is strange since nearly all the white rural poor are Republican.
Small Town Mayor Pleads With Washington to Save Rural Hospitals
Rural health leaders planning to grab attention of Congress through March to Washington. (They will march 283 miles. One mile for every hospital in danger of closing.)

“Some people don’t care that people die,” he said. (You know he's talking about the "let them die" Republican Party.)

This story is becoming familiar for rural hospitals across the country. According to the American Hospital Association, more than a third of the nation’s 5,700 hospitals are in rural areas. The National Rural Health Association says the nation is in a "rural health crisis," estimating that 470 rural hospitals have closed during the past 25 years. Forty-seven of them closed during the last five years, and 283 more are in danger of closing soon, according to the association.

O’Neal also noted that the lack of Medicaid expansion in the state had hurt the hospital. Currently 29 states and the District of Columbia are expanding Medicaid, a provision of the Affordable Care Act that the Supreme Court made optional for states. Half a million previously uninsured North Carolinians would be covered if the state legislature and governor were to accept the funds from the federal government.


How many more Republicans will finally realize their party builds nothing and leaves nasty scars every where it has influence?

How many more Republicans will finally realize their party builds nothing and leaves nasty scars every where it has influence?

Don't you remember Obama saying we don't build anything.....
Government does!!!!
Small Town Mayor Pleads With Washington to Save Rural Hospitals
Rural health leaders planning to grab attention of Congress through March to Washington. (They will march 283 miles. One mile for every hospital in danger of closing.)

“Some people don’t care that people die,” he said. (You know he's talking about the "let them die" Republican Party.)

This story is becoming familiar for rural hospitals across the country. According to the American Hospital Association, more than a third of the nation’s 5,700 hospitals are in rural areas. The National Rural Health Association says the nation is in a "rural health crisis," estimating that 470 rural hospitals have closed during the past 25 years. Forty-seven of them closed during the last five years, and 283 more are in danger of closing soon, according to the association.

O’Neal also noted that the lack of Medicaid expansion in the state had hurt the hospital. Currently 29 states and the District of Columbia are expanding Medicaid, a provision of the Affordable Care Act that the Supreme Court made optional for states. Half a million previously uninsured North Carolinians would be covered if the state legislature and governor were to accept the funds from the federal government.


How many more Republicans will finally realize their party builds nothing and leaves nasty scars every where it has influence?

How many more Republicans will finally realize their party builds nothing and leaves nasty scars every where it has influence?

Don't you remember Obama saying we don't build anything.....
Government does!!!!

we can only feel pity for someone who need to dump on everything and anything, republican. and that's the Rdeanie. so much hate inside it's scary
Small Town Mayor Pleads With Washington to Save Rural Hospitals
Rural health leaders planning to grab attention of Congress through March to Washington. (They will march 283 miles. One mile for every hospital in danger of closing.)

“Some people don’t care that people die,” he said. (You know he's talking about the "let them die" Republican Party.)

This story is becoming familiar for rural hospitals across the country. According to the American Hospital Association, more than a third of the nation’s 5,700 hospitals are in rural areas. The National Rural Health Association says the nation is in a "rural health crisis," estimating that 470 rural hospitals have closed during the past 25 years. Forty-seven of them closed during the last five years, and 283 more are in danger of closing soon, according to the association.

O’Neal also noted that the lack of Medicaid expansion in the state had hurt the hospital. Currently 29 states and the District of Columbia are expanding Medicaid, a provision of the Affordable Care Act that the Supreme Court made optional for states. Half a million previously uninsured North Carolinians would be covered if the state legislature and governor were to accept the funds from the federal government.


How many more Republicans will finally realize their party builds nothing and leaves nasty scars every where it has influence?
Repubs always vote the way they're told despite the impact on themselves
Liberals always talk the way they are told to. Even support people that think you are idiots. Lol
Maybe they'll start reporting on dog catchers next. they've went about as low as they can go with a mayor
Because the GOP thinks of the rural poor as dogs. Which is strange since nearly all the white rural poor are Republican.
I see Obama care is a failure, it was suppose to be the cure for everything wrong with our healthcare system. Oh and deany, it's a democrat program you idiot.
It's amazing how deannie always finds some news that he can use from some little town that
he can proudly display as..... 'See how fucked up Republicans are'.....
and I, deannie brought it out into the light.....

Too funny.....
Small Town Mayor Pleads With Washington to Save Rural Hospitals
Rural health leaders planning to grab attention of Congress through March to Washington. (They will march 283 miles. One mile for every hospital in danger of closing.)

“Some people don’t care that people die,” he said. (You know he's talking about the "let them die" Republican Party.)

This story is becoming familiar for rural hospitals across the country. According to the American Hospital Association, more than a third of the nation’s 5,700 hospitals are in rural areas. The National Rural Health Association says the nation is in a "rural health crisis," estimating that 470 rural hospitals have closed during the past 25 years. Forty-seven of them closed during the last five years, and 283 more are in danger of closing soon, according to the association.

O’Neal also noted that the lack of Medicaid expansion in the state had hurt the hospital. Currently 29 states and the District of Columbia are expanding Medicaid, a provision of the Affordable Care Act that the Supreme Court made optional for states. Half a million previously uninsured North Carolinians would be covered if the state legislature and governor were to accept the funds from the federal government.


How many more Republicans will finally realize their party builds nothing and leaves nasty scars every where it has influence?

I have marched with him as part of Moral Monday Here in NC
Small Town Mayor Pleads With Washington to Save Rural Hospitals
Rural health leaders planning to grab attention of Congress through March to Washington. (They will march 283 miles. One mile for every hospital in danger of closing.)

“Some people don’t care that people die,” he said. (You know he's talking about the "let them die" Republican Party.)

This story is becoming familiar for rural hospitals across the country. According to the American Hospital Association, more than a third of the nation’s 5,700 hospitals are in rural areas. The National Rural Health Association says the nation is in a "rural health crisis," estimating that 470 rural hospitals have closed during the past 25 years. Forty-seven of them closed during the last five years, and 283 more are in danger of closing soon, according to the association.

O’Neal also noted that the lack of Medicaid expansion in the state had hurt the hospital. Currently 29 states and the District of Columbia are expanding Medicaid, a provision of the Affordable Care Act that the Supreme Court made optional for states. Half a million previously uninsured North Carolinians would be covered if the state legislature and governor were to accept the funds from the federal government.


How many more Republicans will finally realize their party builds nothing and leaves nasty scars every where it has influence?

How many more Republicans will finally realize their party builds nothing and leaves nasty scars every where it has influence?

Don't you remember Obama saying we don't build anything.....
Government does!!!!
I don't remember him saying that because that's not what he said. He said something like this:

Starting at 1:40: You didn't get here solely on your own power.

Ooh, that gotta hurt.

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