GOP lawmaker 'double dog dares' House Democrats to pursue Trump impeachment inquiry

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Exactly. go ahead and try to impeach Trump with an election right around the corner...going to lose the midwest again....


GOP lawmaker 'double dog dares' House Democrats to pursue Trump impeachment inquiry

Rep. Tom McClintock, of California, took issue with House Democrats, who took a big step in their impeachment push as they set the ground rules for a formal committee inquiry.

The committee voted 24-17 to define the rules for future committee impeachment hearings. While the committee is not writing articles of impeachment and nothing is going to the floor of the House right now, the session still holds political consequences for both sides of the aisle.


To clear confusion around the advancement of impeachment, Nadler said the panel is “engaged in an investigation as to whether to launch an impeachment investigation into President Trump."

McClintock was apparently fed up with Democrats seemingly dancing around the issue of whether to actually pursue impeachment, arguing that they want the "illusion of impeachment without the reality."
Exactly. go ahead and try to impeach Trump with an election right around the corner...going to lose the midwest again....


GOP lawmaker 'double dog dares' House Democrats to pursue Trump impeachment inquiry

Rep. Tom McClintock, of California, took issue with House Democrats, who took a big step in their impeachment push as they set the ground rules for a formal committee inquiry.

The committee voted 24-17 to define the rules for future committee impeachment hearings. While the committee is not writing articles of impeachment and nothing is going to the floor of the House right now, the session still holds political consequences for both sides of the aisle.


To clear confusion around the advancement of impeachment, Nadler said the panel is “engaged in an investigation as to whether to launch an impeachment investigation into President Trump."

McClintock was apparently fed up with Democrats seemingly dancing around the issue of whether to actually pursue impeachment, arguing that they want the "illusion of impeachment without the reality."

The commies are just putting on a dog and pony show to appease their base. They don't have the balls to do anything real.

The closest analogy I can compare the silly Democrat's pursuit of impeachment is like a monkey finding a hand grenade. Sooner or later, he's going to figure out how to pull the pin, then Boom!

No more monkey. The Democrat Party will destroy itself in the same manner.
Exactly. go ahead and try to impeach Trump with an election right around the corner...going to lose the midwest again....


GOP lawmaker 'double dog dares' House Democrats to pursue Trump impeachment inquiry

Rep. Tom McClintock, of California, took issue with House Democrats, who took a big step in their impeachment push as they set the ground rules for a formal committee inquiry.

The committee voted 24-17 to define the rules for future committee impeachment hearings. While the committee is not writing articles of impeachment and nothing is going to the floor of the House right now, the session still holds political consequences for both sides of the aisle.


To clear confusion around the advancement of impeachment, Nadler said the panel is “engaged in an investigation as to whether to launch an impeachment investigation into President Trump."

McClintock was apparently fed up with Democrats seemingly dancing around the issue of whether to actually pursue impeachment, arguing that they want the "illusion of impeachment without the reality."
I've been begging the left to impeach him. Please do it.

I agree first we have a lot to investigate.
For about 35 of them they will stick like glue not matter what he does. They are the cult members and he is their God.
Exactly. go ahead and try to impeach Trump with an election right around the corner...going to lose the midwest again....


GOP lawmaker 'double dog dares' House Democrats to pursue Trump impeachment inquiry

Rep. Tom McClintock, of California, took issue with House Democrats, who took a big step in their impeachment push as they set the ground rules for a formal committee inquiry.

The committee voted 24-17 to define the rules for future committee impeachment hearings. While the committee is not writing articles of impeachment and nothing is going to the floor of the House right now, the session still holds political consequences for both sides of the aisle.


To clear confusion around the advancement of impeachment, Nadler said the panel is “engaged in an investigation as to whether to launch an impeachment investigation into President Trump."

McClintock was apparently fed up with Democrats seemingly dancing around the issue of whether to actually pursue impeachment, arguing that they want the "illusion of impeachment without the reality."
I've been begging the left to impeach him. Please do it.

I agree first we have a lot to investigate.

There have already been multiple "investigations", and they found nothing. So when did the legislative branch become the judicial branch?
They are trying to take attention away from what is coming down the pipe...
The Dim’s should be very careful before jumping into the cauldron of stupidity for their actions will create a reprehensible precedent which will come to haunt them in the future.
What is this "double dog dare" stuff? The guy never said that. What happened is that democrats expected the republican to be defeated in the special election in N.C. and they scheduled the opening salvo for the next day hoping to ride the wave against Trump that the idiotic left wing pollsters assured would happen. It didn't happen and now the democrat leadership is confused and incoherent. It was going to be about a plan to impeach the president and now it is a convoluted plan to maybe create a plan. Even Pelosi apparently jumped off the train.
What is this "double dog dare" stuff? The guy never said that. What happened is that democrats expected the republican to be defeated in the special election in N.C. and they scheduled the opening salvo for the next day hoping to ride the wave against Trump that the idiotic left wing pollsters assured would happen. It didn't happen and now the democrat leadership is confused and incoherent. It was going to be about a plan to impeach the president and now it is a convoluted plan to maybe create a plan. Even Pelosi apparently jumped off the train.
You mean more incoherent and confused. Lol
They are trying to take attention away from what is coming down the pipe...

That sounds logical. So when they lose again in 2020 and their constituency cries "Why didn't you do something?", they can say "Well we tried."
Exactly. go ahead and try to impeach Trump with an election right around the corner...going to lose the midwest again....


GOP lawmaker 'double dog dares' House Democrats to pursue Trump impeachment inquiry

Rep. Tom McClintock, of California, took issue with House Democrats, who took a big step in their impeachment push as they set the ground rules for a formal committee inquiry.

The committee voted 24-17 to define the rules for future committee impeachment hearings. While the committee is not writing articles of impeachment and nothing is going to the floor of the House right now, the session still holds political consequences for both sides of the aisle.


To clear confusion around the advancement of impeachment, Nadler said the panel is “engaged in an investigation as to whether to launch an impeachment investigation into President Trump."

McClintock was apparently fed up with Democrats seemingly dancing around the issue of whether to actually pursue impeachment, arguing that they want the "illusion of impeachment without the reality."

Trump is teaching the GOP how to deal with the left, troll them without mercy. :auiqs.jpg:

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