GOP House Member Announces State Prosecutors Are Eager To Charge Bidens - This is Huge!


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

This is huge......if there are county prosecutors and state AG's contacting him and asking for instructions on how to charge the Bidens, this is a game changer.....Because unfortunately for the Dems, their party leader being indicted will not make him more popular, but less popular...if Biden is indicted, the Dem party will not win another national election for 50 years.....because once Biden is indicted, Kamala will be indicted, basically anyone who has any chance of being elected nationally will be indicted because they are all pedophiles...the truth is about to come out....If only Comer would have named the prosecutors who are calling we can all give them the support they need to take down the Bidens...either way, this is big....


Comer is just running his mouth and doing perfomative outrage because he knows his base is satisfied with whining and complaining about how everything is rigged against them.....while ignoring the fact the people they voted into office to "fight for them" thinks they are all gullible clowns...

This is huge......if there are county prosecutors and state AG's contacting him and asking for instructions on how to charge the Bidens, this is a game changer.....Because unfortunately for the Dems, their party leader being indicted will not make him more popular, but less popular...if Biden is indicted, the Dem party will not win another national election for 50 years.....because once Biden is indicted, Kamala will be indicted, basically anyone who has any chance of being elected nationally will be indicted because they are all pedophiles...the truth is about to come out....If only Comer would have named the prosecutors who are calling we can all give them the support they need to take down the Bidens...either way, this is big....


Comer is just running his mouth and doing perfomative outrage because he knows his base is satisfied with whining and complaining about how everything is rigged against them.....while ignoring the fact the people they voted into office to "fight for them" thinks they are all gullible clowns...


Whose side are you on, "Biff"?

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