GOP group runs ad attacking defund the police movement

Oh DAMN! If this runs in every state its gonna hurt the leftists even if they claim to be AGAINST defunding the police, course in most sane households the wife is on the phone with the cops while husband grabs the pistol or shotgun and dispatches the piece of shit breaking in. Either way this ad is gonna hurt leftists.

Isn't there space under that bed for you? If not, have a bed delivered for you to hide under.

Oh I wouldn't be hiding, I wouldn't even call the cops. I like 7 miles outside of town and I don't expect them to show up in a timely manner. We take care of things here ourselves, any moron dumb enough to come down a dead end dirt road and trespass on my land is obviously just asking for trouble so.
Good luck Trump're gonna need it.

LMAO need it for what? These riots and looting and defund the police are playing right into the GOP's hands, you idiots don't even realize it! You NEED suburban women and shit like this ain't gonna help you win them.

Wow, another Rexall Ranger fondling his toys. Is your penis that small?

A question only a Rump Ranger would ask. Here's to hoping the Rioters burn you out.

I have been burnt out but never run out. I have lost it all more than once and rebuilt from there more than once. And my neighbors know I will be the first to stand up for them if they are in harms way. But I don't foresee a bunch of looters and rioters coming here. There are better picking elsewhere. Maybe we can send them your way.

That's what he said and you jumped his ass. Hypocrite much?

You are obviously a cannibal.

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