GOP Establishment PAC "Club For Growth" is Planning to Destroy Trump w/Negative Ads


Gold Member
Jul 17, 2010
The "Club for Growth" - a Conservative Political Advocacy Group - is starting to carpet bomb Iowa w/anti-Trump propaganda.

The Club for Growth wants Jeb. Why? Because Jeb, for example, supports the "Iron Triangle" of special interests that has formed around the War on Terrorism (mostly no-bid contracts/subsidies to Weapons, Energy and sacred cows like Halliburton).

Trump is fucking with the monied interests that control the Republican Party.

Problem is: those special interests have deep pockets. And they are going to invest billions of dollars in an effort to convince Americans that Trump is a closet Liberal, a moron who doesn't understand basic policy issues.


Will the Establishment win?

(Psst: Club for Growth Launches $1 Million Anti-Trump Ad Campaign )
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They can't TOUCH the Donald.... He doesn't need them, and Republican's that have kept up with the NEWS know Trump is almost always right!

The funny thing is that Trump's support is growing precisely because people are wise to this shit and every time they try to slime him, his numbers go up. The times they are a changin'.

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