Goodnight Democrats ...


Actually Sotomayor and Kagan look as unhealthy as Ginsburg.

I keep thinking that is Kevin James in drag.

Here's a happy group picture to close out the day.


The really bad news for democrats is that the next two oldest Justices by far are Ginsberg (85) and Breyer (79). One of them has to decide to hang it up soon, very soon. . .
Is Ginsberg even able to walk under her own power these days?
Tesla is working on it.
Not for long.. they are about to bankrupt too...
Here's a happy group picture to close out the day.


The really bad news for democrats is that the next two oldest Justices by far are Ginsberg (85) and Breyer (79). One of them has to decide to hang it up soon, very soon. . .
Is Ginsberg even able to walk under her own power these days?
Tesla is working on it.
Not for long.. they are about to bankrupt too...
Then Ginsburger is toast.
Here's a happy group picture to close out the day.


The really bad news for democrats is that the next two oldest Justices by far are Ginsberg (85) and Breyer (79). One of them has to decide to hang it up soon, very soon. . .

There’s a high probability that both will retire within the next two years.

Also high probability is that they will be replaced by liberals - Republican majority is gone in November and with it chances of another Trump nominee getting on.

Just need the Senate, pal. Just the Senate. Not the House

Actually Sotomayor and Kagan look as unhealthy as Ginsburg.

Kagan is probably fine. Sotomayor is a long term diabetic and does not look good at all to me...and I do not say that with pleasure. She's probably not been in good shape for a few years now. Not a nice way to go. :(

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