Goodbye to All That: Reflections of a GOP Operative Who Left the Cult

lol drunk..(i dont drink...i can count the drinks ive had)(and my father is a drunk and destroyed his life because of it)and you calling me stupid is quite amusing...
You think you're NOT stupid?

Where'd you get an idiotic idea like that? :confused:

my mom...true story.....

No dummy the dress up comment was from the other thread where you posted that pic of your chunky white ass.

I can safely say I've never posted a picture of my ass on the internet. :lol:

Oh, and serving 20 years in the United States Air Force isn't playing dress up, retard.
Son, you have it wrong. The Air Force has the most intelligent enlisted men of all our armed services. After all, in what other branch do the enlisted men send the officers out to do the fighting?
only gay people spell boy, boi.....
Ummm...wrong. And vastly stupid.
so how long have you been sucking the cock?
Oh, look. Another oh-so-tolerant liberal using homosexuality as an insult. Why do you hate gays?

Wait, did you actually think I was going to slink away in shame? Moron! :rofl:

nah i knew you would stay. I use everything as an insult. I dont give a shit if you are gay,black, white, Mexican, jew, a retard, etc.....

Who said i was tolerant of people? I'm not. I cant stand people and i am very intolerant of fucking morons. I am intolerant of people who think they are slick by spelling Boy with an I.

I am HIGHLY intolerant of the current GOP base who are hell bent on destroying america because they want to be in power. You are nuts, your are domestic terrorists ( in respect to our economy and world economy ) uneducated, religious nutjobs.

You dont want a better america ( i am not talking personally about you here). You want your america, and fuck anyone who doesnt agree with you.
You will collapse the world market in order to get your America. You are dangerous and reckless. Tolerant my ass, you should be put in a cage and buried in a cave where you will be forgotten by the public.

dress up time?
Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.

lol drunk..(i dont drink...i can count the drinks ive had)(and my father is a drunk and destroyed his life because of it)and you calling me stupid is quite amusing...
Sheesh. And here we were willing to let you have an excuse for your pitiful behavior here.

Oh well, I guess he's this dumb sober, thin and well... yeah, still not smart.
Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.

lol drunk..(i dont drink...i can count the drinks ive had)(and my father is a drunk and destroyed his life because of it)and you calling me stupid is quite amusing...
Sheesh. And here we were willing to let you have an excuse for your pitiful behavior here.

Oh well, I guess he's this dumb sober, thin and well... yeah, still not smart.

You are arguing with someone who play's with transformers.
my mom...true story.....

No dummy the dress up comment was from the other thread where you posted that pic of your chunky white ass.

I can safely say I've never posted a picture of my ass on the internet. :lol:

Oh, and serving 20 years in the United States Air Force isn't playing dress up, retard.

ah the air force. yeah everyone goes in the air force for a vacation.
In what branch did you serve, boy?
I'm not the one who told someone to "get the fuck out of the thread". :lol:

Oh, and that's an image I created, Synthia. You're completely incapable of originality.


By daveman_1 at 2005-05-03

Check the upload date. :lol:
Because you found it years ago on the internet, it's your creation? :lol:
No, because I made it years ago.


If you have proof otherwise, let's see it.

On edit: You didn't even change the file name: keyboardcommando3nl.jpg. :rofl:
I am supposed to prove that your self-delusions are not true? :lol:
You think you're NOT stupid?

Where'd you get an idiotic idea like that? :confused:

my mom...true story.....

No dummy the dress up comment was from the other thread where you posted that pic of your chunky white ass.

I can safely say I've never posted a picture of my ass on the internet. :lol:

Oh, and serving 20 years in the United States Air Force isn't playing dress up, retard.
For you it was.

And what proof do we have that you were in the AF? Because some asshole on the internet claims it, we are supposed to believe it?

I've posted proof that this guy was a Republican staffer, with quotes from other respectable Washington insiders like Steve Benen and James Fallows. You call Fallows a liar???? But you want to keep claiming you were in the AF, yet offer no proof.

Fallows has a lifetime of credibility. You have your dick in your hand.

my mom...true story.....

No dummy the dress up comment was from the other thread where you posted that pic of your chunky white ass.

I can safely say I've never posted a picture of my ass on the internet. :lol:

Oh, and serving 20 years in the United States Air Force isn't playing dress up, retard.

ah the air force. yeah everyone goes in the air force for a vacation.
Don't forget the Gummint bennies!
ah the air force. yeah everyone goes in the air force for a vacation.
Don't forget the Gummint bennies!

that i pay for. So why is he posting on my dime. He should be working...slacker....Dont get this shit in the other branches.
On another forum, he would post all day long - the timestamps proved it - while he was supposed to be maintaining air force sump pumps.

Your taxpayer dollars (not) at work.
Undermining Americans' belief in their own institutions of self-government remains a prime GOP electoral strategy. But if this technique falls short of producing Karl Rove's dream of 30 years of unchallengeable one-party rule (as all such techniques always fall short of achieving the angry and embittered true believer's New Jerusalem), there are other even less savory techniques upon which to fall back. Ever since Republicans captured the majority in a number of state legislatures last November, they have systematically attempted to make it more difficult to vote: by onerous voter ID requirements (in Wisconsin, Republicans have legislated photo IDs while simultaneously shutting Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) offices in Democratic constituencies while at the same time lengthening the hours of operation of DMV offices in GOP constituencies); by narrowing registration periods; and by residency requirements that may disenfranchise university students.

whoa, who did you steal all that from.? And the horror asking people for LEGITIMATE ID'S to vote or to pretty please VOTE IN YOUR DISTRICT..And the one I like is shutting down the DMV's in Democrat districts..and keeping open DMV'S longer hours in Republican districts.. my gawd..:cuckoo:
Because you found it years ago on the internet, it's your creation? :lol:
No, because I made it years ago.


If you have proof otherwise, let's see it.

On edit: You didn't even change the file name: keyboardcommando3nl.jpg. :rofl:
I am supposed to prove that your self-delusions are not true? :lol:
If you have proof that I didn't create that image, let's see it. But you should be aware that your butthurt is not proof.

Of course, you always insist it is. :lol:
my mom...true story.....

No dummy the dress up comment was from the other thread where you posted that pic of your chunky white ass.

I can safely say I've never posted a picture of my ass on the internet. :lol:

Oh, and serving 20 years in the United States Air Force isn't playing dress up, retard.

ah the air force. yeah everyone goes in the air force for a vacation.

Some of those who were in the Air Force did recieve the same combat trainning as those in some army commands. So no the Air Force is not a vacation spot.
my mom...true story.....

No dummy the dress up comment was from the other thread where you posted that pic of your chunky white ass.

I can safely say I've never posted a picture of my ass on the internet. :lol:

Oh, and serving 20 years in the United States Air Force isn't playing dress up, retard.
For you it was.
More tough words from someone who lacked the courage to swear the oath.

Your anger is obviously proof that you know you're a coward. You don't like it, but you choose to blame others for your cowardice.

Typical leftist.
And what proof do we have that you were in the AF? Because some asshole on the internet claims it, we are supposed to believe it?
Oh you mean like your claim you were a DoD civilian who served in the Middle East, even though you can't tell the difference between a C-130 and a helicopter? :lol:

You lose, kid. You'd think you'd be used to it by now. :lol:
I've posted proof that this guy was a Republican staffer, with quotes from other respectable Washington insiders like Steve Benen and James Fallows. You call Fallows a liar???? But you want to keep claiming you were in the AF, yet offer no proof.
What proof would you accept?

Hint: None. You've got your hateful, cowardly little mind made up. And leftists believe their feelings define reality.

Sad, really.
Fallows has a lifetime of credibility. You have your dick in your hand.

I'm sure it comforts you to feel that way. Not think -- you're incapable.

Have a nice Saturday, and try not to dwell on the fact that I did what you lacked the courage to do. :lol:

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