Good thing Trump was replaced, am I right?


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
That guy twittered, and athletes wouldn't show up to the Whitehouse because it was racist to do so. Besides, Trump represented the Gestapo because it sounded cool to suggest. Actions and rationality have no place here, but projection sure does.

So what part of what's going on today helps the left recover from their feelings being hurt by their TV sets?

By chance was reopening the economy with twice the COVID cases as a year earlier that made this worth while? Boy did that show the left's true colors, but leftists don't want to talk about that, they have powerful defensive mechanisms, ignorance is bliss & spines are brittle.

How about the border crisis the left created, only to suggest "you can see the detentions when we're ready to display them"?

Is it Kamala's great ability as a leader? Or how about Biden's, sometimes he can read successfully off a cue card, just don't ask him any questions or expect an honest answer. Biden isn't real, neither is Kamala, and fucking-A aren't they the dumbest "leaders" in our history? Nice job.

How about WWIII, does that do it for you? What's taking place today in Europe makes the cold war look desirable. China and Russia are in bed. Blame the tyrant Putin if it helps you to sleep nights, but it was the West (USA) who pushed this thing. Nothing like poking an angry lion only to let him out of the cage.

How about inflation, isn't that cool? Your income is worth about 60% what it was one year ago.

How about energy prices, with even deeper inflation to come? See, what you do during energy exploitation is limit your options, in PROG.

Perhaps the misery index climbing rapidly on Biden's watch makes the juice worth the squeeze, in left terms?

Could it be you like having a POTUS who only says what he's instructed to say? What a great leader the left has chosen for us, this truly is progressive.
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No dumbfuck, you're a liberal apologist and project like a mirror

The worst your kind prove to be the worst your opponent might be to help you sleep nights.
Which has to do with your political post on a subject which is not me? I don't care if you can't handle the fact that you are a fool for an ex-president.

That guy twittered, and athletes wouldn't show up to the Whitehouse because it was racist to do so. Besides, Trump represented the Gestapo because it sounded cool to suggest. Actions and rationality have no place here, but projection sure does.

So what part of what's going on today helps the left recover from their feelings being hurt by their TV sets?

By chance was reopening the economy with twice the COVID cases as a year earlier that made this worth while? Boy did that show the left's true colors, but leftists don't want to talk about that, they have powerful defensive mechanisms, ignorance is bliss & spines are brittle.

How about the border crisis the left created, only to suggest "you can see the detentions when we're ready to display them"?

Is it Kamala's great ability as a leader? Or how about Biden's, sometimes he can read successfully off a cue card, just don't ask him any questions or expect an honest answer. Biden isn't real, neither is Kamala, and fucking-A aren't they the dumbest "leaders" in our history? Nice job.

How about WWIII, does that do it for you? What's taking place today in Europe makes the cold war look desirable. China and Russia are in bed. Blame the tyrant Putin if it helps you to sleep nights, but it was the West (USA) who pushed this thing. Nothing like poking an angry lion only to let him out of the cage.

How about inflation, isn't that cool? Your income is worth about 60% what it was one year ago.

How about energy prices, with even deeper inflation to come? See, what you do during a energy exploitation is limit your options, in PROG.

Perhaps the misery index that's climbing rapidly on Biden's watch?

Could it be you like having a POTUS who only says what he's instructed to say? What a great leader the left has chosen for us, this truly is progressive.
I share your frustration. The Left has become so radicalized that it prefers destruction of the U.S. over admitting the demonstrated wisdom of any of Trumps' policies. Pointedly, they oppose to the death anything that would empower individuals to make their own decisions. Thus we are handcuffed to a monster that will devour itself and us with it if given the opportunity.

Unfortunately, our only options are to cut the chains or kill the monster. Either way, its going to be ugly.
How about the one where leftists claim "it's nice to have a POTUS who can speak in complete sentences"?

Really, WTF does that mean, they're like retards calling retards retards. Biden can't even read what's written for him.

I am so thankful that the orange buffoon was/is not in office as his hero invades/destroys a sovereign country.

There has never been a better example of "addition by subtraction" in American presidential history.

Sure, we get it. Biden is awful, but Trump "could have been worse", so thank God for Biden right cowardly fuck?
How about WWIII, does that do it for you? What's taking place today in Europe makes the cold war look desirable. China and Russia are in bed. Blame the tyrant Putin if it helps you to sleep nights, but it was the West (USA) who pushed this thing. Nothing like poking an angry lion only to let him out of the cage.
The point is, if Trump was the president then this American push against Russia's security would most likely never happened. To Trump's credit, regardless of his reasons.

But also most likely true would be if Trump was dropped into this situation as president, he would be very likely attempting to start WW3.

I say attempting, because it's quite unlikely that Trump would be left unsupervised, after his demonstrations of mental illness.
Hey Democrats!! You asked for it, and you got it.

Funny, they didn't ask for Kammy, she was the first to drop out of the primaries due to a total lack of donations!

And did they ask for Joe? The plagiarizer who the first two times running for president only got 1.5% of the vote? Or this time, when I've seen more people show up for colonoscopies than to hear Biden speak?

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Screen Shot 2020-12-29 at 9.47.14 AM.png
The point is, if Trump was the president then this American push against Russia's security would most likely never happened. To Trump's credit, regardless of his reasons.

But also most likely true would be if Trump was dropped into this situation as president, he would be very likely attempting to start WW3.

I say attempting, because it's quite unlikely that Trump would be left unsupervised, after his demonstrations of mental illness.

You people really are mentally-ill, aren't you? Damn that Reagan for shutting down all those nuthouses.
If we don't stop letting political party insanity take priority over investment in country unity to some degree we will all end up with wet brain.

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