Good news for America


Gold Member
Aug 2, 2016
As of today the FBI has had 100,000 calls pointing out who the terrorists were in the storming of the capital with Gun bombs and clubs trying to destroy our democracy to force in a dictator. That is jusrt one arm of the investigation, states are looking through these videos or these traitors. Just about every police force in this country. All agency's of this country. The FBI SAID THEY WILL KEEP DIGGING TO THE LAST MAN< THEY WILL GET EVERY ASSHOLES THAT TRIED TO TAKE DOWN THIS GREAT COUNTRY.
As of today the FBI has had 100,000 calls pointing out who the terrorists were in the storming of the capital with Gun bombs and clubs trying to destroy our democracy to force in a dictator. That is jusrt one arm of the investigation, states are looking through these videos or these traitors. Just about every police force in this country. All agency's of this country. The FBI SAID THEY WILL KEEP DIGGING TO THE LAST MAN< THEY WILL GET EVERY ASSHOLES THAT TRIED TO TAKE DOWN THIS GREAT COUNTRY.
Whats funny is that you don't realize how many americans support the protesters (not the anti fa and blm mixed in)
The FBI did nothing for 4 years with the obvious coup attempt. To be consistent, all democrats and RINOs should be rounded up and charged with treason. Unless attacking our democracy is protected when the attackers are Deep State Europhobic scum along with racist BLM terrorists. The FBI was a political tool of Hussaine Obama before President Trump was elected, and the FBI is a political tool of Hussaine Obama still, as Hussaine and Micheal Obama, Crooked Hillary, Comey, et al, giggle about the persecution of White patriots.

If this country can be taken down by thirty or so people with no weapons waving flags carrying no arms and sitting around getting their uncovered faces pictures taken, then we don't deserve to stand.

For four years you were AGAINST making America great again and now you think it's great because an election has been stolen by a corrupted election system and some people fought to protest it? Shame on you.
They need to throw the book at them. This can NEVER happen again.

I agree. we MUST fix our broken, corrupt election system and arrest all those behind the perpetrators who installed an illegal coup.

No 81 million people voted for Joe Biden to be their president and the proof will be all the unhappy people once they see what this bozo does in office.
They need to throw the book at them.

This can NEVER happen again.
Unfortunately, most of them will get off with trespassing and something about stopping a member of government from performing duties. Believe it or not, we do not have such a thing as"domestic terrorism" on the books, so the real import of this will never be charged. Crazy, huh? Maybe they'll get to work on that now.
Maybe they'll get to work on that now.

Rest assured the democrats and RINOs are drafting up laws against freedom to assemble and free speech ASAP. Unless you are a BLM domestic terrorist celebrating a savage criminal while burning down a city and assaulting American citizens attempting to peacefully travel through. Then you get a free pass and the local mayor will take note of your butthurtness and change laws to discriminate more against Whitey to soothe your pain by inflicting "social justice" (code phrase for discrimination against Whitey because of IQ differences inherent among the races).
As of today the FBI has had 100,000 calls pointing out who the terrorists were in the storming of the capital with Gun bombs and clubs trying to destroy our democracy to force in a dictator. That is jusrt one arm of the investigation, states are looking through these videos or these traitors. Just about every police force in this country. All agency's of this country. The FBI SAID THEY WILL KEEP DIGGING TO THE LAST MAN< THEY WILL GET EVERY ASSHOLES THAT TRIED TO TAKE DOWN THIS GREAT COUNTRY.

All we gotta do is sit back for the next few months and watch as the Muppet Biden government goes to work ....

Trump had tons of independent and former democrat supporters ....its not even about Trump anymore ...but I hate to tell yas this normies are gonna start hating you even more

Carry on useful idiots ......for DEMOCWACY roflmao
Going all the way back to the abolitionist, John Brown and earlier, this nation has never found a standardized a way to identify and deal with Political Prisoners who ultimately resort to violence.
Incredible. In virtually every thread domestic and foreign enemies thrust their sedition in our faces. It is clear whom we can trust and whom we know to be unworthy. Feeding them with responses only encourages them (and probably gets them recompensed somehow by someone).
As of today the FBI has had 100,000 calls pointing out who the terrorists were in the storming of the capital with Gun bombs and clubs trying to destroy our democracy to force in a dictator. That is jusrt one arm of the investigation, states are looking through these videos or these traitors. Just about every police force in this country. All agency's of this country. The FBI SAID THEY WILL KEEP DIGGING TO THE LAST MAN< THEY WILL GET EVERY ASSHOLES THAT TRIED TO TAKE DOWN THIS GREAT COUNTRY.

Hey dumbass. If they were truly attempting a coup every one of them would have been armed and they would have shot the shit out of our glorious leaders.

You people are bat shit crazy.
As of today the FBI has had 100,000 calls pointing out who the terrorists were in the storming of the capital with Gun bombs and clubs trying to destroy our democracy to force in a dictator. That is jusrt one arm of the investigation, states are looking through these videos or these traitors. Just about every police force in this country. All agency's of this country. The FBI SAID THEY WILL KEEP DIGGING TO THE LAST MAN< THEY WILL GET EVERY ASSHOLES THAT TRIED TO TAKE DOWN THIS GREAT COUNTRY.
Whats funny is that you don't realize how many americans support the protesters (not the anti fa and blm mixed in)
No you are wrong I know how much hate there is in this country, I've been pointing that out for years all groomed by a hate party , now they are helping me.
The FBI did nothing for 4 years with the obvious coup attempt. To be consistent, all democrats and RINOs should be rounded up and charged with treason. Unless attacking our democracy is protected when the attackers are Deep State Europhobic scum along with racist BLM terrorists. The FBI was a political tool of Hussaine Obama before President Trump was elected, and the FBI is a political tool of Hussaine Obama still, as Hussaine and Micheal Obama, Crooked Hillary, Comey, et al, giggle about the persecution of White patriots.
Listen if all we have to fight against is ignorance and insanity , then they don't have a chance. By the way they don't.

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