Good News, At Least 160 confederate Monuments Were Finally Removed In 2020


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
I'm very happy to read about this. I hope it continues.

All of those monuments and statues should be in a museum where they belong.

People who attacked our nation causing the bloodiest war in our history, which put brother against brother, which killed over 600 thousand Americans, should never been revered or celebrated.

They should only be held in contempt. They aren't patriots. Patriots don't go to war to leave the union.

They are traitors to our nation and the last thing they deserve is our respect or any sort of monument or statue.

I'm very happy to read about this. I hope it continues.

All of those monuments and statues should be in a museum where they belong.

People who attacked our nation causing the bloodiest war in our history, which put brother against brother, which killed over 600 thousand Americans, should never been revered or celebrated.

They should only be held in contempt. They aren't patriots. Patriots don't go to war to leave the union.

They are traitors to our nation and the last thing they deserve is our respect or any sort of monument or statue.

Has that made you Democrats forget what you did back then yet?

I heard that if you drink bleach, it makes you forget about your Confederate past, your KKK, and all those nasty things you did to those poor black folks.

Please check back in and let us know if it works.
I'm very happy to read about this. I hope it continues.

All of those monuments and statues should be in a museum where they belong.

People who attacked our nation causing the bloodiest war in our history, which put brother against brother, which killed over 600 thousand Americans, should never been revered or celebrated.

They should only be held in contempt. They aren't patriots. Patriots don't go to war to leave the union.

They are traitors to our nation and the last thing they deserve is our respect or any sort of monument or statue.

America was founded on being a traitor to the British Rule.
I'm very happy to read about this. I hope it continues.

All of those monuments and statues should be in a museum where they belong.

People who attacked our nation causing the bloodiest war in our history, which put brother against brother, which killed over 600 thousand Americans, should never been revered or celebrated.

They should only be held in contempt. They aren't patriots. Patriots don't go to war to leave the union.

They are traitors to our nation and the last thing they deserve is our respect or any sort of monument or statue.

There is nothing good about erasing our history. It undermines our society and promotes guilt and hate. The bottom line is slavery was abolished and how that came about is important to remember no matter how unpleasant it is to a few Communists with control of the media.
I'm very happy to read about this. I hope it continues.

All of those monuments and statues should be in a museum where they belong.

People who attacked our nation causing the bloodiest war in our history, which put brother against brother, which killed over 600 thousand Americans, should never been revered or celebrated.

They should only be held in contempt. They aren't patriots. Patriots don't go to war to leave the union.

They are traitors to our nation and the last thing they deserve is our respect or any sort of monument or statue.

America was founded on being a traitor to the British Rule.
So you’re into treason to tyranny?
I'm very happy to read about this. I hope it continues.

All of those monuments and statues should be in a museum where they belong.

People who attacked our nation causing the bloodiest war in our history, which put brother against brother, which killed over 600 thousand Americans, should never been revered or celebrated.

They should only be held in contempt. They aren't patriots. Patriots don't go to war to leave the union.

They are traitors to our nation and the last thing they deserve is our respect or any sort of monument or statue.

Okay cool. Racism and oppression is over in America then.
I'm very happy to read about this. I hope it continues.

All of those monuments and statues should be in a museum where they belong.

People who attacked our nation causing the bloodiest war in our history, which put brother against brother, which killed over 600 thousand Americans, should never been revered or celebrated.

They should only be held in contempt. They aren't patriots. Patriots don't go to war to leave the union.

They are traitors to our nation and the last thing they deserve is our respect or any sort of monument or statue.

The Taliban would be proud of you
Good news for left loons, not so much for us against trying to erase history

The only history thus "erased" would be the frantic putting-up of all these propaganda transmitters ---- which is and always has been exactly what they were ----- by the UDC who put them up. Not even the UDC protests it --- they've been agreeing to take them back, having seen the error of their organization's ways.

NONE of that has jack friggety squat to do with "left" or "right". It has to do with propaganda, particularly with aggressive propaganda.

Under thst mentality we should still be a British colony flying the Union Jack over our government buildings rather than the Star Spangled Babner.
Except one war was for freedom and the other was for slavery.

We don't have any statues to the British generals or soldiers who fought in the revolutionary war here in America.

It's cowardly and childish to try to compare the Revolutionary War with the Civil War.

There is no comparison.
I'm very happy to read about this. I hope it continues.

All of those monuments and statues should be in a museum where they belong.

People who attacked our nation causing the bloodiest war in our history, which put brother against brother, which killed over 600 thousand Americans, should never been revered or celebrated.

They should only be held in contempt. They aren't patriots. Patriots don't go to war to leave the union.

They are traitors to our nation and the last thing they deserve is our respect or any sort of monument or statue.

There is nothing good about erasing our history. It undermines our society and promotes guilt and hate. The bottom line is slavery was abolished and how that came about is important to remember no matter how unpleasant it is to a few Communists with control of the media.

NOWHERE ON EARTH is history encased in monuments. History is neutral fact; monuments are highly-biased honorific pedestals. The erection of the monuments in question was done specifically to DENY what the history was, including your own citation of Abolition.
I'm very happy to read about this. I hope it continues.

All of those monuments and statues should be in a museum where they belong.

People who attacked our nation causing the bloodiest war in our history, which put brother against brother, which killed over 600 thousand Americans, should never been revered or celebrated.

They should only be held in contempt. They aren't patriots. Patriots don't go to war to leave the union.

They are traitors to our nation and the last thing they deserve is our respect or any sort of monument or statue.

Okay cool. Racism and oppression is over in America then.

According to the Democrats, racism and oppression never will be over. Otherwise, how else would they win an election?

Besides cheating, I mean.

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