Good News, At Least 160 confederate Monuments Were Finally Removed In 2020

The UDC (United Daughters of the Confederacy) propaganda propagation served exactly the same purpose as the UDTR (United Daughters of the Third Reich) did when they ran around Germany, Poland, Belgium, Norway and Russia putting up Hitler statues to the "noble" cause of Naziism and how the Jews were "happy with their lot".

--- Except of course that the UDTR never existed and wouldn't be tolerated.

If all you have is the Nazi angle, you got nothing.

The Civil war was a civil war, where the purpose was to bring the revolting population back into the country. Part of the process was allowing both sides to remember their fallen and their leaders as they saw fit.

Now people like you want to change that, decades after the people who actually fought it are long gone.

Your comparison is idiotic and worthless.

Lemme tune that up for ya.

The Cult of the Lost Cause was/is a propaganda war, where the purpose was to bring the Confederacy away from the revolting legacy of its behaviour in the view of the rest of the country. Part of the process was coercing municipalities to erect propaganda transmitters to remember, black people, who's in charge here.

Now people like you want to rally 'round those propaganda transmitters lest that message of dominance be diminished, and, horrors, the nation might see the actual history for what it is rather than what it's whitewashed into.

Of course another part of that process was the incessant monkeying-up of school textbooks and popular culture, but we already touched on that. As for the people who are long gone, how inconvenient that one of the primary OPPONENTS of this kind of propaganda was Robert E. Lee, whose image erupted like acne for the purpose of selling that propaganda revised-history bullshit against his will.

Your post above was idiotic and worthless, not to mention clueless. I fixed it for ya.

All those words, no actual point.

Typical pogo post.

All those words left unread. Or in the short form, :lalala:

Your posts aren't worth reading. Tl;dr.

Just one long spew of word salad.

Yes I already acknowledged your FEAR. You're skeered shitless to read it because you know I'm right.
Sucks to be cowardly.
I'm very happy to read about this. I hope it continues.

All of those monuments and statues should be in a museum where they belong.

People who attacked our nation causing the bloodiest war in our history, which put brother against brother, which killed over 600 thousand Americans, should never been revered or celebrated.

They should only be held in contempt. They aren't patriots. Patriots don't go to war to leave the union.

They are traitors to our nation and the last thing they deserve is our respect or any sort of monument or statue.

America was founded on being a traitor to the British Rule.

Give me the name of a British soldier or general who fought in the Revolutionary War that we in America have built shrines and statues to.

Who walks around in America with a British flag and respects the British for what they did in the Revolutionary War?

There is no comparison here.
As Forrest Gump would ask.....are you stupid or something?? Take off your facediaper and let some fresh air get to whats left of your brain
The UDC (United Daughters of the Confederacy) propaganda propagation served exactly the same purpose as the UDTR (United Daughters of the Third Reich) did when they ran around Germany, Poland, Belgium, Norway and Russia putting up Hitler statues to the "noble" cause of Naziism and how the Jews were "happy with their lot".

--- Except of course that the UDTR never existed and wouldn't be tolerated.

If all you have is the Nazi angle, you got nothing.

The Civil war was a civil war, where the purpose was to bring the revolting population back into the country. Part of the process was allowing both sides to remember their fallen and their leaders as they saw fit.

Now people like you want to change that, decades after the people who actually fought it are long gone.

Your comparison is idiotic and worthless.

Lemme tune that up for ya.

The Cult of the Lost Cause was/is a propaganda war, where the purpose was to bring the Confederacy away from the revolting legacy of its behaviour in the view of the rest of the country. Part of the process was coercing municipalities to erect propaganda transmitters to remember, black people, who's in charge here.

Now people like you want to rally 'round those propaganda transmitters lest that message of dominance be diminished, and, horrors, the nation might see the actual history for what it is rather than what it's whitewashed into.

Of course another part of that process was the incessant monkeying-up of school textbooks and popular culture, but we already touched on that. As for the people who are long gone, how inconvenient that one of the primary OPPONENTS of this kind of propaganda was Robert E. Lee, whose image erupted like acne for the purpose of selling that propaganda revised-history bullshit against his will.

Your post above was idiotic and worthless, not to mention clueless. I fixed it for ya.

All those words, no actual point.

Typical pogo post.

All those words left unread. Or in the short form, :lalala:

Your posts aren't worth reading. Tl;dr.

Just one long spew of word salad.

Yes I already acknowledged your FEAR. You're skeered shitless to read it because you know I'm right.
Sucks to be cowardly.

LOL, Fear.

It's not rewarding long posts designed to obscure the fact you don't know what you are talking about, and can't respond concisely or coherently.
I'm very happy to read about this. I hope it continues.

All of those monuments and statues should be in a museum where they belong.

People who attacked our nation causing the bloodiest war in our history, which put brother against brother, which killed over 600 thousand Americans, should never been revered or celebrated.

They should only be held in contempt. They aren't patriots. Patriots don't go to war to leave the union.

They are traitors to our nation and the last thing they deserve is our respect or any sort of monument or statue.

If your comments are addressed to the trump Nazis, remember, the trump Nazis' cult is led by a traitor. Also, the trump Nazis have fought to keep these monuments to past traitors in place. So, when it comes to traitors against the United States, the trump Nazis can't get enough.

The UDC (United Daughters of the Confederacy) propaganda propagation served exactly the same purpose as the UDTR (United Daughters of the Third Reich) did when they ran around Germany, Poland, Belgium, Norway and Russia putting up Hitler statues to the "noble" cause of Naziism and how the Jews were "happy with their lot".

--- Except of course that the UDTR never existed and wouldn't be tolerated.

If all you have is the Nazi angle, you got nothing.

What I have is a SIMPLE --- at least I thought it was simple --- example that even you could follow. If I refer to Nazi Germany, presumably I don't need to explain what that is. You should know. Presuming that to be commonly-based knowledge, I constructed an analogy.

Now imagine some history-revisionist group running around erecting statues in PUBLIC PLACES broadcasting all about the "noble cause" of the Third Reich and how it and its thugs were really a good thing that Jews and Poles and Czechs and Russians and socialists and communists and intellectuals (etc etc etc) really didn't mind at all, and what a great place concentration camps were, ah those were the days.

--- WHAT kind of reception would that action likely receive?

Suppose those monuments had been erected, hundreds of them all over Europe, but now there was a contemporary movement to take them down or at least move them out of public/municipal spaces... WHICH side would you be on?

Do the math.
I'm very happy to read about this. I hope it continues.

All of those monuments and statues should be in a museum where they belong.

People who attacked our nation causing the bloodiest war in our history, which put brother against brother, which killed over 600 thousand Americans, should never been revered or celebrated.

They should only be held in contempt. They aren't patriots. Patriots don't go to war to leave the union.

They are traitors to our nation and the last thing they deserve is our respect or any sort of monument or statue.

Only Nazis and commies would be happy about removing history. You libtards are so friggin stupid.

Once AGAIN for the stupids ---- monuments are NOT where we keep history. BOOKS are where we keep history. Nothing changed about that.

Monuments are where we REWRITE history, if so inclined, which is what these particular monuments tried to do, and succeeded for too long. Why don't you tell the class what sort of folks would be UNhappy that the REWRITE was undone.
Bull! Monuments record history same as books do and books can be written in an attempt to rewrite the history recorded by monuments just as easily as the other way around. Fact is both are made by people and sometimes people either lie or do not know the truth and record something else. You're all about agenda; not history and not truth. You desperately search for excuses.

Uhhhmmmm.... I ain't the asshat who just made up a fictitious "very important battle" that never happened, Gummo, so which one of us is "desperate"?
No, you're the asshat who thinks all of history in some way pertains to slavery even though it was abolished long ago.
And I "made up" nothing". I confused similar place names.

"All history" in no way pertains to slavery. You made that up just like you made up the "Battle of Stone Mountain". You know, the one that "deserves to be remembered".

If something "deserves to be remembered" how is it you can't remember it?
Did I not keep it simple enough for even you to understand? The battles of Stones River and Lookout Mountain were indeed important battles that happened near by. The carving on Stone Mountain to is commemorate the Confederacy and the the War in the West that took place along the logistically important railways and river systems running from Nashville Tn. through Atlanta Ga. I provided links knowing your aversion to looking at history that actually happened rather than making up your own as you go along. Neither the battles nor the carving had anything to do with slavery.
The UDC (United Daughters of the Confederacy) propaganda propagation served exactly the same purpose as the UDTR (United Daughters of the Third Reich) did when they ran around Germany, Poland, Belgium, Norway and Russia putting up Hitler statues to the "noble" cause of Naziism and how the Jews were "happy with their lot".

--- Except of course that the UDTR never existed and wouldn't be tolerated.

If all you have is the Nazi angle, you got nothing.

What I have is a SIMPLE --- at least I thought it was simple --- example that even you could follow. If I refer to Nazi Germany, presumably I don't need to explain what that is. You should know.

Now imagine some history-revisionist group running around erecting statues in PUBLIC PLACES broadcasting all about the "noble cause" of the Third Reich and how it and its thugs were really a good thing that Jews and Poles and Czechs and Russians (etc etc etc) really didn't mind at all.

--- WHAT kind of reception would that action likely receive?

Suppose those monuments had been erected, hundreds of them all over Europe, and there was a contemporaty movement to take them down or at least move them out of public/municipal spaces... WHICH side would you be on?

Do the math.

The comparison is dead on it's start. Again, if you have to to Godwin to make your point, you lost.

A Civil War doesn't equate to a foreign war. Slavery doesn't equate to what the Nazis did. doing so is idiotic.
I'm very happy to read about this. I hope it continues.

All of those monuments and statues should be in a museum where they belong.

People who attacked our nation causing the bloodiest war in our history, which put brother against brother, which killed over 600 thousand Americans, should never been revered or celebrated.

They should only be held in contempt. They aren't patriots. Patriots don't go to war to leave the union.

They are traitors to our nation and the last thing they deserve is our respect or any sort of monument or statue.

Only Nazis and commies would be happy about removing history. You libtards are so friggin stupid.

Once AGAIN for the stupids ---- monuments are NOT where we keep history. BOOKS are where we keep history. Nothing changed about that.

Monuments are where we REWRITE history, if so inclined, which is what these particular monuments tried to do, and succeeded for too long. Why don't you tell the class what sort of folks would be UNhappy that the REWRITE was undone.
Bull! Monuments record history same as books do and books can be written in an attempt to rewrite the history recorded by monuments just as easily as the other way around. Fact is both are made by people and sometimes people either lie or do not know the truth and record something else. You're all about agenda; not history and not truth. You desperately search for excuses.

Uhhhmmmm.... I ain't the asshat who just made up a fictitious "very important battle" that never happened, Gummo, so which one of us is "desperate"?
No, you're the asshat who thinks all of history in some way pertains to slavery even though it was abolished long ago.
And I "made up" nothing". I confused similar place names.

"All history" in no way pertains to slavery. You made that up just like you made up the "Battle of Stone Mountain". You know, the one that "deserves to be remembered".

If something "deserves to be remembered" how is it you can't remember it?
Did I not keep it simple enough for even you to understand? The battles of Stones River and Lookout Mountain were indeed important battles that happened near by. The carving on Stone Mountain to is commemorate the Confederacy and the the War in the West that took place along the logistically important railways and river systems running from Nashville Tn. through Atlanta Ga. I provided links knowing your aversion to looking at history that actually happened rather than making up your own as you go along. Neither the battles nor the carving had anything to do with slavery.

You sat on this board claiming a "very important battle" took place at Stone Mountain, where "many men died" and "deserve to be remembered". AGAIN if you claim to be all about history HOW did you pull that out of your ass? How can you "remember" battle deaths that never happened?

Again, neither of those sites is near Stone Mountain, I DON'T NEED your links to know your Battle of Stone Mountain never happened, and I didn't claim Stone Mountain OR those battles had anything to do with slavery, other than being associated with the Confederacy. What I DID say in bringing up Stone Mountain was that it was the site of the re-founding of the Ku Klux Klan in 1915, and that the UDC commemorated it with the relief sculpture, hiring a rabid Klanner to do it, just as they also commemorated the building at 205 West Madison Street in Pulaski Tennessee, the birthplace of the first Ku Klux Klan in 1865.

Those are facts. I was aware I knew more history than you do, I guess I didn't realize I know WAY more.

And the relevance of all that to this thread is that the UDC is the same group that ran around frantically erecting statues and monuments on public land, AND spent even more energy rewriting school history textbooks, ALL in the name of Propaganda. The propaganda of the Cult of the Lost Cause.
The UDC (United Daughters of the Confederacy) propaganda propagation served exactly the same purpose as the UDTR (United Daughters of the Third Reich) did when they ran around Germany, Poland, Belgium, Norway and Russia putting up Hitler statues to the "noble" cause of Naziism and how the Jews were "happy with their lot".

--- Except of course that the UDTR never existed and wouldn't be tolerated.

If all you have is the Nazi angle, you got nothing.

The Civil war was a civil war, where the purpose was to bring the revolting population back into the country. Part of the process was allowing both sides to remember their fallen and their leaders as they saw fit.

Now people like you want to change that, decades after the people who actually fought it are long gone.

Your comparison is idiotic and worthless.

Lemme tune that up for ya.

The Cult of the Lost Cause was/is a propaganda war, wherTe the purpose was to bring the Confederacy away from the revolting legacy of its behaviour in the view of the rest of the country. Part of the process was coercing municipalities to erect propaganda transmitters to remember, black people, who's in charge here.

Now people like you want to rally 'round those propaganda transmitters lest that message of dominance be diminished, and, horrors, the nation might see the actual history for what it is rather than what it's whitewashed into.

Of course another part of that process was the incessant monkeying-up of school textbooks and popular culture, but we already touched on that. As for the people who are long gone, how inconvenient that one of the primary OPPONENTS of this kind of propaganda was Robert E. Lee, whose image erupted like acne for the purpose of selling that propaganda revised-history bullshit against his will.

Your post above was idiotic and worthless, not to mention clueless. I fixed it for ya.
Once again you make wild-ass claims without a shred of evidence to back them up.

The Cult of the Lost Cause was/is a propaganda war, wherTe the purpose was to bring the Confederacy away from the revolting legacy of its behaviour in the view of the rest of the country.

Prove it. The only obvious propaganda is coming directly from you. The Confederacy did not exist when the monuments were made and many were made long after. What purpose would pro-Confederate propaganda serve? Why would people in the South care how people in the rest of the country viewed it's behavior (clue=we don't)?

Now people like you want to rally 'round those propaganda transmitters lest that message of dominance be diminished, and, horrors, the nation might see the actual history for what it is rather than what it's whitewashed into.

Propaganda transmitters"? When and where exactly has anyone made a monument for the express purpose of transmitting propaganda? Proof; not imagination. What do you know about actual history that you claim people are afraid to look at? Why would anyone believe you know truth about history? I submit that it is you and people of your ilk that are the "revisionists" who are trying to remake history to suit yourselves and your agenda and that is one of the reasons you seek to erase reality.
The UDC (United Daughters of the Confederacy) propaganda propagation served exactly the same purpose as the UDTR (United Daughters of the Third Reich) did when they ran around Germany, Poland, Belgium, Norway and Russia putting up Hitler statues to the "noble" cause of Naziism and how the Jews were "happy with their lot".

--- Except of course that the UDTR never existed and wouldn't be tolerated.

If all you have is the Nazi angle, you got nothing.

What I have is a SIMPLE --- at least I thought it was simple --- example that even you could follow. If I refer to Nazi Germany, presumably I don't need to explain what that is. You should know.

Now imagine some history-revisionist group running around erecting statues in PUBLIC PLACES broadcasting all about the "noble cause" of the Third Reich and how it and its thugs were really a good thing that Jews and Poles and Czechs and Russians (etc etc etc) really didn't mind at all.

--- WHAT kind of reception would that action likely receive?

Suppose those monuments had been erected, hundreds of them all over Europe, and there was a contemporaty movement to take them down or at least move them out of public/municipal spaces... WHICH side would you be on?

Do the math.

The comparison is dead on it's start. Again, if you have to to Godwin to make your point, you lost.

A Civil War doesn't equate to a foreign war. Slavery doesn't equate to what the Nazis did. doing so is idiotic.

DING what are three assertions I never made for 600 Alex

How telling --- and how pathetic --- that you need to run away by mischaracterizing what I posted here.
As I called it already ---- FEAR. You can't deal with it. Wimp.
The UDC (United Daughters of the Confederacy) propaganda propagation served exactly the same purpose as the UDTR (United Daughters of the Third Reich) did when they ran around Germany, Poland, Belgium, Norway and Russia putting up Hitler statues to the "noble" cause of Naziism and how the Jews were "happy with their lot".

--- Except of course that the UDTR never existed and wouldn't be tolerated.

If all you have is the Nazi angle, you got nothing.

The Civil war was a civil war, where the purpose was to bring the revolting population back into the country. Part of the process was allowing both sides to remember their fallen and their leaders as they saw fit.

Now people like you want to change that, decades after the people who actually fought it are long gone.

Your comparison is idiotic and worthless.

Lemme tune that up for ya.

The Cult of the Lost Cause was/is a propaganda war, wherTe the purpose was to bring the Confederacy away from the revolting legacy of its behaviour in the view of the rest of the country. Part of the process was coercing municipalities to erect propaganda transmitters to remember, black people, who's in charge here.

Now people like you want to rally 'round those propaganda transmitters lest that message of dominance be diminished, and, horrors, the nation might see the actual history for what it is rather than what it's whitewashed into.

Of course another part of that process was the incessant monkeying-up of school textbooks and popular culture, but we already touched on that. As for the people who are long gone, how inconvenient that one of the primary OPPONENTS of this kind of propaganda was Robert E. Lee, whose image erupted like acne for the purpose of selling that propaganda revised-history bullshit against his will.

Your post above was idiotic and worthless, not to mention clueless. I fixed it for ya.
Once again you make wild-ass claims without a shred of evidence to back them up.

The Cult of the Lost Cause was/is a propaganda war, wherTe the purpose was to bring the Confederacy away from the revolting legacy of its behaviour in the view of the rest of the country.

Prove it. The only obvious propaganda is coming directly from you. The Confederacy did not exist when the monuments were made and many were made long after. What purpose would pro-Confederate propaganda serve? Why would people in the South care how people in the rest of the country viewed it's behavior (clue=we don't)?

Now people like you want to rally 'round those propaganda transmitters lest that message of dominance be diminished, and, horrors, the nation might see the actual history for what it is rather than what it's whitewashed into.

Propaganda transmitters"? When and where exactly has anyone made a monument for the express purpose of transmitting propaganda? Proof; not imagination. What do you know about actual history that you claim people are afraid to look at? Why would anyone believe you know truth about history? I submit that it is you and people of your ilk that are the "revisionists" who are trying to remake history to suit yourselves and your agenda and that is one of the reasons you seek to erase reality.

Once AGAIN Gummo, I ain't the one who sat here and made shit up about battles that never took place, so go buy a mirror.

And yes, Slowhand, when you're running around in the days before mass electronic communication and you're erecting all manner of apologist markers to distort the history of a war you LOST, specifically in PUBLIC and HIGH TRAFFIC places where they would reach the widest audience.... *AND* at the same time you're frantically running around editing school history textbooks to mirror that same propaganda... *AND* at the same time you're pushing the same narrative in literature, in film, in everyday life right down to segregated water fountains and baseball's "gentlemen's agreement" ---- YOU ARE TRANSMITTING PROPAGANDA. And if it was a time where you could have, say, a radio station, you'd do it that way. Like Alma White did.
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I ain't 'rewriting' jack shit. Actually the only clown rewriting here is post 109. I just challenged him on it.
I bet the house he runs away. You in or what?

Hey, maybe daveman might want a piece of this action. He read about the "major and important Civil War battle at Stone Mountain" and clicked and 'Agree" on it. Let's see what he does.
Don't you feel utterly impotent when you bark orders and no one rushes to obey?

You should.
I ain't 'rewriting' jack shit. Actually the only clown rewriting here is post 109. I just challenged him on it.
I bet the house he runs away. You in or what?
I know, still trying to figure out what civil war battle happened at stone mountain

So you're not taking the bet, and I keep my house.

That leaves me with Dave. He ain't got shit.

How ironic though that an asshat who comes charging in here claiming monuments are all about history --- doesn't know his history. Guess history isn't that important for some wags.
I'm curious how you're going to move the mountain into a museum.

Or maybe you'll go the Taliban route and destroy it with artillery fire.
I ain't 'rewriting' jack shit. Actually the only clown rewriting here is post 109. I just challenged him on it.
I bet the house he runs away. You in or what?

Hey, maybe daveman might want a piece of this action. He read about the "major and important Civil War battle at Stone Mountain" and clicked and 'Agree" on it. Let's see what he does.
Don't you feel utterly impotent when you bark orders and no one rushes to obey?

You should.

So no idea huh Dave.

How come you clicked an "Agree" on a post about a battle that was total bullshit, Dave?

Huh Dave?
How many statues must be removed before slavery never happened?

Aaaaaaaaaaand here he comes YET again....


Hey Dave, I got an idea.
Why don't you keep running the same lame fallacy over and over and over expecting different results.
I'm sure nobody will notice.
You sure do get angry when people make fun of you.

You should be used to it by now.
I ain't 'rewriting' jack shit. Actually the only clown rewriting here is post 109. I just challenged him on it.
I bet the house he runs away. You in or what?

Hey, maybe daveman might want a piece of this action. He read about the "major and important Civil War battle at Stone Mountain" and clicked and 'Agree" on it. Let's see what he does.
Don't you feel utterly impotent when you bark orders and no one rushes to obey?

You should.

So no idea huh Dave.

How come you clicked an "Agree" on a post about a battle that was total bullshit, Dave?

Huh Dave?
How you gonna put the mountain in a museum? Are you going to just build walls around the entire mountain?

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