Good luck with this poll, DJT

Good lord, does anyone think that a wall without some manning will stop anything.....

What do you think the point of a wall is? Agree with it or not, it is a tool and not an end all be all in stopping illegal border crossings.

Blackflag is really stupid. He thinks that a Wall is the end all be all, and that if it is not 100% effective, BY ITSELF, that it is a failure.
Uh, says the special ed guy boasting about knowing what a wall is :lmao:

Except that nothing I ever said, was anything like that.

Sorry about all the two syllable words in that post. I know you struggle.
Struggle - something illegals won’t encounter as they climb over the obese dotard’s walls

If you really believed that, you would not be so afraid of it.
Afraid - the constant state of Trump sheep

They only people that listen to that are Liberal Professors, FemiNazis, DemNazis, & The Sexually Confused.
nat4900 spends hours scouring the internet for anything that supports his opinions. He has that time because he doesn’t have anything good going on in his life.
Although not always 100% accurate, below (for those people who still believe that random polling is a valid indicator) is a quick look at how "independents" are turning away from demagoguery.

Do you approve or disapprove of President Donald Trump declaring a national emergency to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border?
  • Overall...... 36% approve..........61% Disapprove
  • Democrats.....6% Approve.......94% Disapprove
  • Republicans......85% Approve.........12% Disapprove
  • Independents....33% Approve..........66% Disapprove
Source: NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll of 807 U.S. adults conducted Feb. 15-17. “Overall” results reflect all respondents, and the margin of error is 4.6 percentage points. Party affiliation results reflect the 709 respondents who identified as registered voters, and the margin of error is 4.9 percentage points. “Unsure” responses not shown.

Start off a thread with a screwy poll, ya' deservedly end up with a screwy thread.
Have at it dorkmeister....
Agreed but when 95% of MSM reporting has a liberal basis, it is clear they have an agenda which doesn’t include informing the public.
95%? Where does that number come from? (I can guess since it stinks so bad.) Does MSM include Fox? How about the National Review or WSJ?

Agreed but when 95% of MSM reporting has a liberal basis, it is clear they have an agenda which doesn’t include informing the public.
95%? Where does that number come from? (I can guess since it stinks so bad.) Does MSM include Fox? How about the National Review or WSJ?

If this is news to you, you need to realize how uninformed you are. All the news you consume is liberally biased. That should tell you something is wrong, but apparently it doesn’t.

Lara says it’s 85%. Will you accept that?

Journalist Lara Logan understands American media culture. “I’m 47 now and I’ve been a journalist since I was 17. And the media everywhere is mostly liberal, not just in the U.S. But in this country, 85 percent of journalists are registered Democrats,” said Logan in a chat with author and former Navy SEAL Mike Ritland. “I always joke that the other 14 percent were too lazy to register. And there’s maybe 1 percent that’s on the right.” Fox News, Breitbart and “a few others” are the only outlets representing the “other side,” said Logan, former chief foreign affairs correspondent for CBS News.
Blackflag is really stupid. He thinks that a Wall is the end all be all, and that if it is not 100% effective, BY ITSELF, that it is a failure.
Uh, says the special ed guy boasting about knowing what a wall is :lmao:

Except that nothing I ever said, was anything like that.

Sorry about all the two syllable words in that post. I know you struggle.
Struggle - something illegals won’t encounter as they climb over the obese dotard’s walls

If you really believed that, you would not be so afraid of it.
Afraid - the constant state of Trump sheep
Why do you want open borders that result in lots of illegals, drugs, and Latins who die in the desert?

Is it because the ruling class tells you to want open borders?
Uh, says the special ed guy boasting about knowing what a wall is :lmao:

Except that nothing I ever said, was anything like that.

Sorry about all the two syllable words in that post. I know you struggle.
Struggle - something illegals won’t encounter as they climb over the obese dotard’s walls

If you really believed that, you would not be so afraid of it.
Afraid - the constant state of Trump sheep
Why do you want open borders that result in lots of illegals, drugs, and Latins who die in the desert?

Is it because the ruling class tells you to want open borders?
Quote where I’ve said I want “open borders” (whatever that means to you), little obsessed one
Except that nothing I ever said, was anything like that.

Sorry about all the two syllable words in that post. I know you struggle.
Struggle - something illegals won’t encounter as they climb over the obese dotard’s walls

If you really believed that, you would not be so afraid of it.
Afraid - the constant state of Trump sheep
Why do you want open borders that result in lots of illegals, drugs, and Latins who die in the desert?

Is it because the ruling class tells you to want open borders?
Quote where I’ve said I want “open borders” (whatever that means to you), little obsessed one
So you are merely against the wall. Is that right?
Struggle - something illegals won’t encounter as they climb over the obese dotard’s walls

If you really believed that, you would not be so afraid of it.
Afraid - the constant state of Trump sheep
Why do you want open borders that result in lots of illegals, drugs, and Latins who die in the desert?

Is it because the ruling class tells you to want open borders?
Quote where I’ve said I want “open borders” (whatever that means to you), little obsessed one
So you are merely against the wall. Is that right?
I oppose Trump’s vision of a wall and his handling of immigration matters period. He and his cronies are too eager to commit human rights abuses. I’ll accept what congress puts forth.
If you really believed that, you would not be so afraid of it.
Afraid - the constant state of Trump sheep
Why do you want open borders that result in lots of illegals, drugs, and Latins who die in the desert?

Is it because the ruling class tells you to want open borders?
Quote where I’ve said I want “open borders” (whatever that means to you), little obsessed one
So you are merely against the wall. Is that right?
I oppose Trump’s vision of a wall and his handling of immigration matters period. He and his cronies are too eager to commit human rights abuses. I’ll accept what congress puts forth.
That’s funny because we know Congress will do nothing. They have passed all sorts of immigration laws, but illegal immigration, drugs, and human tariffing continues unabated.
Afraid - the constant state of Trump sheep
Why do you want open borders that result in lots of illegals, drugs, and Latins who die in the desert?

Is it because the ruling class tells you to want open borders?
Quote where I’ve said I want “open borders” (whatever that means to you), little obsessed one
So you are merely against the wall. Is that right?
I oppose Trump’s vision of a wall and his handling of immigration matters period. He and his cronies are too eager to commit human rights abuses. I’ll accept what congress puts forth.
That’s funny because we know Congress will do nothing. They have passed all sorts of immigration laws, but illegal immigration, drugs, and human tariffing continues unabated.
They've also had over 800 miles of walls and barriers erected but illegal immi- well, you know

They only people that listen to that are Liberal Professors, FemiNazis, DemNazis, & The Sexually Confused.
Also people who have more education and earn more than the average American.

You sure about that?
Those who are too fucking stupid to know how walls work and when they are warranted can thank us later.
Speaking of too stupid to know how walls work, has your stupid ass ever heard of a ladder?
Yeah I’m sure many illegals carry them in their back pocket.
^ is this motherfucker trying to pretend ladders are rare and hard to get? :cuckoo:
Why do you want a porous border?
As long as Paco can come here and get a job working for oh, let’s say TRUMP (as he regularly employs illegals), then your stone age, simpleton’s idea that a wall will solve your problems will never work.

But all your LefTarded friends piss their pants when we raid businesses and arrest the brown cockroaches...What gives?
You sure you’re being honest with yourself?
People are afraid, it always happens when a large group of foreign people come here, no one likes normal getting a hard push out of comfort zone. and some fears are real & some complete BS. maybe people think we will end up like the native American Indians. A wall seems the least of our problems, guess its something to focus on, keeps the mind off everything else strange going on.
Blackflag is really stupid. He thinks that a Wall is the end all be all, and that if it is not 100% effective, BY ITSELF, that it is a failure.
Uh, says the special ed guy boasting about knowing what a wall is :lmao:

Except that nothing I ever said, was anything like that.

Sorry about all the two syllable words in that post. I know you struggle.
Struggle - something illegals won’t encounter as they climb over the obese dotard’s walls

If you really believed that, you would not be so afraid of it.
Afraid - the constant state of Trump sheep

Except that we are well able to explain why we are afraid of the things we are afraid of,

while you are afraid of a Wall that you claim won't do anything.
Except that nothing I ever said, was anything like that.

Sorry about all the two syllable words in that post. I know you struggle.
Struggle - something illegals won’t encounter as they climb over the obese dotard’s walls

If you really believed that, you would not be so afraid of it.
Afraid - the constant state of Trump sheep
Why do you want open borders that result in lots of illegals, drugs, and Latins who die in the desert?

Is it because the ruling class tells you to want open borders?
Quote where I’ve said I want “open borders” (whatever that means to you), little obsessed one

You dumbass.
Afraid - the constant state of Trump sheep
Why do you want open borders that result in lots of illegals, drugs, and Latins who die in the desert?

Is it because the ruling class tells you to want open borders?
Quote where I’ve said I want “open borders” (whatever that means to you), little obsessed one
So you are merely against the wall. Is that right?
I oppose Trump’s vision of a wall and his handling of immigration matters period. He and his cronies are too eager to commit human rights abuses. I’ll accept what congress puts forth.
That’s funny because we know Congress will do nothing. They have passed all sorts of immigration laws, but illegal immigration, drugs, and human tariffing continues unabated.

Which is what he wants. He just is too cowardly to admit it.
Why do you want open borders that result in lots of illegals, drugs, and Latins who die in the desert?

Is it because the ruling class tells you to want open borders?
Quote where I’ve said I want “open borders” (whatever that means to you), little obsessed one
So you are merely against the wall. Is that right?
I oppose Trump’s vision of a wall and his handling of immigration matters period. He and his cronies are too eager to commit human rights abuses. I’ll accept what congress puts forth.
That’s funny because we know Congress will do nothing. They have passed all sorts of immigration laws, but illegal immigration, drugs, and human tariffing continues unabated.

Which is what he wants. He just is too cowardly to admit it.
I don’t believe any American wants it, but I do think many Americans are misinformed by a corrupt media.
Although not always 100% accurate, below (for those people who still believe that random polling is a valid indicator) is a quick look at how "independents" are turning away from demagoguery.

Do you approve or disapprove of President Donald Trump declaring a national emergency to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border?
  • Overall...... 36% approve..........61% Disapprove
  • Democrats.....6% Approve.......94% Disapprove
  • Republicans......85% Approve.........12% Disapprove
  • Independents....33% Approve..........66% Disapprove
Source: NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll of 807 U.S. adults conducted Feb. 15-17. “Overall” results reflect all respondents, and the margin of error is 4.6 percentage points. Party affiliation results reflect the 709 respondents who identified as registered voters, and the margin of error is 4.9 percentage points. “Unsure” responses not shown.

Trump has a pen and a phone; we hired him to build the Our Wall.

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