Good guy with gun stops bad guy with gun!

As q citizen of the world. Just another day in America....dead bodies in restaurants, enjoy your guns.

Thank you, we will, and so will you if you are ever a patron in such a restaurant and an armed citizen saves your miserable life.

I'll enjoy my guns too and I'm sure numb nuts won't complain if a gunman saves his asshole life at a restaurant if shooting starts.

Just another gun hater that someone else will have to save.
Thousands will die from gun violence in the US far more than most of the countries in the world. You must be proud!!!
And one of the main reasons is "gun-free zones", which have gotten dozens of Americans killed in recent years (ex. Fort Hood, Chattanooga recruiting center, San Bernardino, Pulse Club, Newtown, Parkland, etc)

And once again >> The dozens who were SAVED by that gun, are enjoying their LIVES.
A barbaric right that was meant for 17th century ? Enjoy!!!
It (2nd amendment) is meant for all the 4 centuries from the ratification of the Constitution (1791), right up to the present day. And how is defending oneself "barbaric" ? :confused:

What could be barbaric, would be not being able to defend oneself.
Just a single example of a responsible gun owner protecting society.

Suspect in Lake Hefner shooting killed

A passerby shot and killed a man who went into a Lake Hefner restaurant Thursday evening and opened fire.
I’m glad the shooter is dead, but he was stopped after he is done shooting.

If armed citizens was an asset we would have the lowest homicide rates in the world. Instead we have 4-5X more killing than countries with strong gun control.
As q citizen of the world. Just another day in America....dead bodies in restaurants, enjoy your guns.
The dozens who were SAVED by that gun, are enjoying their LIVES.

That is hard to say. The baddie is reported to have been fleeing the scene when he was confronted/engaged by the armed citizen. Now granted that we don’t know what would have happened later. If he had intended to shoot some others in another location. We can say that this initial attack was concluded. So claiming that dozens were saved is not really supportable by what we know at this time.

2 Shot At Louie's On Lake Hefner; Suspect Killed By Armed Citizen
Just a single example of a responsible gun owner protecting society.

Suspect in Lake Hefner shooting killed

A passerby shot and killed a man who went into a Lake Hefner restaurant Thursday evening and opened fire.
I’m glad the shooter is dead, but he was stopped after he is done shooting.

If armed citizens was an asset we would have the lowest homicide rates in the world. Instead we have 4-5X more killing than countries with strong gun control.
Good point....we have more "good guys with guns" than any other country. So......why aren't we very successful at stopping all these killings?
That is hard to say. The baddie is reported to have been fleeing the scene when he was confronted/engaged by the armed citizen. Now granted that we don’t know what would have happened later. If he had intended to shoot some others in another location. We can say that this initial attack was concluded. So claiming that dozens were saved is not really supportable by what we know at this time.

2 Shot At Louie's On Lake Hefner; Suspect Killed By Armed Citizen
The real point is not whether dozens were or were not saved in this particular case, but the capability for dozens (or hundreds) of lives to be saved generally, in these types of cases (as in the LAX and Garland, TX cases)

Also, the fact that the killer was going out the door when he was shot, doesn't mean his attack was meant to stop. He could have just been trying to look out the door momentarily, to see if the cops were coming, and had intended to go back in.
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Good point....we have more "good guys with guns" than any other country. So......why aren't we very successful at stopping all these killings?
We HAVE BEEN successful at it. I mentioned 2 such cases in the OP, and again after that.

Read the thread, before posting.
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Just a single example of a responsible gun owner protecting society.

Suspect in Lake Hefner shooting killed

A passerby shot and killed a man who went into a Lake Hefner restaurant Thursday evening and opened fire.

This is a uniquely American story because people in other countries aren’t allowed to carry hand guns so people don’t randomly walk into public places and open fire.

Open gunfights in public spaces wouldn’t be a problem in the first place if you have proper gun control laws.
I’m glad the shooter is dead, but he was stopped after he is done shooting.

If armed citizens was an asset we would have the lowest homicide rates in the world. Instead we have 4-5X more killing than countries with strong gun control.
1. There is no way to tell if the shooter was "done shooting".

2. There is no reason to believe that "we would have the lowest homicide rates in the world" Homicide rates come from a multitude of things, not just the number of armed citizens.

3. Actually, the USA (with only 4/100K), DOES have one of the lowest homicide rates. Of 25 countries in the Western Hemisphere, the US has the LOWEST homicide rate.


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