Good Evening

I'd like to introduce myself to your forum. I hope we can all get along in civil discussion. ;)

Welcome from the blue (not to be confused with the Blu). I know perception is everything, what do you consider civil?
Here it usually means only having to wear flack jackets and athletic cups.
Heh. I suppose as long as I'm still alive at the end of the day it was civil enough.
Heh. I suppose as long as I'm still alive at the end of the day it was civil enough.
In the meantime I highly recommend an accelerated regime of skin thickening exercises. This one works wonders and I have them on sale specifically for new members!

meh.. balrog demons are hardly the worst kind. Until you've become a god you might wanna stick to smoking your pipe in hobitville.


hey.. welcome to the USMB party.

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