Golan As Syria Fighting Worsens

Not really. Not scratching heads.
Paul Wolfowitz assisted in creating the mess that is ISIS. BLOWBACK - LIES - Paul Wolfowitz
He's known as the person who brought up "IRAQ" after 9-11. What???
There's the Israel connection you're looking for. Wolfowitz directly lead to ISIS.
What an accomplishment.

LOL speaking of delusional....

not exactly----it is MAGICAL THINKING------Wolfowitz is an alchemist.
HE MAGICALLY created the concept of CALIPH-----and inserted it into
all the korans that exist on the planet----and he MAGICALLY re wrote history---
to create the GLORIOUS AGE OF ISLAMIC CONQUEST with Baghdad
as its cultural capital--------magic
You want the US to fight Assad for Israel? We created I imagine with Israel and ? SA help to give arms to the FSA to fight Assad just like we all started the Arab Spring , and see what a mess we have made. I think Assad who is in control of his country needs to take care of it. We had no reason to try and get rid of Assad period. Always sticking our nose in areas it doesn't belong. Let them fight it out. We have the Ebola virus which causes a bigger threat to the US.
You better believe Israel wants the US to take out Assad and overthrow every other Muslim country. Israel would be happy to see many dead Arabs, unfortunately. Then Israel makes her move to grab more land and resources from the Arabs. All for "security reasons".
Yeah, sure.

Where do you deluded pro Palestinians come up with this crap?
You have it mixed up. It's the Arabs who want to see as many dead Jews as possible.
And Israel would rather have Assad in power because if he is overthrown, the. Jihadists will take over and there will be instability in the region .
And you think Israel would shed a tear if a few thousands of Arabs bite the dust via bombing? You're delusional. Israel hates Arabs and enjoys imprisoning them as well as abusing them, stealing their land and on and on...
What a stupid question. You're talking about thousands of Arabs getting killed by someone else, yet you somehow involve Israel.
Would other Arabs care if thousands of Arabs cot killed via bombing?
Israelis don't hate Arabs, but Arabs sure do hate Israelis.
You call me delusional but then you come ip with posts like this :lol:
Sure I called you delusional b/c you called me it first (okay this sounds like kindergarten). I didn't take offense, so don't you either. Just a random insult. They're everywhere on these boards. You're probably an alright guy (or lady?). Just differing opinions. Man.
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Not really. Not scratching heads.
Paul Wolfowitz assisted in creating the mess that is ISIS. BLOWBACK - LIES - Paul Wolfowitz
He's known as the person who brought up "IRAQ" after 9-11. What???
There's the Israel connection you're looking for. Wolfowitz directly lead to ISIS.
What an accomplishment.

LOL speaking of delusional....

not exactly----it is MAGICAL THINKING------Wolfowitz is an alchemist.
HE MAGICALLY created the concept of CALIPH-----and inserted it into
all the korans that exist on the planet----and he MAGICALLY re wrote history---
to create the GLORIOUS AGE OF ISLAMIC CONQUEST with Baghdad
as its cultural capital--------magic

It certainly is magic -- all these radical Muslims who are in ISIS are taking their orders from a Jew. Will wonders never cease.
"Actually, even before this assault on Gaza, there's been a steep decline in Israeli exports, especially to Europe. Some Israeli economists try to say, well, this is just because of the economic crisis inside Europe; it has nothing to do with political issues. But now we're seeing entire sectors of the Israeli economy that are suffering directly.

"So the sector that has probably suffered the most is the tourism sector. The tourism sector, they're not saying, we're being boycotted by people because of political opinions; they're saying people are afraid to go because of the war, and that's why we see so many cancellations and so many losses.

"But I think the agricultural sector, that's where we really see the impact very wide and very deep, because a lot of Israeli companies--there is an Israeli fruit company that produces fruit juice, and they were in negotiations with some European companies in Sweden, France, and Belgium to sell their juice in Europe, and these companies initially told them, you know, if you--just give us proof that you don't source your fruit from the occupied territory, that it doesn't come from the West Bank.

"But then they changed their tune and said, you know what? We don't want any kind of product that says 'Made in Israel'.

"That's obviously because of the boycott movement.

"And what these farmers do, what these agricultural companies do then is they try to seek, very desperately, other markets, because with agriculture you can't keep the goods forever. They're perishable goods. So their growing market now is Russia.

"Russia is under international sanctions because of the crisis in Ukraine, and there are Russian companies that are willing to buy these goods from Israel. But they're paying less. The prices are lower."

Ready for that big FLUSH?

Israeli Agribusiness Demanding Relief From Government as BDS Intensifies

So who's the big mouth talking, Gaza George, not that I really listened to him? You can Google about this site and there is another site where someone says: The moderator of a page named 'the real news channel' that spruiks socialist dribble with no fact based substance. Meanwhile, one of the few Jews that you like says that the BDS movement is likely to fail.
Chomsky BDS Tactics Likely to Fail HonestReporting

If only you could afford a car, you would be able to drive to different Middle East markets and see the Muslim women put Israeli products in their shopping carts. Do you think they didn't get word of the boycott yet?
"Chomsky also invoked an argument against BDS that has been used by anti-BDS activists for years – why focus on Israel alone?

"But while anti-BDS activists are usually referring to Iran or Syria, Chomsky cites the U.S. as his example."

“'If we boycott Tel Aviv University because Israel violates human rights at home, then why not boycott Harvard because of far greater violations by the United States?' he wrote.

Chomsky BDS Tactics Likely to Fail HonestReporting

Well I think most of us know that he is a socialist and that is why you lap up his work even though he is Jewish. Meanwhile, I think the viewers are smart enough to realize that you salivate over this BDS movement and hope that it eventually covers everything coming out of Israel. However, I doubt that any thinking person will give up the medical and technological innovations coming out of Israel no matter how much they might hate the Jews like you do. I certainly wish you could afford a car and a tankful of gas so that you could travel around to the different Middle Eastern markets here in Los Angeles and tell the Muslim women that they shouldn't buy Israeli products. They would probably laugh you right out of the store.
Your racist state is collapsing, Ha$bara $al, why aren't you there helping?

"So Israel is in a crisis of standard of living, which has accumulated over many years now. And, in fact, a lot of Israelis are protesting and have protested very vigorously against the drop in income or the stagnating income while cost of living is going up so sharply. And, in fact, this has altered the Israeli political situation.

"So now there are big political parties in the parliament and in the government who have made promises to try to improve the situation.

"And what's amazing is how the entire public debate in Israel has seemed to forgotten this debate, the economic debate that existed merely days before the war against Gaza started.

"And in that debate, there was a very heated argument between the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Defense about cutting the defense budget. Israel is spending more on defense as a proportion of its total public expenses than any country in the world, or at least any developed country.

"And this has taken a very heavy burden on the population.

"There has been an attempt to try to cut down the cost of the military. And the army has threatened that they're going to not be able to provide Israelis with enough security. They basically tried to scare the public about various menaces.

"And when it seemed that the Ministry of Finance is maybe going to win, that's exactly when the conflict erupted, first with this operation Brother's Keeper, in which Israel invaded the West Bank. Netanyahu, Prime Minister Netanyahu, wanted to blame Hamas for this escalation.

"So he diverted the aggression towards Gaza. That's actually what started this 50 day onslaught on Gaza known as Protective Edge.

"And now all of this debate has been forgotten.

"Everybody forgets that this all started with the attempt of the Ministry of Defense to protect their own budgets.

"And the situation now is that the debates that we see in the news are not about whether the defense budget can be cut or how much can it be cut, but how much is it going to be increased.

Israel Facing Major Economic Consequences for 50 Day War on Gaza

Your people murder hundreds of children to protect the funding of their war machine; aren't you one proud

"Chomsky also invoked an argument against BDS that has been used by anti-BDS activists for years – why focus on Israel alone?

"But while anti-BDS activists are usually referring to Iran or Syria, Chomsky cites the U.S. as his example."

“'If we boycott Tel Aviv University because Israel violates human rights at home, then why not boycott Harvard because of far greater violations by the United States?' he wrote.

Chomsky BDS Tactics Likely to Fail HonestReporting

Well I think most of us know that he is a socialist and that is why you lap up his work even though he is Jewish. Meanwhile, I think the viewers are smart enough to realize that you salivate over this BDS movement and hope that it eventually covers everything coming out of Israel. However, I doubt that any thinking person will give up the medical and technological innovations coming out of Israel no matter how much they might hate the Jews like you do. I certainly wish you could afford a car and a tankful of gas so that you could travel around to the different Middle Eastern markets here in Los Angeles and tell the Muslim women that they shouldn't buy Israeli products. They would probably laugh you right out of the store.
Your racist state is collapsing, Ha$bara $al, why aren't you there helping?

"So Israel is in a crisis of standard of living, which has accumulated over many years now. And, in fact, a lot of Israelis are protesting and have protested very vigorously against the drop in income or the stagnating income while cost of living is going up so sharply. And, in fact, this has altered the Israeli political situation.

"So now there are big political parties in the parliament and in the government who have made promises to try to improve the situation.

"And what's amazing is how the entire public debate in Israel has seemed to forgotten this debate, the economic debate that existed merely days before the war against Gaza started.

"And in that debate, there was a very heated argument between the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Defense about cutting the defense budget. Israel is spending more on defense as a proportion of its total public expenses than any country in the world, or at least any developed country.

"And this has taken a very heavy burden on the population.

"There has been an attempt to try to cut down the cost of the military. And the army has threatened that they're going to not be able to provide Israelis with enough security. They basically tried to scare the public about various menaces.

"And when it seemed that the Ministry of Finance is maybe going to win, that's exactly when the conflict erupted, first with this operation Brother's Keeper, in which Israel invaded the West Bank. Netanyahu, Prime Minister Netanyahu, wanted to blame Hamas for this escalation.

"So he diverted the aggression towards Gaza. That's actually what started this 50 day onslaught on Gaza known as Protective Edge.

"And now all of this debate has been forgotten.

"Everybody forgets that this all started with the attempt of the Ministry of Defense to protect their own budgets.

"And the situation now is that the debates that we see in the news are not about whether the defense budget can be cut or how much can it be cut, but how much is it going to be increased.

Israel Facing Major Economic Consequences for 50 Day War on Gaza

Your people murder hundreds of children to protect the funding of their war machine; aren't you one proud

Okay, now that's funny. You may not agree with him but regardless that's funny.
Maybe economic warfare is the way to squash Israeli aggression. Works for me. Just stop the attacks.
Sadly I bet the U.S./allies will someday have to invade Israel and flatten those 30+ foot high walls in the West Bank and then flatten the settlements. Then push the Israelis back out of the West Bank for good. Snap them back into reality.

And here I thought that when Forester crawled over here again, he would actually give us some news about what is happening in the rest of the Middle East. However, like a typical anti-Semite, he could care less about what is happening no matter how many people have been killed, how many are now suffering, and how many are refugees. Remember, Forester. never use anything that has come out of Israel, whether it is some medical innovation which can save your life or some technological innovation which can make your life easier. You don't want to be a hypocrite, now do you?

You want the US to fight Assad for Israel? We created I imagine with Israel and ? SA help to give arms to the FSA to fight Assad just like we all started the Arab Spring , and see what a mess we have made. I think Assad who is in control of his country needs to take care of it. We had no reason to try and get rid of Assad period. Always sticking our nose in areas it doesn't belong. Let them fight it out. We have the Ebola virus which causes a bigger threat to the US.
You better believe Israel wants the US to take out Assad and overthrow every other Muslim country. Israel would be happy to see many dead Arabs, unfortunately. Then Israel makes her move to grab more land and resources from the Arabs. All for "security reasons".
Yeah, sure.

Where do you deluded pro Palestinians come up with this crap?
You have it mixed up. It's the Arabs who want to see as many dead Jews as possible.
And Israel would rather have Assad in power because if he is overthrown, the. Jihadists will take over and there will be instability in the region .

Israel has nuclear weapons. That's got to count as some kind of deterrent.

Obama and his coalition will soon be bombing inside of Syria.

Won't they? :dunno:

Not really. Not scratching heads.
Paul Wolfowitz assisted in creating the mess that is ISIS. BLOWBACK - LIES - Paul Wolfowitz
He's known as the person who brought up "IRAQ" after 9-11. What???
There's the Israel connection you're looking for. Wolfowitz directly lead to ISIS.
What an accomplishment.
Conspiracy room boy:cuckoo:
That post was a reply to a "Sally" post. Don't expect top shelf logic. Wouldn't work. However Wolfowitz played a MAJOR role in the Iraq war. A huge role, along with Chaney and Bush. Deal with it. From whence ISIS arose. Sickening, all 3 of them.

Isis "Arose" in Libya, then Syria they killed our ambassador, then moved on from there. So if you think Obama removing Gaddafi from power had nothing to do with it you're sadly mistaken
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You want the US to fight Assad for Israel? We created I imagine with Israel and ? SA help to give arms to the FSA to fight Assad just like we all started the Arab Spring , and see what a mess we have made. I think Assad who is in control of his country needs to take care of it. We had no reason to try and get rid of Assad period. Always sticking our nose in areas it doesn't belong. Let them fight it out. We have the Ebola virus which causes a bigger threat to the US.
You better believe Israel wants the US to take out Assad and overthrow every other Muslim country. Israel would be happy to see many dead Arabs, unfortunately. Then Israel makes her move to grab more land and resources from the Arabs. All for "security reasons".
Yeah, sure.

Where do you deluded pro Palestinians come up with this crap?
You have it mixed up. It's the Arabs who want to see as many dead Jews as possible.
And Israel would rather have Assad in power because if he is overthrown, the. Jihadists will take over and there will be instability in the region .
And you think Israel would shed a tear if a few thousands of Arabs bite the dust via bombing? You're delusional. Israel hates Arabs and enjoys imprisoning them as well as abusing them, stealing their land and on and on...
What a stupid question. You're talking about thousands of Arabs getting killed by someone else, yet you somehow involve Israel.
Would other Arabs care if thousands of Arabs cot killed via bombing?
Israelis don't hate Arabs, but Arabs sure do hate Israelis.
You call me delusional but then you come ip with posts like this :lol:

Arabs hate Arabs, muslims hate muslims they're all nuts:cuckoo:
You want the US to fight Assad for Israel? We created I imagine with Israel and ? SA help to give arms to the FSA to fight Assad just like we all started the Arab Spring , and see what a mess we have made. I think Assad who is in control of his country needs to take care of it. We had no reason to try and get rid of Assad period. Always sticking our nose in areas it doesn't belong. Let them fight it out. We have the Ebola virus which causes a bigger threat to the US.
You better believe Israel wants the US to take out Assad and overthrow every other Muslim country. Israel would be happy to see many dead Arabs, unfortunately. Then Israel makes her move to grab more land and resources from the Arabs. All for "security reasons".
Yeah, sure.

Where do you deluded pro Palestinians come up with this crap?
You have it mixed up. It's the Arabs who want to see as many dead Jews as possible.
And Israel would rather have Assad in power because if he is overthrown, the. Jihadists will take over and there will be instability in the region .
And you think Israel would shed a tear if a few thousands of Arabs bite the dust via bombing? You're delusional. Israel hates Arabs and enjoys imprisoning them as well as abusing them, stealing their land and on and on...
What a stupid question. You're talking about thousands of Arabs getting killed by someone else, yet you somehow involve Israel.
Would other Arabs care if thousands of Arabs cot killed via bombing?
Israelis don't hate Arabs, but Arabs sure do hate Israelis.
You call me delusional but then you come ip with posts like this :lol:
Sure I called you delusional b/c you called me it first (okay this sounds like kindergarten). I didn't take offense, so don't you either. Just a random insult. They're everywhere on these boards. You're probably an alright guy (or lady?). Just differing opinions. Man.
I'm a guy. And I didn't take offense because as you said, insults are all over this board

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