Going Galt?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
I hear a lot of talk amongst conservatives of wanting to pull out of the market if Bernie is elected.

Does anyone else hear these things and if they did, what would happen?

Personally I'm not sure I believe them much like I did not believe those who said they would leave the US if Trump was elected, but then again, what future does their money have in a market that is targeted for destruction under socialism?
I hear a lot of talk amongst conservatives of wanting to pull out of the market if Bernie is elected.

Does anyone else hear these things and if they did, what would happen?

Personally I'm not sure I believe them much like I did not believe those who said they would leave the US if Trump was elected, but then again, what future does their money have in a market that is targeted for destruction under socialism?

Sure --- good topic. I was startled this morning when Fox Business put on someone to ask if some of this market plunge today has to do with Sanders looking so strong after Nevada. They agreed not yet --- but that after March 3, Super Tuesday, if Sanders is sweeping everything or even well ahead, the market will have to start pricing in the risk of a communist/socialist administration in the White House. Which, obviously, would be bad for the economy.
I hear a lot of talk amongst conservatives of wanting to pull out of the market if Bernie is elected.

Does anyone else hear these things and if they did, what would happen?

Personally I'm not sure I believe them much like I did not believe those who said they would leave the US if Trump was elected, but then again, what future does their money have in a market that is targeted for destruction under socialism?
His Soviet Union Style Programs, and Projected spending is at $200 Trillion.

The US GDP is only $20 Trillion.

Bernie is running on one thing, and that is to completely bankrupt America and destroy our economy.

Coincidentally if one were to want Globalist Rule over America, you would have to destroy our economy first.

So you can think about that for a minute, while you task yourself why Hillary wanted to replace The US Dollar with The Amero as a Regional Shared Currency between Mexico and Canada, and open our borders to a flood of illegal immigrants at the same time.
I hear a lot of talk amongst conservatives of wanting to pull out of the market if Bernie is elected.

Does anyone else hear these things and if they did, what would happen?

Personally I'm not sure I believe them much like I did not believe those who said they would leave the US if Trump was elected, but then again, what future does their money have in a market that is targeted for destruction under socialism?

I will and am at this moment, lowering my positions and moving more towards cash. I would rather lose the decent upswing in funds if Trump gets re-elected, then take the massive losses of leaving my positions on the board should Bernie prevail.

And, the truth is------------>it will be a global downturn dragged by the USA, as the world comes to the realization that the products it used to sell here will drop, because less people will be able to afford them.
I hear a lot of talk amongst conservatives of wanting to pull out of the market if Bernie is elected.

Does anyone else hear these things and if they did, what would happen?

Personally I'm not sure I believe them much like I did not believe those who said they would leave the US if Trump was elected, but then again, what future does their money have in a market that is targeted for destruction under socialism?
Regular people having more discretionary income would stimulate the economy more than giving people that already have enough money more money.
Why Bernie could be the stock market's best friend.
I hear a lot of talk amongst conservatives of wanting to pull out of the market if Bernie is elected.

Does anyone else hear these things and if they did, what would happen?

Personally I'm not sure I believe them much like I did not believe those who said they would leave the US if Trump was elected, but then again, what future does their money have in a market that is targeted for destruction under socialism?
Regular people having more discretionary income would stimulate the economy more than giving people that already have enough money more money.
Why Bernie could be the stock market's best friend.
I hear a lot of talk amongst conservatives of wanting to pull out of the market if Bernie is elected.

Does anyone else hear these things and if they did, what would happen?

Personally I'm not sure I believe them much like I did not believe those who said they would leave the US if Trump was elected, but then again, what future does their money have in a market that is targeted for destruction under socialism?
Regular people having more discretionary income would stimulate the economy more than giving people that already have enough money more money.
Why Bernie could be the stock market's best friend.

LOL Dud, then you didn't investigate how BERNARDS models...….the NORDIC country's...…...pay for their stuff. You should really check it out!
I hear a lot of talk amongst conservatives of wanting to pull out of the market if Bernie is elected.

Does anyone else hear these things and if they did, what would happen?

Personally I'm not sure I believe them much like I did not believe those who said they would leave the US if Trump was elected, but then again, what future does their money have in a market that is targeted for destruction under socialism?

I say, his chances to get elected are very slim, but if happens, impeach the Marxist mofo the day he steps in office on just intent to bankrupt the country. It would be fun to watch.
I hear a lot of talk amongst conservatives of wanting to pull out of the market if Bernie is elected.

Does anyone else hear these things and if they did, what would happen?

Personally I'm not sure I believe them much like I did not believe those who said they would leave the US if Trump was elected, but then again, what future does their money have in a market that is targeted for destruction under socialism?

I hear a lot of talk amongst conservatives of wanting to pull out of the market if Bernie is elected.

Does anyone else hear these things and if they did, what would happen?

Personally I'm not sure I believe them much like I did not believe those who said they would leave the US if Trump was elected, but then again, what future does their money have in a market that is targeted for destruction under socialism?
His Soviet Union Style Programs, and Projected spending is at $200 Trillion.

The US GDP is only $20 Trillion.

Bernie is running on one thing, and that is to completely bankrupt America and destroy our economy.

Coincidentally if one were to want Globalist Rule over America, you would have to destroy our economy first.

So you can think about that for a minute, while you task yourself why Hillary wanted to replace The US Dollar with The Amero as a Regional Shared Currency between Mexico and Canada, and open our borders to a flood of illegal immigrants at the same time.

I hear a lot of talk amongst conservatives of wanting to pull out of the market if Bernie is elected.

Does anyone else hear these things and if they did, what would happen?

Personally I'm not sure I believe them much like I did not believe those who said they would leave the US if Trump was elected, but then again, what future does their money have in a market that is targeted for destruction under socialism?
Regular people having more discretionary income would stimulate the economy more than giving people that already have enough money more money.
Why Bernie could be the stock market's best friend.

I hear a lot of talk amongst conservatives of wanting to pull out of the market if Bernie is elected.

Does anyone else hear these things and if they did, what would happen?

Personally I'm not sure I believe them much like I did not believe those who said they would leave the US if Trump was elected, but then again, what future does their money have in a market that is targeted for destruction under socialism?
Regular people having more discretionary income would stimulate the economy more than giving people that already have enough money more money.
Why Bernie could be the stock market's best friend.
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Let me tell a couple of you fine gents something, and I drug along a few conservatives to back this up----->

Do YOU know why Pocahontas campaign imploded?

ANSWER---------->Because she tried to explain where the money was coming from to pay for her nonsense!

BERNARD has yet to be attacked like that, but he will be! And to suggest for a second, that him spending as much or MORE than Hokie Pokie, won't result in a WORSE evaluation on where the money is coming from, is almost ignorant!

Your models DO NOT WORK, and as soon as the NORDIC MODELS are brought out which BERNARD and Bro's contend is their blueprint, it is FACT that anyone making under 37,000 there is taxed at almost 60%!

Now you go ahead, try and sell that, I dare ya. In fact, I DOUBLE DARE YA! Wait till the model is revealed, and watch 30% of Bernard support head for the proverbial hills!
I hear a lot of talk amongst conservatives of wanting to pull out of the market if Bernie is elected.

Does anyone else hear these things and if they did, what would happen?

Personally I'm not sure I believe them much like I did not believe those who said they would leave the US if Trump was elected, but then again, what future does their money have in a market that is targeted for destruction under socialism?

They can pull out for awhile until it craters and then buy back in. You can park your money in a money market to avoid having to take losses.

Good person! I posted that 5 damn times, and the only response I got from the Left was that Stossel is a jerk!

Makes no difference! The person born there is NOT, and the link also gives you access to the full expose!

The LEFT is lying, and trying a smoke screen that they hope you won't look into. Even if his Leftist friends on the stage don't bring it up, Trump is going to HAMMER this, and other expose's, on how the NORDIC country's pay for their stuff.

Again Bernie bro's, try and sell it, I dare ya, I DOUBLE DARE YA!

Sanders points to Denmark and Norway as successful examples of democratic socialism.

College tuition is free is Denmark and Norway.

Tuition Fees & Scholarships

Tuition-Free Universities in Finland, Norway and Germany in 2020 - MastersPortal.com

They also have socialized medicine in Norway and Denmark.

Healthcare in Norway - Wikipedia

Healthcare in Denmark - Wikipedia

And look what they charge in % their poorest citizens.

Once you agree with this, we are both on the same page. As long as America KNOWS what it is voting for, then I accept your support, and everyone else that supports BERNARD!
Sweden also has universal health care: Health care in Sweden - Wikipedia

College tuition is also free in Sweden.

So when it comes to the central planks of Bernie Sanders's platform, Sweden and Denmark and Norway are examples of the success of his policies.

Not Venezuela.

Sanders points to Denmark and Norway as successful examples of democratic socialism.

College tuition is free is Denmark and Norway.

Tuition Fees & Scholarships

Tuition-Free Universities in Finland, Norway and Germany in 2020 - MastersPortal.com

They also have socialized medicine in Norway and Denmark.

Healthcare in Norway - Wikipedia

Healthcare in Denmark - Wikipedia

And look what they charge in % their poorest citizens.

Once you agree with this, we are both on the same page. As long as America KNOWS what it is voting for, then I accept your support, and everyone else that supports BERNARD!

I do not support Sanders. At all.

If Sanders is the nominee, Trump will be re-elected. And I hate Trump more than any president in my lifetime.
Sweden also has universal health care: Health care in Sweden - Wikipedia

College tuition is also free in Sweden.

So when it comes to the central planks of Bernie Sanders's platform, Sweden and Denmark and Norway are examples of the success of his policies.

Not Venezuela.

Again, as long as we agree how they tax their POOREST citizens, while actually having LESS taxes on their businesses, we can agree on BERNARDS views of what needs to be done!

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