Gog/Magog: Civilization Credo


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
In the iconic Stephen King apocalypto-horror novel The Stand, two groups of humans vie for control of Earth after an apocalyptic virus nearly wipes out the species.

Humanity is fascinated by stories/images of cataclysmic turbulence, since it 'tunes' our sense of anticipation and spiritual 'readiness.'

Today, we read of news stories of fundamentalist terrorist groups (e.g., ISIS) presenting podiums about religious dominance and profit-minded political groups (e.g., NATO) presenting podiums about pedestrian networking (e.g., Wall Street).

The Christian Bible tells of a catalytic and apocalyptic engagement between two prophetic mighty kingdoms, Gog and Magog near the End of Days.

I'm a big fan of James Bond espionage-intelligentsia intrigue films (e.g., The Spy Who Loved Me), since they represent a civilization focus on watershed politico-cultural engagements.

Maybe Gog (perhaps the forces of 'good') is like James Bond (a 'diplomat' of civilization) and Magog (perhaps the forces of 'evil') is like a Bond-supervillain (Dr. No --- a 'diplomat' of terrorism), in which case we could ask a metaphysics question like, "How should we define contracts between 'diplomats'?"


JAMES BOND: You're a fascist disguised as a 'revolutionary'!
DR. NO: I may seem stubborn, but I'm focused on philosophy.
JAMES BOND: What is the 'philosophy' behind terror/terrorism?
DR. NO: Sometimes the mob needs to be 'shocked.'
JAMES BOND: I'd rather be a spy than a terrorist.
DR. NO: You have the luxury of speaking for a 1st World Power (Britain).
JAMES BOND: Britain is a power, since we're real diplomats.
DR. NO: Who then speaks for the Devil?
JAMES BOND: Are you suggesting the Devil has a legitimate grievance?
DR. NO: Yes; the Devil understands that men sometimes demand catharsis.


In the iconic Stephen King apocalypto-horror novel The Stand, two groups of humans vie for control of Earth after an apocalyptic virus nearly wipes out the species.

Humanity is fascinated by stories/images of cataclysmic turbulence, since it 'tunes' our sense of anticipation and spiritual 'readiness.'

Today, we read of news stories of fundamentalist terrorist groups (e.g., ISIS) presenting podiums about religious dominance and profit-minded political groups (e.g., NATO) presenting podiums about pedestrian networking (e.g., Wall Street).

The Christian Bible tells of a catalytic and apocalyptic engagement between two prophetic mighty kingdoms, Gog and Magog near the End of Days.

I'm a big fan of James Bond espionage-intelligentsia intrigue films (e.g., The Spy Who Loved Me), since they represent a civilization focus on watershed politico-cultural engagements.

Maybe Gog (perhaps the forces of 'good') is like James Bond (a 'diplomat' of civilization) and Magog (perhaps the forces of 'evil') is like a Bond-supervillain (Dr. No --- a 'diplomat' of terrorism), in which case we could ask a metaphysics question like, "How should we define contracts between 'diplomats'?"


JAMES BOND: You're a fascist disguised as a 'revolutionary'!
DR. NO: I may seem stubborn, but I'm focused on philosophy.
JAMES BOND: What is the 'philosophy' behind terror/terrorism?
DR. NO: Sometimes the mob needs to be 'shocked.'
JAMES BOND: I'd rather be a spy than a terrorist.
DR. NO: You have the luxury of speaking for a 1st World Power (Britain).
JAMES BOND: Britain is a power, since we're real diplomats.
DR. NO: Who then speaks for the Devil?
JAMES BOND: Are you suggesting the Devil has a legitimate grievance?
DR. NO: Yes; the Devil understands that men sometimes demand catharsis.


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You need to educate yourself first.
Gog and Magog stand against Israel.....

Ezekiel 39:

And you, son of man, prophesy against Gog, and say, ‘Thus says the Lord God: “Behold, I am against you, O Gog, the prince of Rosh,Meshech, and Tubal; 2 and I will turn you around and lead you on, bringing you up from the far north, and bring you against the mountains of Israel. 3 Then I will knock the bow out of your left hand, and cause the arrows to fall out of your right hand. 4 You shall fall upon the mountains of Israel, you and all your troops and the peoples who are with you; I will give you to birds of prey of every sort and to the beasts of the field to be devoured. 5 You shall fall on the open field; for I have spoken,” says the Lord God. 6 “And I will send fire on Magog and on those who live in security in the coastlands. Then they shall know that I am the Lord.7 So I will make My holy name known in the midst of My people Israel, and I will not let them profane My holy name anymore. Then the nations shall know that I am the Lord, the Holy One in Israel. 8 Surely it is coming, and it shall be done,” says the Lord God. “This is the day of which I have spoken."


You're right, Gog and Magog are referenced as ominously standing in places of ambition where men should not stand.

However, I'm using the Gog-Magog 'dichotomy' simply to suggest that contracts can feel 'maddening' (spiritually), not to sound 'apocryphal.'

m o o n that spells Roland.

All things serve the tower.

All things serve the beam.

Blane is a pain.

We have the instructions.

Roland has Qthbert's horn.

The Lady of shadows has never died

The Lady of shadows already died twice.

Trashcan man serves the tower.

Stephen King died.

Jesus came back to life.

Lazarus was sleeping.

Lazarus died twice.

Enoch never died.

Elijah never died.

It sucks to die.

Sucks even worse to die twice.

Enoch will die.

Elijah will die.

three days till resurrection.

All things serve The Father.

All things will belong to The Son.

All things serve the tower.

The tower will stand.

The tower will fall.

Roland will storm the tower forever.

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