God help us is this is who the american people elect tomorrow

Video altered to make it look like Biden greeted wrong state

Just because democrat pieces of shit cheat and lie does not mean the rest of us do

yeah it does. Neocon whackadoodles have a massive habit of it. Roger Stone anyone? Lee atwater?? Could go on. Neocons are the scum of the Earth. Not talking normal conservatives - plenty of good conservatives around. But the scummY neocon enablers like Hannity, Beck, Jones, Limbaugh - all the guys who actually don't believe what they say, just sell their souls to enhance their bank accounts. What, you think Beck and Hannity and Trump want to sit down and have a BBQ and beer with you white, trailer trash losers??? RATFLMAO!!!
The Right is in for a rough ride regardless of who wins.

Trump DIRECTLY controls the ATF.....and lately they've been acting like the Gun Grabber Gestapo.

He isn't stopping them. But remember he said "Take the Guns First....worry about due process later"
It's not about Biden. He's a lousy candidate, and his party is pretty unattractive.

It's about the issues, and it's about demonstrating that we're a more decent, thoughtful and intelligent country than the last four years have indicated.

Sorry what are your issues again? Regarding decent, showing that irony is not dead this is coming from the party of rioting, looting and Kill The Police :rolleyes-41:
You don't know where Biden stands on the issues? Holy crap.

You're on "the internet". You could find out if you still don't know. Willful ignorance is no excuse.

Pedo joe doesn't even know where he stands on the issues.
It's not about Biden. He's a lousy candidate, and his party is pretty unattractive.

It's about the issues, and it's about demonstrating that we're a more decent, thoughtful and intelligent country than the last four years have indicated.

Sorry what are your issues again? Regarding decent, showing that irony is not dead this is coming from the party of rioting, looting and Kill The Police :rolleyes-41:
You don't know where Biden stands on the issues? Holy crap.

You're on "the internet". You could find out if you still don't know. Willful ignorance is no excuse.

Pedo joe doesn't even know where he stands on the issues.

When Joe said "I'm the Democrat Party" it showed how totally out of touch with all reality he is, the Extreme Left will swat him aside like a fly.
Video altered to make it look like Biden greeted wrong state

Just because democrat pieces of shit cheat and lie does not mean the rest of us do

yeah it does. Neocon whackadoodles have a massive habit of it. Roger Stone anyone? Lee atwater?? Could go on. Neocons are the scum of the Earth. Not talking normal conservatives - plenty of good conservatives around. But the scummY neocon enablers like Hannity, Beck, Jones, Limbaugh - all the guys who actually don't believe what they say, just sell their souls to enhance their bank accounts. What, you think Beck and Hannity and Trump want to sit down and have a BBQ and beer with you white, trailer trash losers??? RATFLMAO!!!

Actually all the Neocon's are supporting Joe Biden because they hate Trump because he didn't start any new wars for them. Near brain dead Joe Biden when he still had all his brain was a massive warmonger and supported all the Neocon's wars.
Trump is not “ the swamp “ which is why the actual “ swamp” hates him...See Joe Biden,Nancy Pelosi,Mitt Romney and John McCain.

Biden isnt going to calm things down...the man doesn’t even know where he is. Nancy is gearing up to remove him if Americans are stupid enough to elect him.

Uh-uh. That dog won't hunt. All Trump cares about is himself. He barely cares about his own family in terms of getting a leg up. He is definitely part of the swamp.

Well, the American people were stupid enough to vote in Trump, so anything is possible.

A New Zealand mind reader. Thanks for that useless shit. I call bull to your mind reading claim.

I'm thinking of a number between one and a million. What is is?

And you think Biden cares about other people? That's why you love him??? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

I have stated many times on this board I am no fan of Biden. You should try reading yourself for a change instead of getting your nurse to do it for you.

I should read what you don't ever mention? How would I do that? Another word you don't know, "read." You'd have to write it for me to "read" that
You like those altered viddies I see...
Really? Those are unaltered. Biden was kept off the campaign trail because if it.

Video altered to make it look like Biden greeted wrong state

Yeah...great... except that is not the video
Try reading my reply again, government educated failure.

I said his words were essentially correct out of context, but not exact. A quote is an EXACT recitation of the words. That is the definition of a quote.

I said it was out of context if you read the full statement. He said that doctors would default to listing covid as cause of death, his PARAPHRASE out of contest implied Trump was accusing doctors of murdering people, they weren't.

I just repeated what I said the first time because apparently Kiwi government schools suck as much as ours do and you didn't learn to read either

And I reiterate, I didn't get that out of Toro's piece

So now you're claiming if a doctor is looking at a death with multiple factors that caused a death, they are not going to have bias to pick the one that pays them more in an ambiguous situation?

Your lame ass crap gets dumber and dumber
Try reading my reply again, government educated failure.

I said his words were essentially correct out of context, but not exact. A quote is an EXACT recitation of the words. That is the definition of a quote.

I said it was out of context if you read the full statement. He said that doctors would default to listing covid as cause of death, his PARAPHRASE out of contest implied Trump was accusing doctors of murdering people, they weren't.

I just repeated what I said the first time because apparently Kiwi government schools suck as much as ours do and you didn't learn to read either

And I reiterate, I didn't get that out of Toro's piece

So now you're claiming if a doctor is looking at a death with multiple factors that caused a death, they are not going to have bias to pick the one that pays them more in an ambiguous situation?

Your lame ass crap gets dumber and dumber
Really? You don't know many doctors do you? And that's still not why Toro posted what he did.
Try reading my reply again, government educated failure.

I said his words were essentially correct out of context, but not exact. A quote is an EXACT recitation of the words. That is the definition of a quote.

I said it was out of context if you read the full statement. He said that doctors would default to listing covid as cause of death, his PARAPHRASE out of contest implied Trump was accusing doctors of murdering people, they weren't.

I just repeated what I said the first time because apparently Kiwi government schools suck as much as ours do and you didn't learn to read either

And I reiterate, I didn't get that out of Toro's piece

So now you're claiming if a doctor is looking at a death with multiple factors that caused a death, they are not going to have bias to pick the one that pays them more in an ambiguous situation?

Your lame ass crap gets dumber and dumber
Really? You don't know many doctors do you? And that's still not why Toro posted what he did.

It's human nature. So you think doctors aren't part of the human race? Well, you think politicians and bureaucrats are mythical beings, why the hell not?
It's human nature. So you think doctors aren't part of the human race? Well, you think politicians and bureaucrats are mythical beings, why the hell not?

The problem is you listen to the Orange Buffoon and his Fake News way too often.

And while the government offers 20% more for the care of Medicare patients with COVID-19, the majority of doctors work for hospital systems. That means whatever higher payments might come, they don't go to them.

In order for Trump’s claim to have an appreciable impact on reported deaths, thousands of doctors would need to lie on death certificates without any financial benefit.
It's human nature. So you think doctors aren't part of the human race? Well, you think politicians and bureaucrats are mythical beings, why the hell not?

The problem is you listen to the Orange Buffoon and his Fake News way too often.

And while the government offers 20% more for the care of Medicare patients with COVID-19, the majority of doctors work for hospital systems. That means whatever higher payments might come, they don't go to them.

In order for Trump’s claim to have an appreciable impact on reported deaths, thousands of doctors would need to lie on death certificates without any financial benefit.

You're an international idiot. That isn't what I said.

People have a bias to see things in their own interest. You do it to the point of class clown.

All I said was that if there are multiple causes of death and it's a judgement call which one killed him, there is no right or wrong answer, people will tend to see it as coronavirus if it benefits them. And that's all that Trump said. Trump pointed out it would drive up the coronavirus stats.

You know that if you're a functioning adult, which is clearly doubtful. Still ...