Go Get Em, Roy: American Patriot Roy Moore Weighs Legal Action Against Accusers As Allegations Fail

YEP, I don't blame him one bit. Time to take legal action against these gold digger political feminists and put them where they belong, in the kennel or jail.

Judge Roy Moore Weighs Legal Action Against Accusers As Allegations Fall Apart
If he doesn't, it's an admission that it's all true.

uhm, yea

If he won't, it's only b/c he did it and a lose in court would prove it.

Both claims are wrong.
he's been accused, by multiple women of the same thing, he either proves them wrong or the world will assume they are right.

since you don't like reality, feel free to substitute it with your own version
YEP, I don't blame him one bit. Time to take legal action against these gold digger political feminists and put them where they belong, in the kennel or jail.

Judge Roy Moore Weighs Legal Action Against Accusers As Allegations Fall Apart
If he doesn't, it's an admission that it's all true.

uhm, yea

If he won't, it's only b/c he did it and a lose in court would prove it.

Both claims are wrong.
he's been accused, by multiple women of the same thing, he either proves them wrong or the world will assume they are right.

since you don't like reality, feel free to substitute it with your own version

Your version of "reality" is that Republicans are guilty until proven innocent and Democrats are innocent until proven guilty. Whenever snowflakes talk about reality, the eyes of rational people glaze over.

Furthermore, he hasn't been accused by multiple women of the same thing. Each woman accused him of something different. Each accuser is the only witness to what she accused him of.

You're preaching only to other snowflakes, moron. No one else is swallowing your horseshit.
I see that you are a fan of the orange prostitute-predator, and the little prostitute-predator running for Senate in Alabama. Oh, what this country has come to, when we allow people from the gutter into leadership positions.

You mean like that white trash criminal Hillary and her rapist husband? Yes Indeed, electing her would have sent us swirling down the toilet bowl.
..Oh, what this country has come to, when we allow people from the gutter into leadership positions.

A totally corrupt swamp.... which is what got the orange one selected, he will drain the swamp and build a beautiful wall so murica will become great again...

There are also reports that say you crossed an alternative line and have now entered the deplorable Twilight Zone.. but that's just fake news and very sad



You're preaching only to other snowflakes, moron. No one else is swallowing your horseshit.
I see that you are a fan of the orange prostitute-predator, and the little prostitute-predator running for Senate in Alabama. Oh, what this country has come to, when we allow people from the gutter into leadership positions.

You mean like that white trash criminal Hillary and her rapist husband? Yes Indeed, electing her would have sent us swirling down the toilet bowl.
But you support white trash who seek to hurt others: women, LGBTs, people of color, people of the Muslim faith. Your assertion, even if correct, include only two people, the couple of Bill and Hillary Clinton (not to mention that Hillary Clinton has been a life-long Methodist Christian). Right-wingers have no right to hurt or compromise the rights of anyone else, but they prance around arrogantly as if they do. This arrogance proves that they are nothing but trash.
the manager of the Mall began his job TWO YEARS after the watch list on Roy Moore was put out and the Manager said he had no records from before he started.

the Mall Manager that was there before this Mall Manager is who would need to be found and questioned on it....if he is alive....?

How could a new manager not have records before he started? Of course he had access to all records; especially if those records had bans in them.
I don't know why, but that is what the manager said...he didn't have the records from that time...

I believe he meant he didn't have any records showing that Moore was banned. He did say however that he had some memos, but didn't elaborate on what they were.
ok, so I googled it to see what I could find out...

Was Roy Moore Banned from a Shopping Mall for Harassing Teen Girls?
Mall representatives say they don't have records from the time frame in question.

On 13 November 2017, The New Yorker reported, based on interviews with multiple local sources, that Alabama Senate candidate and twice-removed state Supreme Court judge Roy Moore had been banned from the mall in Gadsden, Alabama because of his predatory behavior toward young girls.

The report, however, is based on sources recalling a rumor, in some cases. Those rumors have been corroborated by news reports of accusations leveled at Moore by at least nine women who were in their teens and twenties at the time.

Mall officials told us they are not in possession of records that would identify who was banned in the late 1970s and 1980s. A Gadsden Mall spokeswoman told us:

We don’t have any records that date back that far.

When we called mall security, the worker who answered the phone told us the same thing.

The mall, which opened in 1974, has come under the management of CBL Properties in recent years. In the 1980s, it had been the popular spot for youngsters, according to the New Yorker. Teens would often meet and socialize there without their parents. Per New Yorker reporter Charles Bethea:

This past weekend, I spoke or messaged with more than a dozen people—including a major political figure in the state—who told me that they had heard, over the years, that Moore had been banned from the mall because he repeatedly badgered teen-age girls. Some say that they heard this at the time, others in the years since. These people include five members of the local legal community, two cops who worked in the town, several people who hung out at the mall in the early eighties, and a number of former mall employees. (A request for comment from the Moore campaign was not answered.) Several of them asked that I leave their names out of this piece. The stories that they say they’ve heard for years have been swirling online in the days since the Post published its report. “Sources tell me Moore was actually banned from the Gadsden Mall and the YMCA for his inappropriate behavior of soliciting sex from young girls,” the independent Alabama journalist Glynn Wilson wrote on his Web site on Sunday, declining to divulge sources

Teresa Jones, a deputy district attorney for Etowah County in the early eighties, told CNN last week that “it was common knowledge that Roy dated high-school girls.” Jones told me that she couldn’t confirm the alleged mall banning, but said, “It’s a rumor I’ve heard for years.”

[Former mall worker Greg] Legat says that he saw Moore there a few times, even though his understanding then was that he had already been banned. “It started around 1979, I think,” Legat said. “I know the ban was still in place when I got there.” Legat recalled a Gadsden police officer named J. D. Thomas, now retired, who worked security at the mall. “J. D. was a fixture there, when I was working at the store,” Legat said. “He really looked after the kids there. He was a good guy. J. D. told me, ‘If you see Roy, let me know. He’s banned from the mall.’ ” Legat recalled Thomas telling him, “If you see Moore here, tell me. I’ll take care of him.’ ”

Moore has denied the allegations against him and his supporters have been quick to try and discredit them. On 16 November 2017, Breitbart.com, a right-wing media outlet that sent two writers to Alabama in a rather anti-climactic attempt to find holes in the accusers’ allegations, regurgitated a local news story that reported now-86-year-old Barnes Boyle, the mall’s manager in the 1980s, denied Moore was banned. But a former mall worker, Becky Gray, told ABC News she believes she got Moore banned by complaining to her manager about his “creepy” advances toward her.

The story in The New Yorker seems to track with the accounts of women quoted in the 9 November 2017 Washington Post report, which originally broke the story. Two of the women, Wendy Miller and Gloria Thacker Deason, aged 14 and 18 respectively at the time, said they originally met Moore at the mall — Miller when she was working there as a Santa’s helper, and Deason when she worked at a jewelry counter there.

Per the Post, the mall was a place where Moore was often seen alone:

According to colleagues and others who knew him at the time, Moore was rarely seen socializing outside work. He spent one season coaching the Gallant Girls, a softball team that his teenage sister had joined, said several women who played on the team. He spent time working out at the Gadsden YMCA, according to people who encountered him there. And he often walked, usually alone, around the newly opened Gadsden Mall — 6 feet tall and well-dressed in slacks and a button-down shirt, say several women who worked there at the time.

Was Roy Moore Banned from a Shopping Mall for Harassing Teen Girls?

Correct, they don't have records that far today. However if a manager took over only two years after the supposed ban, I'm sure those ancient records were available then.
All the mall records should have been there but another company had bought the mall so it changed hands and nothing was saved by the New owners is all I can guess?

The manager interviewed was retired and 86, he may just have forgotten getting the records or the new owners started their own records from scratch?
Which would easily be dismissed because the manager of the mall stated he was unaware of any ban on Moore. So how could these police officers testify that they had to watch Moore without the management knowing about it?

No, the Manager not remembering a ban does not dismiss what would be testimony by employees working in stores about Moore's attempting to pursue young teenage girls.

I didn't say the police were at the mall, I referenced cheerleaders which pertains to recollections about football games.

Former Gadsden Mall employees share stories, concerns about Roy Moore
Retired Alabama cop on Roy Moore: ‘We were also told to … make sure that he didn’t hang around the cheerleaders’


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