Globalization is a Ticking Neutron Bomb For The World!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Globalization is an evil scourge on the world like slavery and hard drugs trafficking. It disregards human welfare, the need of human beings for a job where they make a livable wage, causing great hardship on its victims. Globalization refers to this economic model that seeks to have all countries remove their trade barriers and just have this world where there is free competition individual countries' businesses, industries and people have to compete in this world-wide economy where survival of the fittest rules whether or not one succeeds. As the American people have seen over the last fifty years there is lot of losers in this economic model with massive job losses, company bankruptcies and industries' dramatically diminished in size and many individuals on the losing side experience massive permanent harm to their lives!

Because of Globalization the world is like a speeding runaway train where it is only a matter of time before it crashes with catastrophic consequences. In my estimation the world has tops fifteen to twenty years before popular unrest in Western Europe and the United States causes the downfall of the respective political order in these areas. In America the economic recovery from the 2007-2009 Recession has been weak the non-wealthy in America have it too hard economically because the effects of Globalization block economic prosperity from being channeled to them. Economies always operate in a cyclical manner, recessions come periodically, during one of the recessions that comes up in the country in the next twenty years where high numbers of people are thrown out of work that will be enough to trigger massive civil unrest in America over Globalization ordinary citizens will unite and take matters in their own hands and bring about an end to this economic system. People think I am talking nonsense. The experts consensus is that the civil unrest, the burning of buildings, in Baltimore back in April over the death of Freddie Gray was in large part due to the frustration in Baltimore over the lack of good paying jobs for the population. People are being naïve to think that such economic frustration and fed-up beliefs cannot catch on widespread across the nation and move the American people to take to the streets in mobs causing civil unrest and destruction that just takes down the system and the economic and political order. The police won't stop this, the police are good people, if the mobs are made up of ordinary people that just want the economic injustice to stop they are not going to arrest these people or fight them, they'll just stand to the side. You don't think mobs in America could burn down the headquarters of huge numbers of Fortune 500 companies, you don't think mobs could blockade the U.S. capitol and the White House and bring down the U.S. government? You're not being realistic if you don't think the population of America could bring down the American government if they will to do so!

Western Europe is in the same fragile state. In many countries in the European Union unemployment is high especially amongst young people and incomes amongst people that are employed is not good. The European Central Bank has embarked on this bond buying program to lower interest rates and their currency to try to stimulate the economy and it has helped but it has been no cure to these problems. The reason being that the real cause is globalization, all the importing that these European countries do is wrong, these countries should be producing these goods themselves and in the process creating good paying jobs for their people. One day the ECB will have to stop this monetary stimulus program and interest rates and the value of the euro will return to normal and the mask will be lifted on the European Union's economic problems and it is only a matter of time before the population there decides enough is enough the economic hardship the current economic system produces is too much it's wrong so we will topple the political and social order and install one that does right by the masses.

Leaders and experts in America publicly say all the time we are not going back globalization is the future going back is out of the question. The American people need to say loud and clear to these people and our country's political leaders that we need and must go back. They need to say Globalization creates too many losers it obstructs countries' governments from doing their duty toward their people the duty to create an economy that produces jobs for their people that generates enough income where they can have a good quality of life. They need to say Globalization is a fraud its proponents promise it will create good jobs but never deliver were done with its empty and conditional promises. It won't be easy to reverse globalization there is a lot of jobs that come from trade that will be eliminated (but once the transition is made that harm will end), exporting countries will retaliate (but again over time the harm will be minor if at all), laws will have to be enacted that creates a commission that establishes import quotas and import tariffs that protects domestic industries and businesses where needed and changes these protections as necessary, laws will have to be enacted that facilitate low interest loans and grants for businesses to build production facilities in America. These leaders need to reverse course on Globalization because not only is it the right thing to do but it will be reversed the only question is what will America have to go through to reverse it!
I think forced DIeverity is even worse for humanity. Humans developed to be within societies of their own people. I doubt that is going to change and who ever that is the strongest will make it so once more.

What is "DIeverity"?

We are all members of the same race, the human race and we're all citizens of the world.
I think forced DIeverity is even worse for humanity. Humans developed to be within societies of their own people. I doubt that is going to change and who ever that is the strongest will make it so once more.

What is "DIeverity"?

I think it's what happens when you "decelerate."
Free trade is not a bad thing. However, I think we should tighten up our immigration laws so that Americans are not competing for jobs with imported foreign workers.
A major part of why dieversity is just fucking over the future of white people and won't do a damn thing is because only white liberals want it.

Japan doesn't want it
China doesn't want it
Iraq doesn't want it
Zimbabwe sure as fuck don't want it
The Congo doesn't want it

What ever power you white stupid liberal bastards have will be gone and you will be in the same boat as we hicks. So have fun while you still can!!!
obama has brought a bunch of syrians here to twin falls idaho
this is just to dilute white population/vote in the future
these people will never assimilate into the idaho community
none will become cops or business leaders.
just welfare bum two or three generations down the rode

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