Global warming: red-faced climatologist issues grovelling apology


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Global warming: red-faced climatologist issues grovelling apology – Telegraph Blogs

Global warming: red-faced climatologist issues grovelling apology


I've just been listening to BBC Radio 4's More Or Less. It was the episode announcing that the Global Warming Policy Foundation's scientific adviser Dr David Whitehouse had won a £100 bet made on the programme four years ago with climatologist Dr James Annan. Annan predicted temperatures would rise in that period; Whitehouse predicted they wouldn't. Annan lost.

But you'd never guess it from his high-handed tone when he was asked why he'd lost. "Just bad luck," Annan explained, going on to insist (contradicting most available real-world data, it must be said) that the trend for global warming remained "robustly positive." He then agreed to another four-year bet. If it went against him a second time would he change his mind, Annan was asked. At first he appeared to agree that it would but then he started backtracking, insisting that it wouldn't change in the slightest his view that carbon dioxide causes global warming….

This "Even though I was wrong I'm still right" syndrome afflicts a lot of people in the climate alarmist community. But then, you can hardly blame them for their wilful self-delusion and glib complacency for they seem to operate in a bubble in which there are no punishments for failure.

The classic example is Paul Ehrlich who lost a famous bet on "scarce resources" with the late economist Julian Simon (aka the "Doomslayer" because he was so good at confounding environmentalists' hysterical scaremongering using actual scientific data as opposed to computer projections).

The interesting part, as I recall in Watermelons, is what happened next:

While Ehrlich continued to be feted as an environmental seer (in 1990, the year he lost the bet, he won a MacArthur Foundation "genius award"), Simon was invariably dismissed during his lifetime as a right-wing crank.

As a profile in Wired put it: "There seemed to be a bizarre reverse-Cassandra effect operating in the universe: whereas the mythical Cassandra spoke the awful truth and was not believed, these days "experts" spoke awful falsehoods, and they were believed. Repeatedly being wrong actually seemed to be an advantage, conferring some sort of puzzling magic glow upon the speaker."

Digging that puzzling magic glow, Dr Annan?
God almighty, Pattycake, you are about one stupid ass.

We have had a series of strong La Ninas, and a couple of moderate El Ninos since 1998. Yet 2010 matched 1998 for heat, for most of the decade from 2002 to present, the running average has been above any high point previous to 1998 on the satellite record.

UAH global Temperature for December – no change | Watts Up With That?

We are seeing the consequences of the warming in the extreme weather worldwide. The two biggest re-insurance companies in the world, Swiss Re and Munich Re, state that there has been a five fold increase in extreme weather events since 1970.

Weathering climate change | Swiss Re - Leading Global Reinsurer

Munich Re - Two months to Cancún climate summit / Large number of weather extremes as strong indication of climate change

Watch what happens on the next El Nino. Consider that we are in the second strong La Nina in a row, yet this winter has been very atypical for a La Nina. We are in for some very interesting times, and all your flap yap is not going to change that one whit.
I hear spring was out and about in parts of the midwest with snow lacking thus far this winter. People are planting chard,kale and lettuce seeds knowing germination will happen sooner of later is the word.

Hmmmmmm sounds like fun if rain would come.
Now you think you're smarter than 97% of scientists. What a moron. :cuckoo:

Nope, I just want proof, that you can not provide.

I know you and your moronic arguments too well. No matter what proof is presented you'll say that it's either skewed or not good enough. You're happier living in ignorance.



I dont need to educate you on what actual proof is do I?
Nope, I just want proof, that you can not provide.

I know you and your moronic arguments too well. No matter what proof is presented you'll say that it's either skewed or not good enough. You're happier living in ignorance.



I dont need to educate you on what actual proof is do I?

As soon as you provide conclusive proof that you don't get your talking points directly from Rush Limbaugh.
NASA Research Finds 2010 Tied for Warmest Year on Record

The two years differed by less than 0.018 degrees Fahrenheit. The difference is smaller than the uncertainty in comparing the temperatures of recent years, putting them into a statistical tie. In the new analysis, the next warmest years are 1998, 2002, 2003, 2006, 2007 and 2009, which are statistically tied for third warmest year. The GISS records begin in 1880.

NASA GISS: Research News: NASA Research Finds 2010 Tied for Warmest Year on Record
NASA Research Finds 2010 Tied for Warmest Year on Record

The two years differed by less than 0.018 degrees Fahrenheit. The difference is smaller than the uncertainty in comparing the temperatures of recent years, putting them into a statistical tie. In the new analysis, the next warmest years are 1998, 2002, 2003, 2006, 2007 and 2009, which are statistically tied for third warmest year. The GISS records begin in 1880.

NASA GISS: Research News: NASA Research Finds 2010 Tied for Warmest Year on Record

The warmest year on record occured in 1938, turd.

NASA continues to "adjust" it's figures. Its data is completely untrustworthy.
God almighty, Pattycake, you are about one stupid ass.

We have had a series of strong La Ninas, and a couple of moderate El Ninos since 1998. Yet 2010 matched 1998 for heat, for most of the decade from 2002 to present, the running average has been above any high point previous to 1998 on the satellite record.

UAH global Temperature for December – no change | Watts Up With That?

We are seeing the consequences of the warming in the extreme weather worldwide. The two biggest re-insurance companies in the world, Swiss Re and Munich Re, state that there has been a five fold increase in extreme weather events since 1970.

Weathering climate change | Swiss Re - Leading Global Reinsurer

Munich Re - Two months to Cancún climate summit / Large number of weather extremes as strong indication of climate change

Watch what happens on the next El Nino. Consider that we are in the second strong La Nina in a row, yet this winter has been very atypical for a La Nina. We are in for some very interesting times, and all your flap yap is not going to change that one whit.

The warmist cult member lost the bet. He also declines to make another.

End of story.
God almighty, Pattycake, you are about one stupid ass.

We have had a series of strong La Ninas, and a couple of moderate El Ninos since 1998. Yet 2010 matched 1998 for heat, for most of the decade from 2002 to present, the running average has been above any high point previous to 1998 on the satellite record.

UAH global Temperature for December – no change | Watts Up With That?

We are seeing the consequences of the warming in the extreme weather worldwide. The two biggest re-insurance companies in the world, Swiss Re and Munich Re, state that there has been a five fold increase in extreme weather events since 1970.

Weathering climate change | Swiss Re - Leading Global Reinsurer

Munich Re - Two months to Cancún climate summit / Large number of weather extremes as strong indication of climate change

Watch what happens on the next El Nino. Consider that we are in the second strong La Nina in a row, yet this winter has been very atypical for a La Nina. We are in for some very interesting times, and all your flap yap is not going to change that one whit.


I already pointed out that, in order to win the bet, all Annan needed was a single temp above the 1998 high.

He lost because it did not happen, therefore the average could not have exceeded those same high temps because it is impossible for an average to be higher than the highest temp.
If you think 76 of 79 scientists are the world's voice, it's a shame. Talk about spewing crap you hear from left wing news (?) sites. Try again, 97% of the 79 scientists that were asked two very vague questions regarding global warming speak for the entire scientific community??? They were also self selected. So no I don't believe 97% of scientists believe man made global warming is real.

Study claiming ’97% of climate scientists agree’ is flawed «
In fact the doubters are finally speaking out and the numbers of scientists that disagree is growing.

Even some in the establishment media now appear to be taking notice of the growing number of skeptical scientists. In October, the Washington Post Staff Writer Juliet Eilperin conceded the obvious, writing that climate skeptics "appear to be expanding rather than shrinking." Many scientists from around the world have dubbed 2007 as the year man-made global warming fears “bite the dust.” (LINK) In addition, many scientists who are also progressive environmentalists believe climate fear promotion has "co-opted" the green movement.

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