Global Warming. Here's the thing.

Hate to sound pessimistic but the simple fact is that to stop global warming the major nation will have to work together and billions of people will have to make changes and sacrifices. The likelihood of that happening is somewhere between zero and none.

Take a look at what is occurring right now. The president is mandating that Americans get a vaccination that is safe, effective, and free in the middle of epidemic that has killed over 700,000. And people are responding by vowing to never get vaccinated and others are calling for the presidents impeachment. Do you really think people that won't respond to a mandate to save their lives in an epidemic, are going to respond to mandates to give up their gas guzzlers', go green, and shell out trillions of dollars to rebuilt our energy infrastructure when nearly half of them either don't believe global warming can be stopped or that it doesn't exist at all?

Global warming is real and we are not going to do enough to stop it. We will be lucky, if we can get the resources to deal with the disasters as they occur and keep some remnant of civilization alive till the population reduction takes care of the problem.

Do you really think people that won't respond to a mandate to save their lives in an epidemic, are going to respond to mandates to give up their gas guzzlers', go green, and shell out trillions of dollars to rebuilt our energy infrastructure when nearly half of them either don't believe global warming can be stopped or that it doesn't exist at all?

Forget about "half of them".


Do you really think people that won't respond to a mandate to save their lives in an epidemic, are going to respond to mandates to give up their gas guzzlers', go green, and shell out trillions of dollars to rebuilt our energy infrastructure when nearly half of them either don't believe global warming can be stopped or that it doesn't exist at all?

Forget about "half of them".

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$10 a month would be a drop in the bucket. Americans are not going to give up their gas guzzlers. Even if they did, China would be a bigger problems and the under developed countries are just beginning their industrial revolution and they are about to stop it.

Global Warming is going to continue and nothing is going stop it. We will attempt to deal with slowly rising global temperatures, rising sea water on our coast lines, and increasing storm insensitive and numbers. IMHO, when population falls enough the process will reverse.
$10 a month would be a drop in the bucket. Americans are not going to give up their gas guzzlers. Even if they did, China would be a bigger problems and the under developed countries are just beginning their industrial revolution and they are about to stop it.

Global Warming is going to continue and nothing is going stop it. We will attempt to deal with slowly rising global temperatures, rising sea water on our coast lines, and increasing storm insensitive and numbers. IMHO, when population falls enough the process will reverse.

$10 a month would be a drop in the bucket.

I know. And 68% wouldn't pay even that drop.
$10 a month would be a drop in the bucket.

I know. And 68% wouldn't pay even that drop.
And thus, I'm glad I have lived most of my life in the 20th century and won't have face what is to come. I feel sorry for my grand kids, because they're going to be living through some pretty bad shit later in this century. I don't watch nature programs anymore because I can't stand to see so many magnificent creatures that will be gone from the wild in less than hundred years. It sucks, but that's life.
What if there is nothing to human caused global warming, but we did something about it anyway. What's the worst that could happen. We live more equitably within our ecological environment. But what is the worst that can happen if human caused global warming is real. As I think it is. And accelerating. As I think it is also. The worst is that humans don't have long for this planet. You decide. Which approach is best.
When we cling to the idea that infinite growth is possible in a closed system WTF do you think will happen?

The problem with the so called solutions you want is they they ain't gonna work unless we actually decrease consumption and reduce the population.
Global warming is real
Not due to CO2 emissions it's not.

scientists come to opposite conclusions about the causes of recent climate change depending on which datasets they consider. For instance, in the graphs above, the panels on the left lead to the conclusion that global temperature changes since the mid-19th century have been mostly due to human-caused emissions, especially carbon dioxide (CO2), i.e., the conclusion reached by the UN IPCC reports. In contrast, the panels on the right lead to the exact opposite conclusion, i.e., that the global temperature changes since the mid-19th century have been mostly due to natural cycles, chiefly long-term changes in the energy emitted by the Sun.


Both sets of panels are based on published scientific data, but each uses different datasets and assumptions. On the left, it is assumed that the available temperature records are unaffected by the urban heat island problem, and so all stations are used, whether urban or rural. On the right, only rural stations are used. Meanwhile, on the left, solar output is modeled using the low variability dataset that has been chosen for the IPCC’s upcoming (in 2021/2022) 6th Assessment Reports. This implies zero contribution from natural factors to the long-term warming. On the right, solar output is modeled using a high variability dataset used by the team in charge of NASA’s ACRIM sun-monitoring satellites. This implies that most, if not all, of the long-term temperature changes are due to natural factors.

Here is the link to the full paper.
Hate to sound pessimistic but the simple fact is that to stop global warming the major nation will have to work together and billions of people will have to make changes and sacrifices. The likelihood of that happening is somewhere between zero and none.

Take a look at what is occurring right now. The president is mandating that Americans get a vaccination that is safe, effective, and free in the middle of epidemic that has killed over 700,000. And people are responding by vowing to never get vaccinated and others are calling for the presidents impeachment. Do you really think people that won't respond to a mandate to save their lives in an epidemic, are going to respond to mandates to give up their gas guzzlers', go green, and shell out trillions of dollars to rebuilt our energy infrastructure when nearly half of them either don't believe global warming can be stopped or that it doesn't exist at all?

Global warming is real and we are not going to do enough to stop it. We will be lucky, if we can get the resources to deal with the disasters as they occur and keep some remnant of civilization alive till the population reduction takes care of the problem.

What you say is true. Many people wouldn't like it. But at some point, you will just have to force them. You know, when a war is declared, there is plenty of money then. So how about we declare war on human caused global warming. Biden I think said that in around the year 2050 he would like to see all Americans driving electric cars. Except we'll all probably be dead by then. The Tesla company knows how to make electric cars. If the major car companies can't do it, and put stumbling blocks in the way as they are likely to do, privatize all major automobile manufacturers and put them under the control of Tesla. I would bet he could do it.

Of course, there is another problem. Foreign imports. Anything we need should be made here. Where we have some environmental standards. And no fuel needs to be wasted shipping things from China.
When we cling to the idea that infinite growth is possible in a closed system WTF do you think will happen?

The problem with the so called solutions you want is they they ain't gonna work unless we actually decrease consumption and reduce the population.

Well the thing is that you have to do whatever it takes. The problem is that you have to be "racist" to do so.
Frequent and drastic temperature changes is an artifact of bipolar glaciation where the northern hemisphere is close to the threshold of extensive continental glaciation.

You can see this in the ice cores.


There's nothing to worry about folks. The IPCC was caught cooking their books.
Climate Change, Lost of Habitat, Lost of food source, pollution, etc. One in five species on Earth now faces extinction, and that will rise to 50% by the end of the century unless urgent action is taken.

Hate to break in. But any claims about what things will be like by the end of the century are wildly inaccurate. Most likely, by 2050, most of the life on earth will be extinct. Including humans. That is because human caused global warming is actually accelerating.
Hate to break in. But any claims about what things will be like by the end of the century are wildly inaccurate. Most likely, by 2050, most of the life on earth will be extinct. Including humans. That is because human caused global warming is actually accelerating.
That is the funniest thing I have ever heard. Did Toddsterpatriot tell you that? Because it sounds like something he would argue.
Climate Change, Lost of Habitat, Lost of food source, pollution, etc. One in five species on Earth now faces extinction, and that will rise to 50% by the end of the century unless urgent action is taken.

Climate Change, Lost of Habitat, Lost of food source, pollution, etc.

You were whining about global warming.....why are you changing the subject?
What you say is true. Many people wouldn't like it. But at some point, you will just have to force them. You know, when a war is declared, there is plenty of money then. So how about we declare war on human caused global warming. Biden I think said that in around the year 2050 he would like to see all Americans driving electric cars. Except we'll all probably be dead by then. The Tesla company knows how to make electric cars. If the major car companies can't do it, and put stumbling blocks in the way as they are likely to do, privatize all major automobile manufacturers and put them under the control of Tesla. I would bet he could do it.

Of course, there is another problem. Foreign imports. Anything we need should be made here. Where we have some environmental standards. And no fuel needs to be wasted shipping things from China.
The root cause of global warming, destruction of habitat for wildlife, air pollutions, water pollution, etc is man. There are just too many. However, global warming may take care of the problem. I think it's very unlike there will be enough done to have any real effect on global warming. As the oceans, we will deal with the flooding and lost of our coastlines. As temperatures rise we will migrate to cooler areas. As crops fail, we develop other food sources. As hurricane become larger and more intense, we will build higher levies and stronger structures. All of this activity will of course just increase greenhouse gases.

Thinking people and nations are going work together to solve the problem is just fantasy.
Climate Change, Lost of Habitat, Lost of food source, pollution, etc.

You were whining about global warming.....why are you changing the subject?
Just answering a question. Global warming is only one of a number of environmental problems.
That is the funniest thing I have ever heard. Did Toddsterpatriot tell you that? Because it sounds like something he would argue.

That human caused global warming is speeding up is something I've known for quite some time. But they did a thing on the news a few weeks ago where they showed one scientist who said the same thing.

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