Global Warming: Follow the Money

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Citing documents uncovered by the radical environmental group Greenpeace, a group of media outlets — including the New York Times and the Boston Globe — have attacked global-warming skeptic Wei-Hock (Willie) Soon for allegedly hiding $1.2 million in contributions from “fossil fuel companies.” The articles were the latest in an ongoing campaign by greens and their media allies to discredit opponents of the warming agenda.

But in allying themselves closely with activist groups with which they share ideological goals, reporters have fundamentally misled readers on the facts of global-warming funding.

In truth, the overwhelming majority of climate-research funding comes from the federal government and left-wing foundations. And while the energy industry funds both sides of the climate debate, The government/foundation monies go only toward research that advances the warming regulatory agenda. With a clear public-policy outcome in mind, the government/foundation gravy train is a much greater threat to scientific integrity.

Officials with the Smithsonian Institution — which employs Dr. Soon — told the Times it appeared the scientist had violated disclosure standards, and they said they would look into the matter. Soon, a Malaysian immigrant, is a widely respected astrophysicist, and his allies came quickly to his defense

Indeed, experts in the research community say that it is much more difficult for some of the top climate scientists — Soon, Roger Pielke Jr., the CATO Institute’s Patrick Michaels, MIT’s now-retired Richard Lindzen — to get funding for their work because they do not embrace the global-warming fearmongering favored by the government-funded climate establishment.

Global Warming: Follow the Money

Yep follow the money , it's all about man made climate change and not much funding for natural causes.

Judith Curry on the inside scoop of government funding on the majority of it on junk science AGW..

Let's look at some of these grant monies... 10 million dollars huh? Well this grant is all about the AGW cult

SEARCH: Solutions to Energy, AiR, Climate, and Health| Research Project Database | Grantee Research Project | ORD | US EPA

Solutions to Energy, AiR, Climate, and Health
EPA Grant Number: R835871
Center: Solutions for Energy, AiR, Climate and Health Center (SEARCH)
Center Director: Bell, Michelle L.
Title: SEARCH: Solutions to Energy, AiR, Climate, and Health
Investigators: Bell, Michelle L. , Hobbs, Benjamin F.
Institution: Yale University , Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ,North Carolina State University ,Northeastern University , Pacific Northwest National Laboratory ,Stanford University , The Johns Hopkins University , University of Chicago ,University of Michigan
EPA Project Officer: Callan, Richard
Project Period: October 1, 2015 through September 30, 2020
Project Amount: $9,999,990

Project 1 estimates how energy transitions in the U.S. affect emissions of air pollutants and how modifiable factors influence regional emissions, using state-of-the-art energy/emissions modeling, including critical feedbacks within the energy system. A broader set of emissions, such as from manufacture of energy technologies, will be estimated through Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Project 2 assesses ambient levels and personal exposures of pollution corresponding to real-world energy transitions in a case study city,
A $500,000 grant to check indoor and outdoor air temperature

Indoor Environment and Emergency Response Health Outcomes| Research Project Database | Grantee Research Project | ORD | US EPA

Indoor Environment and Emergency Response Health Outcomes
EPA Grant Number: R835749
Title: Indoor Environment and Emergency Response Health Outcomes
Investigators: Uejio, Christopher K ,Tamerius, James D
Institution: Florida State University ,University of Iowa
EPA Project Officer: Ilacqua, Vito
Project Period: May 1, 2015 through April 30, 2018
Project Amount: $500,000

This innovative study design observes indoor environment conditions of people receiving care for emergency distress calls i.e., 911 in two climatologically-distinct study cities: New York, NY and Jacksonville, FL. Beneficially, this study design 1) directly observes indoor exposures that may precedes distress calls and 2) targets vulnerable individuals. Small temperature and humidity sensors will accompany paramedics into patient households and monitor indoor conditions. Generalized Linear and Mixed Effects Models will relate outdoor weather conditions,

A million dollars needed for this one huh?

Climate Change Mitigation in Low-Income Communities in Colorado: Home Weatherization Impacts on Respiratory Health and Indoor Air Quality during Wildfires| Research Project Database | Grantee Research Project | ORD | US EPA

Climate Change Mitigation in Low-Income Communities in Colorado: Home Weatherization Impacts on Respiratory Health and Indoor Air Quality during Wildfires
EPA Grant Number: R835752
Title: Climate Change Mitigation in Low-Income Communities in Colorado: Home Weatherization Impacts on Respiratory Health and Indoor Air Quality during Wildfires
Investigators: Miller, Shelly , Adgate, John L. , Carlton, Elizabeth , Root, Elisabeth
Current Investigators: Miller, Shelly ,Adgate, John L. , Carlton, Elizabeth ,Humphrey, Jamie L. , Root, Elisabeth ,Shrestha, Prateek
Institution: University of Colorado at Boulder , Colorado School of Public Health , University of Colorado at Denver
Current Institution: University of Colorado at Boulder , The Ohio State University , University of Colorado at Denver
EPA Project Officer: Ilacqua, Vito
Project Period: November 1, 2014 through October 31, 2017
Project Amount: $999,899

To test our hypotheses, we will partner with the Colorado Energy Office (CEO) weatherization program agencies for low-income residents to recruit at least 250 homes over 1.5 years. In 125 single-family homes that have had weatherization improvements and 125 single-family homes that have not been weatherized we will assess, through a combination of questionnaires, lung function testing, household walkthrough, and blower door testing the home characteristics and respiratory health of the residents. Lung function will be documented with forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) and forced vital capacity (FVC) measurements. Weatherized and non-weatherized homes will be selected in neighborhood pairs and non-weatherized homes will be screened using the income-eligibility
Ooooohhh look they get to go to Africa and spend a million and s half on this

How will cleaner cooking and lighting practices impact regional air quality and climate in the Sahel of Africa?| Research Project Database | Grantee Research Project | ORD | US EPA

How will cleaner cooking and lighting practices impact regional air quality and climate in the Sahel of Africa?
EPA Grant Number: R835424
Title: How will cleaner cooking and lighting practices impact regional air quality and climate in the Sahel of Africa?
Investigators: Hannigan, Michael P. ,Dickinson, Katie , Dukic, Vanja , Hayden, Mary , Monaghan, Andrew , Wiedinmyer, Christine
Current Investigators: Hannigan, Michael P. , Dickinson, Katie , Dukic, Vanja , Hayden, Mary , Monaghan, Andrew , Oduro, Abraham , Wiedinmyer, Christine
Institution: University of Colorado at Boulder , National Center for Atmospheric Research
Current Institution: University of Colorado at Boulder , National Center for Atmospheric Research , Navrongo Health Research Center
EPA Project Officer: Keating, Terry
Project Period: June 1, 2014 through May 31, 2017 (Extended to May 31, 2018)
Project Amount: $1,500,000

The overarching goal for this proposed work is to develop a better understanding of the social, physical, and climatological determinants of regional emissions and air quality linked to cooking and lighting practices in the African Sahel. To reach that goal we have four specific objectives: (1) test hypotheses about the impact of different cooking technologies on behavior and emissions at the local scale, (2) develop a comprehensive set of emissions measurements from traditional cooking and lighting practices, as well as from cleaner burning alternatives, (3) develop realistic scenarios of regional-scale technology adoption and emissions by scaling up the observed social data and derived emissions relationships, and (4) assess how clean cooking and lighting practices could impact regional air quality and climate.

Well now, Bear, your approach seems to be fuck everybody and everything, no reason to investigate before doing something. And you sure as hell don't know how government grants work.
Well now, Bear, your approach seems to be fuck everybody and everything, no reason to investigate before doing something. And you sure as hell don't know how government grants work.

Looks like I do

How to Apply
All grant, fellowship and/or Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) funding opportunities competed through the Research Grants website are done through solicitations or Requests for Applications (RFAs). Any application submitted must be in response to an open solicitation or RFA.

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Follow the application instructions in the solicitation or RFA. Application instructions, where appropriate, will link back to various forms on this page to download.

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Well now, Bear, your approach seems to be fuck everybody and everything, no reason to investigate before doing something. And you sure as hell don't know how government grants work.

Look at this shit...even liberal arts is getting climate change money..what a scam

7 projects win funding for climate change solutions

7 projects win funding for climate change solutions
Harvard grant program provides $1 million across a range of academic boundaries

Seven research projects led by scientists, historians, economists, and public health experts from five Harvard Schools will share about $1 million in the third round of grants awarded by the Climate Change Solutions Fund. This initiative, which was launched by Harvard President Drew Faust, encourages multidisciplinary research that seeks creative solutions to climate change.

“Universities have a uniquely important role to play in the battle against climate change, and Harvard must continue to be at the forefront of efforts to bring disciplines together, deepen awareness of the issue, and speed progress,” said Faust. “This year’s Climate Change Solutions Fund awards will help experts from engineering, medicine, chemistry, public health, public policy, and the arts confront the challenges facing our society and our planet at a moment when the dire consequences of inaction are becoming increasingly apparent

Lmfao the OP was right fossil fuel does poor money into university's, climate and energy programs.

The fossil fuel industry's invisible colonization of academia | Benjamin Franta and Geoffrey Supran

After years conducting energy-related research at Harvard and MIT, we have come to discover firsthand that this pattern is systemic. Funding from Shell, Chevron, BP, and other oil and gas companies dominates Harvard’s energy and climate policy research, and Harvard research directors consult for the industry. These are the experts tasked with formulating policies for countering climate change, policies that threaten the profits – indeed the existence – of the fossil fuel industry.

Down the street at MIT, the Institute’s Energy Initiative is almost entirely funded by fossil fuel companies, including Shell, ExxonMobil, and Chevron. MIT has taken $185 millionfrom oil billionaire and climate denial financier David Koch, who is a Life Member of the university’s board.

And every one is looking for "qualification" of AGW.. not even one is looking at natural causes or identifying mans actual impacts..

the scam continues...
Yeah you nailed it. I dug down through the lower layers of the link you posted and there it is:
"D. Specific Research Areas of Interest/Expected Outputs and Outcomes
Note to applicant: The term “output” means an environmental activity or effort, and associated work products, related to a specific environmental goal(s), (e.g., testing a new methodology), that will be produced or developed over a period of time under the agreement. The term “outcome” means the result, effect, or consequence that will occur from the above activit(ies) that is related to an environmental, behavioral, or health-related objective."
Unless you come up with yet another theory in addition to their "settled science" which claims we are guilty of global genocide you need not apply.
I know a bit about that when I worked in that field. That was in the 70ties when the Mercury scare was hyped beyond reality. Not that there was no Hg in predatory fish and downstream of paper mills that made their own Cl2 using Hg electrodes, they found it everywhere even in lakes way up in the arctic that were fed by glaciers. Later it turned out that the Atomic Absorption Spectro Analysis did not distinguish between the Hg and the Nitric acid fumes from the HNO3/H2SO4 which was used to dissolve whatever had to be analyzed. When that was corrected almost all the "mercury pollution" vanished. There was no announcement whatsoever about this fuckup, instead the EPA`s in countries that were participating in the research credited government action for having eliminated Hg pollution in all the areas where they re-opened commercial fishing....because now all the fish suddenly had less than 5ppm Hg.
But I did get a memo from the Minister of Environment stating that we should continue to scan for other trace elements that would justify closing the areas to commercial fishing that had been closed before due to "Mercury pollution". The memo concluded that failing to do so would necessitate to trim the budget and personnel allocated for this program
Take a wild guess what happened after that...I decided to find another job, but many of my ex-colleges enjoyed a $$$$ windfall after they found PCB`s in everything they were looking at.
Beats me how that vanished all over sudden, just like the Mercury....but then again I know full well that nobody at that time had a GC column that could separate PCB`s from all the other organic material you extract with Hexane from plants and animal tissue.
On a parallel analogy imagine how the liberals would scream if Trump would tell the FBI director what he wants him to investigate and what outcome he expects him to come up with.
Failing that he will cut his budget to the bone.
And every one is looking for "qualification" of AGW.. not even one is looking at natural causes or identifying mans actual impacts..

the scam continues...
Yeah you nailed it. I dug down through the lower layers of the link you posted and there it is:
"D. Specific Research Areas of Interest/Expected Outputs and Outcomes
Note to applicant: The term “output” means an environmental activity or effort, and associated work products, related to a specific environmental goal(s), (e.g., testing a new methodology), that will be produced or developed over a period of time under the agreement. The term “outcome” means the result, effect, or consequence that will occur from the above activit(ies) that is related to an environmental, behavioral, or health-related objective."
Unless you come up with yet another theory in addition to their "settled science" which claims we are guilty of global genocide you need not apply.
I know a bit about that when I worked in that field. That was in the 70ties when the Mercury scare was hyped beyond reality. Not that there was no Hg in predatory fish and downstream of paper mills that made their own Cl2 using Hg electrodes, they found it everywhere even in lakes way up in the arctic that were fed by glaciers. Later it turned out that the Atomic Absorption Spectro Analysis did not distinguish between the Hg and the Nitric acid fumes from the HNO3/H2SO4 which was used to dissolve whatever had to be analyzed. When that was corrected almost all the "mercury pollution" vanished. There was no announcement whatsoever about this fuckup, instead the EPA`s in countries that were participating in the research credited government action for having eliminated Hg pollution in all the areas where they re-opened commercial fishing....because now all the fish suddenly had less than 5ppm Hg.
But I did get a memo from the Minister of Environment stating that we should continue to scan for other trace elements that would justify closing the areas to commercial fishing that had been closed before due to "Mercury pollution". The memo concluded that failing to do so would necessitate to trim the budget and personnel allocated for this program
Take a wild guess what happened after that...I decided to find another job, but many of my ex-colleges enjoyed a $$$$ windfall after they found PCB`s in everything they were looking at.
Beats me how that vanished all over sudden, just like the Mercury....but then again I know full well that nobody at that time had a GC column that could separate PCB`s from all the other organic material you extract with Hexane from plants and animal tissue.
On a parallel analogy imagine how the liberals would scream if Trump would tell the FBI director what he wants him to investigate and what outcome he expects him to come up with.
Failing that he will cut his budget to the bone.
"expected outputs" makes all science easy... just fabricate it so that the desired outcome is present...
Dang green peace as a 260 million dollar a year budget?

Global Warming Activists Don’t Like When Someone Follows The Money

Studies that receive financial support from the public sector don’t have to disclose it as a conflict of interest, even when that support is in the millions of dollars. Recent studies that the Environmental Protection Agency is using to support the scientific case for its Clean Power Plan saw the EPA itself give $31.2 million, $9.5 million, and$3.65 million in public funds to lead authors according to EPA public disclosures.

The author who received $3.65 million, Charles Driscoll, even admitted to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette that the result of his study was predetermined, saying “in doing this study we wanted to bring attention to the additional benefits from carbon controls.”

Universities typically received about 50 percent of the money that their researchers get in public funds if their research finds positive results, making them deeply dependent upon federal funding and likely to encourage studies which will come to conclusions that the government wants.

Even counting only private money, environmental groups massively outspend their opposition. Opposition to global warming activism only raises $46 million annually across 91 conservative think tanks according to analysis by Forbes.That’s almost 6 times less than Greenpeace’s 2011 budget of $260 million,and Greenpeace is only one of many environmental groups. The undeniable truth is that global warming activists raise and spend far more money than their opponents.

And every one is looking for "qualification" of AGW.. not even one is looking at natural causes or identifying mans actual impacts..

the scam continues...
Yeah you nailed it. I dug down through the lower layers of the link you posted and there it is:
"D. Specific Research Areas of Interest/Expected Outputs and Outcomes
Note to applicant: The term “output” means an environmental activity or effort, and associated work products, related to a specific environmental goal(s), (e.g., testing a new methodology), that will be produced or developed over a period of time under the agreement. The term “outcome” means the result, effect, or consequence that will occur from the above activit(ies) that is related to an environmental, behavioral, or health-related objective."
Unless you come up with yet another theory in addition to their "settled science" which claims we are guilty of global genocide you need not apply.
I know a bit about that when I worked in that field. That was in the 70ties when the Mercury scare was hyped beyond reality. Not that there was no Hg in predatory fish and downstream of paper mills that made their own Cl2 using Hg electrodes, they found it everywhere even in lakes way up in the arctic that were fed by glaciers. Later it turned out that the Atomic Absorption Spectro Analysis did not distinguish between the Hg and the Nitric acid fumes from the HNO3/H2SO4 which was used to dissolve whatever had to be analyzed. When that was corrected almost all the "mercury pollution" vanished. There was no announcement whatsoever about this fuckup, instead the EPA`s in countries that were participating in the research credited government action for having eliminated Hg pollution in all the areas where they re-opened commercial fishing....because now all the fish suddenly had less than 5ppm Hg.
But I did get a memo from the Minister of Environment stating that we should continue to scan for other trace elements that would justify closing the areas to commercial fishing that had been closed before due to "Mercury pollution". The memo concluded that failing to do so would necessitate to trim the budget and personnel allocated for this program
Take a wild guess what happened after that...I decided to find another job, but many of my ex-colleges enjoyed a $$$$ windfall after they found PCB`s in everything they were looking at.
Beats me how that vanished all over sudden, just like the Mercury....but then again I know full well that nobody at that time had a GC column that could separate PCB`s from all the other organic material you extract with Hexane from plants and animal tissue.
On a parallel analogy imagine how the liberals would scream if Trump would tell the FBI director what he wants him to investigate and what outcome he expects him to come up with.
Failing that he will cut his budget to the bone.
"expected outputs" makes all science easy... just fabricate it so that the desired outcome is present...
"expected outcome and goals" is a clever euphemism for the dog whistle that makes sure the tracking hounds don`t sniff around in areas where they might find the evidence the dog handler wants to keep out of the public`s view.
It sure worked for the fucking liberals. Even now after they were thrown out of the White House.
These fucks still refuse to disclose the documents that are needed to bring closure to the families of the murder victims that were gunned down with the assault rifles they gave to drug cartels.
No leaking there...and not even Comey has a memo he could leak as an "unnamed source" to the NYT.
Again, the point seems to be that deniers have no idea of how grants work, are proud of being so ignorant, and have no wish to remedy their ignorance. Grants earn no money for the person who gets a grant.

But then, if deniers educated themselves, they'd see how stupid and dishonest all of their conspiracy theories are. And if they reject their conspiracy theories, the other rather violent and unstable cultists would eject them from the cult, or worse. There's nobody that a cultist hates more than an apostate, someone who has left the cult.

Therefore, you'll always see deniers pulling a Sgt. Schultz. ("I see nothing! I know nothing!").

I do agree, follow the money. All the bribes go to deniers.
Again, the point seems to be that deniers have no idea of how grants work, are proud of being so ignorant, and have no wish to remedy their ignorance. Grants earn no money for the person who gets a grant.

But then, if deniers educated themselves, they'd see how stupid and dishonest all of their conspiracy theories are. And if they reject their conspiracy theories, the other rather violent and unstable cultists would eject them from the cult, or worse. There's nobody that a cultist hates more than an apostate, someone who has left the cult.

Therefore, you'll always see deniers pulling a Sgt. Schultz. ("I see nothing! I know nothing!").

I do agree, follow the money. All the bribes go to deniers.

This thread proves how full of shit you are..

You have nothing to debate..

Mamooth is right. We've been telling you this for several years now and you just keep ignoring it. Scientists don't put grant money into their pockets. They use it to pay for the conduct of their research. That's what its for. It doesn't make them rich, it allows them to keep their jobs ("Publish or die"? Ever heard the phrase?)
Mamooth is right. We've been telling you this for several years now and you just keep ignoring it. Scientists don't put grant money into their pockets. They use it to pay for the conduct of their research. That's what its for. It doesn't make them rich, it allows them to keep their jobs ("Publish or die"? Ever heard the phrase?)

It keeps them in a job, look at my Harvard post...they are using climate change grants to promote their speciatys...

So they can live comfortably off the government ..

So they don't have to get a real job.


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