Global Warming 'CULT' Shows No Sign of Stopping


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Despite the REPEATED exposing of FALSIFIED and MANIPULATED Data these 'cultists' claim as their 'evidence', they continue to position themselves in positions of great power and carry out the punishing of those who dare question / deny their 'religion'! While being fired may not be as bad as getting your head cut off, those who refuse to bow down to the alter of Global Warming / Climate Change are being punished just the same...and the call to carry out even more extreme punishment is being made around the world...

Top French Meteorologist Who Questioned ‘Global Warming’ Fired
LINK: Back To The Dark Ages: Update: Top French Meteorologist Who Questioned 'Global Warming' Fired

NOAA/NASA Dramatically Altered US Temperatures After The Year 2000
LINK: NOAA/NASA Dramatically Altered US Temperatures After The Year 2000

NASA Gets Caught Faking Climate Change Data-AGAIN!
LINK: NASA Gets Caught Faking Climate Change Data-AGAIN! - Breitbart

The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever
LINK: The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever

Global warming data FAKED by government to fit climate change fictions

RFK Jr. wants law to ‘punish global warming skeptics’
LINK: Robert Kennedy Jr.: We need laws to 'punish global warming skeptics' - Washington Times

College professor: “Jail climate change deniers!”
LINK: College professor: “Jail climate change deniers!” « Hot Air

U.N. planning court to judge U.S. for 'climate justice'
LINK: U.N. planning court to judge U.S. for ‘climate justice’
I'm curious why all the deniers are so convinced that unleashing billions of tons of fossilized carbon per year into the atmosphere won't cause global climate change. CO2 and CH4 are greenhouse gasses, that is an undeniable fact. And yet they just assume that won't do anything to the climate. It's odd.
I'm curious why all the deniers are so convinced that unleashing billions of tons of fossilized carbon per year into the atmosphere won't cause global climate change. CO2 and CH4 are greenhouse gasses, that is an undeniable fact. And yet they just assume that won't do anything to the climate. It's odd.
Davros, if Global Warming was a true science with proven facts the Global Warming Scientists would not have to fabricate, manipulate, and lie about all of their data.

CO2 and CH4 are greenhouse gasses, that is an undeniable fact. What is NOT an undeniable fact is that these cause Global Warming that is destroying the earth. For example, scientists claim we went through the hottest period in history several years ago, but that was not the case. The fact was / is that weather / climate is cyclical.

The fact that these 'scientists' were FORCED to change the name of this 'phenomenon' from 'Global Warming' to 'Climate Change' because their claims of 'global Warming' were proven un-true tells you about everything you need to know. I have completely lost all respect for these people...and for NASA - the once great organization that put a man on the moon but has lowered itself to participating in the Global Warming scam in order to get funding.
Davros, if Global Warming was a true science with proven facts the Global Warming Scientists would not have to fabricate, manipulate, and lie about all of their data.

Unfounded paranoid and delusional claims are standard behavior for conspiracy cultists. That would be you.

The rest of the world knows that you're simply mindlessly parroting whatever nonsense your cult feeds you. You're not being ignored because of a vast secret global socialist conspiracy. You're being ignored because you get every single thing completely wrong.

And if you want to claim you and a small band of kook fringe-right political cultists know better than the whole world, we'll have to add raging narcissism to your list of problems.

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