Glenn Beck; "God"-Sent??

Hey truthmatters, what is it about dimwit libs that choose idiots for their leaders? You idiots are scared of Palin and Beck otherwise you would not be attacking them so much.

For some reason I cannot reply directly. My computer sucks.

"You idiots are scared of Palin and Beck otherwise you would not be attacking them so much."

by that logic

conservatives must be scared of obama and hillary
"otherwise you would not be attacking them so much."
Hey rikules, this couintry was founded by Christians. This country would be better off with Biblical laws, which our laws are based on anyway. Just because you libs lie don't blame Beck.

"Hey rikules, this couintry was founded by Christians."

many of them were christians
many of hem were deists

they all agreed, however, to create a nation where-in all people could choose for themselves.

"This country would be better off with Biblical laws, which our laws are based on anyway. "

"This country would be better off with Biblical laws"

I disagree.
too many biblical laws are irrational, illogical, unfair and just plain mean....

laws against atheism and homosexuality, for example, would make America no better than some islamic 3rd world shithole

and certainly gods laws promoting and condoning slavery would be a blemish on our supposed "great nation"

"which our laws are based on anyway. "

it is true that at one time many biblical laws were part of our legal system.
but most of those have been overruled, overturned and negated

very few laws today have any connection to the bible

thank god for that

Just because you libs lie don't blame Beck.[/QUOTE]
Hey truthmatters, what is it about dimwit libs that choose idiots for their leaders? You idiots are scared of Palin and Beck otherwise you would not be attacking them so much.

For some reason I cannot reply directly. My computer sucks.

Whatever your issue might be with Obama, you can't seriously think he's dim. I can name a few presidents who were less than Rhodes scholars (Ford, W) but Obama is a brilliant man.

Fox is the mouthpiece of the right.

They are inseperable

At least Fox viewers can spell.

And spelling counts for what?

I have never understood why a medium of communication such as writing has people more concerned with the means instead of the communication.

Yes I spell for shit and always have, it just doesnt matter to me and never will.

I am far more concerned with content and always will be.

You just keep being the fucking spelling and typo police , it suits you and your level of thought.

Because the means are what facilitates conversation and discussion. If you are too lazy to articulate your ideas correctly, why on earth should we think your ideas are important to you?
I dont follow him you people do.

The right loves his crazy ass.

Will him and Romney take over the R party and make it the morman party?

I know this is difficult for you, but there is something far more important than Party going on.
Why not just make up a rumor that Beck is an alien from Mars?

I don't get any of you who do this. If Beck has said something you disagree with -- and you give a fuck what some toothpaste salesman on FOX thinks -- then debate what he SAID. WTF difference does it make if he has a defect in his personal life?

And BTW truthmatters, spelling like a functional illiterate does not make your posts more persuasive. Spelling and grammar may not be the be all and end all, but when you are claiming to be intellectually superior but cannot spell "inseparable", you seem like an asshole.

Madeline, you are a sweet sound to my ears. Someone who actually understands the purpose of debating topics instead of personal attacks.
Actually, if the critics weren't afraid of what Glenn Beck might have to say at this rally, there would probably be nothing said about it. Seems like that the more the truth is exposed, the louder the critics become. Stop beating up the messenger and begin to hear what is actually being said. The truth will set you free.

I'll admit that I fear beck and his ilk

but NOT because he "tells the truth"

so far as I can tell "the truth" and beck are NOT on speaking terms

I fear beck (and his ilk) because he is a deranged lunatic who uses fear tactics and lies to rile up MILLIONS of deranged conservatives into a blood thirsty frenzy

I fear beck (and his ilk) because it is OBVIOUS (no matter how often deranged conservatives deny it) that he promotes a CHRISTIAN NATION with CHRISTAN LAWS

as does palin

I strongly oppose a christian nation with biblical laws that are illogical and irrational (and dangerous to MY Health)

I firmly support a secular nation with laws based on logic and reason

Bloodthirsty frenzy? Course, Advocating Non-violence is so dang bloodthirsty. I mean you know about all those Quaker shootings lately.

I suppose being honest would be dangerous to your health. You might actually learn something.
Fox is the mouthpiece of the right.

They are inseperable

At least Fox viewers can spell.

And spelling counts for what?

I have never understood why a medium of communication such as writing has people more concerned with the means instead of the communication.

Yes I spell for shit and always have, it just doesnt matter to me and never will.

I am far more concerned with content and always will be.

You just keep being the fucking spelling and typo police , it suits you and your level of thought.

If you cannot bother to be clear and concise in your writing, why would anyone assume you would do so in your thoughts?
Beck is an admitted alcohol and drug addict.

He says he is clean.

What is it about the cons that make them choose "ex" addicts for leaders?

You would prefer current addicts?

Once again, TM, I know this is a toughie but give it a try....

Beck is NOT NOT NOT a "leader of the Republican Party". He's an entertainer on a right wing talk show. There's a difference, I swear there is.
But those people are only watching the dems and have completetly forgotten, never knew, pretended not to know all the shit the Rs have done to this country.

An example would be making the rights minions so anti American they are calling for the stoppage of a house of worship.

Most people aren't naive to think that the problem isn't corruption in both parties.

Nor are they naive enough to believe that there havent been people on both sides of the aisle coming out for and against the Mosque.
"It counts for a lot. People that misspell words show themselves to be either careless, ignorant or both. How a person speaks, writes and spells tells just as much about that person as what they wear or where they live. Improper spelling can lead to confusion and gives the impression that the person isn't smarter than a fifth grader"

of course....this rule ONLY applies to liberals....

I have seen HUNDREDS of posts by conservatives with misspelled words (and bad grammer) and, when liberals have pointed out these misspellings or grammatical inaccuracies conservatives are quite quick to say things like "typical of liberals to IGNORE what I am saying and sieze on the insignificance of a spelling error"

The rule applies to everyone equally IMO. Now of course I'm not talking about an occasional typo, hell everybody is guilty of that. Even me if you can believe it. But when a person constantly misspells words it shows that person is, as I've stated, either careless, ignorant or both. Personally when I see a person that does that I immediately see that person as an uneducated dolt and I pretty much dismiss anything they have to say.
DAMN; I hate to agree with you...... :eusa_doh:

Yeah. Must be the end of the world you actually see someone you dislike as a human being and recognize that they are smarter than you like to pretend.
Hey truthmatters, what is it about dimwit libs that choose idiots for their leaders? You idiots are scared of Palin and Beck otherwise you would not be attacking them so much.

For some reason I cannot reply directly. My computer sucks.

Whatever your issue might be with Obama, you can't seriously think he's dim. I can name a few presidents who were less than Rhodes scholars (Ford, W) but Obama is a brilliant man.

I have to disagree. He just knows alot that simply isn't true.

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