Given time, $200 million in the bank, and Biden's tremendous destruction of the USA, the Patriot party will prevail.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Trump’s leads mysteriously disappeared. Anyone who has ever watched election night coverage of a presidential election knows that once 40 to 50% of a state’s vote is in, the networks can call the state.
Additionally, when a candidate has a lead at that point, they almost never lose it.
In 2020, President Trump had sizable leads in Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, and Nevada with 80-90% of the vote in and then all of a sudden he lost those states. In Pennsylvania and Georgia, Trump led by several points with 95%-plus of the vote in and then a week later they went to Biden.
Shit like this has never happened in a presidential election before.
The Trump campaign announced Thursday evening that the president’s fundraising operation raised $207.5 million

During the next 4 years we that support the non-politician Trump (over 70 million "Legal immigrants", America First and people that love America) will be working in many ways, including supporting what Amazon just recently said..
Amazon requests in-person unionizing vote for 'valid, fair and successful election'

So if an 'in-person" vote is necessary "valid, fair and successful election', then with these admissions that "JUNK MAIL" voting has a greater potential for fraud...(See below example of a voter's signed registration form signature different that driver's license)...and all the other "JUNK MAIL" fraud issues.
With the lessons learned from the Democrats election fraud actions, the Patriot Party can assure, that the "Twitter","FaceBook" alternatives will be key to communicating with all Americans. But the biggest contribution will be the destructive measures Harris (Biden is a figurehead that will be replaced) will have in place. Keystone, Transgender athletes(remember a lot voters have girls who are NOW participating in athletics and with males participating...not good) and continued efforts to make the World First rather than America First by Harris/Biden will cause a tremendous mess that will replicate what happened with Jimmy Carter in my lifetime...where see below... Reagan swamped Carter over 10 times the electoral votes.
If Trump runs as Patriot party nominee Harris/??? will be completely trounced...again because of their destructiveness...Remember Carter had the highest
"Misery Index..(combination of inflation and unemployment figure) and that will be happening again! Remember "Misery Index"...21.98 – Jun 1980

Oh, you mean the Nationalist Party and not the Patriot Party. Rump is a Nationalist. But so were a couple of other failed leaders in the middle of the 20th century.
Trump has decided to bail on the Patriot party. Hasn't everyone heard?

First, it would require work on his part. Trump doesn't do "work".

Second, it's no longer necessary, as the Republican senators are still too cowardly, corrupt and disloyal to convict him.

Third, if the Trump cultists go to the Patriot party, then Trump could no longer play kingmaker in Republican primaries.
Gosh. When conservatives were more likely to vote in a way where the votes are counted first on election night and Democrats tend to vote in a way that is counted last on election night (or beyond) and this was even talked about before the election, why are people shocked to see votes for Biden to come in later.

Some states worked in the other direction and counted early/mail in ballots first. Texas for instance where Biden was leading in that state for much of the night however everyone (should have) known that many same day Republican votes were going to be counted later and in the end Trump overtook Biden in the lone star state and won by a meager 5 and half points (not good news moving forward for the GOP). Were Democrats up pin arms about this? No, we're not craven morons.
Trump’s leads mysteriously disappeared. Anyone who has ever watched election night coverage of a presidential election knows that once 40 to 50% of a state’s vote is in, the networks can call the state.
Additionally, when a candidate has a lead at that point, they almost never lose it.
In 2020, President Trump had sizable leads in Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, and Nevada with 80-90% of the vote in and then all of a sudden he lost those states. In Pennsylvania and Georgia, Trump led by several points with 95%-plus of the vote in and then a week later they went to Biden.

Everything you claim is evidence of fraud, was predicted months before the election to happen just as you described it. With a history from the primaries to base it on, republicans and democrats were polar opposites when it came to voting in-person and by mail.

With in-person votes counted on election night, and mail-in votes counted in the days to weeks after election day.

It was actually Trumps own fault by telling people not to use the convenience of vote by mail, which resulted in tens of millions of additional votes.
Trump’s leads mysteriously disappeared. Anyone who has ever watched election night coverage of a presidential election knows that once 40 to 50% of a state’s vote is in, the networks can call the state.
Additionally, when a candidate has a lead at that point, they almost never lose it.
In 2020, President Trump had sizable leads in Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, and Nevada with 80-90% of the vote in and then all of a sudden he lost those states. In Pennsylvania and Georgia, Trump led by several points with 95%-plus of the vote in and then a week later they went to Biden.

Everything you claim is evidence of fraud, was predicted months before the election to happen just as you described it. With a history from the primaries to base it on, republicans and democrats were polar opposites when it came to voting in-person and by mail.

With in-person votes counted on election night, and mail-in votes counted in the days to weeks after election day.

It was actually Trumps own fault by telling people not to use the convenience of vote by mail, which resulted in tens of millions of additional votes.

Have another sip of that Koolaid. And watch out, finding any kind of Fault with Rump may cause you to have to turn in your Seecrit Decoder Ring.
Well duh.....

Of course after in person votes were counted, the way the republicans were told to vote by, showed TRUMP winning after only those in person votes were counted. :lol:

The record number of absentee ballots, which are counted AFTER the in person votes, were primarily votes cast by democrats, because that way, was how they were encouraged to vote by....

It's ridiculous that anyone thinks it's odd or fraudulent because votes in the middle of the night being counted, turned out to lean heavily Biden....

It was expected to come out that way.... even talked about weeks before the election....that it would take longer to know the winner because the huge increase in absentee ballots would be processed and counted after election day results from in person voting.
Well duh.....

Of course after in person votes were counted, the way the republicans were told to vote by, showed TRUMP winning after only those in person votes were counted. :lol:

The record number of absentee ballots, which are counted AFTER the in person votes, were primarily votes cast by democrats, because that way, was how they were encouraged to vote by....

It's ridiculous that anyone thinks it's odd or fraudulent because votes in the middle of the night being counted, turned out to lean heavily Biden....

It was expected to come out that way.... even talked about weeks before the election....that it would take longer to know the winner because the huge increase in absentee ballots would be processed and counted after election day results from in person voting.
The networks had been pointing this out for DAYS before the election. It was just a foregone conclusion.

The only thing I can guess is that the alternate universe networks either held it back or didn't understand it in the first place.
You had the chance to present evidence in court and your cases were thrown out because you had no evidence. Give it a rest. Dump lost.
No we didn't...we were not granted one evidentiary trial....meaning not one judge wanted to view or hear any evidence....and that's why there was a riot at the capitol and its why this will never go away...Biden is not the legitimate leader of the free world...and even some other nations leaders are saying that now too....
You had the chance to present evidence in court and your cases were thrown out because you had no evidence. Give it a rest. Dump lost.
No we didn't...we were not granted one evidentiary trial....meaning not one judge wanted to view or hear any evidence....and that's why there was a riot at the capitol and its why this will never go away...Biden is not the legitimate leader of the free world...and even some other nations leaders are saying that now too....
You cant have an evidentiary trial if you have no evidence. Sorry but you cant have a case where you go find evidence after the fact. Stop being a dumbass and educate yourself.

"Charges of unfairness are serious. But calling an election unfair does not make it so. Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here."
- Judge Stephanos Bibas
You had the chance to present evidence in court and your cases were thrown out because you had no evidence. Give it a rest. Dump lost.

First of all you offer NO PROOF! JUST your f...king comment, subjective opinion!

NOW I provide the facts ...YOU??? ZERO! Where is YOUR proof?

But millions of Americans refuse to buy this historic lie.
A business law professor at New Mexico State University (NMSU) said that anyone who proposes there “is no evidence” for massive election fraud in November’s presidential election doesn’t know what they are talking about.
Law Professor Davide K. Clements released a rebuttal video recently refuting the BIG LIE, that there was no evidence of election fraud in the 2020 election.
These suits, he said, were dismissed due to a legal lack of standing. “The general argument” that was presented in these cases, he said, “was that because this was a general harm,” then “you have no standing because your harm has to be particular. It’s not because there isn’t evidence. There is evidence,” the professor emphasized.

“In fact, I’m in possession of 574 pages of sworn affidavits, forensic reports, all of which would make its way in a court of law under the rules of evidence in a federal or state court. The fact that the evidence has not been heard here by these courts” should not be conflated into “this idea that there is no evidence,” Clements argued.
You had the chance to present evidence in court and your cases were thrown out because you had no evidence. Give it a rest. Dump lost.
No we didn't...we were not granted one evidentiary trial....meaning not one judge wanted to view or hear any evidence....and that's why there was a riot at the capitol and its why this will never go away...Biden is not the legitimate leader of the free world...and even some other nations leaders are saying that now too....
You cant have an evidentiary trial if you have no evidence. Sorry but you cant have a case where you go find evidence after the fact. Stop being a dumbass and educate yourself.

First of all you offer NO PROOF! JUST your f...king comment, subjective opinion!

NOW I provide the facts ...YOU??? ZERO! Where is YOUR proof?

But millions of Americans refuse to buy this historic lie.
A business law professor at New Mexico State University (NMSU) said that anyone who proposes there “is no evidence” for massive election fraud in November’s presidential election doesn’t know what they are talking about.
Law Professor Davide K. Clements released a rebuttal video recently refuting the BIG LIE, that there was no evidence of election fraud in the 2020 election.
These suits, he said, were dismissed due to a legal lack of standing. “The general argument” that was presented in these cases, he said, “was that because this was a general harm,” then “you have no standing because your harm has to be particular. It’s not because there isn’t evidence. There is evidence,” the professor emphasized.

“In fact, I’m in possession of 574 pages of sworn affidavits, forensic reports, all of which would make its way in a court of law under the rules of evidence in a federal or state court. The fact that the evidence has not been heard here by these courts” should not be conflated into “this idea that there is no evidence,” Clements argued.
You had the chance to present evidence in court and your cases were thrown out because you had no evidence. Give it a rest. Dump lost.
No we didn't...we were not granted one evidentiary trial....meaning not one judge wanted to view or hear any evidence....and that's why there was a riot at the capitol and its why this will never go away...Biden is not the legitimate leader of the free world...and even some other nations leaders are saying that now too....
You cant have an evidentiary trial if you have no evidence. Sorry but you cant have a case where you go find evidence after the fact. Stop being a dumbass and educate yourself.

First of all you offer NO PROOF! JUST your f...king comment, subjective opinion!

NOW I provide the facts ...YOU??? ZERO! Where is YOUR proof?

But millions of Americans refuse to buy this historic lie.
A business law professor at New Mexico State University (NMSU) said that anyone who proposes there “is no evidence” for massive election fraud in November’s presidential election doesn’t know what they are talking about.
Law Professor Davide K. Clements released a rebuttal video recently refuting the BIG LIE, that there was no evidence of election fraud in the 2020 election.
These suits, he said, were dismissed due to a legal lack of standing. “The general argument” that was presented in these cases, he said, “was that because this was a general harm,” then “you have no standing because your harm has to be particular. It’s not because there isn’t evidence. There is evidence,” the professor emphasized.

“In fact, I’m in possession of 574 pages of sworn affidavits, forensic reports, all of which would make its way in a court of law under the rules of evidence in a federal or state court. The fact that the evidence has not been heard here by these courts” should not be conflated into “this idea that there is no evidence,” Clements argued.
Read it and weep Qannon believer.

"Charges of unfairness are serious. But calling an election unfair does not make it so. Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here."
- Judge Stephanos Bibas
You had the chance to present evidence in court and your cases were thrown out because you had no evidence. Give it a rest. Dump lost.
No we didn't...we were not granted one evidentiary trial....meaning not one judge wanted to view or hear any evidence....and that's why there was a riot at the capitol and its why this will never go away...Biden is not the legitimate leader of the free world...and even some other nations leaders are saying that now too....
You cant have an evidentiary trial if you have no evidence. Sorry but you cant have a case where you go find evidence after the fact. Stop being a dumbass and educate yourself.

"Charges of unfairness are serious. But calling an election unfair does not make it so. Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here."
- Judge Stephanos Bibas
You can't deny hearing evidence and keep people satisfied...the courts were afraid to listen to evidence because they know the election was stolen...the fact that no state that flipped in the middle of the night allowed a real audit of each and every vote tells it all.....they didn't want to get it right....

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