Giuliani: No 'Successful Radical Islamic' US Terror Attacks Before Obama

Except he didn't say that did he?
The hell he didn't...
Rudy Giuliani said:
"Remember, we didn't start this war. They did. We don't want this war. They do. Under those eight years before Obama came along, we didn't have any successful radical Islamic terrorist attack in the United States. They all started when Clinton and Obama got into office."

How about you point were the line you had in bold was included in the video or the article linked in the OP.
It's the last line he utters in the video found in the link in the OP. Why not address it rather than pretend you don't see it?

Which video did you watch? The one at the top of the link ends with the words United States. Also in the article accompanying that video, no where does the name Clinton appear.

Feel free to point to my mistake:

Giuliani Claims No Successful 'Radical Islamic' Attacks in US Before Obama

Right after the third paragraph in that link, there is a 33 second clip of Rudy Giuliani in which he plainly says, "Under those eight years before Obama came along, we didn't have any successful radical Islamic terrorist attack in the United States. They all started when Clinton and Obama got into office."

Thank you for once again demonstrating you Chumps are willfully blind monkeys.

Even so, the statement "Under those eight years before Obama came along, we didn't have any successful radical Islamic terrorist attack in the United States" is a huge lie all by itself.

Feel free to point where I said the statement was accurate, in fact I said it wasn't. All I did was point to the out of context, misleading quotes in the article and the OP. The regressives would have a fucking cow if a conservative did that to the hildabitch. They just get all pissy when others play by their rules and point to their own dishonesty and MSM bias. BTW I didn't go to the second link until I was told it was to another video, the link sure didn't indicate that it did.
It's the last line he utters in the video found in the link in the OP. Why not address it rather than pretend you don't see it?

Which video did you watch? The one at the top of the link ends with the words United States. Also in the article accompanying that video, no where does the name Clinton appear.

Feel free to point to my mistake:

Giuliani Claims No Successful 'Radical Islamic' Attacks in US Before Obama
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

There are only two videos in that link associated with that article. That you can't find it speaks volumes to your incompetency.

Despite your inability to find the video on that link, despite there being only two in that article, what do you think? Do you agree with Rudy that domestic radical Islamic terror "all started when Clinton and Obama got into office?"

So what in the link suggested it was ANOTHER VIDEO? A video which I must say was more in context than the first. Why didn't the author of the link use that video to begin with, other than to cause the reader to draw a conclusion based on a highly out of context quote? My whole point was to point out how intellectually dishonest the OP and the author at ABC were being and I just love seeing regressives getting their panties in a twist trying to defend the dishonesty by expanding the quote to put things more in context. But the short answer to your question, no. Spin on!
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You are one brain-dead motherfucker. <smh>

The OP stated, "according to Rudi "the Pride of New York" Giuliani there were no attacks carried out in the US by Islamic terrorists until President Obama was elected."

He then posts a link containing a video where Giuliani says, "they all started when Clinton and Obama got into office."

And you're retarded enough to suggest the OP was being dishonest.

But then, I'm pointing this out to a rightard who doesn't understand the meaning of the word, "regressive," and thinks it's progressives, and not conservatives, who are regressive. <smh>

So you're just as intellectually dishonest as the OP. 1. That is an out of context quote the real quote was: "Under the 8 years before Obama came along we didn't have any successful radical Islamic terrorist attacks in the United States." Do you see a difference here? 2. The OP didn't then post shit, the link to the second video was contained in the original link, once again you prove facts don't matter to you. Good job regressive!! 3. Also I know exactly what regressive means, you regressives are pushing the US to mimic Sodom and Gomorrah, you can't get more regressive than that. 4. I answered your stupid little question, why do you feel the need to continue to make a ass of yourself?
Great, another fucking retarded conservative. :eusa_doh:

I took nothing out of context. In fact, I quoted Giuliani's entire statement relevant to that comment.

What I did was show you where Giuliani said, "they all started when Clinton and Obama got into office," after you asked to be shown where Giuliani said that.
Which video did you watch? The one at the top of the link ends with the words United States. Also in the article accompanying that video, no where does the name Clinton appear.

Feel free to point to my mistake:

Giuliani Claims No Successful 'Radical Islamic' Attacks in US Before Obama
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

There are only two videos in that link associated with that article. That you can't find it speaks volumes to your incompetency.

Despite your inability to find the video on that link, despite there being only two in that article, what do you think? Do you agree with Rudy that domestic radical Islamic terror "all started when Clinton and Obama got into office?"

So what in the link suggested it was ANOTHER VIDEO? A video which I must say was more in context than the first. Why didn't the author of the link use that video to begin with, other than to cause the reader to draw a conclusion based on a highly out of context quote? My whole point was to point out how intellectually dishonest the OP and the author at ABC were being and I just love seeing regressives getting their panties in a twist trying to defend the dishonesty by expanding the quote to put things more in context. But the short answer to your question, no. Spin on!
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You are one brain-dead motherfucker. <smh>

The OP stated, "according to Rudi "the Pride of New York" Giuliani there were no attacks carried out in the US by Islamic terrorists until President Obama was elected."

He then posts a link containing a video where Giuliani says, "they all started when Clinton and Obama got into office."

And you're retarded enough to suggest the OP was being dishonest.

But then, I'm pointing this out to a rightard who doesn't understand the meaning of the word, "regressive," and thinks it's progressives, and not conservatives, who are regressive. <smh>

So you're just as intellectually dishonest as the OP. 1. That is an out of context quote the real quote was: "Under the 8 years before Obama came along we didn't have any successful radical Islamic terrorist attacks in the United States." Do you see a difference here? 2. The OP didn't then post shit, the link to the second video was contained in the original link, once again you prove facts don't matter to you. Good job regressive!! 3. Also I know exactly what regressive means, you regressives are pushing the US to mimic Sodom and Gomorrah, you can't get more regressive than that. 4. I answered your stupid little question, why do you feel the need to continue to make a ass of yourself?
Great, another fucking retarded conservative. :eusa_doh:

I took nothing out of context. In fact, I quoted Giuliani's entire statement relevant to that comment.

What I did was show you where Giuliani said, "they all started when Clinton and Obama got into office," after you asked to be shown where Giuliani said that.

Pooooooooooooorrrrr wittle regressive, tell the class, who appointed you the arbiter of relevance? Your first bold quote wasn't a quote at all, because he didn't say anything close to what you put in quotes, I provided you with an accurate quote and you still insist on making a ass of yourself. Hint, only real idiots put a paraphrase in quotes.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

There are only two videos in that link associated with that article. That you can't find it speaks volumes to your incompetency.

Despite your inability to find the video on that link, despite there being only two in that article, what do you think? Do you agree with Rudy that domestic radical Islamic terror "all started when Clinton and Obama got into office?"

So what in the link suggested it was ANOTHER VIDEO? A video which I must say was more in context than the first. Why didn't the author of the link use that video to begin with, other than to cause the reader to draw a conclusion based on a highly out of context quote? My whole point was to point out how intellectually dishonest the OP and the author at ABC were being and I just love seeing regressives getting their panties in a twist trying to defend the dishonesty by expanding the quote to put things more in context. But the short answer to your question, no. Spin on!
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You are one brain-dead motherfucker. <smh>

The OP stated, "according to Rudi "the Pride of New York" Giuliani there were no attacks carried out in the US by Islamic terrorists until President Obama was elected."

He then posts a link containing a video where Giuliani says, "they all started when Clinton and Obama got into office."

And you're retarded enough to suggest the OP was being dishonest.

But then, I'm pointing this out to a rightard who doesn't understand the meaning of the word, "regressive," and thinks it's progressives, and not conservatives, who are regressive. <smh>

So you're just as intellectually dishonest as the OP. 1. That is an out of context quote the real quote was: "Under the 8 years before Obama came along we didn't have any successful radical Islamic terrorist attacks in the United States." Do you see a difference here? 2. The OP didn't then post shit, the link to the second video was contained in the original link, once again you prove facts don't matter to you. Good job regressive!! 3. Also I know exactly what regressive means, you regressives are pushing the US to mimic Sodom and Gomorrah, you can't get more regressive than that. 4. I answered your stupid little question, why do you feel the need to continue to make a ass of yourself?
Great, another fucking retarded conservative. :eusa_doh:

I took nothing out of context. In fact, I quoted Giuliani's entire statement relevant to that comment.

What I did was show you where Giuliani said, "they all started when Clinton and Obama got into office," after you asked to be shown where Giuliani said that.

Pooooooooooooorrrrr wittle regressive, tell the class, who appointed you the arbiter of relevance? Your first bold quote wasn't a quote at all, because he didn't say anything close to what you put in quotes, I provided you with an accurate quote and you still insist on making a ass of yourself. Hint, only real idiots put a paraphrase in quotes.
You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

Anything I put in quotes and attributed to Crazy Donald, he said.

And the part of his quote I highlighted was in response to you questioning where he said it. But again, I'm pointing this out to a conservative idiot who repeatedly demonstrates an utter lack of English comprehension.
According to Rudi "the Pride of New York" Giuliani there were no attacks carried out in the US by Islamic terrorists until President Obama was elected. Off the top of my head, I came up with two (2); 1993 world Trade Center bombing and the calamitous Twin towers attack on 9/11/2001 when that IDIOT Giuliani was Mayor of New York! He even ran for president waving his credentials of leadership reminding everyone of his mayoral prowess by repeating 9/11 several hundred times daily!

Here is what he claimed while on the stump for trump:

"“Before Obama came along, we didn’t have any successful radical Islamic terrorist attack inside the United States,” Giuliani said at an event for Donald Trump in Ohio."
Giuliani Claims No Successful 'Radical Islamic' Attacks in US Before Obama

Such are the type of people Trump and his campaign obtain to endorse their "efforts".
Actually, Giuliani was even more "forgetful" than that.

Terrorist attack in 2002: On July 4, 2002, Hesham Mohamed Hadayet opened fire at Los Angeles International Airport, killing two and injuring four. Hadayet, a 41-year-old Egyptian national, died after being shot by an airport security guard.

Prior to his immigration to the United States, Egyptian authorities accused him of belonging to the terrorist organization, Al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya (though he denied this charge). The FBI concluded that Hadayet’s killing spree was a terrorist act, but he acted alone and hoped to influence U.S. government policy toward Palestine.

The Beltway snipers also happened in 2002. Remember those guys? John Allen Muhammad and his accomplice, 17-year-old Lee Boyd Malvo gunned down 10 people on the 95 beltway over a period of, like, six months. Malvo specifically wrote about his "jihad" against America.

Then there was the Jewish Federation shooting in 2006 by Naveed Afzal Haq. Finally, let's not forget the 2006 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill attack by Mohammad Reza Taheri-azar. He actually wrote, and I'm quoting here, ""I was aiming to follow in the footsteps of one of my role models, Mohammad Atta, one of the 9/11/01 hijackers, who obtained a doctorate degree,"

But, you know. According to Rudy, there were no terrorist attacks until Obama took office.
So what in the link suggested it was ANOTHER VIDEO? A video which I must say was more in context than the first. Why didn't the author of the link use that video to begin with, other than to cause the reader to draw a conclusion based on a highly out of context quote? My whole point was to point out how intellectually dishonest the OP and the author at ABC were being and I just love seeing regressives getting their panties in a twist trying to defend the dishonesty by expanding the quote to put things more in context. But the short answer to your question, no. Spin on!
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You are one brain-dead motherfucker. <smh>

The OP stated, "according to Rudi "the Pride of New York" Giuliani there were no attacks carried out in the US by Islamic terrorists until President Obama was elected."

He then posts a link containing a video where Giuliani says, "they all started when Clinton and Obama got into office."

And you're retarded enough to suggest the OP was being dishonest.

But then, I'm pointing this out to a rightard who doesn't understand the meaning of the word, "regressive," and thinks it's progressives, and not conservatives, who are regressive. <smh>

So you're just as intellectually dishonest as the OP. 1. That is an out of context quote the real quote was: "Under the 8 years before Obama came along we didn't have any successful radical Islamic terrorist attacks in the United States." Do you see a difference here? 2. The OP didn't then post shit, the link to the second video was contained in the original link, once again you prove facts don't matter to you. Good job regressive!! 3. Also I know exactly what regressive means, you regressives are pushing the US to mimic Sodom and Gomorrah, you can't get more regressive than that. 4. I answered your stupid little question, why do you feel the need to continue to make a ass of yourself?
Great, another fucking retarded conservative. :eusa_doh:

I took nothing out of context. In fact, I quoted Giuliani's entire statement relevant to that comment.

What I did was show you where Giuliani said, "they all started when Clinton and Obama got into office," after you asked to be shown where Giuliani said that.

Pooooooooooooorrrrr wittle regressive, tell the class, who appointed you the arbiter of relevance? Your first bold quote wasn't a quote at all, because he didn't say anything close to what you put in quotes, I provided you with an accurate quote and you still insist on making a ass of yourself. Hint, only real idiots put a paraphrase in quotes.
You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

Anything I put in quotes and attributed to Crazy Donald, he said.

And the part of his quote I highlighted was in response to you questioning where he said it. But again, I'm pointing this out to a conservative idiot who repeatedly demonstrates an utter lack of English comprehension.

Crazy Donald, really? And all this time, I thought we were talking about the OP and Giuliani! ROFLMFAO Run along retard, you're dismissed,
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You are one brain-dead motherfucker. <smh>

The OP stated, "according to Rudi "the Pride of New York" Giuliani there were no attacks carried out in the US by Islamic terrorists until President Obama was elected."

He then posts a link containing a video where Giuliani says, "they all started when Clinton and Obama got into office."

And you're retarded enough to suggest the OP was being dishonest.

But then, I'm pointing this out to a rightard who doesn't understand the meaning of the word, "regressive," and thinks it's progressives, and not conservatives, who are regressive. <smh>

So you're just as intellectually dishonest as the OP. 1. That is an out of context quote the real quote was: "Under the 8 years before Obama came along we didn't have any successful radical Islamic terrorist attacks in the United States." Do you see a difference here? 2. The OP didn't then post shit, the link to the second video was contained in the original link, once again you prove facts don't matter to you. Good job regressive!! 3. Also I know exactly what regressive means, you regressives are pushing the US to mimic Sodom and Gomorrah, you can't get more regressive than that. 4. I answered your stupid little question, why do you feel the need to continue to make a ass of yourself?
Great, another fucking retarded conservative. :eusa_doh:

I took nothing out of context. In fact, I quoted Giuliani's entire statement relevant to that comment.

What I did was show you where Giuliani said, "they all started when Clinton and Obama got into office," after you asked to be shown where Giuliani said that.

Pooooooooooooorrrrr wittle regressive, tell the class, who appointed you the arbiter of relevance? Your first bold quote wasn't a quote at all, because he didn't say anything close to what you put in quotes, I provided you with an accurate quote and you still insist on making a ass of yourself. Hint, only real idiots put a paraphrase in quotes.
You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

Anything I put in quotes and attributed to Crazy Donald, he said.

And the part of his quote I highlighted was in response to you questioning where he said it. But again, I'm pointing this out to a conservative idiot who repeatedly demonstrates an utter lack of English comprehension.

Crazy Donald, really? And all this time, I thought we were talking about the OP and Giuliani! ROFLMFAO Run along retard, you're dismissed,
Sorry, my mistake. To correct it, it should have been ....

Anything I put in quotes and attributed to Giuliani, he said.

Now you may run away.
So you're just as intellectually dishonest as the OP. 1. That is an out of context quote the real quote was: "Under the 8 years before Obama came along we didn't have any successful radical Islamic terrorist attacks in the United States." Do you see a difference here? 2. The OP didn't then post shit, the link to the second video was contained in the original link, once again you prove facts don't matter to you. Good job regressive!! 3. Also I know exactly what regressive means, you regressives are pushing the US to mimic Sodom and Gomorrah, you can't get more regressive than that. 4. I answered your stupid little question, why do you feel the need to continue to make a ass of yourself?
Great, another fucking retarded conservative. :eusa_doh:

I took nothing out of context. In fact, I quoted Giuliani's entire statement relevant to that comment.

What I did was show you where Giuliani said, "they all started when Clinton and Obama got into office," after you asked to be shown where Giuliani said that.

Pooooooooooooorrrrr wittle regressive, tell the class, who appointed you the arbiter of relevance? Your first bold quote wasn't a quote at all, because he didn't say anything close to what you put in quotes, I provided you with an accurate quote and you still insist on making a ass of yourself. Hint, only real idiots put a paraphrase in quotes.
You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

Anything I put in quotes and attributed to Crazy Donald, he said.

And the part of his quote I highlighted was in response to you questioning where he said it. But again, I'm pointing this out to a conservative idiot who repeatedly demonstrates an utter lack of English comprehension.

Crazy Donald, really? And all this time, I thought we were talking about the OP and Giuliani! ROFLMFAO Run along retard, you're dismissed,
Sorry, my mistake. To correct it, it should have been ....

Anything I put in quotes and attributed to Giuliani, he said.

Now you may run away.

So you correct you BS with more BS, because the first thing you put in bold quotes was not a quote, it was a paraphrase. Like I said I provided you with an accurate quote, as have other posters. Good job regressive!!!!!!!!!
Great, another fucking retarded conservative. :eusa_doh:

I took nothing out of context. In fact, I quoted Giuliani's entire statement relevant to that comment.

What I did was show you where Giuliani said, "they all started when Clinton and Obama got into office," after you asked to be shown where Giuliani said that.

Pooooooooooooorrrrr wittle regressive, tell the class, who appointed you the arbiter of relevance? Your first bold quote wasn't a quote at all, because he didn't say anything close to what you put in quotes, I provided you with an accurate quote and you still insist on making a ass of yourself. Hint, only real idiots put a paraphrase in quotes.
You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

Anything I put in quotes and attributed to Crazy Donald, he said.

And the part of his quote I highlighted was in response to you questioning where he said it. But again, I'm pointing this out to a conservative idiot who repeatedly demonstrates an utter lack of English comprehension.

Crazy Donald, really? And all this time, I thought we were talking about the OP and Giuliani! ROFLMFAO Run along retard, you're dismissed,
Sorry, my mistake. To correct it, it should have been ....

Anything I put in quotes and attributed to Giuliani, he said.

Now you may run away.

So you correct you BS with more BS, because the first thing you put in bold quotes was not a quote, it was a paraphrase. Like I said I provided you with an accurate quote, as have other posters. Good job regressive!!!!!!!!!
Who knows what you're talking about...? :dunno:

ogibillm: they could have been more precise

but then saying "they all started when clinton and obama got into office" supports the headline

OKTexas: Except he didn't say that did he?

Faun: The hell he didn't...
rudy giuliani said:
"Remember, we didn't start this war. They did. We don't want this war. They do. Under those eight years before Obama came along, we didn't have any successful radical Islamic terrorist attack in the United States. They all started when Clinton and Obama got into office."
I quoted him verbatim.
Pooooooooooooorrrrr wittle regressive, tell the class, who appointed you the arbiter of relevance? Your first bold quote wasn't a quote at all, because he didn't say anything close to what you put in quotes, I provided you with an accurate quote and you still insist on making a ass of yourself. Hint, only real idiots put a paraphrase in quotes.
You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

Anything I put in quotes and attributed to Crazy Donald, he said.

And the part of his quote I highlighted was in response to you questioning where he said it. But again, I'm pointing this out to a conservative idiot who repeatedly demonstrates an utter lack of English comprehension.

Crazy Donald, really? And all this time, I thought we were talking about the OP and Giuliani! ROFLMFAO Run along retard, you're dismissed,
Sorry, my mistake. To correct it, it should have been ....

Anything I put in quotes and attributed to Giuliani, he said.

Now you may run away.

So you correct you BS with more BS, because the first thing you put in bold quotes was not a quote, it was a paraphrase. Like I said I provided you with an accurate quote, as have other posters. Good job regressive!!!!!!!!!
Who knows what you're talking about...? :dunno:

ogibillm: they could have been more precise

but then saying "they all started when clinton and obama got into office" supports the headline

OKTexas: Except he didn't say that did he?

Faun: The hell he didn't...
rudy giuliani said:
"Remember, we didn't start this war. They did. We don't want this war. They do. Under those eight years before Obama came along, we didn't have any successful radical Islamic terrorist attack in the United States. They all started when Clinton and Obama got into office."
I quoted him verbatim.
And, ya know, it never occurred to me before: "...when Clinton, and Obama got into office..." When referring to an administration, doesn't one usually start with the President? It's almost as if Rudy was under the mistaken presumption that Hillary was running the Country, not the President.
You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

Anything I put in quotes and attributed to Crazy Donald, he said.

And the part of his quote I highlighted was in response to you questioning where he said it. But again, I'm pointing this out to a conservative idiot who repeatedly demonstrates an utter lack of English comprehension.

Crazy Donald, really? And all this time, I thought we were talking about the OP and Giuliani! ROFLMFAO Run along retard, you're dismissed,
Sorry, my mistake. To correct it, it should have been ....

Anything I put in quotes and attributed to Giuliani, he said.

Now you may run away.

So you correct you BS with more BS, because the first thing you put in bold quotes was not a quote, it was a paraphrase. Like I said I provided you with an accurate quote, as have other posters. Good job regressive!!!!!!!!!
Who knows what you're talking about...? :dunno:

ogibillm: they could have been more precise

but then saying "they all started when clinton and obama got into office" supports the headline

OKTexas: Except he didn't say that did he?

Faun: The hell he didn't...
rudy giuliani said:
"Remember, we didn't start this war. They did. We don't want this war. They do. Under those eight years before Obama came along, we didn't have any successful radical Islamic terrorist attack in the United States. They all started when Clinton and Obama got into office."
I quoted him verbatim.
And, ya know, it never occurred to me before: "...when Clinton, and Obama got into office..." When referring to an administration, doesn't one usually start with the President? It's almost as if Rudy was under the mistaken presumption that Hillary was running the Country, not the President.
It's been an ongoing ploy by the right to tie Hilllary to Obama with mistakes they think he's made -- as though they were her mistakes.
According to Rudi "the Pride of New York" Giuliani there were no attacks carried out in the US by Islamic terrorists until President Obama was elected. Off the top of my head, I came up with two (2); 1993 world Trade Center bombing and the calamitous Twin towers attack on 9/11/2001 when that IDIOT Giuliani was Mayor of New York! He even ran for president waving his credentials of leadership reminding everyone of his mayoral prowess by repeating 9/11 several hundred times daily!

Here is what he claimed while on the stump for trump:

"“Before Obama came along, we didn’t have any successful radical Islamic terrorist attack inside the United States,” Giuliani said at an event for Donald Trump in Ohio."
Giuliani Claims No Successful 'Radical Islamic' Attacks in US Before Obama

Such are the type of people Trump and his campaign obtain to endorse their "efforts".
Thanks for selectively quoting Rudy...he said the 8 years prior to Obama, and he's correct.
We had 2 attacks under Clinton and non under GW.

Um, 9/11 fits within that window.
Giuliani would have been such a great president and the world wouldn't have to suffer from Obama, the Muslim gay... How come Republicans dumped him in Iowa and traded for a crazy loser McCain?...

Which one is the bottom?
According to Rudi "the Pride of New York" Giuliani there were no attacks carried out in the US by Islamic terrorists until President Obama was elected. Off the top of my head, I came up with two (2); 1993 world Trade Center bombing and the calamitous Twin towers attack on 9/11/2001 when that IDIOT Giuliani was Mayor of New York! He even ran for president waving his credentials of leadership reminding everyone of his mayoral prowess by repeating 9/11 several hundred times daily!

Here is what he claimed while on the stump for trump:

"“Before Obama came along, we didn’t have any successful radical Islamic terrorist attack inside the United States,” Giuliani said at an event for Donald Trump in Ohio."
Giuliani Claims No Successful 'Radical Islamic' Attacks in US Before Obama

Such are the type of people Trump and his campaign obtain to endorse their "efforts".

He said "for those eight years before Obama." It's right at the beginning of your video which apparently you didn't watch and that means after the two attacks you mentioned. You are truly an idiot and a liar.

Obviously whether he said that or not, he was referring to after 9/11. But he said for the eight years before Obama AT THE BEGINNING OF THE VIDEO.

You people are stupid I couldn't make up

Look dope, a two term president is in office for 8 years. W was sworn in Jan of '01, Obama Jan of '09. 9/11/01 is within those 8 years he referred to. Just like Trump he is clearly unable to say what he means to say and is reliant on the minions to interpret the possible meaning(s) of his otherwise very clear statements.
According to Rudi "the Pride of New York" Giuliani there were no attacks carried out in the US by Islamic terrorists until President Obama was elected. Off the top of my head, I came up with two (2); 1993 world Trade Center bombing and the calamitous Twin towers attack on 9/11/2001 when that IDIOT Giuliani was Mayor of New York! He even ran for president waving his credentials of leadership reminding everyone of his mayoral prowess by repeating 9/11 several hundred times daily!

Here is what he claimed while on the stump for trump:

"“Before Obama came along, we didn’t have any successful radical Islamic terrorist attack inside the United States,” Giuliani said at an event for Donald Trump in Ohio."
Giuliani Claims No Successful 'Radical Islamic' Attacks in US Before Obama

Such are the type of people Trump and his campaign obtain to endorse their "efforts".

He said "for those eight years before Obama." It's right at the beginning of your video which apparently you didn't watch and that means after the two attacks you mentioned. You are truly an idiot and a liar.

Obviously whether he said that or not, he was referring to after 9/11. But he said for the eight years before Obama AT THE BEGINNING OF THE VIDEO.

You people are stupid I couldn't make up
guess what happened in the eight years before jan. 09?


According to Rudi "the Pride of New York" Giuliani there were no attacks carried out in the US by Islamic terrorists until President Obama was elected. Off the top of my head, I came up with two (2); 1993 world Trade Center bombing and the calamitous Twin towers attack on 9/11/2001 when that IDIOT Giuliani was Mayor of New York! He even ran for president waving his credentials of leadership reminding everyone of his mayoral prowess by repeating 9/11 several hundred times daily!

Here is what he claimed while on the stump for trump:

"“Before Obama came along, we didn’t have any successful radical Islamic terrorist attack inside the United States,” Giuliani said at an event for Donald Trump in Ohio."
Giuliani Claims No Successful 'Radical Islamic' Attacks in US Before Obama

Such are the type of people Trump and his campaign obtain to endorse their "efforts".

He said "for those eight years before Obama." It's right at the beginning of your video which apparently you didn't watch and that means after the two attacks you mentioned. You are truly an idiot and a liar.

Obviously whether he said that or not, he was referring to after 9/11. But he said for the eight years before Obama AT THE BEGINNING OF THE VIDEO.

You people are stupid I couldn't make up

Look dope, a two term president is in office for 8 years. W was sworn in Jan of '01, Obama Jan of '09. 9/11/01 is within those 8 years he referred to. Just like Trump he is clearly unable to say what he means to say and is reliant on the minions to interpret the possible meaning(s) of his otherwise very clear statements.
According to that math-challenged nut, 7.3 rounds up to 7.5 and therefore, 7.5 rounds up to 8.0 and therefore, Rudy was talking about since 9.11; and therefore, was also ignoring any one of the subsequent radical Islamic terrorist attacks under Duhbya because ... well... just because.
According to Rudi "the Pride of New York" Giuliani there were no attacks carried out in the US by Islamic terrorists until President Obama was elected. Off the top of my head, I came up with two (2); 1993 world Trade Center bombing and the calamitous Twin towers attack on 9/11/2001 when that IDIOT Giuliani was Mayor of New York! He even ran for president waving his credentials of leadership reminding everyone of his mayoral prowess by repeating 9/11 several hundred times daily!

Here is what he claimed while on the stump for trump:

"“Before Obama came along, we didn’t have any successful radical Islamic terrorist attack inside the United States,” Giuliani said at an event for Donald Trump in Ohio."
Giuliani Claims No Successful 'Radical Islamic' Attacks in US Before Obama

Such are the type of people Trump and his campaign obtain to endorse their "efforts".

He said "for those eight years before Obama." It's right at the beginning of your video which apparently you didn't watch and that means after the two attacks you mentioned. You are truly an idiot and a liar.

Obviously whether he said that or not, he was referring to after 9/11. But he said for the eight years before Obama AT THE BEGINNING OF THE VIDEO.

You people are stupid I couldn't make up
guess what happened in the eight years before jan. 09?

most obviously would be the attacks on the wtc and pentagon

OMG, so you're arguing that he can't round. OMG, those were 7 1/2 years before Obama, not eight! What is Rudy talking about?

You make yourself look more stupid than anyone could make you look. Seriously, that's your argument? It was seven and a half years, not eight?


OMG, that is funny

Does 9/11/2001 not fit within the 8 year window he spoke of? You are trying to decide that he meant something other than what he clearly said.
Yep, he's dumber than most drag queens.

You didn't watch the video either, did you, Tonto? Giuliani said in the eight years before he took office, obviously referring to after 9/11.

Anyone with half a brain would have known that anyway, but he not only said it but started with that. Redskin not smart
wouldn't matter if he meant after 9/11 or not, he'd still be wrong

Zero content to back that up, your usual fare. So name some
2002 l.a. airport shooting
2002 beltway sniper
2006 UNC-Chapel hill suv driver
2006 seattle jewish federation shooting

need more?

Gulianni's point exactly, you have a total of 12 deaths, and only one of those within six years of Obama taking over. Compare that to what has happened since. You're not doing very well

And what of the 3000 on 9/11? My god you're dumb for quintupling down with this horredously stupid narrative.

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