Giuliani Associate Sentenced

Giuliani the corrupt bastard.
It wasn't Giuliani who did that. You can't hang a guy for a rule he did not break, but the Democrats can play "let's pretend" a lot because Hillary Clinton stole boucoup FBI files while she was first Lady, and she has had desks to sit at doing dirty tricks in the Clinton Administration, the Obama Administration, and I hear she has another WH desk in Biden's White House, too. I have a hunch she's behind the nutty Biden blatherings and she is lining herself up for another run for the presidency after SHE gave Russia 3 Aleutian Islands that belonged to the State of Alaska and 20% of the nation's Uranium resources. What she doesn't acknowledge is that likely her Russian partners take advantages of flunkies like herself to their advantage. They're still laughing at America over the belief Hillary's press pals for lying about a pee party on a bed Hillary was aledged to have slept in in Russia. That whole Steel Dossier that was actually put into motion by Hillary to make sure Trump would have a hell of a bad time in his 4 years in the Oval Office.

I'm sick and tired of Hillary and her balderdash, unsophisticated, and antiAmerican attempted takedown of an American President. And she's still working on destroying him. She refuses accountability with the two-word legalism, "I forget." She really knows how to weasel out of the trouble that she makes. And she double dog hates Giuliani and would stop at nothing to drop him if she could. Here's what Hillary Clinton did to the American people"

1. She prepped the nation to become an easy-to-fool communist nation by people like her who hate people with using her sanctimoniously inappropriate phrase "It takes a village to raise a child." That's why nations on another continent have so many bullies who take over and kill a lot of their own kind of people with no one stopping their fascistic tactics that puts fear in others because they don't play fair over there.

2. She destroyed any chance of there being peace on earth starting in the several-thousand-year-old rift between Jews and Arabs in the Middle East by conspiring with Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Chuck Schumer, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden, the point man who delivered billions in Foreign Aid Extortions from third world country that everybody but the deep staters above benefitted from tremendously.

3. Hillary talked Joe Biden into committing political suicide by criticizing ALL Republican Conservatives and he's done that several times since he broke his campaign pledge to "unite" the country that he was told to say was torn up by President Trump. Right now when you're looking at Biden speaking, he's not only confused, he's worn down from the backfiring Hillary imposed on him by being his chief puppeteer.

Let me remind you who Giuliani is: HE REFORMED NEW YORK THUGS WHEN HE WAS THE MAYOR OF NEW YORK CITY. Every cop in America would have loved to have had Rudy Giuliani for a boss, because he gave them the freedom they needed to put murderers, rapists, and thieves out of a job, and he inspired them to clean up the streets of New York, and he did it with style and class. The Democrats have to sully Giuliani because he has been a great help to Trump who has been one of the most competent men to sit in the Oval Office and do right by the people of the United States of America.

Rudy's excellence in minimizing and managing crime really showed up the Democrats for their incompetence when it comes to sharing government what other people, which they have absolutely zero intention of doing. They lied for four years about President Trump. They lied about his staff. They lied about his lawyer. They lied about his attorney general. They put some of Trump's helpers behind bars based on made up scandals and lies, and they tried to do it to Trump also, and they're still after his neck and that of Rudy Giuoiani because he isn't afraid of their lies. Trump supporters who were smudged by following a cop who invited them into the former people's house of Congress that now belongs to the Democrats as does the press and a lot of the Judicial branch of government.

May this divide and conquer push be the downfall of those who benefit by lying about others. The lies they tell are none other than false witness.
More political prisoners for the dems....just like a 3rd world dictatorship....I wish I could say the GOP would act in kind when they get the house back but we all know they won't....

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Lev Parnas And Igor Fruman Charged With Conspiring To Violate Straw And Foreign Donor Bans

Please check who was in charge when Lev was charged with what he was just sentenced for. Hint, Donald Trump, William Barr, and Geoffrey S. Berman a Trump appointed US Attorney.

Now blame the democrats for the prosecution like a moron.
i'm wondering how long b4 squidboy rats out his longtime bud for some leniency in the election fraud scheme he's gonna get nailed with.
I don't know but he hopes he doesn't end up like this guy...

So Igor Fruman aided Giuliani in seeking information on Joe Biden? Smart move.

Giuliani is pretty crafty. He knows that if you want information to prosecute criminals like Joe Biden, it's best to enlist other shady characters to get that information. How else did he clean up the NYC Mafia while he was AG?
Rudy hid in his office & sat on his ass as his asst. DA's did all the work. They're the ones who brought down organized crime in NYC, not Ghouliani. Goid ole Rudy was afraid he was going to get whacked, but he milked it for all it was worth ending up as Mayor of N.Y.

And Rudy has been milking 9/11 since the day he left office lining his pockets off the attack. Guiliani is a piece of shit.
Not a major case.

It's not. But MSNBC and CNN will be running the story every 15 minutes for the next week. The left will get an erection but it'll go limp as the days do by, until some other story develops.
It's not. But MSNBC and CNN will be running the story every 15 minutes for the next week. The left will get an erection but it'll go limp as the days do by, until some other story develops.
Because, when an associate of the president is convited for funneling foreign money to his campaign, that is news.

But you guys are so far down the cult rabbit hole, you can no longer tell what you are looking at.
So Igor Fruman aided Giuliani in seeking information on Joe Biden? Smart move.

Giuliani is pretty crafty. He knows that if you want information to prosecute criminals like Joe Biden, it's best to enlist other shady characters to get that information. How else did he clean up the NYC Mafia while he was AG?

That was a different Rudy Gulliani. Now he one of the crime family bosses, and likely to be indicted by the same office where he used to work.

When you need someone to manufacture dirt to smear your opponent, who better than a bunch of Russian spies in the pay of Vladimir Putin, who want Trump to get elected, to get that fake evidence for you?
That was a different Rudy Gulliani. Now he one of the crime family bosses, and likely to be indicted by the same office where he used to work.

When you need someone to manufacture dirt to smear your opponent, who better than a bunch of Russian spies in the pay of Vladimir Putin, who want Trump to get elected, to get that fake evidence for you?

Nobody had to "manufacture" anything. As Vice President, Joe Biden committed Quid Pro Quo, there's no mistake about that. He also used his position for gain by the way of his son's appointment to the corporate board of the Ukrainian energy company, Burisma, even though Hunter Biden had absolutely no experience in the energy field.

Do you really think this shit is going away? Not to mention the money the Bidens accepted from the former Mayor of Moscow, and their dealings with the Communist Chinese.

I guarantee you this is going to come back out into the light of day. As should Hillary's dealings in 2016. She was the one who used a bunch of Russian agents to fabricate false information against Trump.
a prez cannot pardon anyone for a crime that he was also involved in.
“and he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.”

Where are you getting that opinion from?
Because, when an associate of the president is convited for funneling foreign money to his campaign, that is news.

But you guys are so far down the cult rabbit hole, you can no longer tell what you are looking at.
How is this guy an associate of the President?
How is this guy an associate of the President?
By virtue of being in the Trump circle. Being a close associate of trump's disgraced criminal lawyer Giuliani. By working closely IN (not WITH) Team Trump.

I know, I know, you have this vision of Trump being an incompetent old man and a victim of his associates. When it suits you. ;)

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