Gingrich Doubles Down On Child Labor: Poor Kids Should ‘Clean The Bathroom’

To whom exactly in the GOP is Gingrich trying to appeal? Most moderates, independents, and democrats won’t buy into this.

Is this ‘work’ voluntary or mandatory? If punitive what criteria will be used to determine due process? Why just ‘poor/working class’ children? Will the children of the wealthy and well-to-do also be compelled to clean bathrooms?

If mandatory and punitive, singling out only a particular class of persons – regardless their age – could be construed as illegal and un-Constitutional.

Again, is Gingrich really this ignorant of the law? Or as with most rightists is he simply in contempt of it.

There you hit it without realizing it, Clayton. "Is this ‘work’ voluntary or mandatory? If.."

Then you say HE is ignorant of the law. You had it up front. It's not meant to be mandatory and he said the l;aws should be eased so kids could participate.

Why do you want the poor children to be kept in the basement of economics? How many kids get to play golf, tennis, ice hockey? If they had opportunities to SWEEP the floors, maybe they could!

Maybe many families of the poor instill the rewards of education and they will have the opportunity to stay in school and go beyond in their education?

Maybe they would like video games and could then have some like others? Maybe a new bike? What's to hold them back? The US is supposed to be a land of choices and chances. Let's give them that.
This is not Japan...

Did you not say: "I don't let fear run my life?" apparently you do considering you believe a kid cleaning a bathroom will slippery slope its way into the slavery of children..

Do you really fucking believe ANYONE would allow slavery - let alone of children - in present day America??

You're off your fucking rocker...

I think you just have a problem with expectations of production...

This is why progressives are called lazy and stupid..

You are putting words in my mouth. Try again.

No I'm not...

You have a problem with kids working so they can buy comic books, candy and baseball cards...

In addition to the health and safety aspects, don’t you think special screening of potential co-workers in these type jobs would be necessary? These are kids we’re talking about. You read the news.
How can you sit there and be offended by Newts words???

What can a 15-year-old do that doesn't involve flipping burgers, selling shit at retail stores or cleaning toilets???

You may as well say kids should be making the big bucks running our world...

If you're offended by Newts comments then you obviously believe in the aforementioned.

I'm not offended by Newts words. I am saddened by the reaction to them from fellow Americans. You are not good at reading between the just stop already.

That whole line about kids making big bucks......has got to be whiskey talking.

What is this?? damage control for the ignorant???

No, the truth is that progressive fools such as yourself took Newts words out of context then tried to bash him for no fucking reason like the typical hateful progressives you are and then you got beaten back with the logic stick..

The solution to your argument and point is that kids shouldn't be cleaning toilets but should be doing skilled work without possessing a skill given the notion they're kids - that or they shouldn't work at all.

I'm not even a Newt supporter - I just find your opposition ignorant...

OK, jerk-off. Tell me where I mentioned a single word about kids doing skilled work? You have put words into my mouth for this entire thread.

You and a logic stick? Funny.
I'm not offended by Newts words. I am saddened by the reaction to them from fellow Americans. You are not good at reading between the just stop already.

That whole line about kids making big bucks......has got to be whiskey talking.

What is this?? damage control for the ignorant???

No, the truth is that progressive fools such as yourself took Newts words out of context then tried to bash him for no fucking reason like the typical hateful progressives you are and then you got beaten back with the logic stick..

The solution to your argument and point is that kids shouldn't be cleaning toilets but should be doing skilled work without possessing a skill given the notion they're kids - that or they shouldn't work at all.

I'm not even a Newt supporter - I just find your opposition ignorant...

"out of context"



This is not what Gingrich or any others who support this idea are talking about and you know it.

So what is wrong with what he said and what do you recommend in opposition to his words???

These liberals would probably sue a property owner--that paid for neighborhood kids to mow the neighbors lawns.

Neighborhood lawn mowing and bush trimming is in violation of "child labor laws"--:lol::lol: Just you expressing your false stereotype of liberals.
There you hit it without realizing it, Clayton. "Is this ‘work’ voluntary or mandatory? If.."

Then you say HE is ignorant of the law. You had it up front. It's not meant to be mandatory and he said the l;aws should be eased so kids could participate.

Why do you want the poor children to be kept in the basement of economics? How many kids get to play golf, tennis, ice hockey? If they had opportunities to SWEEP the floors, maybe they could!

Maybe many families of the poor instill the rewards of education and they will have the opportunity to stay in school and go beyond in their education?

Maybe they would like video games and could then have some like others? Maybe a new bike? What's to hold them back? The US is supposed to be a land of choices and chances. Let's give them that.

Eased is an interesting word in this context.

Eased. Except it's not the kids, or the adults who need the job as janitor, who are having their lives "eased".

The part about it being better for them to learn a trade like cleaning instead of playing sports just makes my head hurt. My God.
Stolen from a ThinkProgress poster...the kids who are using the bathrooms that the poor kids clean are the "job creators". :lmao:
Maybe most of us on the board just don;t know what it really is like to be poor. I was there with those children and families who just couldn't provide what most of us have.

Listen to what they got for Christmas. A coloring book and crayons, and one told me his father killed Santa so he wouldn't be coming. Watch what they wear after Christmas. Forget the nice duds, some still showed up in pajamas. I bought more belts, shoes, socks and made scarfs and bought their valentines and Halloween costumes than you'll ever see. I made a store in my room full of Barbie dolls and cars and toys that they could earn with merits for good work and wonderful manners.

Don;t tell me what is good or bad. I have seen the bad and sometimes there no chance of recovery. Parents want to help, but usually can't. I tried my damnest to give them self confidence, skills and what I could. And the can and do work hard. Let them have the rewards that others never got but never deserved.
There you hit it without realizing it, Clayton. "Is this ‘work’ voluntary or mandatory? If.."

Then you say HE is ignorant of the law. You had it up front. It's not meant to be mandatory and he said the l;aws should be eased so kids could participate.

Why do you want the poor children to be kept in the basement of economics? How many kids get to play golf, tennis, ice hockey? If they had opportunities to SWEEP the floors, maybe they could!

Maybe many families of the poor instill the rewards of education and they will have the opportunity to stay in school and go beyond in their education?

Maybe they would like video games and could then have some like others? Maybe a new bike? What's to hold them back? The US is supposed to be a land of choices and chances. Let's give them that.

Eased is an interesting word in this context.

Eased. Except it's not the kids, or the adults who need the job as janitor, who are having their lives "eased".

The part about it being better for them to learn a trade like cleaning instead of playing sports just makes my head hurt. My God.

And where did it say they couldn't do both? Go take an aspirin. "Eased" was Gingriches term.
Having kids clean the bathrooms at school is not in any way a solution to that, Jackson.

You're taking a job from an adult wage earner, and giving it to a kid who is still in school all day.

How does that fix poverty? :cuckoo:
Besides whats wrong with cleaning toilets???

One of my uncles built a cleaning empire cleaning toilets and the other works as a custodian making like 35 bucks an hour...

Cleaning toilets can equate into big bucks if you stick with it....

you are a lying motherfucker if you are suggesting that "sticking with it" will eventually amount to in the janitorial field.

Ask them how quickly they ran to get hepatitis shots and how strict they are with blood born pathogens.

No if you stick with it you will get ahead..

When I was a kid we were poor.. My mom took a simple bookkeeping job at 3-4 bucks an hour back in 1986 or so and you know what??? today shes the CFO of a company making 6 figures..

Yeah, my mother went from bookkeeper to CFO in 20 years...
And where did it say they couldn't do both? Go take an aspirin.

Reality says it. Sports, and cleaning the bathrooms, both happen right after school.

What kind of nuts defend ending child labor laws?
It is rude to begin drinking and not invite the group to join. This post is drunk.

How can you sit there and be offended by Newts words???

What can a 15-year-old do that doesn't involve flipping burgers, selling shit at retail stores or cleaning toilets???

You may as well say kids should be making the big bucks running our world...

If you're offended by Newts comments then you obviously believe in the aforementioned.

I'm not offended by Newts words. I am saddened by the reaction to them from fellow Americans. You are not good at reading between the just stop already.

That whole line about kids making big bucks......has got to be whiskey talking.

If you listened, he said work in the clerical office or library before he said janitor...

I had my first job at 12 throwing the Houston Post at Hillcroft Square apartments, delivered over 600 a day out of shopping carts after school, and Sunday morning sucked, my papers were dropped at 3:AM and they had to be out by 6:AM, I hated getting up that early...
Having kids clean the bathrooms at school is not in any way a solution to that, Jackson.

You're taking a job from an adult wage earner, and giving it to a kid who is still in school all day.

How does that fix poverty? :cuckoo:

The janitor has to supervise. I don't want to fire him.
Maybe most of us on the board just don;t know what it really is like to be poor. I was there with those children and families who just couldn't provide what most of us have.

Listen to what they got for Christmas. A coloring book and crayons, and one told me his father killed Santa so he wouldn't be coming. Watch what they wear after Christmas. Forget the nice duds, some still showed up in pajamas. I bought more belts, shoes, socks and made scarfs and bought their valentines and Halloween costumes than you'll ever see. I made a store in my room full of Barbie dolls and cars and toys that they could earn with merits for good work and wonderful manners.

Don;t tell me what is good or bad. I have seen the bad and sometimes there no chance of recovery. Parents want to help, but usually can't. I tried my damnest to give them self confidence, skills and what I could. And the can and do work hard. Let them have the rewards that others never got but never deserved.

Living wage jobs for the parents/parent would be much more desireable. Don't you agree?
No one disputes that work builds character.

However, what I've just embarrassed you with is your silly fucking story about working during an age that is not disputed.

Now, when you can tell us about how, at the age of 12, you were doing work ordinarily reserved for autonomously responsible adults then maybe you'll have something worth adding to this thread. Until then, spare me your lecture about rudeness, fatty.


you little vulgar one could never embarrass me.
you should get a paper bag though

Try to read my statement again, fatty. Comprehend it this time. It was your totally unrelated life story which was your embarrassment.

I bet you'd understand the words that I'm typing if it were written on a payday wrapper.

when you become a mod or owner on this board then I will give a shit what you think is unrelated or not to a thread.
And I'll spare you the lectures about rudeness. I'm sure you've heard it all your life about how rude, petty and small you are... so why should I bother.
So what is wrong with what he said and what do you recommend in opposition to his words???

These liberals would probably sue a property owner--that paid for neighborhood kids to mow the neighbors lawns.

Neighborhood lawn mowing and bush trimming is in violation of "child labor laws"--:lol::lol: Just you expressing your false stereotype of liberals.

Nothing false about it.
Having kids clean the bathrooms at school is not in any way a solution to that, Jackson.

You're taking a job from an adult wage earner, and giving it to a kid who is still in school all day.

How does that fix poverty? :cuckoo:

You could say that about any job.... What the hell are the kids supposed to do for money?? expect mommy and daddy to give it to them? or do you expect the government had out free money to kids??

Your reasoning is pathetic.......

You know the guy who delivers our advertiser paper in my neighborhood is an adult???? - I suppose he took the paperboys job...
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