Getting Omicron

You've already made it clear that you fear omicron, so there is no need to state your fear again. Nobody has posted any reason for concern above and beyond a common cold here, other than the same fear that you have.
He isnā€™t stating fear mr troll he is stating facts. What your trying to do is obvious and transparentā€¦. but it just makes you sound like a moron. Do you really think people care if an internet troll calls them a scaredy-cat?! Grow up.
Right but you brought up fear and 2 years of dealing with COVID, none of which has to do with omicron so you shifted the thread topic to the big picture which I was addressing.

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Way more people have been dying every year from heart disease cancer, and diabetes, than from all covid variants combined. Thousands per day. These are not omicron deaths any more than any non omicron covid deaths are. Does heart disease or diabetes make you fear omicron?
He isnā€™t stating fear mr troll he is stating facts. What your trying to do is obvious and transparentā€¦. but it just makes you sound like a moron. Do you really think people care if an internet troll calls them a scaredy-cat?! Grow up.
If I ask you what facts he has posted, you won't be able to tell me. You will only come up with some reason why you won't be posting what facts you are referring to. Nobody on this thread has posted any reason for concern about omicron above and beyond having a common cold, other than fear. You've claimed you have the fear, and you've claimed you don't have the fear. Sounds like you are back to having it now.
Way more people have been dying every year from heart disease cancer, and diabetes, than from all covid variants combined. Thousands per day. These are not omicron deaths any more than any non omicron covid deaths are. Does heart disease or diabetes make you fear omicron?
If omicron is not lethal the itā€™s not something that should be feared. The problem is, assuming your theory is true, there is more than Omicron out there as over 1000 Americans a day are dying from Covid infections. So your theory is either wrong about omicron or there are still other strains of Covid out there killing people. Either way it justifies acting safely and responsibly and ignoring dumbasses like you who ignorantly try and downplay everything .
If I ask you what facts he has posted, you won't be able to tell me. You will only come up with some reason why you won't be posting what facts you are referring to. Nobody on this thread has posted any reason for concern about omicron above and beyond having a common cold, other than fear. You've claimed you have the fear, and you've claimed you don't have the fear. Sounds like you are back to having it now.
Of course I can tell you what facts he has statedā€¦ Iā€™ll just copy and paste his post that we both replied to. Whatā€™s wrong with you? Go drink a cup of coffee or something. You got extra stupid coming out of you today.

Here, two truthful facts:
Muhammed said:
It's not a common cold, you fucking moron.
You've claimed you have the fear, and you've claimed you don't have the fear. Sounds like you are back to having it now.
Iā€™ve claimed fear over being responsible for infecting loved ones and landing them in the hospital or 6 feet under. So let me ask you Mr Iron Balls. Do you have any care or concern over that?

If you went out playing loosely goosey, caught COVID, then brought it home and infected a loved one that resulted in that loved one being put on a ventilator for 6 weeks and then dyingā€¦. Would you care?

Be carefulā€¦ if you say yes you know Iā€™m going to call you a scaredy cat for the rest of the thread!!
If omicron is not lethal the itā€™s not something that should be feared. The problem is, assuming your theory is true, there is more than Omicron out there as over 1000 Americans a day are dying from Covid infections. So your theory is either wrong about omicron or there are still other strains of Covid out there killing people. Either way it justifies acting safely and responsibly and ignoring dumbasses like you who ignorantly try and downplay everything .
You are terrified of dying from omicron because of the number of people you perceive as having died from other variants. Your fear is absolutely NOT based on the number of people who have died from omi-con. Fear doesn't need to make sense, it is just an emotion.
You are terrified of dying from omicron because of the number of people you perceive as having died from other variants. Your fear is absolutely NOT based on the number of people who have died from omi-con. Fear doesn't need to make sense, it is just an emotion.
Iā€™m not terrified of dying. Dying would be a great adventure and I look forward to that ride when it comes. Iā€™ve been pretty clear that my concern is for others but that doesnā€™t fit your troll narrative so now you have to lie about things Iā€™ve said. Thatā€™s pathetic.
Iā€™m not terrified of dying. Dying would be a great adventure and I look forward to that ride when it comes. Iā€™ve been pretty clear that my concern is for others but that doesnā€™t fit your troll narrative so now you have to lie about things Iā€™ve said. Thatā€™s pathetic.
Are you afraid of omi-con?
How do you know?
Look right here on the official usmb death toll of omi-con thread:

It is good to have a thread like this that exposes the manifestation of fear mongering. Other than fear itself, nobody has posted any reason to be concerned about omi-con, above and beyond having symptoms of a common cold. Schools are getting locked down, mask and vaccines mandates are being pushed, and billions of our tax dollars are being spent to make people afraid of something that hasn't killed ANYBODY.

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