Get Rid of Spanish in America

The USA is an English-speaking country. It has been that for over 200 years. In order for America to preserve its identity as a NATION, it must have a (ie. ONE) distinctive language and culture.

Currently, there are a few Spanish TV stations, and the AM radio dial is flooded with them. Spanish is also ubiquitous in telephone recordings, voting ballots, and even on billboards. It's time for the US government to put a stop to this madness.

There have been non-English speaking immigrants here in America, for as long as the USA has existed. They have always adapted and quickly learned English. My mother's family arrived here from Denmark, in 1929. There were no radio shows in Danish for them. My paternal grandparents came here from Central America in the 1880's. They had no Spanish signs, or anything like that. They all learned English, quickly.

The only reason there is so much Spanish in America now, is because this helps Democrats to import more immigrants to vote Democrat. Now we have people who have been here for 20 years, and can't speak a word of English. Get rid of all the Spanish. Get it out, and keep it out.

Let’s make America great again, by making America a true NATION again (instead of the mish-mash it has become).

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, system of economics, and a DISTINCTIVE LANGUAGE & CULTURE. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed.)



Spanish was here long before English was. Mexico owned the entire southwest of this country long before the white man showed up. It was the United States that started the American/Mexican war taking their land away from them. "Remember the Alamo."

You'll find that many people in the southwest are bilengual. We're talking Colorado, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, New Mexico and half of California. If you go to Mexico today, you'll find that Mexicans are learning English much faster than Americans are learning Spanish. It's because of the tourism in Mexico that cater to Americans and Canadians.

It's good to have many different languages in this country. If you remember correctly after 9/11 we were begging people to come forward that could speak Farsi.

Actually, Mexico started the Mexican-American War by inviting Americans into Texas to help them deal with the ferocious Comanches. Afterwards, they decided they didn't like the Americans either, and tried to kick them out - after they had already established themselves there.

And NO, it is NOT good to have many different languages in a country.m If you do, you don't have a country. You have a mess.

Mexicans "invited" Americans in--and then gave them the "land"--:auiqs.jpg: You need to read a history book. The fact is that American settlers were getting attacked by Apaches that were crossing the border to attack--and we asked the Mexican government to enter their space to help the Mexicans fight them off (as they were being attacked by Apaches too)--and then we took their land. They didn't give it to us, we fought a war over it that WE started. They were here long before the white man showed up.

The entire southwest of this country is deeply rooted in Mexican culture and history and you're not going to "eliminate" the Spanish language from that culture. In fact, my second language is Spanish. This is why all the Bush's can speak Spanish--they're from TEXAS.

Anyone living in Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Nevada & California are very accustomed to hearing Spanish--and don't pee their pants over it.


This should give you a pretty good idea as to where the WALL should be built--LOL


Mexico started the Mexican American war, and we purchased that land from Mexico at the end of that war. Cash on the barrelhead. Do not try to distort history for the sake of an agenda.
Nor should you--there was no "cash on the barrel head"...rather we forced the transfer via war..and we forced Mexico to cede all the the territories south of the Rio Grande line via the Treaty of Guadalupe.

Yes...the treaty had a clause where we 'paid' Mexico 15 million dollars--but that was just an illusion. That 'payment was just applied against the perceived Mexican war debt...thus no cash traded hands at all. It was just a sop to Mexican pride, nothing more.

Mexican Cession - Wikipedia

"The U.S. Senate approved the treaty, rejecting amendments from both Jefferson Davis to also annex most of northeastern Mexico and Daniel Webster not to take even Alta California and Santa Fe de Nuevo Mexico.[1] The United States also paid $15,000,000 ($482 million in 2016 dollars) for the land, and agreed to assume $3.25 million in debts to US citizens.[2] While technically the territory was purchased by the United States, the $15 million payment was simply credited against Mexico's debt to the U.S. at that time."

In other words we paid for the territory that Mexico sold to us. They should not have been so stupid as to start a war they could not win and play right into what President Polk had been hoping for. Once they started the war, they only have themselves to blame for losing it and then finding themselves in a very poor negotiating position when they did in fact sell the territory to the United States. It is what it is.

Yes after we invaded their land, then kicked their ass's, then they were minimally subsidized for land they never wanted to sell to us.

In fact there is a true story about the "bloody" Espinoza's who took some revenge over this--that happened in Colorado.
The Bloody Espinosas – Terrorizing Colorado – Legends of America
Actually, Mexico started the Mexican-American War by inviting Americans into Texas to help them deal with the ferocious Comanches. Afterwards, they decided they didn't like the Americans either, and tried to kick them out - after they had already established themselves there.

And NO, it is NOT good to have many different languages in a country.m If you do, you don't have a country. You have a mess.

Mexicans "invited" Americans in--and then gave them the "land"--:auiqs.jpg: You need to read a history book. The fact is that American settlers were getting attacked by Apaches that were crossing the border to attack--and we asked the Mexican government to enter their space to help the Mexicans fight them off (as they were being attacked by Apaches too)--and then we took their land. They didn't give it to us, we fought a war over it that WE started. They were here long before the white man showed up.

The entire southwest of this country is deeply rooted in Mexican culture and history and you're not going to "eliminate" the Spanish language from that culture. In fact, my second language is Spanish. This is why all the Bush's can speak Spanish--they're from TEXAS.

Anyone living in Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Nevada & California are very accustomed to hearing Spanish--and don't pee their pants over it.


This should give you a pretty good idea as to where the WALL should be built--LOL


Mexico started the Mexican American war, and we purchased that land from Mexico at the end of that war. Cash on the barrelhead. Do not try to distort history for the sake of an agenda.
Nor should you--there was no "cash on the barrel head"...rather we forced the transfer via war..and we forced Mexico to cede all the the territories south of the Rio Grande line via the Treaty of Guadalupe.

Yes...the treaty had a clause where we 'paid' Mexico 15 million dollars--but that was just an illusion. That 'payment was just applied against the perceived Mexican war debt...thus no cash traded hands at all. It was just a sop to Mexican pride, nothing more.

Mexican Cession - Wikipedia

"The U.S. Senate approved the treaty, rejecting amendments from both Jefferson Davis to also annex most of northeastern Mexico and Daniel Webster not to take even Alta California and Santa Fe de Nuevo Mexico.[1] The United States also paid $15,000,000 ($482 million in 2016 dollars) for the land, and agreed to assume $3.25 million in debts to US citizens.[2] While technically the territory was purchased by the United States, the $15 million payment was simply credited against Mexico's debt to the U.S. at that time."

In other words we paid for the territory that Mexico sold to us. They should not have been so stupid as to start a war they could not win and play right into what President Polk had been hoping for. Once they started the war, they only have themselves to blame for losing it and then finding themselves in a very poor negotiating position when they did in fact sell the territory to the United States. It is what it is.

Yes after we invaded their land,...

The war began when they invaded our land and killed our soldiers. Don’t start shit you can’t finish.
Mexicans "invited" Americans in--and then gave them the "land"--:auiqs.jpg: You need to read a history book. The fact is that American settlers were getting attacked by Apaches that were crossing the border to attack--and we asked the Mexican government to enter their space to help the Mexicans fight them off (as they were being attacked by Apaches too)--and then we took their land. They didn't give it to us, we fought a war over it that WE started. They were here long before the white man showed up.

The entire southwest of this country is deeply rooted in Mexican culture and history and you're not going to "eliminate" the Spanish language from that culture. In fact, my second language is Spanish. This is why all the Bush's can speak Spanish--they're from TEXAS.

Anyone living in Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Nevada & California are very accustomed to hearing Spanish--and don't pee their pants over it.


This should give you a pretty good idea as to where the WALL should be built--LOL


Mexico started the Mexican American war, and we purchased that land from Mexico at the end of that war. Cash on the barrelhead. Do not try to distort history for the sake of an agenda.
Nor should you--there was no "cash on the barrel head"...rather we forced the transfer via war..and we forced Mexico to cede all the the territories south of the Rio Grande line via the Treaty of Guadalupe.

Yes...the treaty had a clause where we 'paid' Mexico 15 million dollars--but that was just an illusion. That 'payment was just applied against the perceived Mexican war debt...thus no cash traded hands at all. It was just a sop to Mexican pride, nothing more.

Mexican Cession - Wikipedia

"The U.S. Senate approved the treaty, rejecting amendments from both Jefferson Davis to also annex most of northeastern Mexico and Daniel Webster not to take even Alta California and Santa Fe de Nuevo Mexico.[1] The United States also paid $15,000,000 ($482 million in 2016 dollars) for the land, and agreed to assume $3.25 million in debts to US citizens.[2] While technically the territory was purchased by the United States, the $15 million payment was simply credited against Mexico's debt to the U.S. at that time."

In other words we paid for the territory that Mexico sold to us. They should not have been so stupid as to start a war they could not win and play right into what President Polk had been hoping for. Once they started the war, they only have themselves to blame for losing it and then finding themselves in a very poor negotiating position when they did in fact sell the territory to the United States. It is what it is.

Yes after we invaded their land,...

The war began when they invaded our land and killed our soldiers. Don’t start shit you can’t finish.

They're sitting in Santa Fe, New Mexico what did you expect? Look what is your problem with speaking Spanish in this country anyway? What you can't learn a 2nd language so you don't want anyone else too. Is that it? It's scary to hear others speak and you don't know what they're saying--:auiqs.jpg:

We have small very old towns in Colorado like San Miguel--that speak Spanish 98% of the time. Everyone speaks Spanish there, and they're ALL American citizens. Get over it, you came here AFTER they did.
The USA is an English-speaking country. It has been that for over 200 years. In order for America to preserve its identity as a NATION, it must have a (ie. ONE) distinctive language and culture.

Currently, there are a few Spanish TV stations, and the AM radio dial is flooded with them. Spanish is also ubiquitous in telephone recordings, voting ballots, and even on billboards. It's time for the US government to put a stop to this madness.

There have been non-English speaking immigrants here in America, for as long as the USA has existed. They have always adapted and quickly learned English. My mother's family arrived here from Denmark, in 1929. There were no radio shows in Danish for them. My paternal grandparents came here from Central America in the 1880's. They had no Spanish signs, or anything like that. They all learned English, quickly.

The only reason there is so much Spanish in America now, is because this helps Democrats to import more immigrants to vote Democrat. Now we have people who have been here for 20 years, and can't speak a word of English. Get rid of all the Spanish. Get it out, and keep it out.

Let’s make America great again, by making America a true NATION again (instead of the mish-mash it has become).

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, system of economics, and a DISTINCTIVE LANGUAGE & CULTURE. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed.)

I was in the dentist's office with an abscess the other day, and not to my surprise, the rest of the waiting area was filled with what I believe was an Indian couple and their FOUR children------ ALL OF THEM running around and speaking in a foreign language. I am very offended by that. My parents would be shocked and offended by that. In the history of this country, people immigrated here mainly from Europe because they WANTED TO BECOME AMERICANS! They were quick to learn our language, culture and values. I have no problem with people immigrating here or whatever, but when in Rome, speak Roman. I do not get and do not like foreigners coming here and bringing their foreign culture with them. If you want to live in America, then learn to speak English and be an American, otherwise it means NOTHING to be an American and our society is shit. For a nation to survive and be healthy, it must be united under one basic culture, one ideal and one basic set of values, not a bunch of isolated mini-cultures scattered and mixed within an area separate from each other culturally and linguistically. No healthy nation on this planet operates so nor was America founded to be this way, thus the term "melting pot": different people were supposed to come here and BLEND TOGETHER as ONE, not stay different.
The USA is an English-speaking country. It has been that for over 200 years. In order for America to preserve its identity as a NATION, it must have a (ie. ONE) distinctive language and culture.

Currently, there are a few Spanish TV stations, and the AM radio dial is flooded with them. Spanish is also ubiquitous in telephone recordings, voting ballots, and even on billboards. It's time for the US government to put a stop to this madness.

There have been non-English speaking immigrants here in America, for as long as the USA has existed. They have always adapted and quickly learned English. My mother's family arrived here from Denmark, in 1929. There were no radio shows in Danish for them. My paternal grandparents came here from Central America in the 1880's. They had no Spanish signs, or anything like that. They all learned English, quickly.

The only reason there is so much Spanish in America now, is because this helps Democrats to import more immigrants to vote Democrat. Now we have people who have been here for 20 years, and can't speak a word of English. Get rid of all the Spanish. Get it out, and keep it out.

Let’s make America great again, by making America a true NATION again (instead of the mish-mash it has become).

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, system of economics, and a DISTINCTIVE LANGUAGE & CULTURE. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed.)
Read what it says on the Statue of Liberty dickwad. Trump really knew what he was doing when he mined that vein of racism in the country.
Mexico started the Mexican American war, and we purchased that land from Mexico at the end of that war. Cash on the barrelhead. Do not try to distort history for the sake of an agenda.
Nor should you--there was no "cash on the barrel head"...rather we forced the transfer via war..and we forced Mexico to cede all the the territories south of the Rio Grande line via the Treaty of Guadalupe.

Yes...the treaty had a clause where we 'paid' Mexico 15 million dollars--but that was just an illusion. That 'payment was just applied against the perceived Mexican war debt...thus no cash traded hands at all. It was just a sop to Mexican pride, nothing more.

Mexican Cession - Wikipedia

"The U.S. Senate approved the treaty, rejecting amendments from both Jefferson Davis to also annex most of northeastern Mexico and Daniel Webster not to take even Alta California and Santa Fe de Nuevo Mexico.[1] The United States also paid $15,000,000 ($482 million in 2016 dollars) for the land, and agreed to assume $3.25 million in debts to US citizens.[2] While technically the territory was purchased by the United States, the $15 million payment was simply credited against Mexico's debt to the U.S. at that time."

In other words we paid for the territory that Mexico sold to us. They should not have been so stupid as to start a war they could not win and play right into what President Polk had been hoping for. Once they started the war, they only have themselves to blame for losing it and then finding themselves in a very poor negotiating position when they did in fact sell the territory to the United States. It is what it is.

Yes after we invaded their land,...

The war began when they invaded our land and killed our soldiers. Don’t start shit you can’t finish.

They're sitting in Santa Fe, New Mexico what did you expect? Look what is your problem with speaking Spanish in this country anyway? What you can't learn a 2nd language so you don't want anyone else too. Is that it? It's scary to hear others speak and you don't know what they're saying--:auiqs.jpg:

We have small very old towns in Colorado like San Miguel--that speak Spanish 98% of the time. Everyone speaks Spanish there, and they're ALL American citizens. Get over it, you came here AFTER they did.

Why the hell would you direct these comments at me?
The USA is an English-speaking country. It has been that for over 200 years. In order for America to preserve its identity as a NATION, it must have a (ie. ONE) distinctive language and culture.

Currently, there are a few Spanish TV stations, and the AM radio dial is flooded with them. Spanish is also ubiquitous in telephone recordings, voting ballots, and even on billboards. It's time for the US government to put a stop to this madness.

There have been non-English speaking immigrants here in America, for as long as the USA has existed. They have always adapted and quickly learned English. My mother's family arrived here from Denmark, in 1929. There were no radio shows in Danish for them. My paternal grandparents came here from Central America in the 1880's. They had no Spanish signs, or anything like that. They all learned English, quickly.

The only reason there is so much Spanish in America now, is because this helps Democrats to import more immigrants to vote Democrat. Now we have people who have been here for 20 years, and can't speak a word of English. Get rid of all the Spanish. Get it out, and keep it out.

Let’s make America great again, by making America a true NATION again (instead of the mish-mash it has become).

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, system of economics, and a DISTINCTIVE LANGUAGE & CULTURE. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed.)

I was in the dentist's office with an abscess the other day, and not to my surprise, the rest of the waiting area was filled with what I believe was an Indian couple and their FOUR children------ ALL OF THEM running around and speaking in a foreign language. I am very offended by that. ......

Too fucking bad. That family can speak whatever the hell they want and tough fucking luck for you.
We have small very old towns in Colorado like San Miguel--that speak Spanish 98% of the time. Everyone speaks Spanish there, and they're ALL American citizens. Get over it, you came here AFTER they did.
Not hardly. Most people in America speaking Spanish are late arrivals >> illegal aliens who came here within the last 30 years. I've been here since 1946.
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Read what it says on the Statue of Liberty dickwad. Trump really knew what he was doing when he mined that vein of racism in the country.
I don't give a rat's ass what it says on the Statue of Liberty. The Statue of Liberty was for the USA of 1886, not the USA of 2018. It's long outdated and improper inscription should be grinded out.

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, system of economics, and a DISTINCTIVE LANGUAGE & CULTURE. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed.)
We have small very old towns in Colorado like San Miguel--that speak Spanish 98% of the time. Everyone speaks Spanish there, and they're ALL American citizens. Get over it, you came here AFTER they did.
Not hardly. Most people in America speaking Spanish are late arrivals >> illegal aliens who came here withing the last 30 years. I've been here since 1946.
This is the sort of ignorance and stupidity that results in bigotry and hate.
It is not ignorance. it is FACT, determined by many years of in-depth research. And millions of American Hispanics don't even know how to speak Spanish.
Read what it says on the Statue of Liberty dickwad. Trump really knew what he was doing when he mined that vein of racism in the country.
I don't give a rat's ass what it says on the Statue of Liberty. The Statue of Liberty was for the USA of 1886, not the USA of 2018. It's long outdated and improper inscription should be grinded out.

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, system of economics, and a DISTINCTIVE LANGUAGE & CULTURE. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed.)
Like most conservatives you’re at least consistent at being wrong.
Here is the inscription of the Statue of Liberty
Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled massesyearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! The Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, Inc.
I ask what the hell does it say about languages?
Uh nope. Single nationalities, multiple modes of communication therein.

Oh the horror eh?
Multiple modes of communication, AKA "languages" Dual nationalities . Canadian English & Canadian French. Can you tell a French cab driver (who speaks no English) where you want to go, and how to get there ? Good luck.

Multiculturalism - mass confusion.

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