Get active against online social media agitators


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
If you have a Meetup dot com profile or have a paying meetup group on there you should know they've joined the network of leftist agitators. To counter the insult of their email campaign and national treasonous agitator meetup group called #Resist,
I decided to gather activists in countering response by placing this in the group introductions and the about you Profiles.
It barely fits the # of letters restrictions and gets straight to the point.

If you want to get involved use this in your profile or create a free profile and use it also in group introductions by joining as many groups as possible.
cut & paste the following message:

Stop funding Meetup.
Meetup's #RESIST group email claims equality, but places their intolerant views above ours, disrespecting our equal rights & vote. It is a radical left online agitator (treasonous) tool of the OFA
using terrorizing tactics.
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No just because you have views does not make you anything but opinionated.
When you take your views and claim superiority insulting other groups rights to have opinions makes you oppressive and not tolerant, when you combine that with hate baiting, openly admitted agitator tactics that are immoral and at times illegal makes you a thug bully and somewhat criminal.
But when you top that with using propaganda control of information, threats on citizens and celebrities & acts of violence on people and property then you have become a terrorist.
People need to know when they are being tools for what claims to be activism but is actually a treasonous coup and destabilizing terroristic movement. What do you think those terrorist groups claimed to be to the people they hustled? They claimed to be social activism and charity organizations.
No just because you have views does not make you anything but opinionated.
When you take your views and claim superiority insulting other groups rights to have opinions makes you oppressive and not tolerant, when you combine that with hate baiting, openly admitted agitator tactics that are immoral and at times illegal makes you a thug bully and somewhat criminal.
But when you top that with using propaganda control of information, threats on citizens and celebrities & acts of violence on people and property then you have become a terrorist.
People need to know when they are being tools for what claims to be activism but is actually a treasonous coup and destabilizing terroristic movement. What do you think those terrorist groups claimed to be to the people they hustled? They claimed to be social activism and charity organizations.

Everybody is entitled to their own opinion. Facts are pretty much the same for everybody.
The Following is proof of who is baiting this meetup group to protest for the DNC's treasounous gov't destabilization movement.
This is the Meetups email spam:
#Resist is one answer to the threats against core democratic ideals, like targeting people based on their religion or national origin.

We are the people who show up when those threats arise. And we’re led by volunteers like you to ensure this movement continues to grow from the bottom up.

- - -
This is a social media coup liken to the many done in the middle east to over throw gov'ts.
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The Following is proof of who is baiting this meetup group to protest for the DNC's treasounous gov't destabilization movement.
This is the Meetups email spam:
#Resist is one answer to the threats against core democratic ideals, like targeting people based on their religion or national origin.

We are the people who show up when those threats arise. And we’re led by volunteers like you to ensure this movement continues to grow from the bottom up.

- - -
This is a social media coup liken to the many done in the middle east to over throw gov'ts.

Well, either that or a grass roots group who is tired of right wing crap.
The Following is proof of who is baiting this meetup group to protest for the DNC's treasounous gov't destabilization movement.
This is the Meetups email spam:
#Resist is one answer to the threats against core democratic ideals, like targeting people based on their religion or national origin.

We are the people who show up when those threats arise. And we’re led by volunteers like you to ensure this movement continues to grow from the bottom up.

- - -
This is a social media coup liken to the many done in the middle east to over throw gov'ts.

Well, either that or a grass roots group who is tired of right wing crap.

Or Antifa professional brownshirts.
No just because you have views does not make you anything but opinionated.
When you take your views and claim superiority insulting other groups rights to have opinions makes you oppressive and not tolerant, when you combine that with hate baiting, openly admitted agitator tactics that are immoral and at times illegal makes you a thug bully and somewhat criminal.
But when you top that with using propaganda control of information, threats on citizens and celebrities & acts of violence on people and property then you have become a terrorist.
People need to know when they are being tools for what claims to be activism but is actually a treasonous coup and destabilizing terroristic movement. What do you think those terrorist groups claimed to be to the people they hustled? They claimed to be social activism and charity organizations.

Everybody is entitled to their own opinion. Facts are pretty much the same for everybody.

"Everybody is entitled to their own opinion."

Except Right-Wingers of course, where upon if an opinion is expressed it's met by Leftist Maniac SJWs with shouts of racist, bigot, shut them down.

Such is the immense um Tolerance of the Intolerant Left :rolleyes-41:


The Following is proof of who is baiting this meetup group to protest for the DNC's treasounous gov't destabilization movement.
This is the Meetups email spam:
#Resist is one answer to the threats against core democratic ideals, like targeting people based on their religion or national origin.

We are the people who show up when those threats arise. And we’re led by volunteers like you to ensure this movement continues to grow from the bottom up.

- - -
This is a social media coup liken to the many done in the middle east to over throw gov'ts.

Well, either that or a grass roots group who is tired of right wing crap.

"Well, either that or a grass roots group who is tired of right wing crap."

Just wait until the grass roots groups start who are tired of the Left-Wing crap, at the moment they are keeping their powder dry and allowing the Leftist Maniac SJWs to give themselves enough rope.
*L* I know, the left doesn't understand cause and affect, action- reaction.
It's not to smart for the anti gun left to pick a coup or revolution with the gun and heavy weapons hoarding right with military backing.
It's not like they can ask Russia to help them or anything. *LOL*
If you have a Meetup dot com profile or have a paying meetup group on there you should know they've joined the network of leftist agitators. To counter the insult of their email campaign and national treasonous agitator meetup group called #Resist,
I decided to gather activists in countering response by placing this in the group introductions and the about you Profiles.
It barely fits the # of letters restrictions and gets straight to the point.

If you want to get involved use this in your profile or create a free profile and use it also in group introductions by joining as many groups as possible.
cut & paste the following message:

Stop funding Meetup.
Meetup's #RESIST group email claims equality, but places their intolerant views above ours, disrespecting our equal rights & vote. It is a radical left online agitator (treasonous) tool of the OFA
using terrorizing tactics.
Could the Trump administration bring charges of treason against OFA, namely Barack Obama? Can they send in people to infiltrate, prove these groups are subversive, enemies of the American govt., designed to overthrow it and shut these organizations down (while putting the leaders on trial for treason and lengthy prison sentences to follow)?
If you have a Meetup dot com profile or have a paying meetup group on there you should know they've joined the network of leftist agitators. To counter the insult of their email campaign and national treasonous agitator meetup group called #Resist,
I decided to gather activists in countering response by placing this in the group introductions and the about you Profiles.
It barely fits the # of letters restrictions and gets straight to the point.

If you want to get involved use this in your profile or create a free profile and use it also in group introductions by joining as many groups as possible.
cut & paste the following message:

Stop funding Meetup.
Meetup's #RESIST group email claims equality, but places their intolerant views above ours, disrespecting our equal rights & vote. It is a radical left online agitator (treasonous) tool of the OFA
using terrorizing tactics.
Could the Trump administration bring charges of treason against OFA, namely Barack Obama? Can they send in people to infiltrate, prove these groups are subversive, enemies of the American govt., designed to overthrow it and shut these organizations down (while putting the leaders on trial for treason and lengthy prison sentences to follow)?

I have no doubt that Trump is trying to figure out how to do all that and more. It's what most third world dictators do, so there is no reason to believe Trump wouldn't at least try. Fortunately, the constitution doesn't allow much of it, and Trump doesn't have enough support to pull off the rest. I suspect President Bannon is laying out a plan to try all of that right now.
If you have a Meetup dot com profile or have a paying meetup group on there you should know they've joined the network of leftist agitators. To counter the insult of their email campaign and national treasonous agitator meetup group called #Resist,
I decided to gather activists in countering response by placing this in the group introductions and the about you Profiles.
It barely fits the # of letters restrictions and gets straight to the point.

If you want to get involved use this in your profile or create a free profile and use it also in group introductions by joining as many groups as possible.
cut & paste the following message:

Stop funding Meetup.
Meetup's #RESIST group email claims equality, but places their intolerant views above ours, disrespecting our equal rights & vote. It is a radical left online agitator (treasonous) tool of the OFA
using terrorizing tactics.
Could the Trump administration bring charges of treason against OFA, namely Barack Obama? Can they send in people to infiltrate, prove these groups are subversive, enemies of the American govt., designed to overthrow it and shut these organizations down (while putting the leaders on trial for treason and lengthy prison sentences to follow)?

The problem is Obama or the rogues he created knows he's protected by code of presidents, but also through how it would look and how it could be used against the new administration.
That's why they do it, at worse they create the scenerio of displaced blame and
"I told you so" by creating the image of a dictator arresting all it's opponents through that demonized persona they tried to convey to the dupes. That's why he couldn't arrest Clinton he'd be making them martyrs and a bigger insurrection problem and they knew this to get away with their stunts.

The way I would play this game, is finding out why Soros and the likes are trying to destabilize the gov't like they did other nations.
What do they get out of it?
If people find put the motivation they are less likely to support it.
Example: investigate all his and their investments and find out if they have or hold hidden accts that are making money shorting the markets they are trying to destabilize.
DID HE MAKE MONEY diring the market crash during the Greek Riots he is attributed to.
In our case now the market did not do what they wished to propaganda sway it to do,
therefore they must have lost tons of
money along with big wig hedge fund moguls, so they need to cause events to spook the market for their shorting the markets or hedge investments.
The lower the VIX went the more Soros & others involved fought hard to destabilize the country and spook the market.
Coincidence? There might be a reason and the more it fails to deliver, the harder the attempts will be to crash the market I'm affraid.
If they can find proof of the reason behind these moves by some of the elitists then the people will no longer be part of the movement's hidden agenda that they think they are fighting against in the first place..
If you have a Meetup dot com profile or have a paying meetup group on there you should know they've joined the network of leftist agitators. To counter the insult of their email campaign and national treasonous agitator meetup group called #Resist,
I decided to gather activists in countering response by placing this in the group introductions and the about you Profiles.
It barely fits the # of letters restrictions and gets straight to the point.

If you want to get involved use this in your profile or create a free profile and use it also in group introductions by joining as many groups as possible.
cut & paste the following message:

Stop funding Meetup.
Meetup's #RESIST group email claims equality, but places their intolerant views above ours, disrespecting our equal rights & vote. It is a radical left online agitator (treasonous) tool of the OFA
using terrorizing tactics.
Could the Trump administration bring charges of treason against OFA, namely Barack Obama? Can they send in people to infiltrate, prove these groups are subversive, enemies of the American govt., designed to overthrow it and shut these organizations down (while putting the leaders on trial for treason and lengthy prison sentences to follow)?

The problem is Obama or the rogues he created knows he's protected by code of presidents, but also through how it would look and how it could be used against the new administration.
That's why they do it, at worse they create the scenerio of displaced blame and
"I told you so" by creating the image of a dictator arresting all it's opponents through that demonized persona they tried to convey to the dupes. That's why he couldn't arrest Clinton he'd be making them martyrs and a bigger insurrection problem and they knew this to get away with their stunts.

The way I would play this game, is finding out why Soros and the likes are trying to destabilize the gov't like they did other nations.
What do they get out of it?
If people find put the motivation they are less likely to support it.
Example: investigate all his and their investments and find out if they have or hold hidden accts that are making money shorting the markets they are trying to destabilize.
DID HE MAKE MONEY diring the market crash during the Greek Riots he is attributed to.
In our case now the market did not do what they wished to propaganda sway it to do,
therefore they must have lost tons of
money along with big wig hedge fund moguls, so they need to cause events to spook the market for their shorting the markets or hedge investments.
The lower the VIX went the more Soros & others involved fought hard to destabilize the country and spook the market.
Coincidence? There might be a reason and the more it fails to deliver, the harder the attempts will be to crash the market I'm affraid.
If they can find proof of the reason behind these moves by some of the elitists then the people will no longer be part of the movement's hidden agenda that they think they are fighting against in the first place..

That's the question I've been asking all you conspiracy nuts for years. Why would any sane person go to all the trouble you claim they go to, to do all the things you claim they do? The only answer I ever get is that they want control, but nobody ever knows what they want control of, or for what reason.

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