Germany’s Bild Newspaper Says ‘Lockdown Was a Huge Mistake’

In 1986, Congress enacted the Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA) to ensure public access to emergency services regardless of ability to pay. Section 1867 of the Social Security Act imposes specific obligations on Medicare-participating hospitals that offer emergency services to provide a medical screening examination (MSE) when a request is made for examination or treatment for an emergency medical condition (EMC), including active labor, regardless of an individual's ability to pay. Hospitals are then required to provide stabilizing treatment for patients with EMCs. If a hospital is unable to stabilize a patient within its capability, or if the patient requests, an appropriate transfer should be implemented.

Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA) | CMS

A temporary hospital lockdown to deal with a breakout of Covid-19 infected patients & staff is a different matter.

Answer the question the mod asked
We want to know what hospitals are you talking about ?

The Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA) clearly states Medicare-participating hospitals. If you want the list, kindly do your own Google search.

What should be asked is whether Andylusion is aware if any Medicare participating hospitals refused emergency treatment to those "uncountable individuals".

I believe that the article was referring to effects in Germany.

I have *heard* of people saying their cancer treatment was in fact delayed due to the current situation.

Now I emphasize *heard* because I have no hard data on that.
There is nothing online (in English) that I could find to support that has a good reputation for investigative journalism and political content.

I appreciate your comment about The Sun.

Right, and then you look at supposed media outlets with a "reputation for investigative journalism and political content", like say NBC

Which "inadvertently" totally edited a clip of Barr, so he was saying something entirely different than what he really said.

Do tell... which of the "reputable" investigative media outlets would you point to, as places you trust their content?

Please. I'd love to know.
I'm not sure but I think Germany is still on lockdown. I've heard that the German government just lighten some measures :dunno:

You are correct. They are. I think that was the doctors point, that the lock down was not effective, and not necessary.

What he was pointing to in the data, was that Sweden never engaged in any lock down, and the over all incidences and death rates were by relative measure, lower than Germany's levels.

Japan also didn't engage in lock down measures, and hasn't had an explosion of deaths.

Now that is not to say that they didn't have deaths. Of course they did. This illness will kill people who already have compromised immune systems, or have per-existing conditions.

But none of the multi-million death predictions have come to pass.

That's why some of us are questioning the trade offs of the lock down. People are losing their entire lives right now. People are losing their businesses, their careers, their homes, their families. Suicide hotline calls have increased 300%, and it's not surprising why.

People's entire lives are being wiped out of existence, and the question is... for what?

Why are we doing this? Because we certainly have not stopped this illness. In fact, I think I may have had it, and I didn't live home for over a month now. So what good did the lock down do?
"Das Bild" is a tabloid, notorious for its mix of gossip, inflammatory language, and sensationalism ... similar to the British newspaper "The Sun".

There is no difference between all MS 'media' and 'parties' in Germany.
Like in former DDR all are united in Merkel spirit.
Germany is a nation of slaves and snitches who need new fuhrers.
"Das Bild" is a tabloid, notorious for its mix of gossip, inflammatory language, and sensationalism ... similar to the British newspaper "The Sun".

There is no difference between all MS 'media' and 'parties' in Germany.
Like in former DDR all are united in Merkel spirit.
Germany is a nation of slaves and snitches who need new fuhrers.

Helau, Baron.


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